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01x01 - Mothers and Daughters

Posted: 01/30/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
Stop her!

♪ Crazy, so crazy

♪ I'm crazy for you

♪ So

♪ So crazy

♪ So crazy for you ♪

Okay, next up we have
Alice Dhawan!

I knew you were just
a one-hit-wonder.

I am so sorry. Just a cliché
late parent here.

What is happening?

So, no one's been able to
track Alice down.

She bolted from
the scene of the crime.

Crime... Alice had stage
fright. How is that a crime?

Well, it isn't, but setting
off the fire alarm is

and it comes with a hefty fine.

Okay, look, I, uh...
I will pay the fine

and I am prepared to make
another generous donation

to the school on behalf
of the Dhawan family.

Brady, seriously, just...
Just stop.

- I agree with your wife.
- Ex-wife.

Sorry. She's been warned.
This is her last strike.

Ms. Mendoza, please.

Alice is not welcome back at this school.
She's out, I'm sorry.

Alice still isn't answering.

Yeah, and Charlotte just said that
she and Alice didn't speak all summer.

Apparently she's hanging with
a new crowd, so...

How could you not know that?

Uh, we both know
that getting anything

out of Alice is challenging.

Why weren't you there today?

I was... getting fired.

You're their best reporter.

Yeah, but suddenly the paper
is downsizing and I am...

Redundant. It's weird.

I'm sorry about that, Kat.

But hey, it frees you up for
some homeschooling, right?

That job...
Was everything to me.

And not all of us have family
money to fall back on.

Come on. I can help you out,
you just have to...

No, no, please. I... I can't
do that anymore.

Just being in the house.

Kat, it's still your house.

No, it's not.

So... Where was Rachel today?

Um, I told Rachel not to come

because I have some news.

Well, we have some news.

Rachel moved in with me.

I... I didn't, um...

I didn't realize that things
had progressed to that point.

Uh... So, uh...
When are you gonna tell Alice?

It's Rachel. She knows where
Alice is.

What? Where?

Okay, everybody out.

You heard her, party's over.
Get out of our house!

Are you serious right now?

Are you? And... Really?
This guy?

How could you do that to my

Alice. Those kids
are not your friends.

They listen to me. When was the last
time that either of you did that?

Well, listening
would require talking.


Hey, Kat. I gotta go.

Wait, what? Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait a minute. What are you doing?

Well, I can't stay. I'm doing
court early tomorrow morning

and I should've been
back at the office hours ago.


Oh, no, no, no. We are not done.

Dad's done. Besides,
I'm expelled, aren't I?

What else is there
to talk about?

What is going on with you?

I mean, you owned
that showcase last year.

If this is about
your dad and I...

Don't flatter yourself.

Ali, you are so talented.

You have such a gift.
Why are you throwing it away?

Why do you care?
You didn't even show up!

Okay, wait, wait, just...

I deserved that.

But not being there does
not mean that I don't care.

I am constantly
worried about you

and looking out
for you, and I...

I will be damned if I let you
make the same mistakes

that I did when I was your age.

- So now I'm a mistake.
- No, that's not what I meant.

Fine. Maybe I am. Clearly,
this family is a big mistake.


- Hello.
- Hey, Mom, it's um... It's me.

♪ Where will you go
my darling daughter ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
down by the water ♪

♪ If I ever could
find the time ♪

♪ Never no reason or rhyme

♪ I'm gonna live down
by the water ♪

Isn't it so beautiful here?

Moving back is just gonna be so
good for you. For us.

It's not a move.

Dad will want me back with him
when work gets less crazy.

Um... Well, I-I think right
now, this is the better option.

And I think that it sucks that
you lost your job,

but it shouldn't mean that I
have to move to

middle of nowhere Canada
and live with a grandmother

I don't know.

♪ And I'll wash my tears away

♪ When I'm down
in the river today ♪

How are you even cool
with being back here?

I mean, with what you have told
me about what happened.

I don't know what I'd do if I
lost my little brother that young.

I'm here because
in spite of all that,

this really is a special place.

