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03x10 - Blinded By the Light

Posted: 01/27/23 21:14
by bunniefuu
♪ If you get tired ♪

♪ Of rabbit hunting ♪

♪ One of these days ♪

♪ Go rabbit dancing ♪

♪ For a change... ♪

Did August tell you about
our epic game of chess?

No. Let me guess, you
wiped the board with him.

Aw, not true. He held his own.

- Ah, thanks, Mawline.
- I'm gonna teach you first,

and then I'm gonna destroy you.

Okay, I've-I've been...
I've been studying, you know?

Studying? I don't really think
downloading an app overnight

really counts as studying.

Tread lightly.

Your chess playing skills are only

slightly more advanced
than your whittling.

Okay, stop that.

It is beautiful.

- No, you're right. I know.

- It's the thought.

Thank you, Augie.

Hey, Liam, stop it right there.

- What'd I do?
- Well, you're about to come

to my breakfast table
with a pile of work.

I'm gonna need an exception to that

"no work at the table" rule, Mama.

What's so important it
can't wait for minutes?

Uh, it's just work stuff.

BONHAM: Oh, for crying out loud,

you can say that it's the horse rescue

charity thing that you set
up over at the Davidson's.

Now, I may not be thrilled that you
did it without my consent, but...

- what's done is done.
- Okay, Daddy,

I am sorry that I
didn't come to you first.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're right.

But it's gonna be fine. Really.

Okay? I'm meeting with
an accountant tomorrow

that specializes in all of
this exact type of thing,

so, just, there's no worries.

- Right.
- Mm.

- Where's Cordell?
- I don't know.

I think he's got a work thing.

- I'll text him.
- Okay,

I didn't ask for phones at the table.

Work thing? It's Saturday,
for crying out loud.

Oh, he's, uh, meeting with Julia

- at the farmhouse.
- Julia, the reporter?

She gonna write another
story about him or something?

I don't know, he didn't
say, but I don't think so.

It's probably just,
you know, work stuff.

Yeah, well, there seems to
be a lot of that going around.

Yes, there does. You need to
clear all of that off the table.

- Seriously?
- Seriously.

- [SIGHS] Okay.
- Thank you.

You know, I'll be right back.



Just a quick word before you
disappear into that pile of paper.

Now, you know how much
I've had on my plate lately.

Your brother certainly does.

We've had our own talk about that,

which is something we need
to follow up on, but...

- About what?
- Nothing you need to worry about right now,

but I say all this,

because I want to call together

- a family meeting this week.

And no phones.

None of this... this
work stuff, all right?

Just family...

sorting things out like we used to.

Just give me a time and place,
and we'll be there, Daddy.

Well, I'll figure that out.
You just let your brother know.

All right.

So I take it this is what
you wanted to run by me?

Yeah. This is what I found

sitting on my porch last night

- when we were talking on the phone.
- Okay.

- No return address.
- No, no stamp,

no postmark, and nothing
on the security cam footage.

So, first question. How did it get here?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Okay. Question two: who sent it?

I'd imagine our illustrious
jailers, don't you think?

- I do.
- Yeah.

So what's the message?

I mean, other than the
importance of hydration.


My opinion? Um, it's classic psy-ops.

I mean, think about it.

They're coming after me,
you know, making it personal.

Trying to-trying to scare
me, trying to break me down,

just like they did in captivity.

Okay, but

for what purpose?

Same as before.

They want me to join...

We could really use a guy like you.

... their little
anarchist sewing circle.

They're called Grey Flag.

How'd you know that name?

No, no, no. Julia, that
name is highly classified.

Ranger's eyes only.
You-you shouldn't even...

I'm an investigative reporter.

It's my job to know things
people aren't supposed to know.

I've spent an entire career cultivating
a list of high-level sources.

In government, in business,

- and in intelligence communities, in...
- Okay, okay,

okay. Then-then why don't you tell me

something I shouldn't know.

- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.

I don't think you're gonna
like what I have to say.

- Okay.
- Okay.

If I were you,

I wouldn't be so quick to drop
this off at the Ranger's crime lab.

You're saying you think
there could still be moles

inside the Rangers, like Fenton.

I think it's extremely possible.

Who told you that?

Okay, okay, okay.

