06x151 - Sabertooth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x151 - Sabertooth

Post by bunniefuu »

Sounds like they're back.

Who is?

The main Fairy Tail members who
went missing seven years ago.

Not interested.

Don't lie like that, Rogue.

You used to look up to Natsu like crazy.

That was long ago.

A simpleminded but purehearted person

was always seen in those eyes

What's important, what tomorrow holds

What true strength actually is

Remembering you has made
my paltry self go crazy

I'll toss everything aside and make
a miracle happen, just you watch

Race forward, forward,
forward with everything you got

The fateful moment is when you think,
"This is how it's gonna be."

So keep fighting it, with all
your voice and all your soul

Because staring at books isn't
going to get you anywhere

Admonish us for our sins.

We, the followers of Zentopia, repent
every last wrongdoing we've perpetrated

and now, to cleanse us of those sins,
set forth on a new path.

This is such a drag...

Nothin' we can do. The archbishop
personally invited us here.

Still, where's everyone else?!

They ain't the type to
attend ceremonies like this.

We, the members of the Legion Platoon,

offer Fairy Tail our deepest apologies.

In any case, the crisis has passed.
Raise your heads.

Although we may have fought,
it is best to let bygones be bygones.

Let's put it all behind us.

Our gratitude knows no bounds.

So, this calls...

...for a celebration!





The battle over the Infinity Clock
reached its conclusion,

and the fugitive Oración Seis
members were returned to prison.


Did you hear?

That weakling guild was, like,
the cause of that recent incident!

Talk about a total annoyance, y'know?!

Like, I don't even remember the guild's name.

It's Fairy Tail, y'know?!

Alas, Natsu and friends' accomplishment

did nothing but worsen the guild's reputation.

I see. Thank you.

It sounds like Neville's celestial wizards

have been freed of their
century-long sleeping curse.

But, just like Katja,
they've all lost their magic power

and are no longer celestial wizards.

What does this mean?

It's just as the report says.

They returned alive and well,
looking just as they did seven years ago.

Much to the chairman's
exasperation, I should add.

Wait, you knew about this...?

It would've been easy to
tell you myself, but, well...

No, it's all right.

I see...

So she's alive and well.


Let the celebratory food-eating race
between Natsu and Dan begin!

--I'm fired up!
--I'm gonna win this time, yeah!

Things are certainly as lively as ever.

That horrible incident almost
feels like a distant memory now.



You're a joke, yeah!

--Isn't that an illegal tactic?
--Nah, I'd say it's okay.

I bet Wakaba and our master are
getting a nice ol' talking-to as we speak.

Not sure whether they're being nice
or just got the short end of the stick.

Actually, isn't there a big ceremony
happening right now too?

Then what's the Legion Platoon doing here?

We're in the same boat as you!

We're here to escape too!

We're playing hooky, in other words!

--You sure that's a good idea?

Don't try to cling to my dear
Gray amid all the confusion!


So hard and annoying to get along with...


What is it? Why are you acting so reserved?

Umm, well...

I said some horrible things to you before!

About hating cats, for example... So, well...

It's fine. There's nothing to worry about.

Besides, even if you are a different
Coco, I got to see you again.

That's all that matters to me.

Thank you...

Let's be friends now, shall we?

Well, about that...

Hold it.

Before that...

...I'd like to have another skirmish with you.

--As you wish!

--Give me your best shot!
--What brought this about?!

Is something the matter?

No, it's fine. This is just fine.

Is it me, or is that corner gloomy?

Those two haven't said a single word at all.


That's no way to drink booze!


Is it my imagination...

...or are they smiling?

That fight was somethin' else.

The world is much larger than I imagined.

To think there are experts like you out there...

It all comes down to motivation,
luck of the draw, and plenty else.

There's no tellin' how things
might turn out next time.

You certainly have a broad outlook.

I just live a wayward life.

I wonder what they're talking about.

Just leave 'em be.

It's a bunch of dirty talk, I'm sure.

Huh? I don't see Loopy anywhere.

I thought you dropped her for Angel?

Life is short. Gotta enjoy
it to its fullest, yeah.


Is he the one who falls in love easily?


Oh, geez. You can't be serious...

Scary! Save me, Erzy!

Er... zy?


Ugh. Whatever.

I totally identified with you
the moment I saw you!

Now, then! Say hello to the Armor Couple...


It's possible to have too little integrity.

Told ya so.

And Erza wins the match!

