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08x01 - Divide

Posted: 01/28/23 18:06
by bunniefuu
(brush scrubbing against wooden floor)

(mysterious music)

(nails scraping)

- There.

(wings flapping in the wind)

(ominous choir)

- My queen.

- [Salem] Cinder.

When I chose you as my
vessel for the maidens,

I put my trust in you.

(footsteps approaching)
So, I trust

that you wouldn't possibly
return to me empty-handed.

- [Cinder] The Relic of Knowledge.

I took it right from
under Ironwood's nose.

- [Tyrian] Outsmarting the general

speaks less to your intellect

and more to his.
(mechanical whizzing of tail)

After all, you were outsmarted
by those children first.

- And, according to radio chatter,

that same general and his
forces outsmarted you.

A shame Watts never made it back.

(mechanical whizzing)

- I'm afraid the doctor
was a necessary sacrifice.

I do hope this little one
doesn't become another.

- Who is she?

- Neopolitan has some
very useful abilities

and has proven to be a valuable asset.

- [Salem] Hm, you certainly
do enjoy collecting assets.

(portal opening)
(footsteps approaching)

- Cinder.
(rushed footsteps)

You're here! I knew you'd co-
[Cinder] - Quiet!

(Tyrian clicking his tongue)

- [Tyrian] So devoted to
someone so incompetent.

While the good doctor and I

were advancing the will of our goddess;

dismembering the very body
of this kingdom...

you were merely atoning for past failures.

- Polendina's creation
interfered with the transfer

of the Winter Maiden power...

but now I know she has it.

And once I return to Atlas,

it won't take long to
finish what I started.

That power will be mine.

- I've given no such command.

(Cinder gasps)

- Ma'am, now is the time to-

(ominous music)

- [Salem] This game is
not yours to win, Cinder,

it's mine.

Just because you're more
valuable to me than a pawn,

does not make you a player.

Everything is already in motion.

All you need concern yourself with

is your ability to act when I tell you to.

- Of course.

Without you I am nothing.

(ominous music)


(wind blowing)

(fire crackling)
(door squeaks open)


- Huh?

Thank you.


- [Man] Heads up.
(spaceship whizzing loudly)

- Need a lift?

(spaceship whizzing past)


- [Oscar] I was stupid to think
the General would listen.

Every choice I've made was the wrong one,

and now...

(fire crackling)

- We all did what we thought was best.

I'm just glad you're alright.

- Yeah, yeah, I see you.

- [Joanna] Inside! Hurry!

(mechanical whizzing)


- [May] I know, Sector
is going to need to most help.

I'm sending backup your way right now.

Fiona, do you copy?

We need transport from
Sector to the crater.

- [Fiona] Copy!

(robotic footsteps)

(Oscar winces)

(Ruby sighs happily)

- When we heard you went off after
Ironwood on your own, we...

- How did you end up down in the slums?

- It's a... (sighs) long story.

I get the feeling there's
been a few of those tonight.

- [Ozpin] You're not going to tell them?

- [Oscar] You and I
aren't done talking yet.

Where's Qrow?

(dramatic music)

- We don't know.

The last we heard he
was with Robyn, but...

- Alright, your friend is back now.


You ready to work?

(Joanna sighs)

The largest Grimm hoard ever
seen is hovering over the tundra

and out there is a city
full of people with no heat,

and from what you told us,

no more military protection.

And while we're happy

to give guys a place
to lie low for a while...

It's time to get those people some help.

- How? Ironwood is stopping
all evacuations to Atlas.

And we can't get them out of the city

with Salem's forces surrounding us.

- The crater. Beneath Atlas.

It's not safe but it's warm,

and with everyone in one place

we can do a better job protecting them.

May can send you where you're needed most.

We've got to get everyone
down into that crater

before nightfall.

In the slums, we might have a chance.

- We're never going to sleep again,

I just know it.

- Either you're helping...
or you're baggage.

(door closes)

- We need to get out there
and do what we can for Mantle.

(rushed footsteps)

- [Ruby] We need to do
what we can for everyone.

What about Amity? And telling
the world about Salem?

We can't do this alone.

We need help!

- [Blake] Ruby's right.

The Happy Huntresses are
handling the evacuation

better than we could.

And there's a bigger picture.

- But Amity isn't even finished.

It was still under construction.

- Doctor? What would you
need to launch Amity now?

