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02x01 - The Cave

Posted: 01/29/23 08:53
by bunniefuu
[heavy breathing]

[Jacob] Stay here,
I will be back for you.

- [Camila] There's been an accident.
- [Alma] What accident?

What are you talking about?
Where's Dad?

You were supposed to be there.

That was the plan.

[Jacob] I'm sorry
I wasn't there for you, my love.

But I'm here now.

[Alma] Am I losing my mind
like Geraldine?

[Jacob] No, no.

Uh, well, yes.

And no.
Some people can see more,

they can feel more,
they can know more.

Uh, your grandmother was one of
those people are you are, too.

One of those people?

You're mentally ill.
You didn't travel back in time.

And your father doesn't talk
to you because he's dead.

I'd break up with you right now.

But after
the timeline's realigned,

I'll have never even met you.

Dad didn't come.

I just need to be sure
Dad's not going

- to come out of that cave.
- I'll meet you in the car.

[heavy breathing]

[phone vibrates]

Please tell me you found her.

I found her.
She's safe.

Thank God.

- Sam, she's safe.
- That's a relief.

She's open to coming home,
and maybe even taking the pills.

What about
the mental health clinic?

I'll see if there's
a good time to bring it up.

She stole my car
and drove it to Mexico

to see her dead father.
She needs help, Becca.

I know, Mom.

We'll get her help.





Did it not work?



You can't do this to me again.




Ay niña.

You look lost.

Can I help?

Thanks, I'm fine.

My sister's waiting for me.

Is that why you're crying?


[sniffles] No.

I'm crying because...

because I can't be
who everyone thinks I am.

It's never too late
to change things.


But what if they're right
about me?

Do you think
they're right about you?

I just want to run away,
you know?

But instead I have
to climb into my mom's car

next to my sister...
and be the family f*ck up.

I don't see a car.


Where's the car?


[line ringing]

Hey, Alma. What's up?

"Hey Alma. What's up?"
Where are you?

I'm in Bora Bora.

I'm on my honeymoon with Reed.
We left yesterday

after the wedding.
You know this.

Wait. What?

Alma, it's :
in the morning, okay?

What do you want? You want
to talk to me? What's going on?

Wait. What?!

It's called time zones, okay?
You know how they work.

- Did it actually happen?
- Yes.

I actually married Reed.
And don't pretend

like you don't like him
because I know you do.

- Is that your sister?
- Uh-huh.

Tell her Bora Bora
is Bora Boring without her.


- Reed says hi.
- That's not what I said.

Becca, Dad... where is he?

How should I know, Alma?
I'm in freaking Bora Bora.

And Reed says it's
Bora Boring without you.

Thank you.

- She laugh?
- Mm-hmm.

Wait, bu-but
Da-but Dad is alive?

Jesus Christ, Alma.

Now you're freaking me out.
Did something happen to Dad?

No. No.

I-I just had a weird dream
that he wasn't alive.

But he is alive, right?

Alma, I am, like,
very tired, okay?

And I have to go parasailing
in three hours.

- Got to go. I love you. Bye.
- Wait, wait, but Dad's alive, right?

- I think my dad's alive.
- Wonderful.

Does that mean you can go home?

It means the world
is a magical place.

And anything is possible.

Well, I hope your life
will be perfect now

and everyone will love you.

Yeah. Me too.

♪ ♪

[nearby sniffling]

- Uh...
- Ah!

Are you okay?

Ah, yes. I'm fine.

Are you mad... at me?

Why would I be mad at you?

Don't know.

If you're looking for your
father, he's in his office.


[Jacob] Come in.


Hey, Alma.


It's me.

It worked.

The timelines realigned.


My Alma? Are you...

You're here?

You remember?


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. I didn't know
if it would ever happen!

Did you become energy?

- What was that like?
- Um, I don't know. Cool?


It's just incredible!


You're so... old now. [laughs]

Yeah, well, it's great
to see you, too.

I've been waiting for you

since I merged with myself.

That was Halloween night
years ago.

God, for me that was yesterday.

Well, you've been here
this whole time, too.

It's just that this
consciousness has-has merged

with this timeline.

That's you at the science fair.
High school.

You came in second place.

The kid who came in first
had built

a rocket ship powered
by grass clippings...

And you said,
"If you need more grass,

you should go mow our lawn."


I'm getting memories from here.

That's fascinating.
Here. Try this one.

[Alma] This is college.


You've been here for everything.

My whole life.

Me and Becca and your mom...

Oh! You're gonna be late.

- Late? For what?
- Class.

