03x92 - O Living Ones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x92 - O Living Ones

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: Well, we somehow managed to stop the Dragon Chain Cannon.

We managed somehow once I rushed onto the scene! What're you trying to prove?

By the way, you're heavy, Lucy.

I could see you being like, 0.

05 tons.

Don't measure it in tons! Oww! Aye And why did you crash land when you were only carrying one person?

'Cause you're heavy, Lucy You just have to keep pushin' that, don't you?

Where's Erza?

With the other Erza Enemies?


Those Who Are Alive! They just keep comin' out of the woodwork.

Please stop, everyone! I guess we have no choice.

Bastards! Why?

Why are they aiming at Happy and Carla?

We've turned most of the Exceeds that ran for it into lacrima! All that's left are those two.

Now stand still, so we can turn you into our kingdom's magic power! So you don't give a damn what happens to the Exceed, if it's for your own magic power?

Is that what the humans are like on this world?

I ain't gonna let you hurt my friends, you filthy bastards! Save the Exceed! I met Gajeel on my way here.

Things have moved pretty far along.


You mean the informant?

It's true that his info is always reliable, but The Kingdom is trying to sacrifice the Exceed, Earthland, and us, and make the entire world theirs to do as they please! We can't let them get away with that, can we?

But the Royal Army has a huge amount of magic power Could we win if we fought them?

Furthermore, the Royal Army has a number of very powerful foes.

Do we even have a chance of winning against them?

Heaven's Wheel, Trinity Sword! Gravity Core! Blue Crimson! Requip! Venus Photon Slicer! Runesave! She cut through the magic?

Silfarion! You're mine! What?

I propose that we wait until the battle between the Exceed and the Kingdom is over! They'll both be tired out, and when we show up, we could take them both out! How about that?

Well, that method might have merit.

In other words, make the most of the opportunity.

Or, we could ally with the Kingdom.

We put the Kingdom in our debt, and get them to recognize us.

That's right.

This might be a chance to make up with the Kingdom.

Way to go, Juvia-chan! You're so smart! Stay away! Way to go, Juvia-chan! You're so smart! Stay away! I hate how you smother me! That won't do.

We should know better than anyone that the Kingdom isn't so weak! I think the same thing! Far from making up with them, I bet we'd be treated even worse than before! Droy's suggestion is also not possible.

When the Exceed are wiped out, the Kingdom will surely move on to their next ambition! They'll suppress anyone who opposes them, and we'll fall into a new dark age! We'll lose the one opening we have! This is no time for humans to be fighting with the Exceed! You have no chance of winning! Everyone's suffering from lack of magic power but their king sure has plenty all for himself.

It's only natural for a king to tax his people.

Droma Anim is constantly absorbing magic power from the entire world The ultimate magical w*apon! That's also the reason it is a forbidden w*apon.

Once activated, I have a duty to win, for the sake of the world! For the world?

! You're just stealin' magic for yourself! How can you say that with a straight face?

! See, we joined a guild so that we could live.

I might not know much 'bout this world.

But for the sake of all the living things of this world, I will defeat you! I-I'm scared, I really am! Maybe we shouldn't do anything and just hide Honestly speaking, as long as I can live together in peace with Bis Bis, I'll be happy.

Yeah We shouldn't be searching out danger ourselves.

What a bunch of spineless wimps! When the Exceeds are all gone, they'll come after us next! Everyone knows that, Lucy.

But no matter what you say, everyone knows how fearsome the Kingdom is.

Plus, Fairy Tail here doesn't have any magic power left We can only long-distance transfer once more.

If we jump into this fight, there's no pulling out.

Gate of the Lion, I open thee! Loke! Sorry to keep you waiting.

Carla, this way.

Happy Fire! Magic b*ll*ts?

Happy, watch out! Carla! Carla! Crap, I hit an Exceed! Fool! That's going to be our magic power! Carla, hang in there! Carla! Happy, take Carla someplace safe! Thanks, Loke.

I'm not done yet! I think everyone's said their opinion.

It's about time to decide.

I want people to hear one last thing.

Right now the Fairy Tail from Earthland is fighting the Kingdom, risking their lives! Earthland's Natsu, Gray, myself, and everyone else! At this rate everyone is going to die I'm not done yet! I can't be defeated here! We can't just stand back and watch while they're k*lled! We have to cut open a path to our world's future ourselves! Natsu and Erza should still be fighting! We can't give up before they do! We're the only ones who can stand against the Kingdom now! We can do it! We can win! Because we're Why?

Because we're Fairy Tail wizards! It's no use We're just too outnumbered Someone save us! W-What's this?

It's like a tree that's moving on its own What's that?

No way Those guys who only ever run away?

Here we go! We'll show you the power of the bonds of friendship! It's the Edolas Fairy Tail! Sorry 'bout that.

Were we late, Earth-Lucy?

Edo-Lucy Go! Pummel the Royal Army! Natsu, go for it! Sure! The Earthland Fairy Tail is fighting, so we'll fight, too! Can you stand, Earth-Lucy?

Double Lucy Thank you Me?

