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05x20 - F.F. – The Witness

Posted: 01/29/23 08:30
by bunniefuu
Do not chase the bone. Leave it be.

Let his bone wander about freely.

Then, I will combine it with Jotaro Kujo's memory.

I will learn the truth!

The bone must have gotten implanted inside this green fruit.

Pale Snake is at this prison to discover what lies beyond this point.

What will it spawn?

He wants to know what transpires when it is born.

We'll leave you to find its User

and finish him off.


Who would have thought that was an attack?

His bodily fluids… He used his spit

to destroy my mouth before I realized it.

He att*cked me slowly, little by little.

What should I do?

Should I go after Jolyne's boat?


I will stick to my mission

and go finish off that Stand's User.

This is the most definite way.


Hey you.

Head toward that island.

Why are we stopping at this hidden place?

Hey, turn off the engine. Don't make a sound.

Don't you hear that?

I said hurry up and turn off the engine, idiot!

Emergency in the Disciplinary Wing area.

The entire facility is on Level security.

Stay on high alert!

That's a .mm M heavy machine g*n.

Its range is , to , meters.

A mere graze from that b*llet would blow our limbs off.

This old boat would be shot into pieces.

Hey, shut up.

You're shaking the boat.

Stay away from the steering!

Stay calm.

If they had spotted us, we would've been shot at.

Ten o'clock.

There was an unusual splashing by the bushes.

Maybe a fish or an alligator?

They're coming. We should leave!

Grab the leaves like this, master.

I told you to be quiet, dimwit!

No. I'm folding these leaves in half.

Here, let's weave it and rest it here.

Stick them here like this.

And now, let's paint your face.


Good, now let's get your face ready.

Emergency report!

All guards, return to the Disciplinary Wing!

I repeat, everyone back to their posts!

Turn back?

I'm not sure what's happening, but it sounds pretty serious.

Let's head back.

Where the hell did these guys come from?

Damn! Turn the engine on, hurry up!

It won't start in time!

We'll get shot before it gets going!

You there! What have you done at the Disciplinary Wing?

Listen! Do not move!

Put your hands on the floor! Stay down!

I said don't move, bastard!

Hit the ground, now!

-Our boat! -We can take their boat.

And you're doing it for us.

What just hit us?

I'm taking this boat.

I'm sure you don't mind. Don't get eaten by alligators on your way back.

Diver Drive!

Jolyne, are the plants still growing inside you?

Let's continue heading east. The sun is still going down.

So mean, tossing me around like I was a sack…

Oh, well.

Hey Jolyne, I'm sorry, but can you stop whistling?

We might hear the guards' boats again.



I can't speak!



This Stand…

He's here to do more than just run off with the green child!

He was slowly attacking us!

What's the matter?

You are breathing hard.

I feel the same way, Jolyne.

Can you feel my heart pounding?

You are suddenly getting close to me.

Do you finally understand how I feel for you?

Not my eyes, my tongue!

Are you at a loss for words?

I know how you feel.

But there's no need for words between us.

I feel the same about you.

You're dying to kiss me, right?

You want a deep kiss already?

When, and how did he attack us? I didn't notice at all.

I have to keep him in my sights!


Well, which is it?

Do you want to kiss, or not?

I know, is this a kink?

Like, you are particular about your kissing angle…

An auto-tracking Stand.

It follows our orders like a sl*ve and acts docile like a servant.

It pretends to be harmless.

But that's his method.

It's a Stand that strikes

when its prey lets their guard down!

At this rate, we're both toast.

Bring it on.

Try to attack me.

I must make Anastasia see what's happening.


That's my name.


Let me show you how to tan frog hide. Look here.

Rub this mixture made of fat and brains all creamy and thick

on the back of the frog skin.

This smoothes the hide.

If you want, I can go get ten more

and tailor up the coolest super mini-skirt using their hide.

It'll make your legs look ultra-long and slim, and your hips will look wide!

Jolyne, what is the matter? Seriously.

If a trigger is necessary,

there must be a trigger to his att*cks!

And if they're a*t*matic, then…

This is what I was waiting for.

I covered my skin with my threads and waited for something to touch it.

His att*cks set off automatically when we turn away.

That's his ability.

And now, I know how he att*cks.

He uses mosquitoes!

Jolyne, what's going on?


Was I wrong? Does he not use mosquitoes?

Or is he attacking in other ways too?




Master, you want me to keep driving this boat?

Or do you want to fight me one-on-one?

Or will you escape--

I was wrong. He doesn't use mosquitoes.

He att*cks in other ways.

Yes, give me more!

He att*cks in a way that can't be seen by the naked eye!


I do believe this is your last chance to escape.

I hope you are prepared.

Prepared to regret ever being born in this world.


Go to the back of the boat, at the corner of the port!

Take out everything you're hiding.

Spread them out by my feet. Now, show them to me!