Now that's how you use
a w*apon that wards away evil.

What are you up to all by yourself?

I, like, don't understand you.

I don't get it.

After what I did to you...

...how can you still totally smile?

Well, because it's all over now.

The Legion Platoon was being duped too, right?

So don't worry about it!

Like, before Zentopia took me in,

my life was nothing but being tricked and used.

But that totally changed once I had power.

Zentopia raised me to be someone with power,

so I was willing to do anything in return.

Controlling others however I like

made me feel like I was getting
back at the guys who once used me.

But it turns out I was just
being used again. We all were.

Even the archbishop, Lapointe,
and Michelle, who was by your side.

It appears you've shed your confusion.

Your movements are especially sharp today.

No, I'm no match for you after all.

I'd hoped to defeat you at least
once before our final farewell.



What's that?

Something that is far too heavy for me to carry.


I now entrust this gold seal to you.

But I'm not at all fit to...!

Although I was being manipulated,

my weakness of heart was partly
to blame for what happened.

The Legion Platoon's next
task will be long and perilous.

So please make use of that gold seal

and let it bring a little
more light into your hearts.

You are too kind.

Umm, what should little
ol' Gutman do nowy-wowy?

Ultimately, it was because of us that
you were placed in the Forbidden Cell.

I ask that you now use your magic power

to help rebuild the local parishes.

I'll give it my all!

Incidentally, there's
something I'm curious about.

Which would be...?

Lapointe sent all those
puppets everywhere, y'know?

So I, like, did some investigation work

into the real Michelle Lobster.

Apparently, Lapointe had kept her close by
because he wanted the Lobster family fortune.

But, well, the documents about it being
distantly related to the Heartfilia family...

They were fake too, I assume.


I went there to investigate,

as a way to apologize and
bring back good news for you.


Thank you.

I had the feeling that was the case,
so I feel reassured now!


I'm fine!

I am a little sad...

...but I have my friends.


Well, now that I feel refreshed...

Okay! Let's make up!

Let's shake!

We'll start as friends and
see where it takes us!

Huh?! I don't think that's
the right thing to say here!

We visited you today for but one reason.

Yes, I know. To say goodbye.


The archbishop has tasked the Legion Platoon

with locating the scattered
Infinity Clock pieces

and ensuring that they are
sealed away even further.

However, until the pieces
have stored enough power,

it will be impossible to detect them with magic.

We will likely spend the rest
of our lives on this task.

Today will probably be the
last time we ever see you.


Don't be stupid.

That's no fun, assumin' stuff from the start!

I agree.

Coco! Thanks for everything!

I hope you'll hang out next time too, Mary!

Likewise, Princess! Take care, all of you!

I'll hang out with you! Totally!

Until we meet again, Bro.

Come challenge me anytime, Sam.

--They have new names for each other!

I hope to run into you guys again.
Even you, Sugarboy.

Dan. Strive hard to hone your integrity.

Thank you for the hot message!

Be seein' ya! It's been fun, yeah!

Oh, yeah! Octo-geezer!

I totally forgot!


What is it?

Don't you get tired,
looking grumpy all the time?

You need to smile sometimes!

Now, now!

--Well, to be honest...

Now that he brings it up...

You do hardly ever smile.

"If you open your heart to them,"
is what I believe you said, Coco.

At last, I understand what
you tried to tell me then.

Wha...?! Ack!

It's, like, totally creepy.

That actually makes you
look scarier, Lord Byro...

How dare you all!

And so, with laughter in the air,
they left on their journey.

I'm sure we'll see them again!

Welcome back from your
council session, Master Org.


Has a decision been reached concerning
the Inter-Guild Commerce Treaty Revision?

More importantly...

I'm sure that you've already heard.

The chief Fairy Tail members have returned.

For political reasons,
the chairman seems intent

on tying the Infinity Clock and
Oración Seis incidents to their return,

irrespective of Zentopia's involvement.

Still, at least the matters have been resolved.

The magic world may become tumultuous again.

It's possible this incident is
but an omen of things to come.

It's been seven years since
Acnologia and Zeref were last seen...

I apologize. We've yet to locate either of them.

Perhaps we should bolster the Observation Unit.

These past seven years have been too quiet.

We do have an eye on Sabertooth's rapid rise,

but Tartaros and Grimoire Heart's
remnants have done nothing of note,

and there's been no news of Zeref or Acnologia.

The quietness is what's most unsettling.

It's like a night without end.