If it's so special, how come you
stayed away for the last years?

♪ Sing a little song, darling

♪ Sing it like
a little blue starling ♪

♪ In the country or the town

♪ And for miles all around

♪ Sing a little song, darling

Mom. Hi.


Uh... I first just wanted to
say thank you for...


Look at you!

You have grown into such a
beautiful young woman. Aw...

Welcome to Landry Farm.

How about a tour?

Oh, I was just about to start
unpacking the car, so...

That's okay, you're not

Don't worry about your mom.
She knows the lay of the land.

Not much has changed
in years.

♪ Be mine

♪ For the best part of my life

My family hails from the
Carolinas, but the farm

has been in the Landry
family for generations.

It was last handed down
to my husband, Colton.

And someday, who knows,
if you play your cards right...

- Sorry, I'm not a farmer.
- Right.

You're a singer, yeah?

Well, I was, but not anymore.

Once a singer, always a

You get that from Cole's
side of the family.

You couldn't stop
those people from singing.

Ah, Fynn!
No, you crazy dog.

You're not going back
in the house like that. Ugh!

There's a pond in those woods
and he can't stay away from it.

It's really more
like a sinkhole.

Sounds charming.

Dinner was great, Mom. I really
missed your roast chicken.

Oh, my pleasure.

So, what do you two have planned
while you're here?

You need a plan.

Landry women have got
to keep busy.

Um... I-I...

Actually, I was thinking that
I was going to write a book.

You know, there's a few editors
that have expressed interest

over the years, and I've got
some really great ideas, so...

Is that a practical solution?

Don't worry, there are still
jobs in town.

I hear they're hiring
at The Point.

Better dust off
that resume, Mom.

And Alice, you
start school tomorrow.

Um, actually, I'm just gonna
do the rest of the year online.

That's a terrible idea. Go to
school and meet some kids your age.

Honestly, I think I'm fine.

Suit yourself, but the internet
out here is spotty at best.

You'll have to trek
to the library.

On the bright side,

I hear they just got a set
of those Twilight books.

Fine. I'll go to school.

Good. Because I already
registered you.

You start tomorrow.

Which room is mine?

Upstairs, end of the hall.

Oh no, actually, I set her up
in my room, there's more space.

So, I'm in Jacob's.

What the hell
am I even doing here?

So, how are
things with Braden?

The separation is
no longer temporary.

We are filing for divorce.

We just couldn't make it work.

Well, you met at camp, what,
when you were ? People change.

Yeah, but you and Dad were
teenagers and you made it work.

Well, that's the thing
about young love.

You either grow together
or you grow apart.

You know, I... I have to say
it really meant a lot

that you took the first
step to mend fences.

Your letter was so touching...

What are you talking about?

You took the first step by
calling me after all these years.

I called because
of the letter.

Are you really denying
sending it?

Yes, 'cause I didn't.

Mom, it was in your

Please, Dad.
I want to come home.

I know you're busy, but I'm .
I don't need a babysitter.


Yeah, forget it.

You're cutting out, Dad.
Dad? Hello?

- I can't reach.
- Let me help you.

- Stay still.
- You're so heavy!

Did you know explorers used
the star to lead them home

when they got lost?


Don't you want to get dressed?
You don't want to be late.

Caffeine first.

Get some breakfast too.

Sorry, I don't do breakfast.

I see.

Do you mind letting Fynn
out please?

'Kay. Fynn!

You must be the American
granddaughter. Alice, right?

That'll teach you to get
dressed before breakfast.

You did that on purpose?

- Who are those people?!
- What people?

Ah, they're just kids
from the high school.

They get community service hours
for working on the farm.

I can introduce you if you like.

Wow. That was kind of evil,
but I really loved it.

Hey, kids!
The garden looks great!

Jack, hi, hi!
This is Kat Landry.

We met a couple years
ago at Harry's party.

Right. Dhawan. Kat, Kat Dhawan.

Um, well, I don't know if you
remember but um, you did mention

at the party that if I ever got
serious about writing a book

I should call
and... I am serious!

