05x141 - Chase the Infinite Clock!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x141 - Chase the Infinite Clock!

Post by bunniefuu »

The Infinity Clock is ours,

and the Amplitude Limiter will soon be ready.

Now let's hurry and take care of the church!

Further destruction, and the end.

There's something we still need if
we're to bring an end to this world.

It's weak... The wind blowing from
the brink of destruction is weak...

Indeed, the Infinity Clock is not yet complete.

Great power only comes at the cost
of an equally great sacrifice.

We know that very well.

Go forth! And use our "power"...

...to bring the end ever nearer!

dare ka no tame dake ni namida
o nagasu koto ga dekiru kimi da kedo

naiteru kao o miteru to waratte shimaun da

kimi o ai shite yokatta to

da kara douka semete kono te ga
todoku kyori ni ite hoshii

namida nagasu toki wa kono te ga
sore o sotto nuguu kara

dare ka no tame dake ni namida
o nagasu koto ga dekiru kimi da kedo

mou sukoshi jibun jishin no tame ni
namida o tsukatte mo iin da yo

da kara douka semete kono te ga
todoku kyori ni ite hoshii

namida nagasu toki wa kono me ga
kawari ni namida nagasou

da kara douka soba ni ite

The Oración Seis...

This can't be good at all.

Is that why the old master
got summoned by the Council?


Because we were not only involved
with them during the Nirvana incident,

there was that other prison
break incident as well.

Man, those guys have gotten
even nastier than seven years ago.

We were completely helpless against them...

I couldn't do a single thing...

Darn it!

No, if anyone's to blame, I am.

Seriously, it's not your fault.

It's like what Natsu said earlier.

My dad should've just explained
the situation in more detail.

How did your father even get
involved with the clock, anyway?

Actually, I'm not sure.

We can unravel the mysteries later.

For now, we need to focus
on finding the Oración Seis

and recovering the Infinity Clock.

Let's go, already!

We'll run into 'em eventually
if we just search all over!

Nope. This time we need
to come up with a plan first.


Are you even serious about this?!

Just sittin' around thinkin' ain't gonna help!

This ain't about being serious or not!

Is bashing stuff all your head's good for?!

--Say what?!
--Get him, my dear Gray!

--You moron!
--Juvia is on your side!

"Get the Infinity Clock!"

"Get the Infinity Clock!"
Get the Infinity Clock!

Everyone seems on edge...

It's only natural. We're just
sitting around, doing nothing.

Many people are absent as well.

Yeah, Gildarts and Laki are away on a trip, too.

At times like this, the more
people there are the better...

Yo! We're back!

The Thunder Legion's back from a job!

This one was a cinch, as always!

We're good, if we do say so--


What is it? Has something happened?

An "Infinity Clock" and the end of the world?

Things sure went to hell in
the short time we were gone.

What bad timing.

We could've easily taken care of
the Oración Seis had we been with you.

Actually, while we were on our way back...

As per usual, I went shopping
for ingredients on my own.

You're still in charge of the meals, I see!

I then happened to overhear some
soldiers who were guarding a church.

A man with a large scythe and a man
who runs with incredible speed

supposedly wiped out all the churches
in Shirotsume by themselves.

A large scythe and incredible speed?

Erigor and Racer!

He goes by Grim Reaper or something now.

From what I've heard, the att*cks on churches

have suddenly increased
the past two or three days.

Why didn't you tell us
about any of this crazy stuff?!

I did tell you.

You two must've been too
enraptured by my cooking to listen.

I don't get it. Why are they targeting churches?

Basically, the Oración Seis'
activities have intensified

ever since they took the Infinity Clock, huh?

I can hear them...

There are four churches in this region.

And it seems the priests have already fled...

None of the guards are aware of the situation.

Okay! Then another boom-boom
kaboom for everyone, it is!

Destruction... Want to see...

Purpose in life...

Let's split into two teams
and get this over with.

We'll do it the same as we did yesterday.

The same?

I did something similar yesterday?

You don't need to remember anything.

You need only accomplish your
goal as one of the Six Demons.

I see. So that's all I should think about...

We cannot waste time. Let's go.

The Oración Seis?!

They're here! Defend the church!

Unsightly men...

Cost, 20.

Bow before the radiance of an angel!

Concealment magic.

A pathetic little trick!

How unsophisticated.

Sophistication amounts to nothing on our path.

--What about the Anti-Link?
--Already taken care of.

You're a coldhearted man, as always.

But that's what I like about you.

All I've ever needed is her.

Even now.

I lost her...

...and gained "power" in exchange.

It is now this very sorrow
that gives me my strength.

Until the world comes to its end,
this heartache will never leave me!


We'll use anything as "power"
if it will achieve our aims.

