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03x09 - Buffering

Posted: 01/27/23 17:17
by bunniefuu
♪ Clementine, tryin' to erase
you from my spotless mind ♪

♪ Hit fast-forward... ♪

- Down the hatch.


♪ Tryin' to erase you... ♪

Nope. Little...

Hey, handsome, can I get you a refill?

No. Thank you.

You sure? It's on the house.
Extra whipped cream.

(CHUCKLES) I appreciate it,
but I'm good.

♪ Chasin' the truth,
but it's all confused... ♪

CASSIE: Dude, seriously?

She's lucky I'm not your girlfriend.

She was hard-core flirting with you.

No, she was not.

That was just really good service.

Okay, then I'm just gonna go
around calling people handsome,

even if I have
no romantic interest in them.

- Fine, go ahead.
- Sounds good, handsome.

- All right, calm down, all right?

Man, it's hard enough
just trying to hold down

- this job as it is.
- Come on,

you don't think Captain James

is that upset with you, do you?


But no one fought

harder than he did to get you here.

The mayor chose you

to be his personal bodyguard,
for God's sakes.

(CHUCKLES) Actually, that reminds me,

did Kevin tell you

about our lunch with the mayor tomorrow?


He didn't tell you?

The mayor's honoring us
in a couple of weeks

for bravery.

Walker and Liam, too.

- Honored?
- Yeah.

- Do we get medals?
- I don't know.

I'm surprised that Kev didn't tell you.

Well, I'm not.

We have very strict work/life

- balance rules, yes.
- Ooh, do tell.

No texting during work,
no shoptalk when we hang out,

no adjusting the rules

without consulting a proctor...
that's you.

What... That's me?
Did-did I consent to that?

I just don't want another fling,

you know, and he seems like

this perfect guy, and
everyone keeps telling me

we should make it something serious.

Yeah, I get it.

But don't you think that
tomorrow's lunch

might complicate things?

It will be fine.
I will act professional.

And, thankfully,

with the state that you're in,

you'll suck any romance
out of the room anyway.


Oh, thank you.


Oh, it's Walker.

Possible - down at the server farm

on the corner of
Copperfield and Windsor.

- That's a government building.
- Yeah.

- Probably won't take long to go check it out.
- You coming?

I cannot. Desk duty calls.


What? I thought you had this.

ABELINE: Check...

... mate.

That is not fair.

I don't have a real queen,

so I can't properly visualize this game.

I'm sorry, but we lost it in the move.


If it makes you feel better,

we can switch sides,
and I can beat you again.

You know, I have left

four messages down at that feed store,

heard back nothing,

and our delivery hasn't come this week.

How in the hell am I supposed
to feed our horses?

Plus the extra dozen that
are over at the Davidsons.

You know, I need to go down
to that damn feed store

and give them a piece of my mind.

LIAM: No, wait, Dad,


Uh, let Mom smoke you at chess.

I will go down to that feed store.

I will handle everything.

- Yeah, but I...
- LIAM: No, no, no, seriously,

I do need to step up around here,

especially with Mom's recovery, and

don't you think
I should know the vendors

that we work with? I mean,

somebody's got to take over
this place eventually.

Fine, but just know, this is
not one of your courtroom cases.

I had a hell of a time securing

a feed deal after pulling
our business out of Morrison's.

So, you just get in and get out.

Last thing I need is more drama.



Hey, hon.


There's, uh, banana bread

on the stove if you want some.

Oh, uh, no. No, thank you. I just, uh,

finished mucking the stalls, um,

brushed the horses,
and I, uh, watered the garden

for you.

You expecting a prize?

No, no, I just... I-I came here
to see what else I can do.

Maybe I can help out Uncle Liam?

Oh, you could find our missing queen.

BONHAM: I think you've done
enough around here. Tomorrow

you can go down to The Side Step,

pick up an extra shift,

make up for all that liquor
you stole at your party.

Okay. Yeah.

I got it.

I'll do that, Gramps.

BONHAM: Uh-huh.

- Okay, you have got

to forgive him at some point.

And don't pretend that

you weren't once a-a reckless teenager.

Allegedly. And the Corps
straightened me out on that.

That boy's undisciplined.

He's causing too much stress
around here, don't you think?

Well, there's not much
we can do about it.


- No signs of a forced entry.
- No.


Anybody work here?

Perp must have tripped the alarm
that alerted the police.




Go back to the terminal.

Wait. Do you hear that?



Hey! Texas Rangers!

We know you're in here.