- If you can't tell me a name,

how can I possibly believe you?

One sec.

It's Captain James.

On a Saturday.

That can't be good news.

One sec. Captain.

- CASSIE: Hey.
- Hey, what's up?

Um, saw Walker's truck
parked out there, too.

- Guess we all got the call.
- Yeah.

You have any idea why the big
man wants to see us on a Saturday?


Well, maybe to congratulate us

for preventing a deadly riot at
the credit union yesterday. Duh.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, that's
oddly optimistic of you.

Eh, I have my moments.

Yeah, you also have a date

with Kev tonight, apparently,

which, more than likely, explains

- why you're so...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?

He told you already?

He just asked me, like, an hour ago.

What, are we ?

What can I say, the man's excited.

He also said that

your lunch was a little
awkward, and he wants a mulligan.

Oh, I can't with these sports metaphors.


Hey, good morning, partner.

What's wrong?


Oh, it's nice of you to
finally mosey on down here.

It's not like I asked you to rush.

It's only a few minutes
past : , Cap...

When I give an order, I
expect it to be followed.

You understand that, right?

Yes, sir.

Okay, then why do you keep
failing to follow them?

You were supposed to be
on desk duty yesterday.

Somehow you ended up in
the middle of an ATM heist

in downtown Austin. What, you
have, like, a thing for defying me?

Uh, Cap, if I may.

Uh, i-if Trey hadn't acted,

countless people would
have been hurt or worse.

I didn't ask for your input.

- Yes, sir.
- You've been insubordinate

twice in the last month, Barnett.

That is an abysmal batting average.

DPS is far from pleased, so

here it is.

You're expected to appear in front

of a DPS disciplinary
board in two days' time.

Cap, I was only doing
what I thought was right.

Save your excuses, I already
called in all the favors I can

to get you this far, so...

you're on your own.

As for you two... my office, right now.

- Roger that.
- Yes, sir.

JAMES: So...

was there anything y'all forgot
to tell me a few weeks ago?

Maybe right after that
milk run to Dallas?

Uh... uh...


Yes, yes. Um...

I'm sorry. Uh, we are sorry.

We... we screwed up. Big-time.

Oh, you're damn right you did.

You dropped the name
Grey Flag at Thanksgiving.

Only way you could have
possibly known that name

is if you'd looked inside
the confidential files

that you picked up in Dallas,
so why don't we start there.

Why did you open them?

Well, sir, it all started

with the beeping coming
from inside the case...

And we thought... or...
or at least I thought...

that it... it may have been a b*mb.

Okay, hold on a second.

Something about this case is
seriously clouding your judgement.

You thought that a
bag of digital watches

was a b*mb?

We screwed up.

But-but I swear to you,

- we did not tamper with that evidence.
- Oh, I know that.

I checked with evidence control.

They told me the package
was delivered safely.

No contamination, no
issues with chain of title.

Yet you still didn't come to me.

Instead, you chose to lie
to my face. Both of you.

Look, if there's anything
else you haven't told me,

anything at all...


... now would be the time to speak up.

Captain, um...

There's nothing. No, sir.

Um, nothing more to report.

Good. Get the hell out of my office,

shut the door behind you.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.


♪ ♪

I got to say, guys, uh,

in all the years I've known him,

I have never seen
Captain James like that.

I'm really sorry, guys. I
feel like this is all my fault.

- Wait, how?
- I'm the one who slipped up

and said the name Grey Flag.

WALKER: No, no, no, Cass, no.

You and I both decided
to lie to Captain James.

- It's both of our fault.

Man. This disciplinary hearing?


Guys, I-I really don't
want to screw this up.

- I love being a Ranger.
- Hey, Trey, you're catastrophizing.

These DPS hearings, they
are mostly just an exercise.

WALKER: She's right. She is.
Aw, heck, I've been called in

more times than I care to admit,

and I've survived relatively unscathed.

- You know?
- Yeah.

But there are things that can help.

You should talk to Liam. Honestly.

He's given me plenty of free
legal advice over the years.

- It'll help.
- Good point.

I'm sure he knows DPS rules
and regs inside and out.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Uh, thank you.

- Yeah.
- I appreciate it, guys.

Of course.

Well, I guess I should call
Kevin and cancel for tonight.

