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05x12 - Torrential Downpour Warning

Posted: 01/29/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
Who is he?

She's Jolyne Cujoh!

Not Lang Rangler!

Should I assume that he failed, and she's the one with the disc?

In a matter of minutes,her ally will come and get the disc at the courtyard.

He's the chaplain of this prison.

Why is he here now?

She knows who I am.

No, she would've already att*cked me if she knew I was her enemy.

Wait! Please, Father!


Don't sound the alarm!

I'm not here to cause any trouble!

What should I do?

It would be easy to beat him unconscious.

That's nothing compared to my father's life.

Hitting him is nothing…

There is already a problem.

You unlocked the door using another inmate's work permit.

Where is the owner of this permit, the inmate, Lang Rangler?

I know I just met you, and I don't expect you to believe me.

But I'm no liar, Father.

That inmate att*cked me.

It was self-defense.

He's passed out in that basket over there.

I must report this to the authorities.

I understand, Father.

But it has to be after I go to the courtyard.

I only need two minutes…

No, give me just a single minute, Father.

I must go to the courtyard. That's all I ask.

You want me to turn a blind eye?

It's a matter of life and death.

My father's life and soul depend on it.

A man of God should understand.

Are you here by yourself?

Is there anyone else with you?

No, I'm alone.

I lied to a chaplain.

But surely, a small lie can be forgiven.

And I can't tell him about the disc.


I only need a minute.

Doing something for others is all an act of expecting a reward.

To be kind to others is to expect kindness from others.

There is no such thing as unconditional love.

Because unconditional love

is a reward to go to heaven.

You may go.

I will pretend I didn't see you here.

But only a minute as requested.

You have to come back to this gate by then.

I have no choice.

Someone is hiding behind that container.

If she has an ally with her,

I can't reveal myself.

I can't expose Pale Snake and k*ll Jolyne.

The Speedwagon Foundation said

I'll know how to hand over the DISC once I arrive

once I go to the courtyard.


Do you have a pass permit?

Seems like you don't have one.

You are charged with attempted escape.

What?What just happened?

I never intended to sound the alarm.

I made the right move

to have a prison guard watch the courtyard.


It was .

I befriended a man from Egypt

who claimed that he had the power to stop time.

This man suddenly said to me…

There may be a way to go to heaven.

He was young and beautiful,

and yet he had the countenance of a man who has lived for centuries.

I was at that time. A student advancing my studies.

Hey, don't make a face.

I'm not talking about death.

The heaven I'm talking about pertains to our spirits.

The place our spirits are headed.

The power of our mind must surely evolve there.

And ultimately where our spirits end up.

Surely, you understand what I'm talking about more than anyone.

True happiness lies there.

Only if you can reach heaven.

I know that happiness

can't be obtained by having the mightiest body, the most money,

or the highest status.

True victory

belongs to those who have seen heaven.

I will do everything to reach that end.

Can you be more specific?

I've recorded it in a notebook.

Come visit Egypt sometime.

I will show you then.

I will need your help

to test my theory.


before I learned of his methods…

his notebook was burned to ashes.

The one who burned it was Jolyne Cujoh's father,

Jotaro Kujo.

Jotaro read the contents of that notebook.

And he sealed its contents forever

along with Dio Brando who aimed for heaven.

I laid in wait for over two decades

to gain access to Jotaro Kujo's memory.

The contents of the notebook are within his memory.

And I finally obtained his memory

along with Star Platinum, which surpassed Dio.

And now, Jotaro's body will only decay.

Though his daughter has acted quite unpredictably at this prison,

my plan is back on schedule.

She got shot!

Jolyne got shot!

Who? Was it a guard?

Or did our enemy learn of our plan

and Pale Snake is lurking nearby?


The guard will retrieve Star Platinum.

My business here is finished.

I shall return to the chapel.


What was this thing?

It's a disc.

That's right,

I was ordered to retrieve this disc.

He also ordered me to finish her off completely.

But whose order was it?

I don't remember…

Anyway, I received an order

to blow her brains out.

It's over.

There's nothing more I can do.

I cannot help you…

You're finished,

Jolyne Cujoh!

What the hell?!

My ability, Weather Forecast,

manipulates the weather.

This is all I can do.


I may not be able to save you,

but I can still protect the disc.

And if you still have the conviction,

you too may be able to make it out.

Between and , in Florida alone,

it was reported

that more than cases of fish, frogs, snakes and sheep fell from the sky.

The cause is attributed to tornadoes and whirlwinds.

And these are poison dart frogs,

which live atop the trees of Central and South America.

It carries subcutaneous poison so deadly, even aboriginals used them for blowguns.

What the hell are these frogs?!

These are…

These frogs.

Aren't they poison dart frogs, known for their toxicity?

Once their poison enters the body, it takes mere seconds

for the heart and respiratory system to shut down.

That's what's splattering along with their body fluid right now.

