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05x13 - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Posted: 02/08/14 19:30
by bunniefuu
[Whitmore College]

(Katherine is writing in a diary)

Katherine: Dear diary, I love my life. Seriously, becoming Elena Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I finally have everything I ever wanted. I'm young, healthy, gorgeous. Everyone loves me, but best of all, I'm a vampire again, so rest in peace, Elena. Thanks for giving me your perfect life, and now that I've corrected the single worst decision you ever made: falling in love with Damon Salvatore… I'm gonna win back the one thing I've always wanted.

(Katherine, Caroline and Elena enter a classroom)

Caroline: So we all agree? No more moping about life's little failures and no more dabbling in the dark arts of boyfriends past. This is a fresh start

Katherine: Couldn't agree more. I happen to love fresh starts

Bonnie: Um, I haven't been moping or dabbling

Caroline: No one likes a bragger, Bonnie

(They sit down. Bonnie looks at the girl beside her)

Bonnie: Hey. Do you mind if I share… Great. Thanks. Appreciate it

Caroline: Today is the dawning of a new era. This is stage one in our metamorphosis into the land of the brave, the free, and the single

Katherine: Bonnie's not single

Caroline: Bonnie's best friends are single, which makes her single adjacent. So she can be our wing woman

(She shows them a flyer)

Katherine: "Whitmore's annual bitter ball, a night to celebrate broken hearts, jilted lovers, and bitter singles."This is our fresh start?

Caroline: No. This is our purge, our cleanse. This is where we rid ourselves from the baggage better known as our tragic and mortifying first semester

Katherine: I'll drink to that

Caroline: Bonnie! Bonnie, you in?

Bonnie: Yeah. Yeah. That sounds like fun

[Salvatore’s House]

(Stefan enters the house. The house is a total mess)

Damon: Hey. Sorry about the mess. I had some company, and things got a little out of hand

Stefan: You want to tell me what the hell's going on out in the driveway?

Damon: Ah. I let Enzo drive last night. He is a little out of practice. Almost ended up in the damn foyer. Oh. You mean Aaron

Stefan: Yeah

Damon: Yeah. Well, last night, we hunted him down, and I ripped his throat out. Yeah. I just figured it's time to shove the last branch of the Whitmore family tree into the... wood chipper

Stefan: So Elena breaks up with you, and your first instinct is to go a k*lling spree? Could you be any more predictable?

Enzo: It was my idea if it makes you feel any better. Enzo. Remember? We met when…

Stefan: When you were trying to tear Damon's head off. Yeah. I remember. So, what, you guys are old pals again, m*rder buddies, is that it?

Damon: Well, you know how it goes. I mean, I left him for dead, he tried to k*ll me, we worked things out. When you spend 5 years with someone in a dungeon, you have a pretty unbreakable bond

Enzo: Say, you haven't heard from Dr. Wes Maxfield by any chance? Bloke's next on the Augustine hit list, and he's a slippery little devil

Stefan: Is that the plan? k*ll off Augustine and then go back to your sadistic, psychotic old self?

Damon: I happen to like my old sadistic self, Stefan. In fact, I miss that guy. That guy was dumb enough to try and change himself to get a girl. Get another hobby, brother, because I'm not in the mood to be saved.

Enzo: What do you say? Shall we get you a new hobby? Golf... Scrapbooking?

Damon: Scrapbooking

Stefan: Come on, Damon. You're better than this

Damon: On the contrary, brother. I'm better like this

[Whitmore College]

(Katherine is on the phone)

Katherine: Hey, Stefan. Um, it's me. I was just, uh, wondering… I mean, I know things are kind of crazy and you're probably busy, but maybe you might want to come to campus and we can get a drink or, I don't know, talk

Matt: So you're trying to get back with Stefan?

Katherine: I didn't ask you to editorialize. I asked you if that was something that Elena would say

[Mystic Grill]

(Matt is on the other end of the phone)

Matt: Yeah, I guess

(Nadia takes the phone from him and compels him)

Nadia: Walk away and forget this conversation. Are you happy? Can I leave now?