Wait, what? Why?

I mean, I know why, but don't.

You shouldn't cancel. Go.

Have fun. You know,
work-life balance, right?

Call me crazy, but
there's something about

being chewed out by your boss

that kind of puts a damper on things.

Yeah, I mean, I get
that, but there's nothing

that we can really
do about it right now.

- Walker's right. Go have fun.
- Yeah, go.

What, is he paying
you guys or something?

- Go.
- Go.

Okay, fine. I will go.

Good. And I have to go right now.

I promised Stella I would
help her out at the Side Step.

- TREY: Okay.
- Catch you later.

Thanks for the coffee.


- Hi.
- Uh...

... thank you for, uh, uh,

meeting with me on...
on such short notice.

- Said you wanted to talk.
- Yeah.

I'm ready to listen.

Okay, yeah, uh, um...

So, I still have the, uh,

energy drinks.

So you didn't submit
it to the crime lab?

- No.
- Interesting.


And what made you change your mind?

You. [LAUGHS] You did.

Uh, you know, all the
stuff you said before

about the possibility of
a mole inside the Rangers.

Do you think that Captain James

might actually be involved in all this?

James? No. God, no. Not-not a chance.

All I'm saying is that...

So, James didn't seem,

like, angry with me,
so much as he seemed,

um, like, disappointed, you know?

Like he felt betrayed. And now I think

that his personal feelings might be

clouding his judgement about this case.

The same could be said for you.

Could be said, and it-it
was said by Captain James.


So what's Ranger
Perez's take on all this?

Wow, you haven't told her?

Or Trey.


I think it's best that I wait.

Not because I don't trust them,

I do trust them, with my life.

I-I just don't want
to drag them into this

until I have a better understanding
of what I'm dealing with.

Because you don't want to get
the people closest to you hurt.

I told you, I'm good at reading people.

And believe me, I get it.

I've made similar calls
on dangerous assignments.

I... I think our jobs
are actually a lot alike.

- That why you've chosen to trust me?

I've chosen to work with you.

Uh, trust is a-is an ongoing process.

- Fair enough.
- Fair enough.

But, I...

I would like to do this
your way, Julia. Um,

off the books, you know?

No one knows but you and me.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Let's go.

Oh, there's still crud on
the side of this one, hon.

[SIGHS] All right.


Well, you don't have to
take it so personally.

It's just a dirty plate.

- It ain't the plate that's irking me.
- I figured.

So, tell me,

why are your undies in such a
bunch over this family meeting?

My undies are just fine, thank you.

[CHUCKLES] Okay, so, why don't you
discuss what you want to discuss

at our weekly family
dinner, like we always do?

Because this is different.

I mean, William's been
nipping at my heels

about this damn charity thing,

the Side Step's a mess...

... and Cordell's
considering moving out.

Why in the world would
Cordell consider moving out?

Because I asked him to.

I'm sorry, Abeline, but
after your TIA, I got scared.

And that boy needs to get
his own house in order.

He can't-he can't... he can't be
expecting you to fix his family,

not when your focus
should be on your health.

Fix his family?

- We are his family.

So, I'm curious how you decided

that abandoning our son
when he needs us the most

- is-is best for my health.
- It ain't abandoning him,

it's putting his
responsibility back on him

where it belongs, that's all.

Oh, I am really glad that we're
having this family meeting now,

because it's the perfect opportunity

to apologize to Cordell, and remind him

that they are welcome
to stay in that farmhouse

for as long as they please.

Let him decide.

Finish the dishes yourself.




Okay, thank you.


- Hi.
- Wow, you look fantastic.

Thanks. So do you. [LAUGHS]

Here, sit down.

- Oh, great.
- I'll get your seat.

Wow, thank you.

- What a gentleman.


- Well, this is a great place.
- Yeah.

How'd you find it?

Well, I actually reached
out to your brother

for some restaurant recommendations,

and Ben said when he's in
the mood for great brisket

and can't get ahold of your
abuela's, he comes here.

So, I am hoping it is befitting of
barbecue royalty such as yourself.

[LAUGHS] Ah, very smart.

- You did your research.

Now I just hope they have
some good beers on tap

because I could use a keg. Or two.

- Oh, tough day?
- Mm.

Something happen at work?

