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01x05 - Slither

Posted: 02/01/23 08:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

My sweet Cassie, you finding this means I'm gone,

and for that I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to have this life,

but destiny's not easy to run from.

Hi. I'm Diana.

You seen her yet? She got in yesterday.

- We're different. - You're different.

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

Here we have real power now.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

She's got the gift.

You can get Cassie to do what we need?

The circle will take care of that without even knowing it.

And my mother did something to Heather that was worse than death.

She hasn't moved in 16 years.

She had to be the one to put the spell on Heather.

Wherever there are witches, evil follows.

They were trying to use your mother's power.

I tell you, she was trying to stop.


We need to know what happened 16 years ago.

Wake up. We're late.

Are you dead? Hmm?


Ohh. Oh, I have such a headache.


Ugh! Get off!

What the hell?

I said my head hurts.

I'm sorry. I just really don't feel well.

♪ La da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da ♪

♪ la da da da da da ♪

Did you get any sleep last night?

A little.

I can't believe you witnessed that terrible accident.

Poor woman.

I know.

She was a friend of your mom's--

Heather Barnes. Did you know that?


She'd been ill for a very long time.


I can't imagine what she was doing

in this neighborhood.

What were you doing last night?

Um, nothing, you know, just coming home.

Where from?

Uh, nowhere.

Just hanging out.

Oh, with Diana, Faye Chamberlain, those girls?

Yeah. Is that bad?

No. Not at all.

I'm glad you've made friends so quickly.

It makes sense, I guess,

that you'd find each other.

What do you mean?

Just that you have so much in common.

Your parents were all such close friends.

Well, it's a small town, I guess.

Your mother and her friends went through a lot together.

Ultimately, a lot of tragedy.

Um, I should get going.


How about I make us a nice dinner tonight?

I'd love to catch up.


There's nothing that you can't talk to me about.

You know that, right?


Watch it!

I beg your pardon?

I'm so sorry, Mrs. Chamberlain.

I don't know what's gotten into me today.

I just feel really awful.

Ok, it's fine. Just, please, watch where you're going.

I will. I'm sorry.

Why can't I tell my grandmother?

Maybe she can help us.

What if she tells my dad or any of our parents? Then what?

I have no idea what. You tell me.

They've lied to us our whole lives.

They obviously don't want us to know anything.

If they find out we do, this might all be taken away.

Our magic? How?

One of the last entries in my book

talks about our parents' circle being punished for their actions,

having their powers stripped away.

By who?

The book refers to the Elders.

We think that means the generation before.

Like my grandmother.

So she still has her powers?

I think so. All the more reason

not to tell her we're practicing it.

I hate lying. I'm supposed to have dinner with her later.

Another night of pretending to be someone I'm not.

I get it, believe me. But the answers we all want

about what happened 16 years ago,

what if exposing ourselves means we never find out?

Heather Barnes was k*lled outside the Blake house last night.

Yes, I'm well aware.

Right in front of our kids.

You think she said anything to them?

She was supposed to be catatonic for the rest of her life.

I'm not even sure how she was able to get out her front door.

But we always knew binding the circle might attract

unwanted attention.

But I never thought they'd face this kind

of danger, not so soon.

The more they're confronted with, the more they'll dig.

And we're not equipped yet to protect them

from what they might find.

We will be. The Blood Moon's tonight

and I've got everything ready.

Be at the boat at 10:00.

You don't want to miss it.

No, we don't.

What do you say we go back to using phones

for these kind of conversations?

It's so nice to see you in person.

Oh, your dad's here.

You're probably getting expelled.

You don't know?

Know what?

Our parents are dating.

It's cute, huh?




Are you ok?


Yeah, Nick.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. But I need your help.


I found my family's Book of Shadows.


Mm-hmm. But I don't want the others to know.

Where'd you find it?

I was looking for a necklace in my mom's stuff

and I found her diary. She writes all about

hiding our family's book in the forest for protection.

Will you help me find it?

It'd just be for us, you and me,

doing all the spells?

That could be fun.

Our secret.

You must have read it wrong.

There's nothing down here.

