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05x17 - Enter the Dragon's Dream / Enter the Drake's Dream

Posted: 01/29/23 08:28
by bunniefuu
My dear friend,

Dio's bone.

What's happening?

Where is the bone?

Where is his bone? Now tell me!

I feel the bone's presence from the Ultra Security House Unit.

Then Jolyne got punished on purpose

so that she gets confined at the Disciplinary Wing to find the bone!

Yes. But it's too reckless.

If I can obtain the bone first, Pale Snake will come after me.

And with him,

my father's stolen memory disc in his hand!

That small man…

I must find him.

He has the bone!

Is he hiding somewhere?

What if someone gets that small man before I do?

I must obtain the bone before I lose it again.

What happened here?

They are already done fighting.

And everyone in the Disciplinary Wing is abnormally bloated.

It's a Stand.

How many other Stand Users were sent here?

Are they the ones who did this?

Just what exactly did they do?

No, one User only has one Stand.

These prisoners were defeated by just one of these two guys.

How many other Stand Users were sent to this Disciplinary Wing?

At the least, there is one more User

who manipulates others into fighting by stimulating their minds.

Can you stand with that injury of yours?

That thread Stand of yours was most fascinating.

Especially since it's impossible to predict its next move.

Even more intriguing, though, is your mental strength.

Despite the damage to your body,

I can sense the growth you've had since the last battle.

When Pale Snake said he would send four Stand Users, including myself,

I questioned his judgment for sending such an excessive number of us.

But now, I understand him a little better.

Especially since he wishes to finish you off completely.

I am Kenzou, years old.

The secret to my longevity is eight and a half hours of sleep a day

and my daily "urine therapy," with just one cup every morning.

The important thing is to keep the habit going.

Have you heard of "urine therapy"?

If you want a fight, I won't back down.




Italian-style, specifically Naples.

Those are "f*ck you" gestures from around the globe.

I will start by telling you the conclusion.

These prisoners drowned to death.

I drowned them, so their bodies are bloated like that.

And it seems that I won't be facing you just yet.



He knew I was sneaking up on him from the bloated bodies.

My preemptive strike failed.

Not only that, but that bloated corpse got in the way of my F.F. g*n.

Close call.

F.F., how did you get in here?

I made it in the nick of time.

Looks like you're in some deep shit.

I'll fill up your wounds in a second.

That man… who was he again?

Right, he was at Emporio's hideout with Weather Forecast.

Before I heal you, Jolyne, I'll take care of this geezer!

Southeast, degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Their sweat…

It will drip.

Will they open their mouth?

Do you want to drown?


I don't know what your plans are, but I sure love water.

See if it works on me--

The time it takes for humans to drown in water

is between five to seven minutes for those who have been trained.

That's only if there's air left in the lungs.

But let's say all the air is sucked out from both lungs.

In this condition,

humans drown to death instantly with a mere few drops of water!

I directly struck

your fourth cervical vertebra by going through your throat.

It contains nerves connected to your kidney.

The adrenal gland!

It produces bodily fluids that lubricate the respiratory system

like oil does to an engine.

Even a few drops of water

will make you feel as if you are being swallowed up in a giant wave!

I can't breathe!

Right now, I'm in the body of an average human, Atroe.

This is bad, this body won't last!


Do you want to drown too?

Jolyne Cujoh!

I have you!

What are you?

Are you really human?

Don't stand.

Just observe them from here for now.

Shouldn't you be assessing what kind of Stand User that geezer is?

The problem here is not that he drowned those prisoners,

but that he dodged every b*llet.

It may seem insignificant, but how did he do that?

That's more dangerous, don't you think?

What brought you here?

Your name is Anastasia, right?

I love you. I couldn't wait to be here with you.

Say what now?

That old man has been incarcerated here for years now.

He's an idiot who drinks his own piss.

I thought I hadn't seen him at the male wing for a while,

but who would've guessed he was here?

Even worse, he now has a Stand.

In the autumn of ,

this geezer k*lled people, all young men and women.

His sentence is for years.

Though he's old now, he was when he received his sentence.

He was the self-proclaimed founder of a cult.

His sect was so popular that even Hollywood stars joined it.

However, his cult's activities clashed with society,

so the police and the FBI intervened.


this geezer locked himself and of his followers

in an estate here in Florida.

He attempted to burn everyone to death.

Kenzou drugged every follower and set the building on fire.

All the believers burned to death, but the founder survived.

Strangely enough,

it so happened that a part of the wall collapsed on him,

protecting him from the smoke and fire.

He was barely alive when he was rescued.

There's no doubt he intended to die.

What am I trying to say?

Who knows.

I can't say for myself.

Either way, Kenzou alone survived.

He cannot leave this prison, but he wasn't put to death, either.

These are the facts surrounding this man.

I don't know what you are, but I can tell your strongest power.

The secrets to your strength, yes.

I can clearly sense something else other than blood

running through your veins.

Is that your Stand?

Or are you an entirely different being?