Give up your position now.

You got nowhere else to go.

♪ When the camera's on ♪

♪ Know you see a star ♪

♪ 'Cause when nobody's lookin' ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ I'm still goin' hard ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm still goin' hard... ♪

Freeze! Don't move.

- Finish it.
- Stop.

♪ Checkers and chess
ain't the same thing ♪

♪ We live to win it, you start it... ♪

- No, hey, hey.
- Stay back.

Come on now. Don't make this
any more difficult than it has to be.

Drop the knife.

What is that?

- ♪ When the camera's on ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ Know you see a star ♪

♪ Hey ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when nobody's lookin' ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

Yup, yup.

♪ We still goin' hard ♪

♪ We still goin' hard ♪

- You okay?
- Yeah.

♪ Everybody goin' hard ♪

Stay right there.

♪ Show 'em we in charge ♪

What did you do?

♪ I'm a king ♪

- ♪ I hold the cards ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Probably why I'm goin' hard. ♪

♪ ♪

JIM: Thank you, sir. Appreciate
your business. Come back.

Hey, take care.

Hey, you're Jim,

- right? The manager here?
- Yup, yup.

I'm Bonham Walker's son.

The Texas Ranger?

Liam, the other one.

Yeah, I-I think I saw you make
a speech when you ran for D.A.

- Hmm.

sorry for your loss there.

Ah, well, thanks.

Ranching's more my speed now.

And since we're new
to your business, I was hoping

we could smooth some things out. I, uh,

did some research on behalf of my dad,

and our feed deliveries
are late to our ranch here,

here... Actually, four times
just this quarter,

and I'm sure that it's

a timing issue, but then
I dug a little bit deeper,

and I cross-referenced your prices

with the mean value
of this feed brand statewide,

and you've been overcharging us.

What are you gonna do to fix this?

This research is from a week ago.

Travis County has
inflated prices since then.

A real rancher would know that.

And if you'd just bothered to ask,

I could've told you we raised prices

on everyone buying that feed,

except for your dad.

Thought it was only fair, given the

circumstances of his change
over to the store, so...

Oh, well, in that case, Jim,

- I...
- Thanks for coming in, Liam,

but if you're the one
taking over for your father,

maybe we just sever ties right here.

Go find yourself

a feed store that can handle
your big vocabulary.

Have a nice day.

Hello there. How can I help you?




So, any update on your perp?

Uh, yeah.

The manager of the
server farm was able to speak

to the hostage. She said she was

at the front desk when he came in,

and he tried to freeze the server

and tried to launch some kind of

unsuccessful ransomware attack.

If that's true,
that's domestic terrorism.

He'd be going away for a long time.

Yeah, but it's just weird, though,

because I've been doing
all this research on him,

and he just seems like this

do-gooder in the city.

Hosting all these rallies,

advocating for income equality.

Just another Victor Ziff

hacker philanthropist wannabe.

The most unhinged people

are usually the best at playing human.

But what would he have to gain

from breaking into this server farm?

Well, he's in custody now,

so I'm assuming that
you're gonna find out

soon enough.

Hey, you want to carpool
to lunch today, handsome?


I've been thinking about it.
I shouldn't go.

I got to stay here and log in
the camera footage evidence

from the server farm.


Mayor's probably not
even gonna show anyways.

It's all good.

No, no, no, no, no. It is not all good.

It kills me

that you are still on desk duty

for something that was my mistake, too.

Let me talk to Captain James for you.

No. Mm-mm. That's okay.

All right? (SIGHS)
Besides, he's out of town.

I just got to buckle down
and finish these

last few shifts.

Cass, I have a lot riding on this.

I have to prove to James that

hiring me wasn't a mistake.

Hiring you was one of the
best decisions he has made

for this department.

After me, obviously.

that goes without saying.


You'll be back in the field in no time.

Thank you.

(SIGHS) All right,
I'll see you in a bit, handsome.


LIAM: You know, I could really use

a stiff drink right about now.

Our liquor license
continues to be nonexistent.

Now, that fancy

lunch place you're going to with Dad,

- that could be promising.
- LIAM: I am not going.

I'm not in the headspace
to revisit any of that stuff,

especially not after messing up
so bad this morning.

You had good intentions.

LIAM (SIGHS): I just feel
like every single time

I try and do the right thing,

it ends up biting me in the ass.

I just want to feel in control
of something.

You are not alone, trust me.

How did we get here?

It feels like just last week

I was ready

to adopt you and Augie, and now...