Katherine: No. Stay close. Matt is my Elena Gilbert cheat sheet. Because I didn't know Bonnie's middle name, which is Sheila by the way

Nadia: You promised we would spend some time together. How long do you expect me to sit around the Mystic Grill like some sad, lonely bar fly?

Katherine: Oh, please. Don't pretend that baby-sitting Matty blue eyes is some sort of hardship. I mean, didn't you lure him into your bed in Prague?

Nadia: I didn't lure him, and I wasn't compelling him to forget everything. He's not a puppet

Katherine: Ah. Ok. I get it. You like him. That's adorable

Nadia: Ok. I'm hanging up now

[An abandoned Building]

(Wes enters a room. A man is tied up)

Wes: Hello. How are you holding up?

Man: What's going on? Who are you?

Wes: My name is Dr. Wes Maxfield, and you're Joey, right? I saw your name stitched on your work shirt when I grabbed you. Apologies, but I never managed to make proper acquaintance of the janitorial staff before the hospital lost its funding. It's depressing, isn't it? The economy is no friend to medicine

Joey: What do you want from me? I don't have any money

Wes: Ironically, Joey, neither do I

Joey: What did you do to me? Why am I so hungry?

Wes: Well, in simple terms, I turned you into a vampire. Now I'm gonna condition you to feed on other vampires instead of humans

Joey: What? You're what?

Wes: Would you believe that I've already done it once? Now all I have to do is replicate it. Research is just money and time. I've got time. I'll find money

(A woman enters)

Woman: Perhaps I can help you with that

Wes: Who the hell are you?

Woman: I'm judging your crappy lab

Wes: Still didn't catch your name

Woman: Sloan, and I'm here to help you, so you can lose the arrogance. I'm here to offer you new funding for your research

Wes: What do you know about my research?

Sloan: I've been tracking your Augustine experiments for months. So in return for money and protection, I have some blood I want you to analyze

Wes: Sorry, but I'm done getting into bed with mysterious benefactors, and I don't need your protection

Sloan: I beg to differ

(She shows him a bag)

Wes: This is Aaron's bag. Where'd you get this?

Sloan: I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Aaron Whitmore's car was found abandoned in the middle of the road last night

Wes: No…

Sloan: No one has seen or heard from him

Wes: He's dead, isn't he?

Sloan: My guess is, yes, he's dead, and more to the point, you're next

[Salvatore’s House]

(Enzo and Damon are in the basement)

Enzo: So once we've finished off this Augustine mess, what do you say we do a road trip? I was thinking South America, Cape Horn. Sailed past but never stopped over

Damon: I'm not thinking that far ahead

(They enter the cell. Diane Freeman is inside)

Damon: Rise and shine, Diane. How's our favorite head of Whitmore Security?

Enzo: Oh, that's ironic, isn't it, you know, since we broke in and kidnapped you from your office

Diane: Let me go, please. I have two kids

Enzo: A mother. Ah. Interesting. Well, then you can imagine how heartbreaking it would be to learn that your child committed su1c1de, especially when said child was actually m*rder*d by a vampire, a m*rder covered up by you

Diane: I didn't do any such thing

(Damon compels her)

Damon: Now, Diane, tell the truth. Did you cover up a vampire attack on campus by forging a su1c1de note or two?

Diane: Yes

Enzo: Ah. Looks like the Vervain is officially out of her system

Damon: Now I want you to tell me exactly where I can find Dr. Wes Maxfield

Diane: I have no idea. I haven't heard from him in days

Damon: Well, that's a shame, Diane, because that makes you a dead end

Enzo: Well, technically. Now she's a dead end

Damon: On to the next

[The Woods]

(Enzo is digging. Stefan rejoins him)

Stefan: I see Damon's got you on shallow grave duty

Enzo: Be a mate. Grab a shovel

Stefan: I'll pass. Buried enough skeletons out here

Enzo: I'm sensing a metaphor

Stefan: I think you need to find yourself a new best friend. Damon's in a bad place right now, and you're not really making things better. I know you just got out of captivity and you're looking to blow off a boatload of steam, which is fine. me a favor. Leave my brother out of it

