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7x06 - Rise Pt. 2

Posted: 08/08/13 07:43
by bunniefuu
What you after...?

The missus.

She needs someone to drive her about the next day or so.

Do you wanna be my Driving Miss Daisy?

I'm in love with that girl.

I can't be doing with disloyalty, Cook.

Oh, God!

Keep your f*cking mouth shut, all right?

I don't know a f*cking thing about you. Who the hell are you?


You f*cked my girl, Jason.

We've got to get the f*ck out of here.

COOK: 'A man died last night.'

'Not a man I liked, or who liked me.'

'But he didn't deserve what he got.'

'It wasn't good.'

'He wasn't surrounded by his nearest and dearest.'

'He didn't pass away 'peacefully in his sleep.'

'And they say it's a small country.'

'But we drove all night and didn't see the end of it.'

'You think you know death. But you don't.'

'Not until you've seen it. Really seen it.'

'Then it gets under your skin and lives inside you.'

'And there's nothing you can do.'


COOK: Is this it?

EMMA: Yeah.

Are you sure?

I came here every summer for, like, my whole life. I'm sure.

Is it safe here?

I think so.


This is so f*cked up. Why are we here?

Oh, I'm sorry my country house in the middle of nowhere that no-one can find isn't good enough for you.


It's here somewhere.

f*ck's sake.

Hang on.

It's nice.

Oh, I'm so glad you like it!

Shut up, girls, right?

What's important is that we're off the grid.

So we stay here until it pipes down, yeah?

Yeah? When will that be exactly?

Whoever's down there, I want you to know, I've got a g*n...

f*ck! It's me, Emma!


Hi, Mum. Dad.

What on earth are you doing here?

These are my friends, Cook and Charlie. We just... came down from the city, you know, bit of a break, bit of a holiday.


Look, I didn't know you were gonna be here.

Well, of course you can stay.

It was just a bit of a shock, it's all. It... it's fine.

We haven't heard a word from you for two years.

And... ?

We thought you were never coming back.

What makes you think you can just... ?


We can talk about it tomorrow, ok?

I'll just go and make up some beds.


Can you please tell Dad to stop pointing his g*n at me?

Mike! Will you give me a hand?

Ok, we're leaving.

Whoa, whoa, Ems...

Ems, there's nowhere else to go.

Please don't make me stay here, Cook.

I'm sorry, Emma.

Not long. Ok?

Not long.

Are we gonna sleep, or are you gonna spend the entire night eye-f*cking yourself?

Why are you in my life, Charlie?

Did you f*ck him?

Oh, I f*ck everyone.

DOOR OPENS. COOK SIGHS You tell me what happened between you and her now.

Cos I wanna know if she's having a laugh.

Emma... Not now, please.

No, you tell me. You don't lie.


I f*cked up.

Yeah, you really did.

I'm sorry.

In the morning, I want her gone.

Away from here. Away from me. You tell her.

Ems, come on...

You're supposed to be this big-shot drug dealer, hardman, badass.

You're supposed to be strong.

I'm trying.

You stupid twat!

Why don't you fight for something?

Fight for me. Don't just... lie down.

I dunno what else to do, Emma.

He's coming for us, you know.

No, not for me.

I'm not too sure about that, Ems.

I can't just feed her to the f*cking crocodiles.

No, girls like her, they get what they want.

It'll happen again, won't it?

No, Ems. No.

You want her, you just take her. Yeah?

You leave and you don't f*cking come back.


Just go with her.

MOANING No... no. No.

Babes... Ems...

Even your d*ck tells lies.

f*ck this.


Babes! f*ck's sake!

f*cking hell!

Ems, man!

Ems... Ems!

So, Cook! What do you do?

I work in events.

Ah. Like parties?

Mmm. Yeah. Something like that.

That sounds pretty exciting.


I'm just asking, Ems...

Are you still working at the... ?

Petrol station.

HE SCOFFS Something you want to say, Dad?

You always make such great life choices!

I do what I want.

Can I get anyone a drink, or... ?

Yeah, I'll give you a hand.

No, it's ok. I'll help him.

f*ck's sake.

What do you do, Charlie?

Er, entertainment.


At the parties?


Why don't you tell her to take the car and go?

I'm getting drinks.

BARMAN: Ok, who's next?

Yes, mate, can I just get two pints of bitter and... ?

Hey, you've just pushed in there, pal!

All right, dickhead. And a large glass of white wine.

What did you just call me, mate?

Just don't, all right?

Hey, say it again, pal! Come again, mate, go on.

A dickhead. HE SIGHS.

d*ck... head?


Like your head is a d*ck.



What's going on?

Nothing. We're getting drinks.

Hey. All right, darling? Listen, are you with this moron?


What the f*ck?!

Step the f*ck down, mate, before...


We've been going to that pub for years! People know us there!

We said we're sorry, Dad!

The guy was a d*ck!