... I can't be trusted
to buy a bag of feed.

Look, you have always taken care
of Augie and me,

and I just want to do the same for you.


let's take a step back

and think about the big picture.

Feed aside,

what are we actually
doing with these horses?

I don't know. Do you know? I don't know.

It's been hard to build it
into what I imagined

because Gramps wants to keep
everything very small,

especially with Mawline's recovery,


What if we grow it?

On our own, make it more official.

What, like, making it into a (C)?

(LAUGHS) A - -what?

A (C), it's like
making it into a charity.

But you know what, actually,

with that status, we'd be able
to build a horse rescue

and rehabilitation center.

We could help horses and people.


Hey, wait, stay. We're talking
about the horse rescue.

I am running this place by myself.

What are you talking about?
Augie is here.

Again, running this place by myself,

and I've been meaning to tell you guys,

I don't know if I can be a part
of the horse rescue stuff.

Just feels like
bad karma from my grandma,

and this crazy idea that
she didn't even mean.

And we're just as unqualified
to start it as she was,


It's a whole thing.



That's a lot you've been sitting on.

Why are you bringing
your grandma into this?

The horse rescue was our thing first.

Stella, I...

- Is there something else on your mind?
- I'm fine.

I-I just, I got to go, okay?

♪ ♪


- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.

Okay, handsome.

Excuse me?

Don't worry about it.
You had to be there.

- All right.
- Okay.

So, should I shake Kevin's hand

when I see him? Or maybe a little

side hug? Maybe a little wave?

I think, uh, handshakes
are always neutral.

- Try that.
- Should it be firm, though?

'Cause I feel like if it's too
much, then he'll think that I'm

trying too hard, but if it's
loose, then he'll think

that I'm weak, and, let's be honest,

I could definitely beat him
in hand-to-hand combat.

- Do you think we get medals?
- Cass, hey, hey, shh.

Take a breath, all right?
It's gonna be okay.

Seems like a great guy, just maybe

dive into the deep end.

Wow, says the guy
who threw in the towel.

I didn't throw in the towel. (LAUGHS)

Yeah? When was the last time
you spoke to Geri?

Okay, she said she needed some space

to deal with family stuff, and
I'm respecting that decision.

You know what? I'm not gonna
let you make this about me.

We got work to do.


But, seriously, can you ask
about the medals?

Thank you.


JULIA: Okay, thank you for checking.




- Hey. - Hi.
- JULIA: Uh,

- Ranger Perez?
- CASSIE: Yes.

Right? It's been a while.

- Julia Johnson.
- The reporter.

- Yeah.
- It's nice to see you again

under better circumstances.

Well, what are you,
what are you doing here?

The mayor's chief of staff invited me.

I guess we're being honored, huh?

There they are.

My three heroes. Come on in.
We're ready for you. Hi.

- Hi.
- How are you?

- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.

- Yeah.
- Thanks for coming.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Just... I haven't seen her

since she reached out for the article.

A while.

Yeah. Hey, was your handshake
weirdly soft at first

and then got really firm out of nowhere?

- Walker.
- Yeah?

You're reading way too
much into this. Come on.

Yeah, yeah. (CLEARS THROAT)

Uh, the mayor does send his apologies,

by the way. He couldn't make it.

However, I am very happy
to have you here.

- Yeah.
- Especially given your hospitality at Thanksgiving.

Full disclosure, that's not
usually how our holidays go.

Every family has their fights.

- Really, it was a lovely evening.
- Yeah.

- It's very nice to see you, Ranger Perez.


That's right. Please have a seat.

You can set your hats here,
if you'd like.

WALKER: Oh, thank you.

- Uh...
- Uh, oh...

All right.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

So, uh, Julia,

h-how's-how's work?

It's good. Thanks.

Good. Yeah.

And, uh, family, how's your family?

Actually, I don't really
talk to them that much.

Okay, uh...

Kevin, I did not think it was
possible, but you have

outdone the Heatherly senate luncheon.

- You two know each other?

Yes. Kevin's helped me get

some pretty exclusive interviews.

Yes, and we are press event
buddies, as it were.

JULIA: Which basically means

that we stand in a corner and talk about

who's having an affair with who.

- By the way, I have an update for you on that.
- Please.


And you two know each other

from the recent security threat
on the mayor.

- Yes. We've collaborated.
- Hmm.

We're still working out the logistics.

Yes, uh,

either way, we should get
down to business.

- Mm-hmm.
- KEVIN: Now, as you know, the mayor would like

to honor all of you in a couple weeks.

