03x81 - Fireball

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x81 - Fireball

Post by bunniefuu »

It couldn't be Is she Earthland's She's Edolas's me?

There she is! Over there! Let's discuss this later! We're going to be caught at this rate! Natsu, hurry up and get them! How?

Use your magic, duh! We can't use magic! And wait, why can you use it?

How should I know?

Lucy, please! Get them! You're the only one who can use magic, Lucy-san! Could it be?

Am I the strongest now?

Whatever, just do it already! Fireball! Gate of the Ram, I open thee! Aries! U-Um I'll do my best I'm sorry! Poofy! W-What the hell is that?

A person appeared?

Is it an evil being?

I've never seen magic like that before! Aries, can you beat them?

R-Right I'll try! Wool b*mb! So soft I feel like a new man Um, is this working?

I'm sorry.

It's totally working! Keep attacking! Wool Shot! Even though we're getting beat It feels good Do me more Wool Wall! I could get used to this Now's our chance, everyone! Did I do a good job?

I'm sorry Poofy is the best! Nice, Lucy! Ah, I think I feel good, too! This is Earthland's magic?

We should be okay after running this far, right?

But, how did you get to Edolas?

We were all worried that you'd been turned into a lacrima, Lucy-san.

Horologium and Mystogan saved me.



What happened?

Is this Magnolia?

It was quite sudden, and I did not have time to explain.

I am the one who saved you, Lucy-sama.

Saved me?

What do you mean?

I sensed a fluctuation in space-time.

I appeared without you summoning me, and took you inside of me.

What about everyone else?

Where's Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and the others?

I apologize, but I do not understand what has happened myself.

Lucy, you are safe?

I am Mystogan.


This is the first time we've greeted each other, yes?


So that means he's safe, too?

Then, he explained what was going on to me.


Another world?

! What the heck are you talking about?

There is not time for a thorough explanation.

If we do not hurry, the entrance to Edolas will seal off.

Wait a sec! You want me to go to this Edolas place?


I want you to save our friends.

I will search for anyone else who may have survived.

Eat this.

What's that?

I don't have time to explain.

Hurry! Wait a sec! Give me more details! I'm counting on you, Lucy This is Edolas?

Since then, I've been searching the whole time for someone I know.

I wonder why Mystogan-san knew about Edolas?

Who exactly is he?

He didn't say anything at all Why is it that you're the only one who can use magic here, Lucy?

Maybe it's because I'm like, the legendary chosen warrior! Not seeing it.

So much for self-confidence Honestly, I don't know.

If you can't use magic, Natsu, then we're going to be at a real disadvantage You people seriously plan to go against the Kingdom?

Of course.

We'll do it for our friends! Is that really me?

You can't even use magic for real, and you're fighting the Kingdom?

Hey, I can use it! Leave everything to Fairy Tail's (Currently) Strongest Wizard! I'm all fired up! I can't believe I'm saying this but we have no one else to turn to.

Aye! You can do it, Lucy-san! What a bunch of weirdos Maybe these guys can actually change the world?

I get that feeling This is a map of Edolas I borrowed from the hotel.

The geography isn't all that different from Earthland Edolas's Fairy Tail is here.

We were chased by the frog around here We ran into Lucy in the city of Louen.

And this is the city we're in now, Sycca.

Over here is the Royal City we are heading toward.

It's still quite a long way Plus, we have to be careful not to be discovered by the Royal Army How long will it take to get there?

Hey, look at this! She's exactly the same as me! Our bodies are identical! Don't go prancing around in a towel! Edo-Lucy-san, Natsu-san is here, you know! And I should care, why?

Care, damn it! You're in high spirits, Doublucy! Are you actually proud of that joke?

What, Natsu?

Wanna peek?

Please, stop it! What's so funny?

I know! You're trying to joke that Edo-Lucy's got a better figure than me, right?

Don't take a bath together, sheesh! Now that you mention it They're so alike it's hard to even tell them apart I couldn't believe we even have the same ass.

Please, stop it! I bet you could do mirror acts and stuff! No way! They're like two peas in a pod Sad, really.