Will daybreak soon arrive?

Will it usher in a great
dawn for the magic world?

You hope Fairy Tail will bring this about?

Placing my hopes in Fairy Tail
after all the disdain I held for it...

How old I've become!


Sabertooth, the sword-fanged tigers.

They surpassed Pegasus and Lamia

to become Fiore's strongest wizard guild now.

Never heard of 'em.

They weren't particularly
noteworthy seven years ago.

Meaning they grew like crazy
these past seven years?

It began to take off when
a new master took over

and five incredible wizards joined.

Just five people can change things that much?

Sounds like they got some serious guts!

Incidentally, what rank is our guild?

--You're seriously asking that?
--The answer is obvious, Wendy.


--We're last.
--An ultra-wimpy guild.

The weakest guild in Fiore.

I'm sorry!

I like it! That's great!

--Don't you agree?!

We get to enjoy clawing our
way back to the top again!

I'm fired up!


There's no keeping you down,
Big Brother Natsu.

I agree! Mm! I look forward to it!

Hey, guys.

Have you seen Gildarts?

What's the matter?
Lonely without your daddy around?

You idiot!


No, it's okay. Don't worry about it.

My darling Gray is showing her consideration?!

Gildarts went with Master
to the old Fairy Tail building.

All right!

Then I'm gonna go on a job while I can!

Gildarts does go overboard with the
mushy feelings when it comes to Cana!

And you're the same when it comes to Charle.

And yet he's our most powerful member?

We're a weird guild, all right.

You sure it's okay to bust in here?

This building's been seized, hasn't it?

We'll reclaim it soon enough.

Still, I had no idea our place had such
a deep, underground passageway.

That's because I never told anyone about it.

Why's that?

You'll see why.


Here we go...

Wh-What is this place?!

Our guild's greatest secret.

The Lumen Histoire.

Wh-What is this?

What's the deal?

This is the essence of
Fairy Tail that Mavis spoke of.

I-I'm speechless...

I don't blame you.

I was at a loss for words too
when Precht showed it to me.

What is something like this
doing beneath the guild?

And why are you showing it to me?!

Because you are to be Fairy Tail's
next master, Gildarts.

Gildarts! It's been a while since we fought--

Is it me, or does Natsu seem like
a bug trying to bite someone?

What's the deal, Gildarts?
You're bein' a buzz-k*ll.

Are you sure? This is how I always am.

You are?

Now, then...

Sure takes ya back though, huh?

Seven years ago, we were this tiny.

You were a huge fan of Gajeel.

Man, he was scary, that Gajeel.

Don't drag up the past, Sting.

They weren't on the path that we've followed.

I've found you!

Take this!

He's... eating the...?!


Don't tell me he's...!

Huh? I must be out of practice.

I missed.

I-It's them...?!

The Twin Dragons of Sabertooth...!

White Dragon Sting and Shadow Dragon Rogue!

The Dragon Slayer duo!

Hey, now.

You're gonna ditch your pals?

Man, you're rotten.

I'd expect as much from a lowly Dark Guild.

I see you really went all-out again, Sting!


Lector. Frosch. Where were you?

Oh, just doing some recon-ish stuff!

Whew! Not even a Fire Dragon,
Iron Dragon, or even a Sky Dragon

could stand a chance against you!

Whew! You're as dependable
as they come! Yes!

I think so too!


You're the strongest
Dragon Slayer of all, Sting! Yes!

I'm absolutely certain I could beat Natsu now.

Oh, absolutely! Yes!

Whadya say we challenge 'em sometime, Rogue?

Not interested.

Me neither!

I'm crying because I'm just so happy

I'm crying because I'm just so sad

Yes, living true to myself

is what lets me be myself

There's a whisper in the breeze

that says, "You're fine just the way you are."

We stay our true selves

and each embrace our own happiness

as we walk forward

Every time the sky changes color

the sound of my quivering heart rings out

What you gave me

Did you hear, Natsu?

There's gonna be a celebration
to choose Fiore's best guild!

You mean the Grand Magic Games?

I'm totally gonna win!

Are you sure? You're having
a hard time just fighting Max.

I'm gonna retrain in time for the tournament!

I'm fired up!

"Next Episode: And So We Aim for the Top"

"Next Episode: And So We Aim for the Top"
Next Episode: And So We Aim for the Top.

What if it turns out to be a brainy trivia
contest or something instead of fighting?

Uhh... I-I'm sure I'd figure something out!
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