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02x09 - Search and Destroy

Posted: 01/27/23 20:46
by bunniefuu
There's a point where it tips There's a point where it breaks

There's a point where it bends and the point we just can't take anymore

There's a line that we’ll cross And there’s no return

There's a time and a place No bridges left to burn


We can’t just wait with lives at stake

Until they think we’re ready

Our enemies are gathering

The storm is growing deadly

Now it's time to say goodbye

To the things we loved

And the innocence of youth

How the time seemed to fly

From our carefree lives

And the solitude and peace we always knew

Weiss: Professor Oobleck?

Emerald: Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls,

Emerald: Seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission.

Emerald: I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations;

Emerald: Rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland,

Emerald: And making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon.

Emerald: I packed all of our essentials myself,

Emerald: Plotted our air course, and readied the airship.

Emerald: And!

Emerald: It's Doctor Oobleck.

Emerald: I didn't earn the PhD for fun, thank you very much!

Weiss: Uhh...

Emerald: Come now, children; according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind...!

Emerald: ...schedule!

Ruby: Well, alright, then!

Ruby: Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oob...

Ruby: ...leck okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse.

Nora: Nora: Save the world?!

[Footsteps from behind]

Nora: You're going on world-saving missions without us?!

Nora: I'm hurt, sad!

Nora: Maybe a little hungry?

[Stomach growls]

Nora: That last one's not your fault, though.

Nora: Ren.

Jaune: Sounds exciting.

Jaune: Where ya going?

Ruby: Oh, just outside the kingdom...

Nora: Hey! So are we!

Pyrrha: Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village.

Ren/Ozpin: We set out tomorrow.

Neptune: Neptune: Then you can party with us tonight!

Neptune: We're shadowing a crime specialist.

Neptune: All inner-city detective stuff.

Neptune: We get junior badges.

Jaune: Ooooooooh...

Sun: We normally go to the city with you guys,

Sun: Whiiiich means stuff's always exploding and junk.

Sun: So we thought this might be a better way of checking out the kingdom when it's, you know...

Sun: Normal?

Ruby: Well-

Emerald: Four minutes, ladies!

Ruby: Well, uh...

Ruby: Wish us luck.

[Airship engine sounds]

Yang: I guess I just never saw you as much of a fighter.

Emerald: I did fancy myself more of an intellectual,

Emerald: But I can assure you, as a Huntsman,

Emerald: I've had my fair share of tussles.

Ruby: Like the mushroom?

Blake: Those are truffles.

Ruby: Like the sprout?

Yang: Those are Brussels.

Emerald: Besides, given my expertise in the field of history as well as my dabblings in the archeological surveys,

Emerald: Our dear headmaster saw it fit to assign me to this particular...

Emerald: ...assignment!

Weiss: What does history have to do with this?

Emerald: My, what a preposterous question, you silly girl!

Emerald: Why, history is the backbone of our very society!

Emerald: And the liver!

Emerald: Probably the kidneys, if I were to wager.

Weiss: And that means...?

Emerald: The southeast quadrant outside of Vale is home to wild forests and deep caves.

Emerald: But!

Emerald: It is also the location to one of the kingdom's greatest failures!

Ruby: Ruby: Mountain Glen.

Yang: That's right! It was an expansion of Vale...

Yang: But in the end it was overrun by Grimm and fenced off from the rest of the city.

Emerald: Correct!

Emerald: And now it stands abandoned.

Emerald: As a dark reminder.

Blake: And a likely place for a hideout.

Emerald: Precisely.

Emerald: Ladies!

Emerald: You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun!

Emerald: From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say!

Emerald: Do you understand?

Emerald: Ruby!

Emerald: I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school.

Ruby: But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet.

Ruby: So I didn't.

Emerald: She's not wrong...

Emerald: Very well, Ruby; leave you bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But I, wuuuuh-

Emerald: Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with-

[Rustling sounds in the bag]

Ruby: [Whispering] Get back in the bag...

Other characters: Bark~!

Emerald: We're here...

Emerald: investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility,

Emerald: And you brought...

Emerald: A dog.

Ruby: Ee- Uuh...

Emerald: Genius!

Emerald: Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound,

Emerald: Making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!

Other characters: Bark~!

Ruby: I'm a genius!

Blake: So.

Blake: What are your orders, Doctor?

Emerald: Ah, yes, straight to the chase!

Emerald: I like it!

Emerald: As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hotspot for Grimm activity.

Emerald: Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior...

Emerald: One of which being...

Emerald: Grimm.

Ruby: Uh... uh... what?

Emerald: Grimm.

Emerald: A Creature of Grimm approximately one hundred yards from us at this very moment.

Weiss: What?!

Emerald: Stop!

Blake: Huh?

Emerald: There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area,

Emerald: The most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity.

Emerald: Sadness.

Emerald: Envy.

Emerald: Loneliness.

Emerald: Hatred.

Emerald: All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.

Ruby: So...

Ruby: What now?

Emerald: We wait.

Emerald: We track.

Emerald: If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Yang: How long do we wait?

Emerald: It's uncertain.

Emerald: Hours.

Emerald: Days.

Emerald: Weeks.

Emerald: Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months and there's the whole pack.

[Grimm growls]

Weiss: What?!

Emerald: And now they've seen us.

Weiss: What?!

Emerald: {\b \i }AND NOW THEY'VE SEEN US! {\b \i }

Ruby: I take it tracking is out of the question?

Emerald: An accurate assumption, yes.

Yang: What's the plan, then?!

Emerald: Show me what you're capable of.

Ruby: Cover your ears, Zwei!

Other characters: Bark~!

Ruby: Piece of cake.

Emerald: Do not celebrate yet.

Emerald: For I am certain this is the first round of many.