Right. Right. Um... Well, keep
in touch, I...


You may have thought you were
helping but it was presumptuous

to mail that letter.
Where did you find it?

Del, what are you
even talking about?

You know what
I'm talking about.

Well, Kat Landry.
Welcome home.

Elliot Augustine. Oh my God!
Hi! Oh, wow! El!

I mean, look at... Look at you.

Wow, because it's been a while.

What are you doing here?

I moved home a few years ago.

I teach science at
the high school.

That is not at all surprising.

Well, you two have a lot to
get caught up on.

You have a lot in common.
Both your divorces and all.

Subtle, still.

- So, you and Brady?
- Yeah.

- Sorry to hear.
- Well, you too.

I mean, God, I didn't even
know you were married.

- Surprise.
- Yeah.


It's one thing to be new, and
it's another thing to be late,

and it's not happening, okay?
We have to go!

Um... That's my daughter.

Um, duty calls, so...
Yeah, we need to catch up.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I didn't even know what to wear!
I literally hate everything I own!

Hmm... Okay!

Hey, it's you.

I could barely recognize you without
your bunny slippers. Alice, right?

Spencer and my girlfriend, Zoey.

Alright, well,
nice to meet you both.

Don't worry. We'll shield
you from the throngs.

And the rumors.

- Rumors?
- Typically small town, broken telephone.

Like you set your old school
on fire. Dumb things like that.

Find us at lunch, okay?

Hey. Gotta make it quick. Who knows
how long these bars will last out here.

Okay, uh, I was just calling
to see how you guys were doing.

Oh, sure. Sure, yeah.

Well, let's talk about your
phone call with Alice last night.

I mean, turning her
down like that

and using work as an excuse?

And I cannot believe that you
haven't told her about Rachel.

I didn't turn Alice
down because of Rachel,

I did it in solidarity with you.

Look, I know how important it is
to have Alice out there with you.

And I know that...

Alice isn't the only one
feeling vulnerable.

Being back there can't be easy.

Mom's pretty much erased all
traces of Jacob and Dad, and...

This house used to be filled
with so much music and laughter.

I remember.

Look, just, uh...

Just keep your head up.
You got this, okay?

Right. Thanks.

And tell Alice I love her.

And me?

Yeah, of course you.
Okay, bye.

So you're keeping bees now?

Yeah. Got 'em off
of Craigslist.

They're endangered.

Thought I'd do my
part, you know?

Yeah, sounds about right.

I, um... I wanted to commend you
on your redecorating.

It's very Airbnb.

When did you decide to do that?

I don't know. Just happened
over the years.

Oh. And all the photos of us?
Of Jacob and Dad?

They just, what,
disappeared over the years too?

Mom, it's like
they never existed.

Look, Kat.

Just because you came home,
doesn't mean we pick up

right where we left off.

I've moved on. You should too.

Start your life over. You're
floundering, I can see it.

I'm floundering because I have
nothing left to cling to.

You erased all of it.

The limits of human
perception are fascinating.

Take optical illusions,
for example.

They trick the brain,

but it really just has to do
with light and how it travels.

Okay, guys.
The bell tolls for thee.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Uh, sorry, Alice?

Figured I should officially
introduce myself.

Didn't really get
a chance earlier.

I'm not sure if your mom
mentioned it.

But anyway, I'm an old friend.
I grew up next door to the farm.

Oh. Great.

I'd do anything
for the Landry's.

They've always been
like a second family to me.

It's nice to meet
the next generation.

Well, technically I'm a
Dhawan, so...

Sure. But if you ever
need to talk, I'm here.

Any place, any time, okay?

Okay, thanks. I should get to
my next class.


Quick, don't let her touch it.

Whew, is it getting hot in

Look at all the wheels.
Everything's connected, isn't it?


Alright, now let's
see the cover.

- The cover goes in here.
- I think you're right.

Hey, have you done this before?

I'm gonna fill it with
treasure and bury it.

There you are.
Alice is skipping school.

What? How do you know that.