Pale Snake!

This ability…

Could it be his, who manipulates the weather?

Weather Forecast.

He should have lost his memory.

Was he the one hiding behind the barrel?

This is bad! Card key!

These frogs are poisonous.

What happened to me?

Did I get shot?

Are the wounds deep?

The poison, it's seeping through the threads!

Someone, open the gate!


Calm down.

I must keep my composure.

What do I do in such a situation?

Two, three, five.

Calm down.


Count prime numbers and calm down.

Prime numbers are solitary numbers that can only be divided by and itself.

They give me strength.



No, .


The frogs are covering my dollar pants!

Weather Forecast is in the laundry room.

He's too far.

I cannot stop this downpour of frogs.

I must escape.


That's right.

The guard in the courtyard.

He's still under my command by the disc. What happened to him?

Guard, do you hear me?

I order you to come here!


Help me!

Ask God to save me, please!





What a potent poison.

-Tell God to save me! -So you do hear me.

Give me your card key!

Will I make it out?

Hey! Don't take it out right now, idiot!




What is going on here?

These frogs…

I'm saved!

Open the gate immediately!


What's going on?

I don't know! A tornado, most likely.

Anyway, hurry it up!


I'll open it now.

These frogs, they're…

What are you doing?

There's an unconscious guard on this side.

Hurry, open the door!

An unconscious guard?

Hold on, Father.

I'll get help right away!

Wait! Where are you going?

Just open this door!

That's it!

I understand,

but what if I need permission?

Let me ask my superior.

Stay calm. Calm down, Father!

I am very calm.

The one who's not calm…



…is you!

You dare abandon me?

I'll be back soon, Father!

Pale Snake!

Give me a disc!

I may not be able to control all of them,

but I can control one frog.

Explode after jumping ten meters.

I order you!

My eyes!

Save me. Father, call for help, please!






I'm right here.

You believe that

if I leave here and call for help,

you could get treated right away.

That is what you're thinking, right?

Then come towards my voice.


Jotaro Kujo's disc, Star Platinum.

What should I do with it?

I have eliminated Jolyne Cujoh, but I cannot leave her there.

Did the gate open?

Take me with you…


Where are you, Father?!

I'm at the end of my rope.

I can't guard against the the poison!

The disc that I let go…

I don't know where it is anymore!

The rain stopped.

Where is Jolyne Cujoh's corpse?

The disc must be close by.

That was vexing,

but my Snake would never lose to frogs.

Search for it.

Pale Snake's range is meters at most.

It would pose a serious problem if anyone spots me here,

but I'm out of options.

The soul of a dead criminal

returns to the earth in the form of a frog in want of companions to the afterlife.

I've heard of such a legend existing in the East.

Doesn't it describe this hellish scene perfectly?

And the disc must be somewhere around here.

Pale Snake.

Search towards the gate from there.

The guard might have taken it.

It must be within that direction.

I found it!

I've recovered the disc.


I was waiting for you to find it.


It's grossing me out.

They're stuck on my face. Yuck.

The frogs splatter poison when they hit the ground and burst.

If they aren't crushed, they are harmless.

I made a net with the living frogs

to lessen the impact of falling frogs.

And I waited for you to find the disc.

What a futile attempt!

I'll k*ll you, you piece of shit!

He was already here.

The envoy from The Speedwagon Foundation, that is.

He wasn't even human,

and he came exactly on time.

He weaved past the rain of frogs and reached this courtyard.

Savage Guardian is the name of a pigeon.

The trained homing pigeon will carry the disc to the right place.

Pale Snake!

The g*n the guard dropped is by the gate!

sh**t the pigeon down!

That damn guard!

He used up all the b*ll*ts!


I won.

Don't underestimate me!

Nothing has changed.

Even with Star Platinum, your father is still a living mummy!

He won't even recall his own daughter!

Look! A guard is down!

Don't step on the frogs!

Search the courtyard!

Someone might be there!

Don't blank out yet.

Its Stand User must be close by.

I must find Pale Snake's Stand User first.

The User has my father's memory disc.

Now's my chance to find its User!

Hey! Look out the window!

Oh my god!

It's a miracle! It has to be!

But who's going to clean this up?

The tide hasn't changed.

I took Jotaro's Star Platinum

only out of my pledge to avenge Dio, my friend.

The memory disc is the one that matters,

and it's in my hands.

Everything is according to plan.

Only Jotaro's memory

contains clues to attain heaven.

An abnormal situation where the frogs rain only in the prison courtyard.

Jolyne's escape attempt was unquestioned in this chaos.

And The Speedwagon Foundation obtained Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum disc.

But Jotaro's soul won't return without the Memory disc.

Sports Maximum.

I wanted to ask you about this bone.

I want you to try something using your ability.

Is that a human bone?

Whose is it?

That doesn't concern you.

Let's just say it belongs to an old friend of mine.

My dear friend,

Dio's bone.