Actually, it's like Gemini was summoned! Oh, you're right.


They're a Spirit that I have a contract with! They can transform to look exactly like another person! Gate of the Twins, I open thee! Gemini! Gemini is here! Not Doublucy, but Triplucy! Wow! We could do one of those party quiz games now! Quiz: Who is the real thing?

I'm Lucy! Now, which one is the real one?

This isn't some party! They're exactly in sync Sad, really.

And could you put some clothes on already?

I forgot! It's only two of you now, but it's still hard to tell you apart.

If I remember right, there was a Spirit that could change your hairstyle, right?

Right! Let's ask the Spirit of the Crab! It is nice seeing you again-ebi.

He's a Crab Spirit, but ends his sentences with -ebi?

I knew you'd point that out! You go, me! How do you like it-ebi?

Yeah, this should make things a lot simpler.

Are you sure it's okay being this short?

Is there a custom on Earthland about taking care of your hair, too?

Well, all girls think like that-ebi.

Girls, huh?

You'd just be stupid to think of being a "boy" or a "girl" in this world We've got enough to handle just surviving But everyone in the guild here looked like they were having fun Well, sure.

If we didn't force ourselves to keep laughing, our hearts would break just like that Plus, there are people who still need us, even in this world.

So, even if we're now "Dark", we're got to keep the guild going.

But I guess that by itself isn't going to cut it Nothing I can't believe this! What the heck is this?

Do you have to be so hyped up this early in the morning?

What is it?

The Edolas me ran away! "If you walk for three days to the east, you'll reach the Royal City.

" "I'm returning to the guild.

" "Later.

I wish you the best of luck.

" I thought she was going to help us! What nerve! The same nerve as you Lucy, right?

Shut it! We can't do anything about it.

She said she didn't intend to fight from the start.

Yeah I won't forgive her! I wouldn't forgive myself, so I won't forgive her! Why does it matter, really?

It does matter! Argh! Do I really think those people can change the world?

What silly nonsense was I thinking?

If I really want to change the world, what's the point if we don't do it ourselves?

It'll be great if they can use their power to save their friends, but that'll be difficult against the Kingdom.

So I'm going to go back to the guild and convince everyone.

Everyone, stand up! We'll fight alongside them! Did you hear?

Sounds like they're gonna start extracting the magic power from that lacrima in two days.

Oh I don't really get it, but you're talking about all the magic power they scooped up from that other world, right?

Is this really gonna be okay?

I just hope nothin' screwy happens as a result What?

Are you saying there's something wrong with the King's methods?

Oh no, I didn't mean that We should just leave this all to His Highness.

People like us worryin' ain't gonna do anything.

About that About that Could you tell me more?

Would you tell me more?

She's already back in high spirits.

She's happy she found that rare book at the bookstore, right?

What kind of book did you buy?

A book on the history of this world! I bet you guys want to learn about this world too, right?

Not really.

This history book tells everything! This world is fascinating! For example, the "Exceed" race is written about in here I'd like to know about that, too.

They seem like a race that is extremely feared, though I said I don't care.

What's this?

That's! An airship?

Hurry! We're taking off! It's the Royal Army! Hide! They're finally going to extract the magic power from that giant lacrima the day after tomorrow! And so that's why we've been put on guard duty.

You don't get on board, you'll miss the event of a lifetime! Giant lacrima, they say?

That's everyone from Magnolia They're extracting the magic power two days from now?

We won't make it in time if we walk! If they start extracting the magic power, everyone will be gone for good.

Can we steal that ship?

Steal it?

That airship?

Normally, that's not necessary, right?

Just sneaking on board should be fine! I hate hiding.

It's rare for you to suggest transportation, Natsu As long as I have Wendy's Troia, riding stuff is We can't use magic, remember?

I take that plan back.

Hey! I take that plan back.

Hey! Well, I vote we do it! We won't make it otherwise, right?

But, how?

With my magic! You remember, right?

I'm the strongest right now! I figured it out when fighting in Louen.