Clearly you have forgotten
how fast news travels here.

Hey. Present time.
Happy th birthday, kiddo.

Oh, look at that.

Seriously? But this is
yours, Mom. Dad gave it to you.

Well, it's meant
for a teenager,

and you always loved it.

What do you think, Dad?

Uh, yeah.
Looks great on you, Al.

Car. Now.

Hey. Hey! Where do you think
you're going?

Away from you.

How could you not give it one
measly day?

I mean, I can't believe
that you won't even try

to make something of
our new start here.

- I never asked for a new start!
- Well, too bad, 'cause you're stuck with me.

No I'm not,
I'll go live with Dad.

Oh, right. Okay, well, good
luck with that.

Did you tell him
to say no to me?

Did you tell him not to let me live
with him? Is that why he said no?!

No, I would never do that!

- Okay, so he just doesn't want me then. Is that what you mean?
- No. Your dad has his reasons.

Yeah, he's busy with work,
that's all.

That's not all, okay?
Rachel moved in with him.

So that's it then?
It's over?

Oh, Ali, honey. It's...
It's been over for so long.

I am so sorry,
but you had to know that.

Alice. Alice, please, stop!

Come back!

Hold on, I got you.

Just keep taking
deep breaths, okay?

What were you thinking
swimming in there?

It's full of leeches
and who knows what else?

Plus you're on my family's land,

which is fine,
but if you drowned,

we could get in serious trouble.

Wait, this is
your family's land?

Yeah. I'm Katherine Landry.
But everyone just calls me Kat.

You're Kat Landry?

Alice skipped school
and has totally bolted.

that's her thing now.

- Bolted, huh?
- I think I messed this up.

Well, I mean, moving back.
Alice was struggling.

You know, she was such a good
kid and a great student,

and I guess
I thought moving here

would bring the old Alice back.

I'm sure it will.

I don't know. I'm starting to think that
it was a selfish decision to come here.

That it wasn't Alice who needed
to be here, it was... me.

The older you get,

the more you need the people you
knew when you were young.

No, God.

Do you remember how obsessed we
were when that song came out?

Yes, obviously! Everybody's Free was
the spoken-word hit of the late s.

We'd just listen to it over and over
again trying to memorize all the lyrics.

I broke the Repeat One button on
my cheap CD player, if I recall.

Cheap, yes.

I'm sorry we lost touch.

Me too. Life.


I should... get going.

- Later, Kat.
- Later.

So who are you anyway?

I just haven't seen you around.
What's your name?

Uh, Alice. I just moved here.
Not here, here, but...

Hey, wait up. There's a pink
moon tonight, Kat.

Not really my thing, Elliot.


El, meet the new girl in town.

Alice, that's my
best friend, Elliot.

Hi. Seriously, Kat, you're
gonna want to check this out.

This moon's gonna be epic.
I'm setting up the telescope.

Sorry. My dad needs me for
dinner tonight.

Now don't go using your old
man as an excuse.

Is... Is that...
Is he...

Yeah. My dad.

But we actually do have something
to celebrate tonight, don't we?

Yeah, hey, congrats on getting your
article published in The Herald.

My daughter
the intrepid reporter.

Who we got here?

It's so nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you too,
Alice. What happened to you?

Um... I found her in the pond.
Swimming, actually.

Yeah, she's new in town.

I'll tell you about
it at dinner.

Come on.

Alright, let's get
you some clothes.

Ugh! I literally
hate everything I own.

My clothes are the worst, sorry.

I hear you. It'll be fine.

The s are totally
back in style anyway.


Nothing. Uh...
Show me what you got!

Your photos are terrific.

You have such a
beautiful eye, Jacob.

Silly, I have two.

I hear the sink hole
almost got you.

Almost. But uh, I made
it out thanks to Kat.

We're so happy to have you.
Welcome, Alice.

Pass me some of that roasted
chicken, my love.

Of course, honey.

I promise I didn't just marry this
woman for her cooking. No lie.

Ah. I thought you married me
for my money.

Now that's a lie.