- [laughs] Class?
- You're a professor

here at the university with me.

You have a class right now.

- Shut up.
- Yeah, come on.

What? I can't teach college.

- Yes, you can.
- I just got here.

- I'll show you.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

[low, indistinct chatter]

You can do this.

[Alma clears throat]


I am your professor...

Professor Winograd-Diaz.

[students chuckling]

But, of course,
you already know that,

so it's weird
for me to say that.

[clears throat]

Come on, memories.

[taking deep breaths]


But what if I told you
I'm a tree?

Or a house.

What if I told you
I'm the Earth

and the sun and the moon

and the entire universe?

I'm the past...

and the present, the future.

I am all things.

I am... Teotzin.

Who is Teotzin?

What is Teotzin?

I got it!

In Nahua philosophy,
Teotzin is the sacred power

that animates everything
and is everything.

Teotzin is you.
Teotzin is me...

and-and the tree and the house.

All of it, all of us,
everything is Teotzin.

The appearance
that we're separate... merely an illusion.


That's cool.

[Alma] It just came to me.

All of that knowledge.
Oh, my God,

I can't believe
we get to do this together.

- I know. It's so thrilling.
- What else do I know how to do?

Well, I pushed you
to learn piano.

- You're pretty good.
- No kidding... I always wished

someone had forced me
to play piano.

And you speak Spanish.

[speaking Spanish]
Don't tell me this!

I speak Spanish?

Yes, I do speak Spanish!

I encouraged your mother
to speak her native language

around the house. Uh...

[speaking Spanish] And now I
speak a little Spanish, too!


Your accent is... hilarious.

I think you mean excelente.

No, I don't think
that's what I meant.

♪ ♪

And we should get back
into your dissertation.

Uh, dissertation?

Yeah. You're writing
your PhD dissertation.

Once you defend and publish,

you'll be tenure-tracked
and set for life.

Ah. Any way to skip ahead
a couple years?

- Because that sounds awful.
- Don't worry.

I'll help you with it,
like always.

[door opens]


what if I'm not as good as her?


- The other Alma.
- Other?

Uh, you are her, right?

You're just remembering
the other timeline.

This'll all come back to you.

You're gonna love this life.

Yeah. Right.

I know.

Hey, what are
my friends like here?

What about Sam?
Do I even know him?

Uh, we don't really talk
about that kind of thing.

Got it.

What are you doing
with these photos of your mom?

[Jacob] I'm trying
to understand her better.

You know, why she made
the choices she made...

why she lost her mind.

Like you were before.

Have you traveled back in time
to find out?

No. My abilities
are more limited

since I'm back
in my physical body.

So I'm just researching
the old-fashioned way.

- What have you found?
- Well, uh, she changed her first name

when she came through
the Port of Galveston.

That was pretty common,
wasn't it?

People wanted to assimilate,
or were forced to.

Yeah. But her first name was,
uh, Ruchel,

which translates to Rachel.

So why Geraldine?

Maybe we could travel back
together and find out.

- I'll help you.
- Uh, no, no.

Come on! It'll be fun!

♪ Father and daughter,
time travel cops! ♪

- Cops?
- ♪ Finding out all kinds of cool shit ♪

♪ About the past ♪

- It's too dangerous.
- Dangerous?

What do you mean?
We saved you, didn't we?

Think of what else we could do...

all the truths we could uncover,
all the lives we could help.

Yeah. Think of all
the damage we could do

and all the people
that we could hurt.

You know, we lucked out.

I got a new life.
You got a new life.

- Do you want to risk this?
- But you've always wanted to go back and help your mom.

That's why you started your
research in the first place...

so she wouldn't be

Your mother was worried
that I was schizophrenic,

so my research had to stop.

I focused
on you and Becca, okay?

You're my life now,
and I am happy.

Come on, let's just try not try.

- No, I don't want to.
- [taking deep breaths]


Alma, stop. Alma.


[continues screaming]

Aah! Dad!


[grunts, gasps]

- No.
- Alma.

I couldn't control it.

I couldn't go anywhere.

Oh, my God.

Do I not have abilities
in this life?

You haven't really tried,
but maybe it's an indication

that you
should leave that aside.

But what am I supposed
to do here?

You're supposed to make
the most of this life.

Right here, right now.

It's a great life
that we've built, together.

Your dad's alive.

Isn't that extraordinary enough?

Of course it is.