Basically, magic is more advanced on Earthland than it is here.

That's probably true, yeah.

Now, watch! Gate of the Lion, I open thee! Loke! Huh?

I apologize, Princess.


Wait, what's going on?

Brother is on a date, and cannot be summoned at the moment.



Leo-sama requested I address him that way earlier.

He's such an idiot! That's Lucy! Capture her! Crap! I figured that Loke would beat them all! Princess With your permission, if I use my full power I can even dance! Go away! Lucy, what if you bring out Aquarius?

There's no water here! Taurus?

It's too late! What'll I do?

! Guess we have no choice, but to play by their rules I know how to use it now! The magic we bought in the black market! Natsu and Wendy are completely useless! Better than Lucy, though.

I'm sorry! This is bad! The airship is leaving! We'll never make it unless we get on board! Damn it! What?

A magic 4-wheeler?

That's Fairy Tail's mark! I heard from Lucy.

Get in.

We're gonna fly.

Don't fall out.

Go Fire! So in other words, you were sent here to this world by a certain Mystogan-san?

He gave me a brief explanation.

But I don't really understand things over here.

This is a most interesting tale.

Tell me something, me who's from this world What is it, myself from that other world?

You're a freelance writer here in Edolas, right?


My job is to investigate thoroughly what happens in this world and to write about it.

You seem to have a lot of enemies out there.

I was att*cked by some strange guys who mistook me for you.

I do very much apologize for causing you such trouble.

There are indeed those who consider me quite the eyesore.

Since I write about things which are not in the Kingdom or government's favor.

However, I do not write articles which are false.

I heard that there was a lot different between this and my original world.

But we're not that different after all, are we?

You're polite and cultured, just like me! And I think your wild and cool charms are precisely like my own! You should know that I am very talented at singing and musical instruments.

Oh! That's another thing we have in common! A number of my buddies should be coming through here.

I'm sure they'll cause a big commotion before long.

And then Sure.

I'll let you know right away.

My information network has its fingers even inside the Kingdom and the Exceed I'm counting on you.

We'll make our move based on that.

Be careful.

Same to you.

Wow! We escaped just like that! You saved us Thank you very much! You're going to the Royal City, right?

This'll be faster than that beat-up airship.

The fastest man in Fairy Tail That's me, "Fireball" Natsu.


! Natsu! This is Edolas's Natsu?

Just like Lucy said The spittin' image.

And that's the other me?

Lame Our Natsu can't handle transportation.

Is that really supposed to be me?

Just like my nickname, "Fireball", I'm a wizard that specializes in deliveries.

This magic 4-wheeler doesn't have a SE plug! SE plug?

Self Energy plug.

It's a device that converts the magic power of the driver into fuel.

That's right People don't have magic power themselves here, so there's no point having a SE plug.

So then it just runs on magic alone?


Looks like Edolas's cars are way more advanced than Earthland's Hey, what was that all of a sudden?

I wouldn't say that.

As magic power is a limited resource, so is the magic power for fuel.

It's tricky to get now.

So, this is as far as I take you.

Get out.

If I go any further, I won't make it back to the guild.

They went and transferred somewhere again I'm alive again! Looks like the other me catches on fast! Now, everyone out! Go right ahead and fight against the Kingdom But don't get us involved.

This time, since Lucy Not you.

Since the Lucy I know asked me, I lent you a hand.

But I'm not going to get my hands dirty.

I just want to continue cruising Hey! You get out, too! Hey, what the hell are you I have something to say to you, other me! Stop it! L-Let me go! Put me down! You How can you handle transportation like that?

! That's what he says?

! I'm sorry! I don't know either! Oh yeah, this is your homeland, right, Happy?

Does anything ring a bell?

No bells ringing here! I was still in an egg back then.

Well, you have a point! Wait, then why does Carla know a bunch of stuff?

Maybe she had special Eggucation?

Wow, Edolas sure is advanced! Next time: Welcome Home! But my only homeland is Earthland's Fairy Tail! You said it, buddy! I wonder if my approval rating just went up?
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