Actually, I married you
because you're smart and funny,

and you happen to have the best
legs in the entire province.

- Ew, Dad!
- What? It's true! She still does.

Well, I'm glad you think so,

But you are embarrassing
the children.

Oh, well, I apologize.

You have to have
your green beans.

So, Alice, where
do you hail from?

Uh... I'm from the states,

Which state?

Well, we moved a lot,
so I'm from all over, really.

What brings you and your
family to Port Haven, then?

Well, it's just me and my mom,

and my parents
separated recently.

Oh, I'm so sorry.
That must be so hard.

Yeah, Kat.
Yeah, it's really hard.

Do we get Kat's room
when she's gone?

- Not right now, Jacob.
- Gone? Where are you going?

I got a camp counselor job
across the border.

Would that be at
Camp Tanamakoon?

Yeah. How'd you know that?

Uh, I... I've just,
I've heard of it.

Really? Weird.

And no, you can't have my room.

Honestly, I don't even know
if I want to go.

I'm just so totally nervous.

Oh, but you definitely
have to go.


Well, you never know
who you might meet, right?

Alice is right.
It'll be an amazing experience.

Getting out of your comfort
zone and going someplace new

can be scary, but it's how we
learn about ourselves.

Rule number one:
don't fear change.

I'm sure Alice knows what I'm talking
about, having just moved here.

You gotta jump in feet first.
Isn't that right, Alice?

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

How can you be so calm?

I mean, I'm... I'm over here
just starting to lose my mind.

I mean, yes, Alice does this
and the best thing to do

is just give her space, but
she does not know this town.

She could be anywhere.

Alice will be fine.

Well, Jacob wasn't.

How could I have
thought that coming home

would bring this family closer?

And you...

You know, I-I see Jake
and Dad everywhere.

You can cover them up, Mom.
They're still here.

♪ Somewhere deep inside

♪ Something's got
a hold on you ♪

♪ And it's pushing me aside

♪ See it stretch on forever

♪ And I know I'm right

♪ For the first time
in my life ♪

♪ That's why I tell you

♪ You better be home soon ♪

Sorry, I...

No, never apologize
for talent.

It's just, my mom
gave me a guitar

that looks just like that

and it's one of my
favourite possessions.

Huh. So you sing and play too?

Uh, yeah. I do.

It's getting dark. I don't
want you walking home alone.

Colton and Kat can walk you.

No, it's fine. I'm fine.
I'll just grab my clothes.

- I'll see you around, right?
- Uh, yeah. I'll try.

Hey, Alice!

Later, gator.

You take care
of yourself, okay?

Sure, you too. But you better watch out
for the white witch on your walk home.

She haunts the forest and takes
little kids and...

Oh, shush, Jacob!

Alice has plenty of time
to learn the local lore.

Well, I just want to say
you are an amazing family.

It's so nice to see
and I'm just so glad I met you.

Say cheese!

Jake! If I look ugly in that,
I'm gonna burn it!

- Run, buddy. Run. Run!
- Give it to me!

Jake, no, I'm serious!
Give me the picture!

Hey, you've reached Alice.
Leave a message.

Or don't. Whatever.

Ali, it's me.
Um, please just...

Just come home, baby. I...

You were right, okay?

It was a mistake to
come here, but we can...

We'll figure this
out together, okay?

I love you.
You are my everything, kiddo.

You know that?

Okay, um... Call me.

Okay, please, just... Bye.
I-I love you.

Yeah. Thanks, Elliot.
That's super helpful.


It's me, it's just Alice.
I saw the light on.

Oh. What are you
doing up here?

You once told me that you
would help me.

Any place, any time.

I-I... I did not.
We literally just met.

No, trust me, you did,
and I need your help.

Right here, right now.

- Kat?
- Don't worry? Seriously?

How do you know Alice will come
home, El? How?

I just... do.

♪ Down by the water

♪ Sing a little song, darling

♪ Sing it like
a little blue starling ♪

♪ In the country or the town
and for miles all around ♪

♪ Sing a little song, darling