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05x14 - Kiss of Love and Revenge (2) / Smack of Love and Revenge (2)

Posted: 01/29/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
It may be possible to attain heaven.

Can you be more specific?

I've recorded it in a notebook.


before I learned of his methods…

I laid in wait for over two decades

to gain access to Jotaro Kujo's memory.

The contents of the notebook are within his memory.

The m*rder*r had planned to steal my father's Stand by giving it form.

That's his ability.

My dad's not dead.

If I get his Stand back, he will come back to life.

I won.

Don't underestimate me, bitch!

Nothing has changed.

Even with Star Platinum, your father is still a living mummy!

The User has my father's memory disc.

Now's my chance to find its User!

There's something I want you to try doing to it.

Is that a human bone?

Whose is it?

It doesn't concern you.

Let's just say that it belongs to an old friend of mine.

My dear friend,

Dio's bone.


Damn, it got my leg.

Ermes, just what is happening here?

-Is this a Stand attack? -That's right.

Run! It's charging towards you!

It's already on the move!

Stone Ocean!


So this is a Stand ability.

He must have gotten a disc from Pale Snake.

This must mean…

I see now.

Jolyne, take F.F. and get out of here.

This is my problem.

You stay out of it.

No, Ermes.

This isn't just your problem anymore.

Sports Maximum must be after something.

Most likely, it's related to my father's stolen memory.

He is trying to find something within these prison walls.

And we can learn what he's plotting

by reading the disc inside Sports Maximum's head.

Jolyne, focus on escaping this corridor for now.

He has got to be close to drowning in that pipe.

If we can hold out until then, his ability will disappear.

-Something's off. -What?

Where is it?

The invisible stuffed alligator.

If it moves, the threads should vibrate

and show me its location.

It's on the wall!

The hell?

Shit, an invisible corpse has no concept of up and down.

It can travel on the floor or the walls!


I'm the one you want, bastard!

You're wrong, Ermes.

He's no longer just an enemy of you two.

This bastard bit off my left leg.

Where is my leg now?

In its stomach?

So this assh*le is my enemy too.

Stay back, F.F.

We don't know where it is.

It'll take a bite out of you!

Stop, F.F.

You're right.

It'll bite me.

That's all these corpses can do.

But it's fine.

I got my hand inside its mouth.

We did it.

I felt it going down.

Isn't this a part of your mauled shoulder?

Dammit, it may not be big enough to patch up.

He chomped your shoulder to pieces.

Here, F.F.

Oh, thanks.

-Ermes, come closer. -Yeah?

Ermes, am I correct

that we were att*cked by an alligator-like ghost?

Sports Maximum controls these ghosts.

No, I don't think that's right.

It was way too vicious.

It wasn't a ghost, but an invisible corpse.


A living dead that hunts for blood by instinct.

Sports Maximum's ability can create invisible zombies.

The pipe!

What is it now, Ermes?

What happened to Sports Maximum?

Did he drown to death?

I can't tell.

It's too dark for me to see.

He may be lodged deeper in the pipe.

Or, maybe he…

These handprints…


My throat is coated with shitty water.

I want to rinse my mouth, dammit.

What was I about to do?

Where was I trying to go?

Oh, I remember it now.

The chapel…

I'm headed to the chapel.

My mission…

is to find that piece of bone.

If you fail, surely you understand

that the ability I bestowed will no longer be yours.

I know it.

My ability, Limp Viscuit, can find that bone.

The bone Pale Snake ordered me to find.

I can find it.


I sure could use a break before I start.

Like a good scrubbing and something to drink.

Something refreshing.

That woman there…

Perfect timing.

She's a bitch type… What was her name?

I can't recall it.

I'll just call her a bitch.


Won't even greet me though I'm bribing him.

Hey, how's it going?

Are you on duty?

I could use a drink.

You want to go to the cafe with me?

Afterward, we can have a little fun in a corner in some room.

We can rub each other's bodies all over.

assh*le, how dare you touch me?

You touched me. You better pay up first!

What are you talking about?

Little shit.

How dare he touch you when he hasn't even paid?

What the…


Where did Sports Maximum go off to?

He must have escaped that pipe while we were dealing with the alligator.


Maybe he has already turned into an invisible corpse.

That was just a little kick.

Stop fooling around!

Fooling around?

He looks down on you once and it's over for you, bitch.

Do whatever it takes to make him pay up.

Lend me a hand, and let's find his cash.

Are you listening? Come on, help me.

He's got something on his sleeves.

What's this?

Oh, so you will pay me?

Why didn't you say that first?

That's what I just said. Listen closely, idiot.

What else can he be hiding? What about here inside his mouth?

Hold on, you want to do it right now, right here?

I don't get it.

What is it that you want to do?

Come on, stop fooling around.

I don't do that kinky stuff.

I'll be taking this. You had something nice, after all.

What the hell is this?

This isn't a drug.

It's seeping out of my skin.

This smell…

It's sewage!