Enzo: He mentioned you were a bit of a do-gooder

Stefan: You know what makes somebody walk a straight line? When they have no choice but to be the balance for somebody who's about to fall off the edge

Enzo: Ah, but it's so much more fun when you can just commit to the leap. You're welcome to join in on the fun. Looks like you could use it. Good man

Stefan: Why don't you be a mate, huh? Get in that car, start driving, don't look back

Enzo: You think that hurts? I'm curious, Stefan. What do you think you can possibly do to me that hasn't been done a hundred times before? Go on. Give it your best shot

Stefan: What I do to you, Enzo, will be final. Got it? Be sure I never see you again

[Whitmore College]

(Katherine is in the dorm. Caroline rejoins her)

Katherine: Good! You're back! I need your help. Diamond or dangler?

Caroline: Since when does Elena Gilbert accessorize?

Katherine: Since she's being conned to go to the bitter ball with her best friend Susie Sunshine

Caroline: Look. You're not fooling anyone. I know that you're faking it

Katherine: Faking? I'm what?

Caroline: Please. It is so obvious. I appreciate it, I do, but you know I'm on edge because of the whole Tyler-Klaus thing, so you are pretending that breaking up with Damon was no big deal

Katherine: Caroline Forbes, how do you always see right through me?

Caroline: Look, Elena. You don't have to pretend with me, and if you don't want to go tonight, it's all good. I can be bitter, party of one

Katherine: Do you think Stefan would want to come?

(Her phone rings. It’s Stefan)

Katherine: I was… just about to call you

Stefan: Hey. Listen. I need to talk to you, but I didn't want to do it over the phone

Katherine: What's wrong?

Stefan: Let's just say it involves Enzo

Katherine: Oh. Enzo. Uh...Ok. Then maybe we should meet in person. Actually, Caroline's dragging me to this Whitmore thing for lonely hearts. I think you should come

Stefan: Yeah. No, thanks. I already did the college thing. Twice actually

Katherine: Please. If it's bad, then I'll owe you a fun time

[Mystic Grill]

(Tyler rejoins Matt at the bar)

Tyler: Give me whatever will obliterate the memory of Caroline

Matt: I thought you said you weren't drinking anymore

Tyler: No. I said I wasn't drinking alone today

(He sees Nadia)

Tyler: She's new

Matt: Whatever you're thinking, unthink it. That's Katherine's daughter, and the psycho doesn't fall far from the tree

Nadia: I can hear you, you know?

Matt: You locked me in a safe and buried me alive

Nadia: I'm sorry, but I was trying to save my mother's life, and I failed, so if you don't mind, I'd like to sit here and grieve in peace

Tyler: You want a shot? I want a shot. Let's do sh*ts

Matt: What?

Tyler: Well, you heard her. She's sorry, her mom's dead. Let's do sh*ts

Matt: It's your funeral

(They start drinking)

Tyler: My mom was so afraid I'd flunk the eighth grade and embarrass her, she actually wrote an entire English paper for me

Nadia: Oh! Oh. My mother was so desperate for companionship, she compelled an entire town to be her friend

Matt: My mom hooked up with you

Nadia: Oh, my God. Seriously?

Matt/Tyler: Afraid so

Nadia: Drink, both of you

Tyler: Wow! Kind of forgot about that one. I have to pee

Nadia: Hybrids pee?

Matt: There's got to be a fire hydrant joke in there somewhere

Tyler: Hilarious. Pour another round

(He leaves them. Nadia compels Matt)

Nadia: Who's Enzo?

Matt: I don't know. I've never met him

Nadia: But you've heard of him

Matt: He's Damon's buddy from Augustine. They were cellmates for 5 years. I think he's free or something

Nadia: Thank you. Forget everything I've said since Tyler left

[Whitmore College]

(Bonnie and Jeremy are together)

Jeremy: So we're going to a dance, but we can't show up together because you can't bring a date?

Bonnie: Told you it was weird

Jeremy: Better idea. Let's get another hotel room instead

Bonnie: Caroline would k*ll me

Jeremy: Bonnie, we're happy. Can't we just act like it?