- Um, yeah, a lot happened at work.
- Mm.

But you know what?

I don't want to talk about any of it.

And, no, not because of my rules,

but because I would much
rather talk about you.


You already know so much about me,

I feel like I'm at a
major disadvantage here.

Okay, uh...

great. Uh, what do you want to know?

Um, well, how about everything?

And I freely admit

that I did already do a
little research online,

- but hardly anything came up.
- Mm.

- Except a highly-curated Instagram account...
- Yeah.

that you use for work, so all
I've seen are pictures of you

at various ribbon-cutting ceremonies,

- holding a giant pair of scissors.
- Very big scissors, always.

- Why?
- I don't even know what's up with that.

I don't know. Uh...

But the fact that your
web search was a bust

is kind of by design.

Oh, makes sense. I assumed as much.

Did you have your
Internet presence scrubbed?

- Oh, yeah.
- Hmm.

Like pretty much every other
person in politics these days.

- Yeah. Now tell me all your dirty little secrets.
- Oh,

- wow, I wish I had any.

I really wish I was
that interesting, but...

Oh. Oh, well, actually, um...

No, there was this
really embarrassing photo.


It was on my grandmother's
Facebook page for, like, a week.

- From my communion when I was seven.
- Oof.

- Yeah.
- Well, I would pay big money to see that.

No, it is gone forever.

- Oh, a shame.


Seriously, Cass,

my life's an open book.

What do you want to know?


So, here's my issue.

I'm-I'm still having a difficult time

trying to wrap my head around the, uh...

Grey Flag of it all.

I mean, we shut them down.

Not according to my sources.

Your... your sources?

Oh, are these more, uh,
"unnamed" sources? Great.

Calm down. I can actually name these.

Calm down. [SCOFFS]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Move over.


Okay, I got to admit, I'm usually

more of a "scribble on the
back of a napkin" kind of guy.

I have entire hard drives
filled with research like this.

Where are these from?

These seem like, uh,

dark web kind of stuff.

Eh, a variety of extremist websites.

Lots of chatter about our
friends Grey Flag on the darknet.

What kind of chatter? I-I haven't
heard anything about any chatter.

Well, maybe I have better intel.

Than the Rangers? [SHORT CHUCKLE]

I doubt it.

Maybe you're just not need to know.

Bet Captain James has been read in.

There we go again.
All right, yup, great.

- That's great.
- What?


You're trying to drive a wedge
between Captain James and me.

No, I-I'm not. Honestly.

But as a reporter, I
need to keep an open mind.

Consider all sides.

As a Ranger, I do the same.

Well, open your mind to this:

- Grey Flag is back and...
- I... I...

I can open my mind to that.

What I can't do is issue a
warrant based on-on rumors

and innuendo and-and dark web chatter.

I need names.

Names, Julia.

So-so, who are the people
still running Grey Flag?

I honestly don't know.

So, how am I supposed to
know that any of this is real?

You trust me.

And think about this.

You didn't know a damn thing about
that chemist that nearly k*lled you.

That, uh... He... he didn't...

he didn't nearly k*ll me.

Well, whatever. You understand my point.

The bottom line is, Grey Flag
is regrouping and rebuilding,

and the sooner you wrap your
head around that simple fact,

the better, because,

for some unknown reason, Cordell Walker,

you're their prime target.

Mmm. It's just there all the time.

Mm-hmm. Well, I am
definitely a workaholic.

- Mmm.
- Absolutely.

Me too.

We could go to meetings together.

Oh, yeah, that sounds like fun.


No, actually, I think I inherited
that gene from my mother.

Um, yeah, she wouldn't bat an eye

- at working a -hour day.
- Really?

- Mm-hmm.
- Was she also a politician?


No, nothing like that. She, um,

never actually even finished college.

- Oh.
- No. My dad passed away when I was ten.

Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry.

Oh, uh, thank you.

Uh, he was a good man.

He was a great man, actually.

Uh, anyway, once he died,

my mom was forced to take on two jobs...

neither of them good...
and somehow managed

to scrape enough money
together to support us both,

and then send me to college, so...

- Wow.
- Yeah, she's kind of my hero.

That's so sweet.

I mean, I can kind of relate.


