03x73 - Rainbow Cherry Blossoms

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x73 - Rainbow Cherry Blossoms

Post by bunniefuu »

This is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold here every day, and is an integral part of people's daily lives.

Wizards, those who use magic in order to make a living, belong to various guilds, and perform jobs on commission.

And in a certain city, there lies a certain guild.

A guild from which various legends were once born Or rather, will continue to be born long into the future And its name is: Fairy Tail.

Magnolia, during sakura season.

And here is Fairy Tail.

Listen up, everyone! Those who call themselves wizards shall ne'er neglect sharpening their skills! They shall polish their techniques, and perform jobs on request! And they must earn their daily bread! For as there be sunny days, surely there be rainy ones! For as there be days in which work is finished without trouble, surely there be days which are naught but an uphill struggle! However! No matter what happens, tomorrow will always come! And we shall continue to walk the path, as wizards! That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard! Everyone, you've worked really hard this past year! And so, in honor of your hard work, tomorrow will be the long-awaited super-fun hanami party! And today we'll have a pre-celebration! Drink! Drink! This is messed up.

Rainbow Sakura Everyone, please take it easy since tomorrow's the real deal.

So everyone's saying "drink, drink" just 'cause it's hanami time?

Isn't everyone getting a little too excited?

You're one to talk.

It's like you're at a hanami all year! If you're a Man, then look at cherry blossoms! Dad, I'm counting on you to win the grand prize at bingo this year! Sure! Leave it to me! Just watch me this year! It was no use last year or the one before that Okay then I'm gonna do my best at bingo, too! Uh, how's that work exactly?

You know, guts and stuff.

I don't get these people.

Everyone's acting like their heads are in the clouds.

It's just cherry blossom season, sheesh! The people making requests realize it.

There aren't many requests since everyone knows that Fairy Tail's too busy partying to do much work.

Give me a Hey, how about you go on a job, huh?

What's the matter, Juvia?

Gray-sama Gray-sama went off on a job! Juvia can't believe how lonely the guild is without Gray-sama here! He can't help it, okay?

He's a Fairy Tail wizard! Like you can say anything! But, Juvia's been left behind! Well, Gray's formed a team with Natsu and the others, so that's just how it is.

But they took Wendy and Carla with them! It's so they can get used to our guild's jobs, since they just transferred from Cait Shelter.

Juvia knows Juvia knows but she's sad! Gate of the Clock, I open thee! Horologium! This is Mt.


"I ended up here in light clothes again It's too damn cold!" she says.

I-It is cold Oh, come off it.

This isn't bad.

You're embarrassing yourself.

"Wendy, come inside too! You'll catch a cold.

" she says.


Then I'll take you up on that offer How about you, Carla?

I am perfectly fine, thank you.

Personally, I think cold is something you can manage if you mentally prepare yourself.

The weather seems to be clearing.

I'm starving! Is there any fire 'round here?

It's warm in here! I wanna go home now! Crap It's hard to walk when it's piled up this high.

Put on some clothes first! Hey, Natsu You think there really is an herb as useful as that?

Who knows?

The request bill said it was here, so it probably is, you know?

But the part about how steeping it as a tea or baking it into a cake can temporarily magnify a wizard's magic power, I think that's just a bunch of malarkey.

You know what they say: there's always a tasty fish to catch! You mean to say "there's always a catch".

Erza corrected me! Whether or not it is effective, the request was to gather the herb from this mountain.

And if we gather quite a lot, we can use it as a prize for tomorrow's bingo.

Everyone will be pleased.

Hey, herbs! If you're out there, say somethin'! As if, dolt.

What'd you say!?

Don't just say whatever pops into your head! And I don't even know what the hell you're saying, idiot! You're gonna get it, Prince Frostbite Boxers! Shut the hell up, you whiny little flicker! Stop this! I wish we could hurry this job up and go home I want to get ready for the hanami tomorrow.