Two rhino beetles, a microphone for singing,

low-calorie sugar packs, and three frogs.

One raw frog hide, a bundle of broccoli,

four mock strawberries, and two used matchsticks.

No, his belongings are irrelevant.

We are upwind of him, yet he is able to attack us.

An auto-tracking Stand… Your target is set, is that right?

Yes sir, my target is absolutely locked on

to Jolyne Cujoh since the very first time I touched her.

Your User commanded you to target her.

You won't try to escape until you've finished her off.


And if you want to be by her side, master,

I will finish you off along with Jolyne.

Could he be using his spit to attack?


You still don't get it, do you?

You can't destroy or stop me, ever.

The only way to survive

was to run away from me.

This boat… Should I stop it?

This splattering water…

If the spit he uses to attack

has already permeated the wetland waters, then…

Now, stand and go to the driver's seat.

Crank up the speed.

Now get up.

No, you'll make things worse.

If you speed up the boat, the water will splash everywhere.

Yes, if that's what you want, master.


Jolyne, he stopped attacking although the boat's speed hadn't changed.


Something's not right…

Birds! Hide!

Diver Drive.

I don't care how he att*cks.

Since he is a perfect auto-tracking Stand,

I buried a frog in his head

and connected its brain to his tracking sensors.

Try to track us as a frog as long as you exist!

Wait… what was I going to do?

I am an auto-tracking Stand.

My mission is to defeat Jolyne Cujoh and return with the green child.

Oh, dear.

I have no time to be bumming around!

I have to spatter my spit to attack Anastasia!

I'll create a static charge by causing friction

between the plastic and the propellers.

That'll make my spit fly everywhere!

He'll never figure it out!

Oh, but those birds are so scary!


Ew, I peed myself like those frogs do!

Woah, what a cutie! Look at those curves!

Let me ride you, darling!

Oh, a rhino beetle!

He won't bother us anymore.

We need F.F.'s help to heal the wounds.

All we need to do

is wait for F.F. to finish D an' G off and meet up with us.

What the hell happened to the Disciplinary Wing?

Where are the guards and the prisoners?

We've only been gone for around ten minutes!

Where did these plants even come from?

How do we explain this?

What is that prisoner's condition?

Is he able to talk?

Prisoner ME, D an' G.

He is in critical condition. His right arm almost got ripped off.

We can't question him.

I'll blow his head off for setting loose a Stand that's creepy as hell.

That man, isn't he the prison's priest, Father Pucchi?

What is a priest doing here?

Shit, forget about him for now.

What's more important is the definite death of D an' G.

Three hundred fifty-nine.

Three hundred sixty-seven.

Three hundred seventy-three.

Three hundred seventy-nine.

Three hundred eighty-three. Three hundred eighty-nine.

Three hundred ninety-seven.

And now, the four hundreds.

First, four hundred one.

Then, four hundred nine.

D an' G is gravely injured, meaning…

I must conclude that Jolyne Cujoh is still alive.

And the plethora of withered plants…

I take it that Dio's bone caused this.

Dio's bone is using the prisoners' bodies

to accomplish something outside of my imagination.


This is wonderful.

So it has finally begun.

I've been waiting for this moment for years.

What D an' G witnessed here…

I must ask him what he saw, in person!

Isn't that right, Survivor's Guccio? It seems you didn't see what happened,

but the plants must have set something in motion.

Doesn't this call for a celebration?

It will be in my hands soon.

What is true happiness?

I will attain heaven.

Sing praises. The thing that will be born is heaven itself.

The curtains to the new world have risen.


Yes, praise this moment!

Handel's "Messiah" is a true masterpiece!

How befitting…

It's as if the music exudes light.

It is said that Handel led this piece even the day before his own death!

All right, leave D an' G to the medics.

Question him after his treatment.

We must search for the other prisoners and guards.

-Now, go. -Yes, sir.

No, I will question him before he is treated.

I must not let what was conceived get lost!

Good. Now, start the car.

Yes, sir.

That woman…

That face underneath the hat!

You're done now.

Those who control auto-tracking Stands

are defenseless when the tables turn on them.

That's the risk you bear!

It's F.F.!

Why are they at this Disciplinary Wing?

Since when? This is bad!

They were after D an' G!

He has a disc!

Pale Snake is nearby!

Where is he?

Where did he throw the disc from?

Four hundred seventy-nine.

Four hundred eighty-seven.

Four hundred ninety-one.

Four hundred ninety-nine.

No way…

The one who threw it was…

It can't be him!

This is bad. It's very bad for me.

You are able to attack D an 'G here and now

because his Stand YA-YA MA is tracking Jolyne.

Pale Snake's User is…

This can't be!

There are things I must learn from him.

I cannot have him die yet.

So the one who controls Pale Snake is…

If that's true, then what?

Which do you prioritize?

Is it me?

Or is it finishing D an' G?

You are…

Father Pucchi.

You bastard!