Those things do not change your weakness.

Your weak points and body structure

are the same as any other human, including the blood flowing within you.

Do you want to drown again?

This time, you will not survive.

Southwest, degrees, minutes.

He made something appear in his hands again.

What is that?

And what is his weird footwork for?

Let's see the direction of your dragon.

F.F., it's behind you!


It's useless, so stop attacking me!



It's useless. So stop attacking me.

I said, your enemy is the geezer!

You don't listen, do you?

I don't pick sides.

Your att*cks will only pass through me.

Face forward! You better watch out.

The geezer's coming for you!

I have no right to butt in.

Mind you, the geezer.

The geezer is your enemy.

This dragon!

Is this dragon's ability allowing Kenzou to dodge my b*ll*ts?

And here he comes.

This speed…

Those don't seem like punches from a -year-old.

Now I can enter the dragon.

What's going on?

What did he do to his own arm?

His arm flew behind F.F.'s head!

That was close.

But they blocked his attack in their own weird way.

His arm disappeared the moment he touched that dragon Stand.

Does it conceal the direction of his next strike?

What is that dragon-like thing?

Does your arm fly off when you touch that dragon?

You still punch like an old geezer, though.

Wrong, F.F.

I can already see what will happen.

But no one else can predict it.

Don't say unnecessary things! Stop your yapping.

You are supposed to stay neutral!

You're keeping it to yourself, that's not fair!

Just tell them!

You opened your mouth.


Was that a coincidence just now?

That prisoner's glasses flew up and stabbed F.F's face!

Unlucky direction.

I'm starting to understand it.

He's using feng shui.

There is a principle called feng shui in East Asia.

Kenzou's footsteps pointing to cardinal directions indicate it.

As if predetermined, he advances his att*cks from one direction.

Furthermore, the Stand in his hands…

Kenzou uses that dragon-like Stand to choose his direction of attack.

Feng shui?

What's that?

Direction of attack?

Feng shui.

It's a divination method much like tarot card reading and astrology,

except it's not fortune-telling.

According to Eastern philosophy,

there are natural forms of energy such as wind energy and water energy

flowing through mountains and valleys.

The flow of such energy is used to guide one's life.

For example, feng shui is used

to determine the luck found in an area, house, and even a room.

If the land or house faces an unlucky direction,

it is said to affect the wealth, health, and fortune of those who live there.

In times of w*r,

an enemy castle's feng shui was read to decide which direction to attack from

in order to make the enemy fall.

On the other hand,

temples were built at castles' unlucky directions

to counteract bad fortune.

This provided further protection to strongholds.

Not only that, but feng shui's philosophy is even applied to human anatomy.

There's such thing as assassination feng shui.

You can use feng shui to determine

the luckiest direction of attack against a human.

Then, no matter how the opponent tries to block the advances,

it is possible to approach the target without letting them in on the offensive.

Thus, making the assassination easy.

In other words, the unlucky orientation.

Kenzou's Stand must rely on this principle.

F.F. must fight against the direction of worst luck.

That dragon Stand points to the best direction for a k*lling blow.

When that geezer's attack overlaps with the dragon's location,

F.F.'s fate is sealed.

Who would've thought that Kenzou has mastered assassination feng shui

during his years in prison,

manifesting it as his Stand ability!

Feng shui shows the direction he should take.

The same concept applies for defending.

F.F. missed every shot.

That was the reason!

It's because feng shui worked in his favor and protected him.

Is that right?


When he has the dragon in his hands, he can read his safest direction.

After moving to that area, he then prepares to strike.

The dragon points to the orientation best for k*lling.


It wasn't a coincidence that the glasses hit you!

Don't let Kenzou move toward the dragon!

I don't really understand it,

but you must not let Kenzou touch the dragon!

Look at that, Drake's Dream!

They figured out my trick because of your blabbering!

Shut up, old freak.

I'm not your henchman!

Feng shui should be open to anyone.

But it's true that the old geezer benefits most from me.

F.F., this area is your worst luck.

Just above your left ear.

This area is the worst weak point for you.

Your lucky color is yellow, and pictures of goldfish bring you luck.

If you have any, that is.

F.F., he's behind you!

So you'll chop me, will you?

I don't even need to position myself in the dragon's orientation.

His defensive stance is also an attack.

Must be derived from tai chi.

Your mouth is mine!

Another instance where the defensive stance is also an attack.

You wench!

Using the dragon's orientation seems to be the surest path to victory.

I made your hand overlap with the dragon!

It works the same as if I attack.

Your own arm will now hurt you!

My attack overlapped with your orientation of death!

Bastard, what did you just do to me?

What did you do with my arm just now?

I just said it's the orientation for worst luck.

That's the power of orientation for you.

I can't predict what happens next, and if I were you,

I'd try to reduce the damage to a minimum.

F.F., get away from there!

The meteorites destroyed the supports! The fan will fall on you!

Oh, the fan isn't your threat.

The boomerang is.