I'm really looking forward to it, myself! The sakura in Magnolia are really beautiful! And what's more, at nighttime the cherry blossoms become rainbow-colored! They're just super-beautiful! Rainbow-colored sakura?

It's even beautiful imagining it! You know?

she says.

And then, you know Everyone makes and brings lunch, and beneath the rainbow sakura they stare up all day long, and everyone livens it up for a grand hanami! Man, I can't wait until tomorrow! That's why I want to hurry up and finish this job, get back to Magnolia, and then, and then bake cookies and then, and then choose the clothes I'll wear.

And then, and then I'll go straight to bed without writing my novel And then, and then I'll do my hair up nice and cute And then, and then Huh?

Lucy-san, did you go to the hanami last year?

Uh I was pretty sure I heard that it hasn't been a year since you joined the guild Oh, yeah I guess this is my first time.

I think I dreamed I was there from being too excited about it! It really does sound like a blast.

I can't wait for it, either! It'll be so exciting to look at the cherry blossoms with everyone else from the guild.

Yeah, for sure! Let's enjoy them together, as fellow first-timers! It is time.

Fare thee well! So cooooold! Oh, jeez You two should go search now! But I can smell it! That's definitely the smell of herbs.

Just as good a nose as usual.

Wait Have you ever smelled these herbs before?


Never smelled 'em, but I'm sure.

Let's go, Happy! Aye, sir! H-Hey! Man, who lit his butt on fire?

Anyway, let's follow him.

His nose is nothing to sneeze at.

Maybe it's my imagination, but I have a really bad feeling about this.

Your instincts are usually correct, Carla.

That was fast.

Fast is good.

Impressive, as always.

Natsu-san, wow! Yup, he's a beast.

Right then.

Let's pick these and get home.

Aye, sir! A Blizzardvern.

Also known as a White Wyvern.

A monster that lives on Mt.


Contrary to its appearance, it's herbivorous.

By the way, its favorite food is these herbs.


! You wanna keep 'em all to yourself?

! What a nice break.

We can k*ll two birds with one stone.

You know that the scales of a White Wyvern sell for a pretty penny?

All right then! After we get those herbs, we'll strip all its scales off! Leave this to us.

Lucy, Wendy, stand back! I'll fight, too! Requip! We'll draw its attention.

While it's distracted, you all go and gather the herbs! Right! I suppose so.

Wait Isn't this the most dangerous job of all?

I'm counting on you! Right! We'll do it, gladly! Here we go, Natsu, Gray! Hurry, hurry! Don't sound like such a wimp! Dazzling Blaze of the Fire Dragon! Natsu-san's flames are being reflected by the air pressure! Ice Make Saucer! How about this?

Hey, whoa there Wait, you! Fools! You should have dodged! Uh, how about a little, you know Apologize first, damn it This thing's more powerful than we thought! Everyone Okay, then I'm not gonna lose, either! Natsu, Erza, now! Leave it to us! Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! Got it! Look at me! See?

I'm one of the members of Fairy Tail's strongest team! Avalanche! Is everyone safe?

Well, that's what we get for making all that commotion.

Yup, they're beasts Huh?

Where's Lucy-san?

Lucy, where are you?

Cold Today is the day of the hanami.

You aren't coming, Lucy?

The cherry blossoms in Magnolia are pretty, you know! I-I really wanna go I was really looking forward to it Are you okay, Lucy?

Can't you tell just by looking at me?

I've caught a cold Sorry I'm going to sleep Take care of yourself.

Man, that sucks.

It's too bad she caught a cold, after she was looking forward to it so much.


! I'm there! I'm sooo there! What should I wear?

I know! I'll bake cookies! And then, and then That's right.

This will be the first hanami for Lucy, won't it?

A Man! Hanami?

Hanami is where everyone drinks and eats and has a party while looking at the sakura blossoms.

You're makin' too much of a fuss about it.

But Magnolia has those rainbow sakura that are supposed to be really beautiful, right?

When I came to Magnolia, I totally couldn't wait to go see them! Poor thing I feel bad for Lucy.