It's the stench of sewage!

My body…

The filthy water seeping out of my body reeks of…

f*ck! No, I can't already be…

The hell?

It's flowing from midair. The f*ck's going on?

I didn't want anything to drink in the first place.

I wanted to devour something!

I wanted to devour and satisfy this craving!

Yes, the brains!

I remember it now.

I drowned to death in that pipe.

Shit! She did this to me!

That younger sister of Gloria Costello!

That bitch, how dare she do this to me?

How dare she!

I thirst!

Ermes, look over there.

Oh, my.

Be careful. He's out of the pipe just as I thought.

How did he do this to her?

Did he bite her to death?

Are human teeth capable of such a vicious attack?

Can they destroy a human body like this?

He's no longer human, neither in intelligence nor morals.

But Pale Snake's disc is with this man, without a doubt.

I'll do whatever it takes to get that disc.

Jolyne, you wait outside.

Damn, he slipped out.

Don't leave my side, Ermes.

We're trapped in!

He is capable of thinking just like a human!

Stay away from the wall!

We already know that he's not confined to the floor!

We'll track his location three-dimensionally!

There you are!

You chose to hang from the ceiling.

Sounds like I crushed some bones.

Grabbing with his broken wrist? Right, he's already a corpse.

Stone Ocean!

He's caught!



That's not Sports Maximum!

He's using the dead woman's body as a decoy!




Where? Where the hell are you, fucker?


Don't move anymore, Jolyne.

He's not your enemy.

This is between me and Sports Maximum.

Like I said, Ermes.

This goes beyond

your personal desire for revenge.

No, not even beyond.

We are already out of time and energy to even plan.

Look over there.

-He can't be… -He's had us…

cornered the entire time.

He has already revived them.

The invisible undead.

Who knows how many are lurking and where.

We're surrounded, Ermes.

Let's turn back for now.

Staying alive is our priority.

We must open that door so that we can escape.

I'll extend the thread as much as possible to get F.F.

We'll retreat for now.

Retrieving the disc

and getting your revenge can wait.



That's what's important here, Jolyne.

Revenge matters most even to Sports Maximum,

who is lurking somewhere in this room.

He wants to get revenge for being drowned to death.

He must be overcome by vengeance right now.

He wants to maul me to death and fill his mouth with blood.

-What are you-- -Sports Maximum will make sure

-that he's the one who kills me. -Ermes.

Listen, Jolyne.

Some people will say getting even won't bring my sister back.

As if they know what I went through.

And others tell me forgiveness is important.



Forcing myself to forget how it feels

to have family thrown in the gutter and live on?

I refuse to live like that,

and I've braced myself for this moment.

Revenge is the way to settle the score with my fate.

No, Ermes.

Fighting him to the death?

Stop. Step back, Ermes.

I'm reaching F.F. at this very moment.

Five, no, seven of the undead

are severing my threads and closing in on us!

Don't do this, Ermes!


Which direction would he strike from?

My… consciousness…


She copied her head with her sticker!

The seal of kiss…

is my license for revenge!

I found you, Sports Maximum!

I knew you'd try as much.

Just like when you trapped me in that pipe,

I knew you'd use that sticker to copy an object.

Your ability won't work against me anymore.

After all, I am…

already dead.

Shit, it didn't work.

Where the hell is he?

You can't hear my voice, can you?

But I'll say it anyway.

It's your sister's fault for witnessing what she shouldn't have.

Er… mes…

Damn! Missed again!

Because of your sister,

I fell into your hands, and look at me now.

I will never get over this feeling.

Not this one.

Nor this one.

Listen up.

Even if I eat your brains

and stuff the shit in your guts into your emptied skull,

I will never get over what you did to me.

It's over!

Now, I will finish you off!

Ermes was waiting for this exact moment!

The moment he removes the sticker so he can maul her head!

Remove the sticker,

and the copy fuses back to the original.

Even if Sports Maximum had swallowed the duplicate earlier!

I know exactly where you are now!

Aim slightly above.

The midsagittal plane of your face!

She got him!


This kick is for Gloria.

Sounds like the bones on your face broke just now.

Think of it as Gloria smashing your face.

And this…

is also for Gloria!

Make mincemeat out of this bitch!

You plan on hiding again.

Well, you won't be able to.

A sticker split your head in two.

Remove this sticker, and it returns to the original.

The next hit is also for Gloria.

And the one after that too.

And so is the next one!

The next one too.

They are all for Gloria!

This one,

and this one too!

Take this!

And this!

This, this, and this!

This, this, this, and this!

They're all for Gloria!

I don't know why, but tears started rolling down.

I just want… to cry next to you.

But I may not have that kind of time.


Where are you? Come heal her!


Open this door.



Emergency alarm,

Commons Area A, Mausoleum.

Stop right there!

What's going on here?

Don't move!

Prisoner FE.

Name, Jolyne Cujoh!

After reading that disc, I now understand.

I know what I must do in here now.