The failure, the regret,
the years of humiliation...

They're what define the Neo-Oración Seis.


Hold on, now!

You're still all woozy!

Is something wrong, Kinana?

Hold on! You need your sleep!

That look in her eyes...


Cannot... waste time...

Let's go...

--It is now this very sorrow...
--Uhh, Kinana!

--...that gives me...
--What are you doing?

...my... strength...

Ms. Kinana!

Until... the world... comes to...

The Legion Platoon has assembled
before you, Your Eminence.

I've called you here for but one reason--

to inform you that I am augmenting
the might of the Legion Platoon.

You mean, like, we're gonna get
a new member... Your Eminence?!

Yes. This, too, is the archbishop's wish.

As such, I've just opened Great
Zentopia Prison's "Forbidden Cell."

What kind of monster are you unleashing?!

Y-You can't mean...

Who the heck is this?!

Like... the rookie isn't even human!

Hi, hi! Ol' Gutman Kubrick is herey-werey!

I'm hearing him in my head!

--He talks weird!

That doesn't hurty-wurty at all!

Gutman Kubrick, the Rupture Magic user!

Also known as "Gutman the Cleaner"...

Oh, my. How rude of me.

You're making him a member
of our Legion Platoon?

This isn't open for discussion.

This is one huge farm, all right.

Fields and pastures as far as the eye can see.

A glory long gone.

Even the smell of its grass
then is now a distant memory

never to be remembered again.


An untouched album left
behind by the flow of time.

In short, it's been years
since the place was deserted.

This is where Michelle grew up...
The Lobster Plantation.

I gotta say...

You've turned into a real babe
these past few years.

I'm going to tell Cana you said that.

Hey, now. I was just complimenting you.

So the Oración Seis were also
behind the church att*cks?


I do not know what their ultimate goal is,

but we can assume that their
att*cks on churches will continue.

Umm... I got a teensy favor to ask, actually.


It's all right. What is it?

If we succeed, we'd like ya to free Coco, yeah.

It's, like, totally true that defying our
doctrine deserves major punishment.

But Coco was raised by Zentopia, just like us.

If we set her straight, she can totally
be useful to the archbishop again.

I imagine it will depend on
the quality of your work.

Don't you worry!

As long as you got the great
Gutman on your side,

you kiddies can rest easy-weasy!

Don't treat us like kids, yeah!

Your Eminence.

Urgent business has come up.
If you'll excuse me.

I apologize for the wait.

Sir Lapointe.

You're with the Council's
Custody Enforcement Unit, yes?

How can I help you?

It's about the Oración Seis,
who we had in custody.

I assume word of their prison
break has reached here, too.

There's something I'd like to confirm about it.

It seems that while the
Oración Seis were imprisoned,

an individual from the Church
regularly came to visit them.

It's possible they were
connected to this prison break--

I won't stand for your accusations.


The prison break was the Council's blunder.

That it would push the blame
onto others is an outrage.

Come back another time.

Right now, you risk causing political turmoil.

His attitude...

It's clear something shady is going on.

It looks like I'm going to need his help.

What the heck is this?

The wall's covered in writing...

It doesn't seem to be a prediction
or anything like that.

If we're to bring... an end to this world...

Maybe she's finally remembered
something about her problem?


It did seem like it was
bothering her a lot lately.

Kinana was apparently under
a curse for a long time, you see.

A curse?

This is ancient Potamelian!

--That again?!
--Just like the writing on the clock hand!

It appears to be a description
of someone named Will Neville.

Will Neville?!

He's the author of "Key of the Starry Heavens."


Let's see. Roughly translated, it says...

"Will Neville was once a great wizard

who made contracts with many
celestial spirits and used them skillfully."

Contracts with celestial spirits?

An author and a celestial wizard, huh?

There's more.

"Will Neville had many pupils.

However, after he fell into his eternal sleep,

his pupils scattered in all
directions to places unknown."

--What's this?
--A biographical encyclopedia.

I got it from our library.

Let's see...

Here it is!

"Will Neville. Author...

...and Zentopian cardinal?"

What's that? A bird?

An important person in the church.

Let's see...

It says he was an accomplished cardinal
and well-known Zentopian historian...

But he suddenly left the Church at
one point and went missing for a while.

Does it say why?


Years after he vanished,

he suddenly reappeared to the
world as Will Neville, the author.

But there's no mention of him
being a celestial wizard in here.

Or that he had lots of pupils.

What the heck's going on here?

How does Kinana know stuff
that's not even in encyclopedias?

And how to write it in ancient writing...

The Legion captain said the Infinity Clock
belonged to the Church, right?

And a member of that church wrote
"Key of the Starry Heavens,"

which Mr. Jude used to leave you a message...