Emerald: Shall we continue?

Emerald: Excellent work, girls!

Emerald: Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector.

Emerald: Oh, well! Moving on!

Other characters: Bark!

Yang: Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a "pro Huntsman" in action.

Yang: Like...

Yang: Fighting, or at least, helping us fight?

Emerald: Ah, but I am in action!

Emerald: Scouring the ruins of this one great city for any signs of irregularity!

Emerald: Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism, girls.

Emerald: Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination!

Emerald: Remember! This is a job...

Emerald: And you all signed up for it.

Emerald: I do hope you understand that.

Yang: Well... yeah.

Yang: O-Of course!

Emerald: Hmmm...

Emerald: Tell me, Yang.

Emerald: Why did you choose this line of work?

Yang: Huh?

Yang: Well, to fight monsters and save-

Emerald: No, that is what you do.

Emerald: I want to know why you do it.

Emerald: The honest reason as to why you want to be a Huntress.

Yang: The honest reason?

Yang: I'm a thrill-seeker.

Yang: I want to travel around the world and get wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can.

Yang: And if I help people along the way, then that's even better.

Yang: It's a win-win, y'know?

Emerald: I see.

Emerald: And you, Miss Schnee?

Emerald: A girl born into fame and fortune such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work.

Emerald: So...

Emerald: Why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas?

Weiss: It's exactly as you said.

Weiss: I'm a Schnee.

Weiss: I have a legacy of honor to uphold.

Weiss: Once I realized I was capable of fighting,

Weiss: There was no longer a question of what I would do with my life.

Weiss: It was my duty.

Emerald: Interesting.

Emerald: And what about you, Blake?

Emerald: You seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose.

Blake: There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing.

Blake: Inequality, corruption... Someone has to stop it.

Emerald: Very well.

Emerald: How?

Blake: I... uh...

Emerald: Hmmm...

Other characters: Bark!

Other characters: Bark~!

Ruby: Sorry!

Ruby: Uhhh...

Ruby: Are we ready to keep going?

Emerald: No! I believe that will have to do for today.

Emerald: It's going to be dark soon.

[Yang groans]

Emerald: You three.

Emerald: Set up camp in that building.

Emerald: Oh, and please do make sure there are no more of those...

Emerald: Creatures.

Emerald: Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come, Ruby.

Ruby: Whaaaaa...

Ruby: What is that?!

Ruby: It looks awesome!

Emerald: That, my dear girl...

Emerald: Grimm.

Ruby: Let's k*ll it.

[g*n loads]

Emerald: I'm afraid your sn*per r*fle will do nothing more than agitate a Grimm of that size.

Ruby: But... What if it att*cks us?

Emerald: Fret not, Ruby; those Goliaths are not concerned with us.

Emerald: Ruby, not every Grimm is mindless.

Emerald: Or rather not every Grimm is still mindless.

Emerald: You see, the Grimm you see before you are so powerful,

Emerald: So superior to the Grimm you fought,

Emerald: That they have undoubtedly lived hundreds of years.

Emerald: And in that time between k*lling humans and attacking our borders, they have done one important thing.

Emerald: They've learned.

Emerald: They've learned that when they attack our borders,

Emerald: They're likely to die.

Emerald: And what we lack in strength,

Emerald: We make up for in will.

Emerald: And that k*lling one human...

[Goliath growls]

Emerald: Will only bring more.

Ruby: Then...

Ruby: Why are they still so close to the city?

Ruby: What are they doing?

Emerald: Waiting.

Ruby: Doctor Oobleck?

Emerald: Hmmm?

Ruby: I was wondering...

Emerald: Wondering why I've been interrogating your teammates all day?

Ruby: A-A-Actually...

Ruby: I was wondering...

Ruby: Why did you want to become a Huntsman?

Emerald: Look around and tell me what you see.

Ruby: Lots of old buildings...

Ruby: Uh... Emtpy streets...

Emerald: I see lives... that could have been saved.

Emerald: As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people.

Emerald: And although I am capable of doing it with traditional weaponry,

Emerald: I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind.

Emerald: As a teacher, I'm able to take knowledge,

Emerald: The most powerful w*apon of them all, and place it into the hands of every student that passes through my classroom.

Emerald: I look at this wasteland, and I see lives that could have been saved.

Emerald: But I also see an opportunity.

Emerald: An opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy.

Emerald: And therefore become stronger.

Emerald: I am a Huntsman, Ruby.

Emerald: Because there is nothing else in this world...

Emerald: ...I would rather be.

Yang: I can't believe we didn't find anything...

Blake: We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Blake: I guess we can't always have luck on our side.

Weiss: That's not what I meant.

Blake: Huh?

Weiss: Earlier...

Weiss: About...

Weiss: Upholding the legacy.

Weiss: There's more to it than that.

Yang: Yeah...

Yang: No, me too.

Yang: I mean...

Yang: I don't know.

Blake: I don't know, either.

Blake: I know what I want to do, but...

Blake: I figured I'd always take things one step at a time.

Yang: Well...

Yang: It doesn't matter.

Yang: We know why we're here.

Yang: Right?

Emerald: Oobleck: Ah, wonderful!

Emerald: A textbook campfire!

Ruby: Fire!

Ruby: Waaarm...

Emerald: Very good!

Emerald: Eat your dinners and hurry to bed.

Emerald: We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode.

Emerald: Any volunteers for first watch?

Ruby: Yo.

Yang: Hey...

Yang: Did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress?

Yang: I mean...

Yang: W-What did you tell him?

Ruby: Hmm.

Ruby: No, he didn't.

Ruby: Weird. Oh, well; good night, guys!

[Beowolves howling]

[Zwei cries in fear]

Ruby: Don't worry.

Ruby: Things will be better tomorrow.