We're going home! Ok?!

Let her deal with whatever mess she's got herself into!

Go and talk to him, please.

Jesus Christ!

Hello, princess.

It's ok, mate. I come in peace.

I'd wave a white flag, but I'm fresh out, you know what I mean?

You shoulda gone to Spain or some shit.


It's all right, man. Serious.

I understand.

How did you find us?

This car you drive. I've got a little anti-theft gizmo in it.

Got an app for that shit. Easy-peasy. X marks the spot.

Can we talk about this, Louie, or what?

Cook, man, of course we can.

We just need a little heart-to-heart, that's all.

You'd better introduce me to your friends. I don't wanna be rude.


Come on.


Nice place.

Where is she?

She's not here, Louie.

You let little hot-tits slide through your fingers?

That's careless, man.


ANNABEL: Ems, thanks.

As long as you lock the door behind you and put the key in the...


Oh, sorry to just drop by like this. Louie. Very nice to meet you.

Annabel. I'm sorry, I don't...

They not tell you about me? I'm Charlie's boyfriend.

Just came to make sure she was ok.

I came to pick her up. Yeah. That's it.

My parents are just leaving, actually.

Sorry. I, er... I just charged in.

You do what you need to. I'm sorry.

I'll come out with you.

It's nice to meet you, Louie.


Here, I'll take that.


MIKE: How many more of your friends... ?

FRONT DOOR CLOSES Parents, eh? Drive you nuts!

What you gonna do?

Yeah, good question, good question.

I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead.

Thank God, are they gone... ?

Hi, Charlie.

Come on!

I'm trying, I'm trying.

I understand you got scared. It's ok.

I just want you back, ok? I love you.

CAR STARTS OUTSIDE I'm serious, no bullshit. It doesn't matter what you did.

What I did?

Louie, you k*lled Jason.

That's... how'd they say... ?

Academic. It's peripheral.

But what we've got, what we had, CAR DRIVES OFF You gonna tell me that means nothing to you anymore?

You gonna tell me that?



Nobody's going to say anything.

So please... just f*ck off.



I think you should go, Louie.


Suppose I'd better do one.




Yeah, I'm ready now.


HE HANGS UP You broke my heart, babe.

Snap. f*cking snap.

SHE GASPS. FRONT DOOR CLOSES Is that it? It's over?

Get the stuff together. We're going.

Get the f*cking stuff!

We're walking.

You know where I'd rather be right now?

I'll tell you where.

f*cking anywhere, rather than stuck out here in the middle of the arse end of the edge of the f*cking universe.

You had your chance to leave! You should have taken it!

What, you think I should have gone with him?!

Shut up, girls!

You think I should have gone with that murdering sack of shit?! Hey, I'm talking to you!

Piss off, whore! You did all of this!

Oh, why?!



Shut up, girls!


Emma, wait!



Where are they? Mum?!



What the f*ck's going on?!

I don't know.

(SCREAMS) Mum! Dad!

What's happened?! Something's happened!


Where's the g*n?

What? What are you saying?

He had a g*n. Where is it?

We need to get off the road.

Mum?! Mum!

Emma, don't.

Whoa, whoa, shush. He's got them, he's got them. I know, I know.

Emma, please.


Emma, please. Shush, shush. Get off me!

f*ck off! What's going on?! Get off me!

Where are we going?!

We need to go back, Cook!

Cook, get off!

No! (SOBS) We need to go back!

Stay here a second.

We need to find them!

She needs to shut up!

They've done something to them! We need to do something!

(SCREAMS) Emma! He'll hear you!

(SOBS) I'm sorry.

(GROANS) Emma?

What's that man done? (SOBS)

What has he done?!

Ems, babe, listen.

Ems, babe.

Listen, I promise you, everything will be ok.

All right?

What's he done to them?

He's just keeping hold of them to scare us.

I promise you he'll let them go. All right?

Now, you just need to be brave now, ok? Ems?


I promise you, everything will be fine.

Stay with her.

Where are you going? You're leaving us?!

I'm just gonna take a look. I promise I'll come straight back, ok?









(g*nsh*t) (SOBS)

Was that... ?

Come on, we've got to go!

♪ Judge him on karma ♪
♪ It's bound to be a bad law ♪
♪ Instinct leads in the race to survive ♪
♪ You judge a man by the risks he takes ♪
♪ To change his fate and place himself ♪
♪ Up on the dreamscape ♪
♪ Free from the trappings ♪
♪ But the flesh will attack him, the flesh will trap him ♪
♪ And these lights look so bright in the city ♪
♪ And one day, this might be his city ♪
♪ We got more dreams than Luther King ♪
♪ The pipes of peace might do for him ♪
♪ But some get peace by keepin' the peace ♪
♪ At easy reach and being quick to squeeze ♪
♪ The road takes a hold on you ♪
♪ Becomes the whole of you ♪
♪ You're looking at the stolen youth ♪
♪ Dead, they took her and they goadin' you ♪
♪ The road takes a hold on you ♪
♪ Becomes the whole of you ♪
♪ You're looking at the stolen youth ♪
♪ Dead, they took her and they goadin' you ♪
♪ Honour among thieves is the talk of the pool ♪
♪ The only protection is the talk of the tune ♪
♪ Decent people just stand by watching ♪
♪ Got disbelief and happy it's not him ♪
♪ And how long will the madness last? ♪
♪ And how long is a piece of string? ♪
♪ We're better off being mad as a race ♪
♪ And then we won't have to face a thing... ♪

Oh! Oh, God!