Trust me, it's there.

I am done. I'm about to pass out.

Stop being such a wuss and dig.


What the hell?

This thing weighs a ton.

Uhh! Uh!

Are you sure the book's in there?

This is exactly what we're looking for.

How's the chicken?

Mmm. Delicious.

Thank you.



You know, it's school.

Pretty soon we're gonna be talking about the weather.



The way you just wrinkled your nose

exactly like your mom.


What was she like, at my age?

Well, like you, beautiful.


So smart.

Why did she leave here?

Your mother kept a lot of things from me.

She didn't think I'd understand.

You might feel the same way.

When she was in trouble,

I did not see the signs.

If we were closer, if she'd come to me,

I could have helped.

I'll never forgive myself.

You know, once mom got something in her head...

Ah. See? You know her better than you think.

Please don't make the same mistake, Cassie.

Everything ok?


Ready for dessert?

Actually, I have to meet someone.

But I won't be late.

Thank you for the dinner.


I'll be back soon.

Well, let's just open it.

What's your problem? Don't touch it.

This is what you wanted--the book.

My mom put a spell on it to protect it and keep it safe.

It won't open until we undo the spell.

I'll get it started.

The lock's ancient.

I bet I can get it open.

No means no. Do you get it?

What's the emergency?

Tell me this has nothing to do with your sex life.

It's a surprise.

Just give me a minute to prepare the spell.

You text me to rush over here

and now you want me to wait.

With him.


I found my mom's Book of Shadows.

Hey. I thought we said we weren't gonna tell anybody.

She's my best friend. Don't be an idiot.

Another book. Really?


So, let's open it.

There's a spell on the lock.

Did you tell Diana about this?

No. Just us.

And him?

I needed him to dig up the suitcase.

The book is for you and me.

I thought the book was for you and me.

Are you gonna hold it over me like Diana does?


You're my best friend.

There is nothing

I wouldn't do for you.


Hi, Dawn.

Am I early?

You said 10:00.

No, you're right on time.


No. Um...

We've got work to do.

Of course. I've got everything set up.

I just need to light these candles.

We've still got 15 minutes.

You sure you don't want something to drink?


You want these crystals as much as I do, right?

Of course I do.

To get our true power back, it means everything.

Then don't lose focus.

Mmm. Since when do you cook?

Never. But I just found the recipe online

and followed directions.

This was amazing.

You're lying.

I know, it's disgusting. I'm a horrible cook.

Not if cooks are judged on effort and adorableness.

I miss this.

It feels like we haven't been alone in forever.

Remember when we were the only two witches, me and you?

Yeah, and then you had to go and ruin everything

and tell the others.

Sometimes I wish I never found the book,

that it was just you and me again,

being normal.

Well, maybe tomorrow I'll cook you something horrible.

Time for dessert.

Should I get bowls or spoons?

We're not gonna need any of them.


♪ And now I realize ♪

♪ what I can become... ♪

You missed a spot.

- Oh, did I? - You did.

♪ Oh, how I have tried... ♪

That wasn't it.

♪ Can't find my way ♪

♪ I stay awake... ♪

Here's another one.

Oh. Ha ha.


♪ This is the way ♪

I got your text.

You told her?

What the hell, Melissa?

How many witches does it take to open a suitcase?

Six, I think.

- What? - I'm sorry.

I didn't think you'd come if you knew,

but we need the entire circle for this spell to work.

Why? What's in there?

Melissa's Book of Shadows.

Really? Well, let's see it.

Why is everyone in such a rush to open the damn suitcase?!

Why don't I check to see where Adam and Diane are?

Tell them to hurry. They haven't been responding to my texts.

Yes, definitely tell them to hurry.

Did you see that?

- What's wrong? - This suitcase moved.

Suitcases don't move.

This one did. Ohh!

It moved again.

Just stay away from it!

Melissa, what's in the suitcase?

You'll see.

♪ She's a cruel mistress ♪

♪ and a bargain must be made ♪

♪ but, oh, my love, don't stare at me ♪

♪ but I have no one to take me ♪

♪ so, baby ♪

♪ come ♪

♪ let the only sun ♪

♪ be the overflow ♪

♪ Lay me down ♪

Who keeps texting?