I can't take it anymore!

What does all this mean for us?!

Should we just find this
Milk Devil guy and beat him up?!

Will Neville is long dead.

Pay attention, will ya?!

--Say what?!
--Get him, my darling Gray!

If we knew where the Oración Seis
were going to strike next,

couldn't we ambush them?


Keep it down, will ya?
How am I supposed to get any sleep?

If anything, it's about time you
get up! It's already afternoon!

I'm just so sleepy for some reason...

So, what? You want to find the Oración Seis?

Oh, right! You can use your fortunetelling!


Damn! Don't falter!

Archers, ready!


Slow. So slow.

Clouds, followed by a thunderstorm!

Slot Magic!

Our victory is another sure bet!

Howdya like this?! Lightning Bolt Bonus!

Hot payoff time!

I heard it.

That was this region's only vessel.

We have little time left.

We'll just have to rely on information now.

If you'd just bring her to me...

Have you forgotten our orders?
That isn't our job.

There! All set!

Is that good?

Mm. Perfect!

I'm going to divine where the
Oración Seis will attack next

and which of us should go where!

I see it!

So that decides it?


Seems pretty good in terms of team
chemistry and destination compatibility!

Whatever! Let's just go already!

Here are the results!

The first team... is Gray and Fried!

Interesting. I'd always hoped to
team up with you at least once.

Enchantments and ice magic...

Together, they could make
a pretty sweet combination!

Next! Erza and Evergreen!

I hope they'll actually get along...

Yeah, Evergreen sees Erza as her rival and all.

...And Max.


This is perfect.

Now we can finally settle which of us
is worthier of the "Fairy" title!

Our focus is on finding the Infinity Clock.

I'll gladly take you on anytime after that.

Err, uhh, don't compete with each other!

Let's all just get along. Okay? Okay?

The next team is Gajeel and Juvia!

A transfer team from Phantom Lord...

Why?! Why must Juvia and
her dear Gray be separated?!

This is the true end of the world!

Next up, Bixlow and... Wendy!

Now this is a unique pairing! Sounds like fun!

I look forward to working with you, Mr. Bixlow!

Yeah! Be sure to treat my babies nice, too!

--Nice, too!
--Nice, too!

Next! Happy, Charle, and Pantherlily!


Looks like the Exceed Squad's back together!

Lily aside, I'm not sure how well
we can fare against them on our own...

And, lastly! Natsu, Lucy, Elfman, and Michelle!

--All right!
--We're the only four-member team?

We're together again, Big Sister!

Yeah! Let's do our best
to find the Infinity Clock!

That is all!

Wait, I gotta stay behind again?!

I wanna go with you guys too!

I don't want to be separated
from my darling Gray!

Gajeel! Switch with him!


My fortunetelling said that
this is the best pairing.

Then let Juvia switch with Mr. Fried!

That's the exact same thing.

Come to think of it, we haven't been
on separate teams in a while, Natsu!

Oh, right! I won't be able
to fly if I suddenly need to!


So you're a survivor from
one of the destroyed churches?

I went into hiding afterward
for certain reasons,

but, alas, they found me and put me in here.

Why would they imprison you
after you managed to survive?

They were after me.

Because I'm a pastor.


Because I refuse to tell Sir Lapointe
what he wants to know.

What do you mean?

Filthy traitor. At last, we meet.

Your Eminence!

Now you will tell me the
names of Neville's pupils.

Watch closely, Coco.

This is what happens to
those who defy Zentopia...

...no, those who defy me.

Cana's fortunetelling is often accurate.

Dead accurate!

tatoeba to ka iiwake to ka sonna koto ja nakute

toki wa itsumo byoudou ni tada mirai ni mukau

toomawari de ii sa chikamichi ja nakute mo

chiisa na hikari wa ima de mo tooku de kagayaku

dare mo ga yume ni deaete
tsukameru wake ja nai kedo

nakama ga iru sa daijoubu

kimi wa yume o oi tsuzukete

dare ni mo yuzurenai omoi
kokoro de sakebeba ii sa

nayami mo fuan mo zenbu

kimi ga itsuka kagayaku tame no mono Oh

kimi ni kimi ni tada "yell" o okuru

Natsu! If you're in charge of being
the brawn, then I'm the brains!

Hold on! You think you're the brains?!

--There's no better choice than me!
--More like no worse choice!

H-How rude!

Then what am I in charge of?!

Well, if anything, I'd say you're our mascot.

"Next Episode: Dissonance of Battle"
Next Episode: Dissonance of Battle.

Me, a mascot?! That doesn't sound half-bad!

W-Wow! You're being surprisingly positive!

I'm not cut out to be the brains, to be honest.
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