I mean, I spent my teenage years

watching my abuela work -hour
shifts at our family restaurant.

You know, her famous barbecue brisket

supported the entire family.

Well, um,

a toast.

- To our respective families.
- Mm.

And in the interest of full disclosure,

I was gonna cancel on you tonight.

- Really?
- But not because of you,

- because of what happened at work.
- Mm.

And, no, I still don't
want to talk about it,

but my point is

I'm very glad I came.

Tonight was a lot of fun.

I agree.

So, why is Grey Flag so obsessed
with my time in the military?

Knowledge is power.

You said it yourself...

they're trying to break you.

The more personal info they can glean,

the more likely they are to succeed.

Yeah, right. Uh, but, I mean,

that-that brand of energy drink

is very specific.

It was only produced for a few years

and only distributed in
MRE's given to Marines.

Only way to get your hands
on it now is through eBay.

- I didn't realize that.
- Uh, I guess I have my sources, too.

- Hmm.
- Mostly me. I was there.

Oh, right, and-and,
from what you're saying,

our guy must have served
around the same time you did.

Yeah, along with hundreds
of thousands of other marines

who-who spent time over
there during that period.

It doesn't really narrow it down.

I just got the strangest
sense of déjà vu.

Didn't we talk about this already

when I first interviewed you?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it was the same

brand of energy drink they
served me in captivity.

Right, but there was
another story you told me.

Luckily, I write everything down.

None of it ever made
it into the article,

but I think you told me that
those energy drinks became like

an inside joke in your
unit for some reason.

- Is that...
- Yeah, yeah.

Uh, because we had so
many cans of that garbage

from the DoD, we-we got sick of it.

I take great notes. Be careful.

But seriously, Walker,

have you considered the fact
that the person running Grey Flag

could be a fellow marine?

Maybe even one from your unit?


You know... [SIGHS]

I don't think that's possible.

You have some idea what
it's like in a combat zone?

You know, the time
you spend in a foxhole

with the person next to you...

You know, the five of us, we were...

We were like brothers.

Cain and Abel were brothers, too.

- I'm just saying, an open mi...
- I'm gonna... Give me a sec.


It's open.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Peace offering.
- Uh...

I know I pissed you off
last night, and I'm sorry.

I'm sure you don't eat carbs, but...

You didn't piss me off. Uh...

Okay. Maybe a little.

You forget that my
superpower is reading people.

I'm-I'm practically a telepath.

Okay. Well, then, Ms.,
uh, Practically A Telepath,

you should already know that
I wasn't pissed off at you.

Just trying to wrap
my mind around the fact

that I'm potentially being
targeted by a former brother.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Not a pleasant feeling.

No, no. It's unsettling,
to say the least.

Uh, but, as a matter of
fact, I'm happy you're here.

Uh, there's something
I want to show you.

Uh, follow me.

All right.

Marine Raiders. [CLEARS THROAT]

Special ops. We were
divided into groups of five,

so those four men and myself,

we were Raider Team .

So these four guys, they're
the only ones who knew

about the inside joke
about the energy drinks?


Do know think any of them might
have had a grudge against you

- for some reason?
- No.

Uh, well, not that I know of.

And we know it can't be Coop,

- for obvious reasons.
- Okay.

Sooner we figure out motive,
sooner we can narrow it down,

but we don't have a lot of time.

Because one of these
guys could be hunting you.

Whoa. Knock-knock.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Oh, I'm sorry to just pop
in on you at work like this.

No, come in, come in. I'm just
finishing up some paperwork.

What brings you by?

You know, I just wanted
to talk about last night.

I know you said you were
upset about something

- that happened at work.
- It's fine.

Really, I had a great
time with you, Kevin.

- Good. Good, I'm glad. Me too.

It's just... Well, at my work, um,

I heard a rumor about Captain James

going on the warpath yesterday,

and then Trey called me and told me

about the disciplinary review, and...

I just wanted to say
I'm sorry. That sucks.

And I understand why you were upset.

Well, that's really sweet of you.

But you don't have to take this on.

It's going to be fine.

Is it?

Look, uh, the mayor still
plans on honoring all of you

in a few weeks for your heroism.


But I can't exactly
have my boss pin medals

on Rangers under disciplinary review.

I mean, how would that look?