Exciting, yes?


Um, are we going to be receiving medals?

The mayor wants to give you
much more than that.

He's very impressed by your resilience

and bravery over the last year,

especially you, with
your article. And you...

Well, you saved my life.

And thank you does not
begin to be enough,

but I hope this is a start.

So, I brought you here because

I want to ask you a couple questions.

You know, to help formulate
the mayor's speech.

With your permission, of course.

This part can get
a little dicey sometimes.

- Yes?
- Oh, yeah.

- It's a yes?
- BOTH: Yes, of course.

Great. Uh...

Let's start in the summer,

with a few questions
about your experience

in captivity.


Bro, I've barely made $ in tips

- all day.
- Mm.

No, dude, that's for paying customers.

There's a box of saltines in the back

next to the rat poison if you're hungry.

Okay, you're mad at me.

Grab me the cumin?

Look, dude, I get it.
All right, I hurt Stella.

You have every right to hold a grudge.

What about your grandparents?

They still not talking to you
after what you did?

Well, Mawline has forgiven me,

but I can't help but blame
myself for the TIA.

And Gramps is, uh...

not gonna forgive me for a long time.

You know, it's kind of funny, um,

I'm actually going through
something similar

with my grandma,
except I'm on the other side.

She sent me a letter.

I haven't told Stella yet,
but she wants me to go visit.

I-I can barely bring myself
to look at the letter,

let alone think about
looking at her in the eye.

My parents are in Thalia,

and going back there feels
like going backwards.

And just how everything went down

with my grandma, how sudden it all was,

how weird it is
to talk to my mom about it,


Almost feels like she died.

I get it, bro.

You're valid, but also

I feel like your grandma

might not expect for you
to forgive her in-in one night.

So maybe just write her back

and build up to a visit.

Yeah. I guess I could do that.

You know, Colton, you deserve

the-the family you're craving.

And, to be honest,

you're like the closest thing
to a brother that I-I...

I have.

- Truly.
- Same.

Which is why I should say you're never

gonna repay your debt
when business is this slow.

Especially with that top shelf
stuff you stole.


So, take off your apron

and go think about something
that would actually

have some meaning for your grandparents.

Money aside.

KEVIN: I'm sorry, I have to ask.

Really, I-I-I am, but

the mayor needs to be prepped
for any and all questions

that might come his way
during the event, and,

unfortunately, the more
uncomfortable it is now,

the smoother it'll be on the day of.

Of course. Sure. Um...

(STAMMERS) What would you like to know?

Don't answer anything
you don't want to, but,

if you're comfortable,

we'd like to know
a little bit more about

this anarchist group
behind the abductions.


- Do you have any more leads?
- Um...

We don't know anything you don't.


- Thank you.
- Sure.

Let's move on to after the takedown.

Perhaps talk a little bit
about your article.

Is there a specific question?

Oh, what was the reception,
you know, when you published it?

Did anybody reach out?

Julia's article was very

well received. She's
an incredible writer.

I've been reading her stuff
since, uh, since we met.

It's okay. I got it.

Okay. Yeah.

The article was fine.

My editor liked it,

and it was what it was.

Maybe we should shift over to, um...

Maybe we should stop
with the questions for now.


Well... (CHUCKLES)

this is not the way things usually go.

If any of you have the sudden urge

to s*ab me, I believe the steak course

should be coming any second.

- JULIA: I will be right back.

I just need some air.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, I need a sec, please.

I'll be right back.



Can I help you?


I couldn't help but notice
you watched the same clip, like,

seven times.

The guy with the knife
helps her when she slips.

- Right?
- You saw it, too.

Yeah. It's weird.

It is weird. Thank you.


Hey, whoa.

There was a perp here
that was arrested yesterday.

David Brothy.

I wanted to ask him some questions.

- Hacker guy?
- Yeah.

He left an hour ago.

He was brought in on charges
of domestic terrorism.

There's no way he was released
on bail this quick.

I thought it was strange, too,
but papers came in this morning.

Sorry, Trey, he's gone.





Hey, I-I know you came out here
to have a breather,

and the second you tell me
to leave, I'm gone,

but I-I have to ask you,
did-did I do something wrong?

No, no, it's fine.

You sure? Because the last thing

I would ever want to do is offend you.

No, I'm, um...

I'm just surprised to see you

and to hear that you read it.

Read-read what?

My article.

Maybe this was a mistake.

Look, I guess Walker and Julia
haven't seen each other since...

No, no, no, not that.