It's Cassie.

They're in trouble.

What the hell was with her face?

It's the same thing that was in Heather.

A demon?

I guess. I've never seen a demon before.

Do they look like snakes and crawl inside people's skin?

Let's get the hell out of here.

No, we can't leave. We have to get that thing out of her.

How? My mother couldn't help Heather,

and we don't know half the magic that they did.

I don't care. We have to save her.

- You're right. - Fine. How?

- Guys? - I don't know.

Are you ok?

Uhh! What the hell?

It's not what you think.

Not even remotely.

I guess it's possible the demon got out of Heather

and found its way into Melissa.

So what's in the suitcase?

Well, I'm guessing it's not a Book of Shadows.



I got her. Hold her, Nick.

Grab her arm. I got her! Tighter!

Let go of me!

Get off me!


Get away, Jess. Get away.

What just happened?



Oh, my head.

What happened?

What's going on? Why are you all staring at me like that?

Are you ok?

I can't feel my hands.

These things are cutting into me.

Let's get these things off.

Don't do that.

It's not her.

Of course it is.

No, she's faking.

Nick, don't listen to them. I'm in pain.

You worthless loser!

What are we gonna do? She's going to hurt herself.

We can't just keep her tied up forever.

I can try the book, but it's way out of my league.

I know what to do.

But you have to trust me.

It's time.

Let's do it.

This crystal will absorb the moon's light,

refract it onto the map, and identify the others

in relation to its position.

Six crystals, once joined together as one...

and connected even now.

Thrughain adhar,

thruagort isham.

Thrughain adhar,

thruagort isham.

Thrughain adhar,

thruagort isham.



Thruagort isham.


There's not enough power.

- Let's try it again. - The crystal's dead.

We used it too often. Damn it.

Just give me your hands--

Don't you get it, Charles?

It's done.

We waited a year for this Blood Moon.

But at least we've bound the circle.

Without 5 more of these, the circle can't restore

a power. We have nothing.

Look, I'll find another way.


I was an idiot to think you could help me.


What is it? Are you all right?

You said you can help me. You said I can trust you.

Of course you can. Slow down. Catch your breath.

There's no time. We're in trouble.

Who is? Tell me what's wrong.

I know who I am.

Who you are, who mom was.

I'm a witch.

And I need your help.

Was that a hiss?



Do as I say or I will cut his throat!

Melissa, don't do this. Melissa, please.

Listen. Hey, come on.

Come on, fight it. Please.

Fight it. I know you're in there.

I know you can hear me.

Yes. And I am telling you

to shut up!

Melissa, no!


Come on, there's 3 of us.

Don't mess around.

We're not doing what she says.

Faye, no.

Focus on the shears.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Heat of the sun, burn like fire.

Hey, stop, stop.

Any other magic tricks you want to try?

No? My turn.

Faye, use that to form a circle around the case.

Please just do it.

Now say this with me--

incipio serpus malum.

Say it!

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum.

Incipio serpus malum!

I brought help.


You're too late!

Kleidaria klodanum.

- Repeat the spell. - No!

Then his blood is on your hands!

Aah! Uhh!

You bitch.

You don't have the power to stop me,

old woman.

I'm not alone here.

What, them? They're nothing.

I didn't mean the children.

Get that away from m-me.

Cassie, get my bag.

Someone break that circle. Hurry.

Take the 3 candles. Place them around the bag.

Light them in a circle clockwise.

Now the sage. Burn some in each candle.

Hurry up. We don't have much time.

Melissa? Melissa, I know you're in there.

I saw you. I saw you. Come back to me.

Come back to me, please.

White wine, please.

No. Uh, bourbon.

Stop! What is going on?!

Cassie, get the stick out of the bag.


Consummetum est.

Light it.

No, please.

Oh, God. No!

No, stop it! Diablo fuge.

Diablo fuge. Stop it!


Oh, Nick, help me, please!

She's not possessed. Let her go.