Now everyone, eat up all you want! This here's mine! You brought your own barrel?

No one's gonna take it, sheesh.

Hanami is Man! I don't get what that means.

Levy, want something to eat?

Levy, want something to drink?


She caught a cold?

Is it serious?

Yeah Her nose is all runny, and her face is flushed Why'd she catch a cold?

You don't get it, do you?

Even though Lucy-san was looking forward to it so much Oh, that's right! Why don't you cure her with your magic, Wendy?

I already cast the spell.

She'll be fine again by tomorrow, but Tomorrow, huh?

Hanami I bet everyone's having a lot of fun now I sure wish I could have gone And now, we'll begin the traditional hanami bingo tournament! Bingo! We've got a bunch of high quality prizes again this year! Everyone, give it everything you got! Everyone ready?

Aye, sir! Then, please punch out the center circle! I'm gonna get the top prize, for sure! Do your best, Dad! Let's bingo! The first number is All right! Right off the bat.

What incredible luck Levy, you can do it! Now that I think about it, it hasn't even been a year, has it?

I ran away from home, trying to join Fairy Tail, my dream guild And that's how I met Natsu.

Then, I joined the guild.

After that, time just flew Next is 5! Yes! Got it! Man! Being a man has nothing to do with it.

I'm getting nothing here Natsu, you don't want to play bingo?

Naw In just a short time, there's been so much over-the-top stuff Bingo! Seriously?

Look at her go I'm just one away from 3 different bingos! Erza, you're the first bingo! I'm just one away from 3 different bingos! Erza, you're the first bingo! Even luck can come from training! S-So, w-what's the prize?

Right! Here.

It's the herbs that are rumored to temporarily increase one's magic power! What?

! Those are the herbs we picked! And they're already dried up! Probably 'cause we took them suddenly to a warm climate.

My bingo Now, now A whole lot happened, that's for sure And in my way, I think I've done my best to deal with it Yeah Bingo! Seriously?

! I ain't even got one hit yet! That's 'cause your skills are rusty! Dad, you can do it! I have a feeling there's no way I'll win.

Your intuition is usually correct, Carla The prizes are gonna be gone soon.

I was hoping to at least bring Lucy a present Bingo! Huh?

Oh, my Three at the same time?

Then I'll give the prize to whoever makes me laugh the most with a single gag.

A single gag?

! The prize is a pair of tickets to a fancy hotel at Akane Resort for 3 days and 2 nights! Whoa! A vacation for two?

! Akane Resort, huh?

I'll give it as a present to my sister! Together with Gray-sama for 3 days and 2 nights?

Juvia's heart isn't ready for such A single gag.

Truly a one-shot battle on the edge.

And that means it's my turn, partner.

You again?

! Get outta here! You ain't even close to a bingo! Natsu Yeah?

It seemed my heart would break countless numbers of times We got into some crazy trouble There were enemies more powerful than I could have ever imagined But because he and everyone in the guild were always there for me Crying laughing and everything else Well, a whole lot happened, that's for sure.

But I'm sure that's it.

Though everyone holds their own tough times inside them Even so, everyone is trying to move forward, I'm sure of it.

That's what Fairy Tail is.

I've really joined a great place here.

Time to sleep.

What's this?

It's noisy outside What is this?

How beautiful So, cold all better?

Yup! Good as new! Good for you, Lucy! Hey! Which one o' you dug up one of the city's precious sakura trees, huh?

! The Mayor is seriously pissed! Man, what an idiot.

Gray-sama, your clothes This is messed up.

Thanks! W-What are you talkin' about?

Did we do something?

I don't think so.

Thank you very much! What was that for?

Something just flashed across my mind.

What's it called again?

A Kaleidoscope?


! No, it's like, a premonition.


Premonition of what?

I have a feeling that something bad might happenor it might not Next time: Wendy's first big job! What was it?

I'm sure I've heard that line before Thank you very much! Wait, Happy You too?!
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