04x120 - Daybreak on Tenrou Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x120 - Daybreak on Tenrou Island

Post by bunniefuu »

X791, Port Hargeon.

Seven years have passed since Natsu and the rest disappeared without a trace from Tenroujima Island.

How long are you gonna stare at the sea?

Our work is finished, so let's get back to the guild.

If you aren't back soon, your dad will worry.

This man is Fairy Tail's Alzack Connell.

This woman is Bisca Connell.

Macao asked us to take care of you, Romeo.

Yeah And this boy is Romeo Conbolt.

Romeo I know how you feel, but Bisca Natsu-nii This is Magnolia.

It hasn't changed in the past seven years and is as thriving as ever.

And standing quietly on a hillside far from the the heart of the city Fairy Tail, X791!

Romeo isn't home yet?


I bet Al and Bisca ditched him and went off to snuggle!

Ah, pipe down.

You're too old for these outbursts, so take it easy, Macao.

I told you to call me Master, Wakaba!

I've never seen a master with less dignity than you!

4th Guild Master, my ass!

You do realize you're supposed to be the master's advisor?


At any rate Have we been losing members again?

It can't be helped, Max.

They don't give the good jobs to a minor guild like ours.

Warren, just look at how few jobs there are!

It's got nothing to do with you.

You haven't been out on a job in seven years, Nab!

Look at this!

Visitar Ecor has completed his new dance!

I call it the Puny Dance!

It disgusts me, so get him out of here!

Kinana-chan, bring me another one of these!


Hey, Droy, are you putting more stress on the ground these days?

You trying to say I got fatter, wench?!

Don't take it out on Laki.

And don't you have any self-awareness?

Look at Reedus!

See how slim he's gotten?!


This is my true form.

I've been in training!

Can't you tell from these muscles?!

And see how ladylike Kinana has become!

Compared to her, you're Shut up!

I'm trying to increase my magic power by eating!

Both of you, cut it out!


What would Levy say if she could see you now?

Levy's not coming home!

Oui Well, well As always, this place is dead from the afternoon on That's what I hate about pissant guilds!

There's no spirit here!

Teebo I told you to stay away from here!

Hey, hey.

Is that any way to talk to us Members of Magnolia's number one wizard guild, Twilight Ogre?

You may once have been the strongest guild in Fiore, but that era is over.

Between this ramshackle old tavern and Twilight Ogre, the wizard guild of the new age, one glance is all it takes to tell which is more useful to the development and progress of Magnolia.

Acting big just because you've got a huge guild That's right!

We've got soul!

Soul doesn't put food on the plate.

What'd you come here for, Teebo?!

This month's money!

You didn't pay them yet, Macao?

Call me Master, damn it!

You people are late repaying your debt.

We didn't get any decent jobs this month!

I'll pay you double next month, so just be patient!

Whoa, whoa.

Who was it that saved this beat-up tavern when it was on the brink of collapse?

We took on your debt for you, remember?

And if we knew how ridiculously high the interest was gonna be, we never would've turned to you Did you say something, asswipe?!

Enough, Jet!

Wait 'til next month, and I promise I'll pay!


All the way across the room!

He did a first-rate job of flyin' backwards!


How dare you?!

You want a go at us?

Don't do anything!

You heard the man.

Suck it up!


This is the legendary Fairy Tail?!

Way lame!

How about joinin' us?

Well, that was good for a laugh.

Let's go.


Don't you forget.

Next month.

It's been seven years, huh?

That long?

I'm feelin' nostalgic Everything's changed since then.

When we heard that Tenroujima was destroyed, we searched for everyone desperately, didn't we?

But we didn't find even one of them If what the Council said is true, Acnologia vaporized the whole island.

Various groups helped us search for them, but not a single clue was found.

Of course not An abnormal concentration of Ethernano was recorded in the sea around Tenroujima that day.

A level that no living thing could survive, let alone retain their structure Acnologia's roar is that powerful?!

After all, that's the dragon said to have destroyed an entire country by itself long ago!

There's no way humans can face an enemy like that and live Why did our comrades have to Our guild's weakened since they disappeared Meanwhile, a new guild has been established in Magnolia.

Maybe it's time to close up shop Don't talk like that!

What's wrong, Macao?

I think I think my heart is gonna break.

You've been doing a good job Master.

Romeo hasn't smiled once.

What is that?!

What's this noise?

Has Ogre come back to harass us some more?

T-That's Blue Pegasus' Christina Ver.


That's I-I don't believe it No good No A depressing parfum is no good No!

What is he doing here?

He jumped!



He fell?!