Well, maybe you should ask
them to postpone the event.

Thought of that.

But then I thought of
an ever better idea.

See, it turns out the mayor has
a certain amount of pull at DPS,

so I called in a favor,

and bottom line,

I'm gonna be able to spin this
in a much more favorable direction

for all of us.


I really wish you hadn't done that.

- But I can make all of this go away.
- Great.

But I didn't ask you to.

I asked you specifically
to keep my work life

- and my personal life separate.
- I know,

- I... I know, but...
- But you chose to ignore me,

and you did it anyway.

This is exactly why I was
worried about getting into

- a relationship with you.
- Whoa, Cass,

I'm sorry. Really, I-I'm sorry.

I can try to walk it
back. I can walk it back.

I don't think you can.

This just isn't gonna work.

- Cass...
- No, I have work to do.


- ABELINE: I got it, Bon.
- All right.

Hey, Mr. Walker. It's,
uh, it's good to see you.

Well, I think you've
known me long enough

to call me by my first name, Barnett.

- But if you're here to see Cordell,

he's over at the farmhouse.

Uh, no, I'm-I'm actually
here to see Liam.


that's right. You had that
little tiff with Captain James.


Where's my manners? Can I get
you some coffee or something?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

- Uh, coffee would be great. Thank you.
- Great.

It's wearing on you, huh?

Yup. Yup.

My mom's gonna have a
field day with this one.


I reckon she will.

Thank you.


But, uh...

I mean, I've been lucky, though, right?

I mean, I got a chance to try my hand

at a variety of different careers, and

I've liked them all, but, man,

being with the Rangers, that's...

that's the first time that I've
felt like I'm where I belong.

Because it is.

You were born to do this job, son.

I ain't just blowing smoke.
I've seen it firsthand.

And Captain James

and all those other folks over
at DPS... they've seen it too.

They're not gonna let a man like you go.

Anyway, that's my opinion.

Not that you asked for it.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

So, after Coop was KIA, then what?

A few months later, I-I was back home.

- And then these guys?
- They all reenlisted,

uh, served at least one additional tour.

Uh, then...

you know, we just kind of
lost touch over the years.

I-I really couldn't tell you.

Lucky for us,

I just happen to have
access to a Pentagon database

that could help us fill in some blanks.

Hang tight.

Okay, got something.

- Marine Bravo, aka Robert Ortiz...
- Mm-hmm.

... returned stateside
about ten years back.

Got married, bought a house, but

suffered a heart attack
last year and died.

What? A heart attack?

Young guy.


Marine Charlie,

- aka Sam Turner...
- Sam Turner, yeah.

... returned home, ,
got married, had a kid,

but was k*lled in a car
accident six months ago.

- Uh...
- I'm so sorry.

Hold-hold on.

So, they're both... gone?

And it looks like

Marine Alpha, aka Tommy Adams,

is still alive and kicking.

Never been married, no kids.

Current location unknown.


We have...

Charlie, Bravo.

Pretty sure you're not our suspect.


So, by process of elimination,

there's a really good chance

your old friend

Tommy Adams might be
the man behind Grey Flag.

WALKER: All right.

Now we just got to find him.

- Well...
- I know, Bonham, I know.

I said : .

And they're late, as usual.

Almost an hour.

It's downright disrespectful.


But what's really bothering you?

I mean truly.

Ever since my health scare

and this idea you have that Cordell

needs to get his house in order,

and everything that's
going on with Liam...

Is it about who's taking over the ranch?

- Well, that concern's not new.
- No, it's not.

And this fight isn't either.

Look, it's not really a fight.

How we disagree about raising our sons?

No, you're absolutely right, it's
more of a fixture at this point.

Well, what can I say?

It didn't exactly turn out
to be the pretty picture

that I always imagined it would be.



It's William.


Gramps is gonna be pissed.

I know, but I don't want to talk to him

until I know exactly what we're
doing with this horse rescue.

And, truth is, I...

my meeting with the
accountant did go long, so...

Oh, was that helpful?
Tell me what she said.

I'm excited to get going on this thing.

Yeah, so, great news. Uh, now, granted,

this is just a rough estimate,

but she thinks that we'd
be able to save up to %

- on taxes alone in the first year.
- That's amazing.