Bonnie: You know what? You're right. I am happy

(Damon rejoins them)

Damon: It's like driving past a car crash except you want to look away

Bonnie: What are you doing here?

Damon: I tutor some kids in calculus. You know, I like giving back, be a good role model. Kidding! I'm here to kidnap your boyfriend

Jeremy: You're not funny. Let's get out of here

Damon: You're not going anywhere, buddy

Bonnie: Let go of him

Damon: Or what? You'll glare me to death?You don't have your little magic wand to back you up anymore, bon-bon

Jeremy: Hey. leave her alone

Damon: Relax. I'm here for you, not her, you idiot. Keep up. Anyway, I have this hit list, and I can't find my last target, so basically, I need a witch

Bonnie: Ok. Well, you just said it. I can't do magic anymore, so go away

Damon: Grams ran occult studies. I'm sure we could throw a rock and hit a witch around here. So listen. Take this… this is Wes' blood. My buddy Enzo kept this as a souvenir. Now this should jump-start a locator spell. Ticktock

Jeremy: Are you deaf? She is not helping you. You're not gonna hurt me. Elena would…

Damon: Elena would what? Hurt me, dump me? Been there, done that, wrote the country song

Bonnie: k*ll you. She would k*ll you

Damon: Cool. And then me and her all her doppelgangers could start a baseball team on the other side

(Enzo rejoins them)

Enzo: What have I missed? She denied your request yet? Can we get on to the fun bit?

Bonnie: Who the hell are you?

Enzo: The one who gets people to do things they don't want to do

Bonnie: Stop! Stop! Ok. Fine. I'll help!

(Caroline and Katherine arrive at the party)

Katherine: Dead corsage?

Caroline: Thank you

(Stefan rejoins them)

Katherine: Hey! You made it

Stefan: I did. So who thinks up these things?

Katherine: Lonely single people. Come on. See? As promised, fun

Stefan: You seem good

Katherine: I got the same reaction from Caroline like I'm not allowed to smile or something

Stefan: Did I say that?

Katherine: No, but I see your look

Stefan: Oh, I have a look?

Katherine: Yeah. That look. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm great actually. I'm the only non-bitter person at this bitter ball

Stefan: Hmm. Elena, listen. I need to talk to you about something. Damon… he got himself into some bad stuff

Katherine: Yeah. Well, it's what Damon does. If he gets the tiniest bit hurt, he lashes out. He doesn't think, he doesn't try… He just acts, and for the longest time, I tried to fix him. I'd try to change him, but I think he ended up changing me, and I'm not sure that I like the person that I've become. I mean, do you?

Stefan: Do I what?

Katherine: Do you like who I am, or do you miss who I was?

Stefan: Elena, I…

Katherine: let's change the subject. What did you want to tell me? What did Enzo and Damon do now?

Stefan: You know what? Could we talk about it later? Is that ok?

Katherine: It's fine by me

Stefan: Ok

Caroline: Hey

Stefan: Hey

Caroline: Do you mind if I borrow her for a minute? She promised that she'd join me at the shredding station

Stefan: Sure. Yeah, no. She's all yours

Caroline: Thanks!

Katherine: Shredding station?
[Mystic Grill]

(Tyler and Matt are at the bar)

Matt: Nadia's not compelling me

Tyler: Really? Where the hell's your Vervain?

Matt: Right here

Tyler: You see? She swiped it and probably compelled you not to notice

Matt: Why would Nadia be compelling me?

Tyler: I have no idea. Is there any Vervain here?

Matt: Yeah. Sheriff Forbes makes me put it in the coffee

Tyler: Drink some now

[Whitmore College]

(Caroline and Katherine arrive at the shredding station)

Caroline: Did you bring anything to shred?

Katherine: No because I didn't realize people still printed photos. Ok. Do you feel cleansed?

Caroline: Almost

(Caroline takes Klaus’ horse drawing)

Katherine: Tyler drew you a horse?

Caroline: No. Klaus did

Katherine: Wow. Clean sweep

Caroline: Yes. I am making a decision. These relationships are over. Over.I'm not going to change my mind just because I'm feeling bored or nostalgic or lonely

Katherine: Wait. Are you doing that thing where you're talking about yourself but really you're talking about me?