Emma! Emma, please, sit down!

You just need to calm down.


Cook, Cook, get her to sit down.

Everything's gonna be ok.

Emma, take a couple of these, yeah?

It'll calm you down. It's Valium.


Just stay quiet. He's going to hear you.

Emma, everything's going to be all right.

I don't know about you, Cook, but I am f*cking terrified.

Shhhh. (SOBS)

(WHISPERS) It's ok, Emma. It's ok.

So, what, we're just waiting here until morning, then?

(WHISPERS) Ok, Emma, come on now, girl.

It's ok, Emma, you're all right.





She's still out.


You ok?


I'm sorry.

For all this.

I wanted you.

It's ok.

Do you think Jason knew what was happening to him?

When they drowned him?

Do you think he felt it all?

I don't know, babes.

How long do we have to go on?

Till it's finished.

I'm cold.

We'll get some help tomorrow.

You can't do that.

You're already on the run.

We need to k*ll him.

I ain't k*lling nobody.

I've been thinking about it.

How I would do it.

You're helping me.

You're holding him down.

We've got something.

A branch.

And I just put it on his throat.

And crush it.

And I just keep on pushing it down.

I just keep on.

Until he's dead.

Did it feel good when you did that to someone?


It felt like nothing.

And then you've got to live with this nothing.

It's just shit.


Choose me.

Choose me.



All right, mate?

Been missing you.

Yeah, you too, man.


So, where are those sweet ladies?

In there, asleep.

I reckon you leave them. You keep running.

It's what you're best at.


Come on. Let's go.


(SIGHS AND GROANS) Oh, f*ck me.



Where is she?


f*ck. Oh, f*ck.



She's gone!

She's gone!

You've got to be quiet.

(SHOUTS) Emma! Emma!

Cook, please, he'll hear you.

Emma, where are you?!


Get the f*ck off me!


Cook, he'll hear you!

Please. Be quiet.


For f*ck's sake, please, Cook!


Emma, where are you?!


Mate, just...

There's fine.


Yes, mate?

Please, don't k*ll anyone else now.

All right?

Just leave it now, please.

(LAUGHS) I never thought I'd see this.

You begging for your life, Cooko?

Nah, you do what you've got to do with me, mate.

To be honest, I think I've had it creeping up on me.

Well, who cares?

I'm still going to k*ll you, though.

Hey, at least I had fun f*cking your missus, though.

Still got that, ain't I?


Yeah, straight in her sweet spot, mate.

Bawling my name out, she was, a f*cking star. You listening?


Could have been mates, Louie, you were right, but now you're on the wrong side of me, aren't you?



Go on, Charlie, twat him!



What? You think you could k*ll me?

I'm f*cking Cook, mate!
(SHOUTS) f*cking Cook!


What's my name? Go on.

Say me f*cking name, go on!



Oi, oi, oi, oi, this is for my girlfriend.


What are you waiting for?!


We're done.

I didn't do it.

I know. I know.

Oi, Louie, wake up.

Louie, wake up.

Oi! Wake up!



The police are going to be here pretty soon, mate.

You tell them whatever you want, ok?

Tell them you k*lled someone.

You ready?

Just drive, yeah?

Keep going, don't stop.

Drive until the end of the day, then dump the car.

Police are gonna want to talk to you.


Just disappear.



It's easy.

Will I see you again?

Where are you going?




COOK: You think you know death.

But you don't.

Not until you've seen it.

Really seen it.

And it gets under your skin and lives inside you.

You also think you know life.

You stand on the edge of things and watch it go by, but you're not living it.

Not really.

You're just a tourist.

A ghost.

And then you see it.

Really see it.

And it gets under your skin and lives inside you, and there's no escape.

There's nothing to be done, and you know what?

It's good. It's a good thing.

And that's all I've got to say about it.

♪ Judge him on karma ♪
♪ It's bound to be a bad law ♪
♪ Instinct leads in the race to survive ♪
♪ You judge a man by the risks he takes ♪
♪ To change his fate, and place himself ♪
♪ Up on the dreamscape ♪
♪ Free from the trappings ♪
♪ But the flesh will attack him, the flesh will trap him ♪
♪ And these lights look so bright in the city ♪
♪ And one day this might be his city ♪