And look at your clothes! Strip down! Put some clothes on! I can't believe there are two Grays! Juvia's in a pickle! Ooh, I wish I were them You're me, so why can't you feel what I do?

Just look at my beloved Juvia-chan! Beloved Juvia-chan?

! Juvia-chan, I love you! Argh, shut up! We can't lose either, Al Al! Let's go, Bis Bis! This is our power of love! Yeehaw! Nobody's stronger than us! Prepare yourselves! Make sure to show up Lucy, boys! Heck yeah! Let me show you the strongest power in Fairy Tail! I'm the strongest! W-Wow He's even faster than me! Gray is drooling all over Juvia?

Plus, Jet and Droy are contending for the strongest?

There's so much completely backwards! Look, Carla.

Fairy Tail came to rescue us.

Our feelings are making this world change.

Natsu, hang in there! Thank you, Lisanna-chan! We're Shadow Gear, the strongest of them all! Al Al! Let's go, Bis Bis! No matter where you go, our guild's making trouble Scarlet! Knightwalker! Still even, after all this.


I don't think so.

You still haven't experienced the ultimate form of the Ten Commandments! Holy Lance, Ravelt! A holy lance forged by the greatest blacksmith in Edolas.

Its attack brings ultimate destruction that resounds out into the land.

Armadura Faerie! Fairy Armor! I need hardly explain why it bears the name of our guild.

So you're saying that's your strongest magic, then?

Fascinating Have at me! M-My Ravelt M-My armor With that attack, the floating island can no longer stay afloat.

Neither of us has any magic power left.

And yet I will strike you down! Why, you No matter how many times you stand, you will never be able to defeat me! Those with magic power will rule the world! That's something this world requires! Stop twistin' logic to justify your actions! You dolt! I don't know whether it requires it or not, but I do know I'm gonna bust that thing up! Roar of the Sky Dragon! Would you please refrain from wasting all the magic power?

Because all your magic power is mine! Don't even joke about that! My magic power is my own! It ain't no one else's but mine Pillar of the Iron Dragon! Your magic power, your very lives They're all mine for the taking! Like hell they are! Juvia-chan, so cool! Get off me! Try taking a page out of that other Gray's book and strip down! You bastards! Don't you realize what you're doing is wrong?

W-Well They should realize.

There should be some people against what the Kingdom is doing here.

If they disobey, they'll be k*lled, so they have no choice but to fight! w*r is just so tragic.

I would much rather have a tea party with everyone, but no! Even so, we have no choice but to counterattack them.

By the way, Earth-Lucy Is the guy with glasses your boyfriend?

No, he's not! He's Do we look that way to you?

You're also Lucy, so I guess you can tell.

I hate playboys! Happy Edolas's Wendy! You're Exceeds, right?

It'll be okay Shall I stay with you?

Thanks, but I'm fine.

Happy is here for me, so I'll be nearby, and if anything happens, I'll protect you.

Rest easy.

Edolas's Wendy is also kind.

Yeah! I can't lose, for the sake of eternal energy! For your accursed "eternity", how many sacrifices have been made in your "now"?

Oppress and steal! Coerce and steal! Hate the other! Destroy the other! That's what humans do! People should love people more! They stand up for the people they care about! They pick up swords for those who shed tears! Can't you hear this world screaming in agony, Knightwalker?

! The screams of the world?

I'm sure I can feel them more than you! The magic drying up And because of that, I No! When I say the world, I mean the living things! This world is heading toward oblivion.

It is a world running out of magic, plunging toward its death! A person from Earthland like you could never understand! The anxiety, fear, despair of having magic disappear! We can't survive unless we get an eternal source of magic power! But we're alive, aren't we?

Right now! We don't have any magic power, but we're alive! Look at us! We've both used it all up! And yet, we aren't dead! We have the strength to overcome the weakness and the fear! That's what it means to be alive! Hear this, Erza! Inside of you is the same frailty and evil that lies within me! Therefore, I know you hold a heart that can love others! Listen to the voices of the living, with your entire heart! This is Erza?


Speak with your true voice! What's this?


You are not alone.

What just happened?

Something fell down, damn it! Erza?

I don't have any strength left to move But, you're alive.

I couldn't match you You win, Scarlet.

This battle is not one that could be won or lost.

We're both Erza.

I see This is The chamber that creates the Anima?

Prince, what in the world are you I observed Earthland for a long time.

There was strife, but it was a wonderful world.

I am sure they'll accept this Prince! You can't mean That's just That is far too radical! This is the only way to rid this world of w*r.

I will create a world where people can be open with each other.

I will throw the Anima into reverse and rid this world of all its magic power! Damn it It's just a fake dragon but it's pretty tough! I guess they don't call it an ultimate w*apon for nothing.

Damn It's a real pain that magic doesn't work on it.

But we have three Dragon Slayers on our side! No way we'd lose! Okay! Let's go another round! Next time: I'm Standing Here! But Natsu, do you have any magic power left?

Even if I didn't, I'd do it somehow! I'll show you the stubborn pride of Fairy Tail!
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