Possessed? What are you talking about?

The demon's gone?

From Melissa, but it needs a host.

It's in someone else.

Someone in this room.

How do you know it's not him?

Diana, come on.

It could be anyone.

Yeah, well, I vote for you.

What about grandma?

She's the one with all the crazy ideas.

- She saved us. - Stop!



Stop him! Stop him!



What are they?

Demons, in the form of snakes.

Do you have any lighter fluid?

Um...Yeah, right there on the table.

The only way to destroy a demon

is to drown it

or burn it.

Right here. Ok.

On the concrete.




- The lock! - Take these.

Get back!

No, get back!



We have to find Nick before he hurts someone.

I'll call his aunt and tell her to call if he shows up there.

What's he trying to do?

I mean it-- what does it want?

Possession. Demons need human form to be fully active.

And there's no more powerful form than a witch.

It's Nick.

Adam, I'm gonna need you to bring me the suitcase

to the boathouse.

If you don't, I'm gonna burn this place

to the ground.

You can check, but I'm pretty sure

your dad's passed out in the back room.

He wants me to bring him the suitcase or he'll

burn down the boathouse.

My dad's in there.

I'll go.

I'm coming with.

- No. - Yes.

You're gonna need help.

Then we're coming, too.

Hello, Dawn.

Hello, Nick.

It's Ms. Chamberlain to you.

Nick's not here anymore.

And who are you?

I believe the name you used when you helped summon me was...


We meet again.

Oh, my God.

We have unfinished business.

What do you want?

I've come to do what I was meant to do.

I want the circle.


Leave the children alone.

They're coming here now.

For Nick.

I need a new body.

Yours will do fine.

Not here.


Let's go someplace private.

What about the drydocks?

Nobody can hear us there.

We can talk this out, Nick--

or Abaddon--no one else needs

to be k*lled.

Do whatever you want to me.

Just, please, leave them alone.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

I just want what you want--

the circle. Their power.

They're not strong.

They don't know anything.

They're strong.

What now?

You know what we have to do.

The crystal has no energy.

And without that power, there's nothing else we can do.

We have to drown it.

For God's sake, Dawn.

He was coming for the children, Charles.

All of them.

We don't have a choice,

and you know it.

It's a risk, but drowning the demon

is the only way to save them.

Come on.

Damn it, Nick, where are you?

I'll check outside.

I'll check the back.

Mr. Meade. What are you doing?

Don't listen to him. That's not Nick.

Stop it, please. Please! Please, stop!

Stop it! Stop!

Do it quickly.

Please stop--

- Damn it. - What's happening?

He won't die.


Don't let him up!

How do you feel?


What happened?

You don't remember?



Being really mean to me.

Ever since I woke up this morning,

I just...

Everything's so blurry in my head.

I'm really glad that you're ok.

Where is everyone? Where's Nick?




We k*lled a boy tonight.

We k*lled a demon.

And think of who we saved.

It was the right thing to do.

There was nothing right about that.

I k*lled a boy, a child.

That's something that should never...

Feel right.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

They're saying he hit his head when he fell in.

At least that's what the police think.

They're calling it an accident.

So he drowned?

Maybe he was trying to get the demon out himself.

He always had it worse than any of us.

You know? Both parents.

Never knowing who he was.

I know.

If I lost you, I couldn't take it.

You're not gonna lose me.


If I would have told you about the circle sooner,

he'd still be alive.

It's not your fault.

None of it.

There have been too man secrets for too long.

And I don't want to to be like that between us anymore.

Then, please, tell me...

What happened the night of the fire?

Why did my mom run away from here? From you?

I wish I knew.

But I never have.

I miss her.

Every day.

So do I.

What good is magic if you can't save the people you care about?

I wish it was that simple.

Ours is not an easy life, Cassie,

and witchcraft has never been about fun and games.

It's dangerous.

And it attracts darkness.

That is why your mom was trying to keep it from you.

Why I wanted to keep it from her.


It didn't work, did it?

No, it didn't.

It never does.

I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Cassie.

I promise.

♪ La da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da ♪

♪ la da da da da da ♪