Caroline: I'm just saying that you've been through a lot lately, and your emotions are all over the place. So are Stefan's. I think that making yourself so available could maybe be confusing things

Katherine: Do you think that I'm leading him on?

Caroline: No. I didn't say that. I just… I…ugh. Just forget it. Just… just forget everything I said

Katherine: Ok

(Damon and Bonnie arrive)

Damon: Makes me so happy I'm not 19 and stupid. All right, Bonnie.Where's your little witch friend?

Bonnie: Liv Parker. She's in one of my classes, and she's not my friend. I looked her up, found out she works events catering. This is a total shot in the dark

Damon: Well, I'm feeling lucky

(Caroline rejoins Stefan)

Caroline: Come on. Come be bitter with me

Stefan: Oh, no, no, no. You are the second person that I didn't come here to dance with

Caroline: Ok. Then what are you not telling Elena?

Stefan: Way to eavesdrop, Caroline

Caroline: You came to a dance of your own free will. Something is up

Stefan: Ok. Fine. Damon fell off the deep end

Caroline: Uh, what do you mean exactly by deep end?

Stefan: For starters, he k*lled Elena's friend Aaron

Caroline: He… what?

Stefan: Yeah, and I came here to tell her, but we were dancing, and she seemed so happy, and I just couldn't

Caroline: You think if you tell her what he did that she'll give up on him forever?

Stefan: Yeah. I know she will, and I don't think I'll be able to pull Damon back from that. I mean, I've seen Damon at his worst, Caroline, and I actually think he enjoys the way it makes him feel. It's like the more pain he can cause; the more reasons there are for people to hate him. He wants to confirm everyone's lowest expectations of him, and I just honestly don't know how to fight that side of him

(Damon and Bonnie rejoin them)

Damon: Why all the dramatics, brother?

Stefan: What are you doing here?

Caroline: Bonnie, what's going on?

Damon: Oh, don't worry. I'm not her date. We're not gonna break any bitter ball rules

Stefan: How about you just answer the damn question?

Damon: Well, Bonnie is gonna find me a witch to do a locator spell on the elusive Dr. Wes Maxfield. She's gonna find him, I'm gonna k*ll him. Bon-bon, should I tell them?

Bonnie: Enzo has Jeremy. If I don't get a witch to find Wes by midnight, he'll k*ll him

(Katherine is alone and on the phone)

Katherine: If Jeremy Gilbert's life was hanging by a thread, could I credibly just let him die?Because his death would be really convenient for me

Nadia: Are you seriously making a pros and cons list?

Katherine: Are there any cons? Because I've only listed pros

Nadia: Katherine!

Katherine: I'm just saying his death would earn me a lot of tenderness and sympathy from Stefan

Nadia: If Jeremy is in danger, Elena would do everything in her power to save his life. You know that

Katherine: But Stefan is here. We were dancing. It was good, and I think he was even flirting with me, which is very naughty, even for him

Nadia: Listen. If you don't start acting like you care, they will figure out you're not Elena

Katherine: So if I happen to know exactly where he is, I'm supposed to go and put my life in danger to save that little rug rat's life?

Nadia: Do you know where he is?

Katherine: He's at that hideous Whitmore house. I recognize it from the picture. Apparently I'm the only one who's been to a Whitmore tea party

Nadia: Save him now!

Katherine: Ok. Fine, but in the meantime, I'm gonna need you to find out from Matt if Caroline has feelings for Stefan because she's really starting to grate. I need to know what I'm up against

[Mystic Grill]

(Nadia is waiting for Matt outside)

Matt: Who keeps calling you?

Nadia: Does Caroline have feelings for Stefan?

Matt: Caroline? I have no idea

Nadia: Think. Has Elena ever been worried Caroline might steal Stefan away? Have they ever fought about him?

Matt: Not that I know of

Nadia: So you think Elena can win Stefan back?

Matt: Why are you asking me about Elena?

Nadia: Forget we had this conversation

(She leaves. Tyler rejoins Matt)

Tyler: So was I right?

