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05x03 - The Visitor (1)

Posted: 01/29/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
This court finds the defendant, Jolyne Cujoh…

You're an interesting one.

So what did you do? Why did you get thrown in?

I'm innocent.

…shall be confined to Green Dolphin Street State Prison

for years.

What is this?

Turns out you have an ability.

"Stone Ocean."

I'll become free from this ocean of stones.


Stone Ocean.

When unraveled, this thread can reach far.

However, it becomes less powerful and inflicts less damage.

When it bundles, it hardens.

Its reach is reduced to about two meters.

Can I break through the bars with Stone Ocean?

No, it lacked the strength to do so.

The most it could do was this.

My mental energy is harnessed using the stone inside the charm.

I'd like to get out of here using this power,

but now's not the time yet.

First, I need to learn

all I can about this place.

Hey, you.

I'm talking to you!

Sorry, but can you lend me some change?

I've got some in my room, but the call is about to disconnect.

I can pay you back as soon as I'm done. A dollar is all I need.

I haven't spoken to my family in a while.



Thanks! You saved my skin! I'll pay you back for sure!

Move, bitch! Don't try to cut in line!

Hold on!

I was waiting for her to finish for minutes!

I didn't see you waiting in line!

Dumbass, you must be new.

You've got to reserve these phones in advance.

No one told me that!

Well, now you know.

Also, the reservations are made a month in advance.

A month?

Why should I wait a whole month for a few minutes of phone time?

That's what's strange about prison, isn't it?

Hey, I'll buy that spot on the phone from you.

And this is the cause of the phenomenon.

Hey, Mom!

I want to call her. I need to hear her voice.

The voice of my mom…


How do you fare?

Shut your trap! Keep away from me!

I already told you I'm through with you!

Don't push me away like that.

I'm giving you a warning.

You messed up big time just now.


You just lent a dollar to that blondie, right?

Get her to pay you back right now.

No, your life here will be over if you don't get it back now.

What are you saying? Of course, she'll pay me back.

It was just a dollar.

Hey, you said "just a dollar"!

You're digging your own grave with that mentality!


Listen closely, Jolyne.

At the Aquarium,

lending or borrowing money between inmates

is one thing you should avoid at all costs.

Even if it's just a dollar.

Let's say that you fail to get the dollar back.

You know what will happen?

You'll become a bottom feeder like her.

"Jolyne the newbie couldn't even extort back her dollar."

The rumor will spread like wildfire

and you'll be the target in no time.

Just like her.

One after another, every single day.

Once you're out of money, you'll be forced to give your body and even your mind.

Isn't that what hell on earth is like?

Hey, now. You're exaggerating.

Am I, now? It was "just a dollar" for her at first.

See that blonde from earlier?

She went to her room,

but she's not planning on coming down for you.

I'm telling you for your own sake.

Got a minute?

Oh, hello there.

Apparently, this one's a classic.

Have you read it?


I'm here for the money.

Are you ready to pay me back?

Oh, of course.

A dollar, right? I haven't forgotten.

It's all in my head, don't worry about it.

I'll pay you back later.

You said you have the money in your room.

You went back, right? Do you have it now?

Shut up, you bitch!

I said I'll give it back later. I don't have it now, you hear me?

You a tightwad or what?

Anyway, can you lend me ten more?

I can call up friends on the outside and ask for more money!

Please? You've got to have some on you. Come on, don't be shy!

What's this…

What the heck is this?

I can't hold it in!

Hey, you in there!

Can you hurry it up?

I know you're in there!

I'll give you the dollar!

-Please! -You'll pay me later, right?

Don't worry about it. Take your time.

I'll buy the time from you! I'll pay five… No, ten dollars!


Sorry. That'll be ten dollars.

Hey, you.

Go use the bathroom next.

Someone else will have the urge to use it soon.

It's up to you whether you can get your money back, though.

You're the only one who can save yourself.

What the… What's going on?

That's right, I'll be leaving soon.

Somehow, I'll get out.

Inmate number FE.

I'm returning to my cell.

Please unlock this door.

Tomorrow at noon,

you will have a visitor.

But you must not meet him.

You must not go to the visitation room.

If you do,

you and others will be in grave danger.

A fate more terrible than death will happen.

Who was that just now?

How did a child sneak in here?

Hey you!

Didn't you hear my order to standby?

Do not touch the bars!

Stand back!

Open the door.

Right now!

I said do not grab the bars!

A visitor is coming tomorrow at noon.

Not to see you, though,

but someone in the next building, you know what I mean?

That's the intel.

Oh, by the way,

you got it on backwards.

Your pants, I mean.

You're overreacting.

Sorry about yesterday, FE.

But it's your fault for grabbing onto the bars like that.

Rules are rules.

I had already let go.

But you still hit me twice.

What? Did you mutter something? Couldn't hear you.

Never mind. How can I help you?

Someone's here to see you.

Stand up. I'll handcuff you.

A visitor? Who is it, my mom?

How the hell should I know? Give me your hands.

Stand on the mark right there.

I'll explain the rules.

You have minutes. You are allowed to hold hands,

but kissing or undressing are not allowed.

You will receive anything they bring after the visitation.

Foreign languages are forbidden.

Depending on the visit, the guard may choose to end it.