♪ ♪

[rattles doorknob]




[clears throat]

[playing minor-key melody]



♪ ♪

[alarm ringing, phone vibrating]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[other engine revving]

[horn honking]

[tires squealing]

[horn honking]

[woman screams]
[truck hits woman]

[truck racing away]

Oh, my God. Oh...



[speaking inaudibly]

[Camila] So...

how was the honeymoon?

[Becca] Great.

We stayed
in an overwater bungalow.

What is an overwater bungalow?

They build bungalows
right on top of the water.

So, like, in the morning,
you just open your door

and you go right into the ocean.

Yeah, I saw a woman
get hit by a truck today.

- Oh, my God. Is she okay?
- [Camila] Ay.

I don't know. There was nothing
I could do to help.

I just watched her flop around
like a dying fish.

Okay, Alma.

But then an ambulance came,

- so I'm sure she's fine.
- [Becca] Okay, well, good.

So she got the help
that she needed, right?


So, any chance we'll be
expecting a grandbaby soon?

Mom! Oh, my God.

Well, you're married.
What are you waiting for?

Truth is, we aren't waiting.

Reed! You're not supposed
to say anything

until we're actually pregnant.

Oh, sh**t. Sorry.

- That is exciting.
- It certainly is.

Yeah, congrats, I guess,
on having unprotected sex.

[phone vibrating]

Excuse me.

[Camila] Hello?

[Reed] You know,
they call them dinner rolls,

but I could eat them
all the time. Honestly.

[speaking indistinctly]


[Jacob] ...all the time.
Some people believe

that time is actually
all happening at once,

we only experience it linearly.

- [Alma] What?
- [Reed] Whoa.

Mind blown.

So, can I...
can I still eat this?

Here we go. Here we go.

Here we go.







Oh, yeah!


[rapid panting]

Dad. I did it.

I pushed through.
I traveled out of the fog.

Close the door.

But I-I keep trying, and I
keep ending up back in the fog.

Why is that?
Why can't I recreate it?

- I don't know.
- You're a brilliant physicist.

- Let's figure it out.
- We don't have to figure it out if you stop trying.

Uh, Dad...

I think something's up with Mom.

I saw her arguing with a man
in his car outside of the house.

I don't want to hear this.

But what if she's in trouble?

She's been crying and sleeping
during the day...

that is not her.

Then she jumped up during
dinner to take a phone call?

Mom. Phone n*zi.

If you think your mother's in
trouble, why don't you ask her?

Because she's obviously
keeping it a secret.

Maybe it's something
you don't need to know.

- But if I know, I can help her.
- Maybe she doesn't

- want your help.
- Maybe she doesn't want my help

but maybe she needs my help.

Alma, I have a second life here,

a second chance.

I'm doing everything I can
to deserve this.

I don't want to jeopardize it.

But we could make things
even better.

Or I could lose myself, again.

My research, my obsession
with accessing these abilities.

Do you remember
I left you on a street corner

when you were a child?

I've done terrible things.

That was a different you.

That is still a part of me.

I don't want to open the door

- to that guy.
- Dad, we have the power to help...

Your grandmother and I
lost ourselves,

and I don't want to see
that happen to you.

Dad, today, when I watched
that woman get hit by a truck...

I couldn't do anything to help.

Maybe it wasn't
your responsibility.

Not everything is.

[door closes]

[door opens]
[Alma] Becca.


Oh, I'm sorry we didn't say bye,
but I saw you were

in Dad's office,
so I figured you were working.

Becca. Can I talk to you

- for a second?
- I'll be in the car.

There's some Tahitian
ukulele music calling my name.

S... So silly.

Yeah. I wanted to ask you

is there something
going on with Mom?

Yeah, no, I know.

Something is definitely
going on with her.

I just tried to talk to her
about it,

and she won't talk to me.

- Well, what do you think it is?
- Well...

I did see something.

Early in the morning
after the wedding, I stopped by

to drop some stuff off
before taking our flight.

Mom was in the car
outside the house.

[speaking indistinctly]


What are you doing here?

[Alma] Oh, my God.

Wait, it was you.

You're the one who saw this.

What? [engine starts]
[horn honks]

No, Alejandro.
You need to go. Now!

Mom, who was that?

It's nothing. An old friend.

What? Who?

So you were thinking about this
during dinner.

What I saw, I saw through you.

You saw that?

But no one's ever been able
to see that before.


This has happened before?

- You can visit past memories?
- Well...

You can move through time
like that?

No, I'm not, like,
time traveling or anything.

- It's not weird like that.
- Becca.

You are time traveling.
You are a time traveler.

And so am I.

I mean,
I can't right now, but...

we can do this together.


♪ ♪