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Your Ichya has arrived This man is Blue Pegasus' Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki.

What are you Ichiya-sama, I know how you feel, but maybe you should calm down a little.

After all, I use Air Magic.

Long time no see, everybody.



Macao-san, have you aged again?


It's Blue Pegasus!

They're so cool!

What in the world are they here for?!

Laki-san, you're as beautiful as ever.

You look too good in glasses.

Can I call you "Onee-chan"?

Um If you wanna pick up a girl, do it elsewhere!

Kinana-san, are you free tonight?

T-That dress looks too good on you.

I've decided!

I'm gonna be your little brother.

Um What the hell did you come here for?!


Gentlemen, we're not here to have fun.

Pardon us!

Hey, Ichiya!

What are you Men!

I never forget the parfum of friendship of those I've fought alongside.

It was worth using Archive's information analysis and Christina's mobility to investigate Fiore's Ethernano level.

Tenroujima still exists!

Is it really in this area?

We don't see anything.

According to the Pegasus guys, there's something about Ethernano in this part of the sea.

What is Ethernano in the first place?!

Like I know!

Something to do with magic molecules How about telepathic communication?

I'm not picking up anything.

Hey Are you sure we shouldn't have brought Romeo along?

Maybe we should have forced him to come.

There's no guarantee that everyone is still alive.

Yeah, right?

Getting him excited prematurely wouldn't be Levy!!

We get to see Levy!

The poster boys for getting excited prematurely The team, Shadow Gear, together again!

I know how they feel, but You're annoying!

We haven't had any contact for seven years.

Keep the worst case scenario in mind, too.

R-Right Sorry What is it?

Now that you mention it, it is strangely quiet.

There aren't any birds What's happening?

What is that?

She's over the ocean!


Look closely at her!

S-She's standing!

Who is it?!



That's Tenroujima!

It's Tenroujima!

That girl!

She went to Tenroujima!

Follow her!


Hey, you!



Wait, I said!

Who is that girl?!

I don't know, but she did show us where Tenroujima is!

Maybe she'll lead us to everyone G-Good point!

Don't lose sight of her!


Strange Where did the girl go?


What is it?!

Where's the girl?!

What are you just standing there for?

Natsu Romeo Are you sure you didn't wanna go?

Even if they do find Tenroujima who knows if everyone is still alive?

Don't be like that!

You need to have faith!

We haven't heard from them in seven years.

Well, well Looks like there are even less people in here than usual.

This isn't a guild so much as a, what?

A club?


We agreed that I'd pay you next month!

My master doesn't agree with those terms.

He said payments have to be made when they're due.

Nothing I can do about it.

You can all go to hell.

Romeo, don't!

We don't have the money to pay you!

I don't like your attitude, you little brat.

Letting punks like you walk all over us My dad and everyone else are cowards!

I'm gonna fight!

'Cause at this rate, Fairy Tail's name will be disgraced!


That idiot!

That name's been dragged through the mud long ago No!!

You assholes will never make it back up to our level as long as you live!

Who the hell?!

We're home!

Sorry it took us so long, everyone!

What is this tiny guild?!

For real?!

You're all so young!

You haven't changed in seven years!

What happened?!

Um Natsu!

Wake up!

Come on!

Open your eyes, you bastard!

Shut up!


What the hell is goin' on?!

What are you guys doin' here?

And have you aged some?!

You haven't changed a bit!

Droy, you got fa Huh?

Is it morning already?

Where's my fish?


Wait a second!

We just got hit by Acnologia's attack and, uh Who?

My name is Mavis.

The first master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermilion.

At the time, I took the bond between you and the faith you have in one another, and converted it all to magic power.

Your feelings activated Fairy Sphere, one of the Three Great Fairy Magics.

It's Absolute Defense magic that protects the guild against all evil.

However, everyone was sealed away in a frozen state and it took seven years to be dispelled.

Of all things The founder protected us No.

I'm an astral body.

It was all I could do to transform everyone's power into magic.

Unwavering faith and a strong bond between you will even win a miracle over to your side.

Fairy Tail has become a fine guild, hasn't it, 3rd Master?

And then she was gone You've gotten big, huh, Romeo?

Welcome back, Natsu-nii Everyone Seven years have passed since then?!

You gotta be kiddin' me!

And yet, it seems to be the truth.

Then we all aged seven years without knowing it?

Time stopped in the bubble, so our ages are still the same.

But everyone else is seven years older, right?

So what age should we say we are?!

Next time: The Seven-Year Gap Just say something like, "I'm eternally young!

" You expect Gramps to say that, too?!

Yeah, that'd be kind of a stretch.
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