- Uh

- We've made decent
progress on construction

and fuel collection,

all potentially manageable, but...

Amity was designed so that
it couldn't launch itself

without first being granted clearance

from General Ironwood's terminal.

- Ruby, there is no way Ironwood
will cooperate with us.

- But he doesn't have to.

We just need the green light
from his terminal, right?

- You want to go back to the Academy?

- [Pietro] Actually...there
is more than one terminal.

The one in his office and...

one in the main Atlesian
Military Compound...

at the base of the city.

You'd have to get into the compound somehow,

then get inside the operations room

and then... hoo boy...

I might need to think
about this some more.

- And just to clarify,
this is the easy option?

- What you're saying is it can't be done.

It's pointless.

And even if you got the message out,

there's no guarantee help would come.

- It's not pointless!

Atlas is only Salem's current target.

She's not hiding anymore

and once she's done here

she'll move on to the rest of Remnant.

We need to warn them!

- [Yang] Ruby... when we came here,

we said we'd follow your lead...

but things haven't exactly worked out.

I just...

- There are people here
who need us right now.

That's something we can actually do.

- [Nora] But this isn't about just Atlas.

Ruby's right.
It's about all of Remnant.

They need to know in Vacuo,

in Mistral, in Vale, what's coming...

So they can prepare.

- Okay. Okay...
Then let's go for both.

Get Amity up and running,
and evacuate Mantle.

- But that's how Salem got
this far- by dividing us.

We have to stick together!

- No. What Salem wants is to
turn us against each other.

Just like this.

Jaune has a point.

We can work separately
and still be united.

- [Penny] Or... let me
take the relic to Salem...

and maybe she will call off
her attack on the Kingdom.

- I don't think we can trust
Salem to actually do that.

And the moment she uses the
staff to create anything else...

Atlas falls onto Mantle.

- Nobody's turning you over to anybody.

I think that's the one
thing we could all agree on.

- Okay. Then I guess
we're going to Atlas.

Can you help us get to that terminal?

- I... suppose someone needs
to help you bypass security.

- [Penny] I'll go.

- [Pietro] Penny, we can't risk-

- I'll go.

(Yang sighs)

- Do what you've got to do.

I'm going out there to
see what I could do.

- [Pietro] Yang.
(keys chiming)

Go by the pharmacy.

I was developing some new
tool for you all before...

this happened.

You're going to need them.

- [Ren] Nora?

- [Nora] I'm going with Ruby.

- [Ren] But what about Mantle?

- [Nora] Oh, I'm saving Mantle!

Because I actually believe we can do this.

- Hey, we're still united.

- I hope so.

- [Maria] (over ear-piece) I can get Pietro

out to Amity to prepare,

but that doesn't answer

how we're getting all of you up to Atlas.

- I might actually have an idea for...

(devices chiming)

- [Ironwood] Hello, Penny.

I'm worried for your safety.

Tell me where you are

and I'll have you picked up right away.

Atlas needs you, Penny.

Salem is here.

- She's not going anywhere

until you change your mind about Mantle.

There's still a chance for Remnant to be-

- [Ironwood] Mantle... You're
still worried about Mantle?!

Remnant is doomed, Ruby!

Unless we leave, Salem will destroy Atlas

and with it, any hope humanity has left.

We need to think about the future.

If she makes it through our defenses,

everything that follows
will be on your hands.

(low-pitched humming)

(ominous music)

(mechanical rustling)

(footsteps approaching)

- [Crewmate] Sir, the
prisoners have arrived.

They're being processed in Stockade B.

(Ironwood hums)


- [Winter] Qrow and Robyn?

(Winter winces in pain)

- Could you give us the room, please?

- I'll be fine.

- Thank you, Winter.

I don't know what I would do without you.

I've never-

no one has ever seen a Grimm
force this large before.

The city's hard light shields will hold,

but not forever.

- What will you do... sir?

- [Atlas Technician] Wait, you can't be in here!

- [Sleet] This is absurd! Let us through!

(inaudible distant chatter)

- I'm going to do everything
I can to defend this Kingdom.

- What in God's name do you
think you're doing James?!

(muffled chatter)

- No matter the cost.

- [Sleet] And what's this about martial law?

have you lost your damn mind?!

Are you (inaudible)


(Camilla whimpers)


(ominous music)

(portal opens)

- I have questions for you.

But first I need the one
who could show me how.

Bring him to me.

(ominous music)