Wait there until you're authorized.

You mustn't go any further.

Turn around. Go back to your room!

It's not too late!

Who are you?

How did a child like you get in here?

I don't quite understand either,

but there are some things more fearsome than death.

And it's happening at this very prison.

So please turn back. Go back to your cell!

No. My mom must be here to see me.

I want to see her.

She must be missing me too.

I need to let her know that I'm doing well!

Then take this.

It should protect you.

FE, all right.


These are bones!

Stop dawdling. Get in.

Jolyne, did you receive the charm I asked your mom to give you?



Car and wallet theft. as*ault.

This must be some mistake! My Jolyne would never…

Since she's only , she won't be charged this time.

You're headed to Tokyo?

This is your daughter we're talking about!

Why not go tomorrow instead? And you call yourself her father?

Hello? Are you there?

Jolyne, are you listening?

Where's the pendant?

I'd rather receive disciplinary action.

Had I known it was you, I wouldn't have come here.

Hey, open the door!

Shit, I hit him too hard.

Get up!

Good grief.

Jolyne, listen up.

It was not your boyfriend Romeo

who conspired to frame you for m*rder and had you sent to this prison.

Johngalli A.

This man is incarcerated in the men's prison here.

He's ex-military.

A veteran sn*per who could hit his mark under any difficult circumstance.

According to the report,

his vision has deteriorated due to cataracts.

This man was behind it all.

Even that manslaughter accident.

A henchman of Johngalli A. kidnapped an innocent hitchhiker

and threw him in front of the car.

He also hired a greedy lawyer

to set up the trust-fund baby.

Johngalli A. was pulling the strings from this prison.

Help me, Jolyne!

Do you know what a "plea deal" is?

I love you!

This court finds the defendant,

-Jolyne Cujoh… -Fifteen years…

Damn you! You hit me twice yesterday!


What's the point?

Why would he plot my imprisonment?

-Sit. -Answer me!

I said sit.

Listen. Johngalli A.'s target was you all along.

It's so that he can eliminate you any time he wishes

within these prison walls.

Why is he after me?

Because you are my daughter.

You are of the Joestar bloodline.


The Joestar bloodline can be traced back hundreds of decades.

And Johngalli A. plots to take revenge on our family.

We are endowed with the wonderful gift to move others.

But at times, powerful emotions leave dregs.

Dregs called grudges, that is.

In the past,

I defeated a mortal enemy of the Joestar clan.

Johngalli A. is a pawn of this enemy.

We've never met, but I have no doubt about it.

Though it's been over years,

Johngalli A. uses his fanaticism for this man to exact his revenge.

I don't understand. I thought you were just a marine biologist.

What's this about enemies and grudges?

Just know that you are being targeted.

I'll get you out immediately.

We will bypass the law.

Have you acquired your Stand yet?


As my daughter, you are predisposed to the ability to use this power.

Did you see any changes from the pendant I gave you?

It seems you have.

That's the Stand ability.

Stand… Then you too?

Use your power to get out.


Quit your yapping.

Don't try to act like a father now.

So you're finally here to save me.

What, because you love me?

I've already forgotten about you.

But fine, whatever.

I'll keep that shocking story and the Stand ability in mind.

You can go now.

Don't ever visit me again.

My handcuffs!

When did I get out of them?

Since when…

The brand is different.

The guard didn't even approach the table.

Jolyne, get away from that door!

Star Platinum: The World!

Time, stop!

What happened just now?

Stay still! The fight has already begun.

What's the layout to the right? Any windows in that direction?

Two or three. But they're all barred.

This is a real b*llet.

This b*llet, called a sn*per Premium, is specific to r*fles.

The shot was undoubtedly taken by Johngalli A.

Hold on, I thought he was an inmate.

Inmates are prohibited from even having pens.

Is that so? But g*ns can be disassembled, you see.

Precise parts may be snuck in through various objects.

Guards can be bribed by his henchmen

and the objects won't get searched.

Little by little, slowly but surely.

But we're in the women's prison! He can't possibly sh**t me from the men's!

We're inside a building. There are obstructions!

A r*fle and an ability make that possible.

In other words, Johngalli A. is, without a doubt, a Stand user.


What's that?

Keep your distance.

Certainly, that's not just some rubbish.

But it's moving away.

It seems really light.

It's just floating in the air.

Don't engage it.

First, we must know what it can do.

It dodged!

I said don't engage it.

Can it see my thread?

Don't be so loud.

It's reacting to something.

However, not to the thread.

Its movement seems unrelated to the thread.

Oh, could it be reacting to that?

What was it called? The change in the air from the thread.

Like, the movement of the air?


It detected our positions using aerodynamics.

All right, so he knows our location.

But how can he sh**t us from the men's dormitory?

That's the real problem.

Jolyne, you were saved by a fortuitous accident.

Do not make a move until we understand the contraption.

Don't order me around!

-I know that! -You… FE!

You're done for, I'll have you know!

Got it? Jolyne Cujoh!

-What? -It's headed towards us!

I'll make sure you get disciplined!

Don't move!

After I beat you to death, that is!

Calm down!

Jolyne, don't leave the wall!

I know! And don't order me!

Let's knock him out before we get into more trouble!

Damn you, who do you think you're talking to?

You bastard!