With that kind of money, we
could build out the pipe corrals.

Yeah, or we could hire a therapist

full time if we wanted.

- Or we could do both.
- [LAUGHING]: We could do both.

She also had a really

interesting idea of
bringing you in as partner.

Uh... I thought I already was.

Yeah, no, you are. Of course.

Her point is that you're
now, you're legally an adult,

you can sign contracts, enter
business agreements, and so,

she thought that it made
sense to bring you in on paper.

Full partners.

So what do you think?

- You sure this is the place?
- Yes, stop asking.

I'm, like, % percent sure.

WALKER: It looks abandoned.

Or looks like he wants us
to think it's abandoned.

The source who gave me the address

has never let me down.

Okay, fine. That's a good start.

Uh, so what else did
your source tell you?

Uh, I'll tell you.

Tommy Adams, years old.
Served two tours in Afghanistan.

Awarded Silver Star twice.

After an honorable discharge,

went to work as a private contractor,

earning the big bucks
babysitting dignitaries overseas.

So, combat experience,
uh, special ops training,

experience in the private sector.

Yeah, I'm gonna say my old friend Tommy

fits the Grey Flag profile to a T.


And if he is in there,
he's not gonna go quietly.

- We're gonna need backup.
- Yeah.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

I was gonna use mine to
call Cassie. [CHUCKLES]

What are you planning
on doing with yours?

Nothing. I'm always packing.

Okay, uh, Julia? Hey, Julia.

N-No. This is not a good idea.

Julia, wait, wait, wait.

This is very poor decision making.

No one asked you.

We don't have a warrant.
Or even probable cause.

So? I'm a reporter. I'm not a cop.

I can walk up to that guy's door

- and ask questions to my heart's conten...
- Okay, okay, okay, okay,

yes, yes, yes, but if
your theory pans out,

then Tommy is now a dangerous
psychopath with a g*n.

Don't worry, Walker. I'm a big girl.

With a g*n. I'll be fine.

- I think this is a bad idea.
- So, don't come. I'll be fine.

Okay, I'm not so sure about that.

Look, I know what kind of
military training Tommy has had,

and my gut tells me we're
walking into an ambush.

That's not how things
work in the real world.

I've interviewed the head of the Taliban

in a charming little
coffee shop in Kabul.

These guys aren't boy scouts

but they're not Bond
villains, either. It's fine.

WALKER: Okay, okay, hol-hold here.

Just... stay close to me, okay?
Let's walk back to the truck.

Sergeant Adams?

This is Lieutenant Cordell Walker.

I order you to stand down.


Don't fight!

Don't fight back!

Stop it! Don't fight!

Okay? You done?

Get off.


You finally learned to quit
telegraphing your moves,

- w*r hero.
- Tommy.

Dude, chill. I'm just playing.

You look good.

She looks better.


I'm the one that contacted you.

I sent those energy drinks to your pad.

- Now, why'd you do that?
- I needed to talk to you. To warn you.


I thought you'd understand from
the cryptic nature of the message

that I sent you to respond in kind.

I didn't expect you to show up here.

I'm trying to stay off the grid.

No visitors.


You two think I'm crazy, don't you?

You probably think that
Ortiz died of a heart attack

and that Turner was k*lled
in a single-car crash,

or whatever it was the police told you.

No way!

That's what they want it to look like.

He was run off the road.

A professional hit.

And Ortiz...

he was poisoned,

- and I know who did...
- Okay, okay, enough. Enough.

Enough, all right?

Why don't you just try
in plain English, Adams?

What are you trying to say?

That we're being hunted.

k*lled off.

One... by one.

I can't believe you'd actually be late.

Yeah, well, I have a very
good reason. Trust me.

Everything okay? What's wrong?

I'll tell you when this is all over.

Um, what'd I miss?

Oh, you know, just pretty
much the whole hearing.

But don't worry, looks like DPS board

is gonna let Trey off
with a slap on the wrist.


Order, please.

The disciplinary board
has reached its decision.

Captain James,

if you would.

Ranger Barnett, please stand.

"Based on your two consecutive
instances of insubordination...

"... the board has decided

to terminate Mr. Barnett's
employment with the Rangers...

... effective immediately."


DPS OFFICER: This hearing is adjourned.