Matt: Ty, you're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you

(Nadia intervenes)

Nadia: You're not going to tell him anything

[Whitmore College]

(Stefan rejoins Katherine)

Stefan: You ok?

Katherine: I just can't lose Jeremy again. Stefan, please. Help me save him

(Bonnie and Damon rejoin Liv)

Liv: This room's off limits

Bonnie: Look. Under normal circumstances, I'd probably try to warm up to you, be your friend or something, but I'm kind of under a time crunch, and I need your help

Liv: Am I supposed to know you?

Bonnie: We're in sociology together. I'm Bonnie. My grams Sheila Bennett used to teach here, occult studies

Liv: Never heard of it or her, so...

Bonnie: I know you're a witch. I saw you spin that pen this morning

Liv: I have no idea what you're talking about

Bonnie: You don't have to be scared. I used to be one, too

Liv: Yeah. No. Try the campus coven club or something

Bonnie: I really need your help

Liv: Even if I wanted to help, I couldn't. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just some freak, ok? Now leave me alone

(Caroline intervenes)

Liv: Oh, my God! What the hell are you?

Caroline: You're gonna help my friend. Do I need to say it slower?

(Liv is sitting down with Bonnie. Caroline and Damon are with them too)

Liv: Vampires are real. Ok. That makes sense. Actually, that makes no sense

Bonnie: Concentrate. Forget about the vampires. Focus on tapping into your power, listen to the sound of your heart beating, the sound of your lungs filling with air

Damon: How long's this gonna take?

Caroline: For a newbie witch to learn a complicated spell under massive stress? I have no idea. Bonnie?

Bonnie: Repeat after me. Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinem

Liv: Wait. What?

Bonnie: Just relax. Now keep your eyes closed and use the blood to find Wes

Liv: I have no idea what he looks like

Bonnie: You don't have to

Damon: That a good sign?

Liv: I can't do this

Bonnie: Just concentrate. Try again

Liv: I can't do this. Don't you get it? I've done horrible things. I've set buildings on fire, I've hurt people. I can't control any of it

(Damon phones rings. He answers)

Damon: Witchy hotline. How my I help you? Damon speaking

Enzo: What's taking so long?

Damon: They seem to have lost motivation. Maybe you can inspire them

Enzo: Heh. With pleasure. Let them know Jeremy will be dead very soon

Damon: Thank you

(He hangs up)

Bonnie: What are you doing? Damon, call him back right now and you tell him to stop. Damon, call him back!

Damon: Just so you know, cooperation’s not optional

(Jeremy is Enzo’s prisoner)

Enzo: Damon tells me your sweetheart hasn't come through on your behalf

Jeremy: What are you gonna do? I'm sure k*lling me would really inspire her

Enzo: Heh. You know, you're right. She'll think I'm just some cliché m*rder*r. I really like to make a good impression, you know?

Jeremy: You don't have to do this

Enzo: You see, that's the thing about threats. If there's no follow-through, no one takes you seriously. Sorry to make this about me. See? Wasn't so bad

Bonnie: I've done bad things, too, ok? I've broken windows; I've set more fires than I can count

Liv: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Bonnie: I'm saying I learned how to control it. I can teach you the same thing. This is Jeremy

Liv: He's cute

Bonnie: Yeah, he is, and his life is literally in your hands

Liv: Ok. But if I go all Carrie and burn the school down, it's on you

Bonnie: Ok

(Stefan and Katherine find Enzo and Jeremy)

Katherine: Jeremy! Damn it, Jeremy!

(Stefan is with Enzo)

Stefan: You should have left when I told you to

Enzo: Did I give the impression I was taking orders from you? My bad

Katherine: Come on! Come on! Wake up, Jeremy

(Jeremy finally wakes up)

Katherine: Ugh. Thank God. Stefan, help me!

(Damon rejoins them)

Enzo: You missed all the fun

Damon: Spell worked. Wes is in Richmond

Enzo: Brilliant. I'll drive

Stefan: Damon... Don't bother coming back

Damon: I wasn't planning on it

[An Alley]

(Tyler wakes up. Matt’s here)

Tyler: What happened? Where's Nadia?

Matt: Sorry. Slight misunderstanding

Tyler: She snapped my neck. What the hell kind of misunderstanding is that?

Matt: You were right. She was compelling me but only because she wanted to talk about Katherine and she knew I was pissed at her. I guess they didn't really settle their mother-daughter issues before she died

Tyler: She wanted to talk about Katherine?

Matt: Yeah, but she knew that you would go after her if you knew she was frying my mind. I guess she's got that whole stone-cold survival thing going. Like mother, like daughter

Tyler: A little friendly advice. Stay the hell away from her

Matt: Yep. I plan on it

Tyler: You call me if she gives you any more hassle

(Matt rejoins Nadia in her car)

Matt: I took care of it

Nadia: If he follows us, I'll k*ll you both

Matt: I said I took care of it. Earlier on the phone, you weren't talking to Elena. You were talking to someone who needed information

Nadia: Do yourself a favor and stop asking questions

Matt: Your boyfriend once planted himself inside my brain. That's how you were planning on saving Katherine. She didn't die, did she? She jumped inside Elena

Nadia: The only thing easier than breaking your neck is taking off your magic life ring. Do you understand?

Matt: Yeah. What are you gonna do with me?

Nadia: I haven't decided yet. First, we need to get the Vervain out of your system, and then, we'll see

[Abandoned Hospital]

(Damon and Enzo are looking for Wes)

Enzo: So what do you say? Paper, scissors, stone for who gets to give Dr. Frankenstein his fatal blow

Damon: Nah. He's all yours

Enzo: Now don't tell me you're having second thoughts about leaving home

Damon: I was there for Elena. We're done. No reason to go back

Enzo: What about your brother?

Damon: You saw his face. I know that look. He's done with me, too

(They stumble upon travelers)

Damon: And you are?

Wes: My backup

Damon: You got to be kidding me

Enzo: What is this? Agh! More witches?

Damon: Close. Travelers

Wes: Good luck making new friends, Damon

[Whitmore College]

(Katherine is in the dorm. Stefan rejoins her)

Stefan: You ok?

Katherine: Oh. Um, you know, actually, would you mind? I think I still have a splinter in my back

Stefan: Yeah. Sure. Yeah. There it is. Try not to move

Katherine: Sorry. I think I know what you wanted to tell me tonight, Stefan

Stefan: Got it

Katherine: Damon k*lled Aaron, didn't he? You walked right through the threshold at the Whitmore house. You couldn't have done that if the owner hadn't been dead. Aaron was the owner

Stefan: Yeah. I… I should have told you. Sorry

Katherine: Why didn't you? I thought that we... Maybe I don't deserve anything from you, but I thought we could be honest with each other no matter what

Stefan: You want me to be honest?

Katherine: Yes

Stefan: All right. Truth is, ever since the first time I noticed you falling for my brother, I have been waiting for him to screw something up so badly that you would hate him, so I've been waiting and watching him do all these horrible things, and then every single time I think that he's gone too far, he's there for you, sometimes in ways better than I ever was. So the truth is after a while, I just stopped waiting for him to fail because I liked the person that he had become... And I don't want to lose that person

Katherine: He threatened my brother. Stefan, I can't go back to that

Stefan: I know

Katherine: But if you want to save him from himself, then I'll help you but not for myself and not for him. For you

[Abandoned Hospital]

(Damon regains consciousness)

Enzo: What… what'd he stick you with?

Damon: I don't know

Enzo: Come here

Damon: I can tell you, if he stuck me with that cannibal vampire poison, we might have a little problem

Enzo: What kind of problem?

Damon: Wes has this sick little scheme to destroy vampires by making them feed on each other. You hear that?

(Damon finally finds Wes’ prisoner)

Joey: Can you get me out of here? I don't want to be here. I need to get out. Thanks. I owe you. What's happening to you?

Damon: I'm gonna go ahead and say karma. Karma's happening to me

(Damon bites him and kills him)

Enzo: Damon? Damon, stop! Ok, I can see how this might be a problem