I meant us.

Thinking we could separate
work and life so easily.

- Uh, Kevin...
- I know I can be intense.

I know that, but...

I don't know, I can't help but
wonder that maybe you created

these rules because you're
embarrassed of me.

(LAUGHS): What?

No, no, no, no, no.

I have been interested

in so many men way more
embarrassing than you.

Oh, my God, that came out wrong.

Did it?

Yes, yes, it did.

And maybe you're right.

All these rules are just making
things more complicated.

JULIA: After it was published,

I wanted to call and check in.

Why didn't you?

(LAUGHS): Because

we didn't exactly meet at a bar.

Right. (LAUGHS)

I didn't know how you'd feel

hearing from me, you know,

if I'd make you backtrack.

In the back of my mind I thought

that you might reach out
after reading it,

and when you didn't,

I assumed it was for a reason,

and I get it.

Uh, we symbolize pain to each other.

I didn't want to hurt you more.

No, I-I... (SIGHS)

I'm sorry, I-I'm so sorry.

No, you don't need to be.

You're not a mind reader.

But you asked, and that's the answer.

- I do like you, Kevin.
- Cassie, you really don't have

- to do that.
- No, I do, really.

So maybe texting during work
won't destroy us.

Plus I have seriously been missing out

on the perks of your job.

I should have thought.

I mean... dealing with...

that kind of thing on your own,

that kind of trauma, uh...

I've been held at gunpoint twice.

I've investigated g*ng
v*olence in New York.

Covered the Turkish school
murders in San Francisco.

I'm no stranger to this feeling.

It just... doesn't get any easier.

No, I guess it doesn't,

and it's, um, it's awkward.


It's so awkward.

(LAUGHING): So awkward.

I don't know what a luncheon is
or why the last three letters

of the word are necessary
other than to sound pretentious.


But I do know

that eating fancy food and
standing in a corner with you

doesn't sound like such a bad time.


For me it's-it's-it's kind of like I,

I wonder if I'll ever feel
things the same way again.

I mean, you-you condition
yourself to-to get through it,

but once it's over...

... who are you left with?

Sometimes, when I feel numb,

I try to focus on one thing.

Like a detail of a story
that I know is true.

And then fit in the rest
of the pieces from there.

No, some unsolicited advice.


- Pick up, pick up, pick up, Walker.


- I should get this.
- Take it.

- Okay.
- Please.


Trey, hey, what's up?

I'm kinda in the middle of something.

Hey, hey, Walker, listen,

the perp that you arrested
was released an hour ago.

There was no evidence of intent
to freeze the servers,

and get this, the hostage
isn't pressing any charges.

He held a knife at her throat,

and she's just letting him
walk away Scot-free?

I found something suspicious
on the cam footage.

If the perp didn't want
to freeze the servers,

why break into the farm
in the first place?

Maybe it had something to do

with what the servers were hosting.

Cassie mentioned that this guy

was an amateur activist.

You know what?
I can check the list of clients

that they sent us after the break-in.

Yeah, do that. Uh, start with any banks

or big corporations in the area.


All right, just give me a sec.


There's no banks.

There's a fire station in South Austin,

a police academy,


Five... Federal?

The-the credit union?

There are a gold mine of ATMs there.

If this guy was able to hack
into their system,

that could cause a kind of chaos

I don't even want to think about.

Yeah, exactly.

Um, all right, heading there.

Tell you what.

Let's just keep taking it slow.

See what happens, okay?

Besides, I can't have you getting

too comfortable around me.

This rambling thing you do
is far too endearing.

No, I'm gonna get it straightened out.

I hope you don't.



Sorry, sorry.


- Walker.
- Understand.

Hey, everything okay?

WALKER: Cass, hey, uh,
emergency at Credit Union.

We got to go now.

- I'll be right behind you.
- Okay.

I... I'm sorry.

But thank you for the lunch... eon.

- You're welcome.


Lord, it's raining money.

CASSIE: Oh, Walker's right behind me.

- I'll call backup.
- All right, try to get ahold

of somebody
inside the credit union, too.

They might be able to shut it off.

- Hey, back away, back up.
- We've got a - in progress

- down at Federal.
- Back up.

Everybody back up now, stop.

Move, move, move.

- We need all units nearby.
- What'd I say?

We need all units nearby!

Whoa, are you okay, sir?

TREY: Stop, stop, hey, hey,
hey, everybody back up.

- CASSIE: Back away.
- Back away from the ATM, back up.

What'd I say? Back up!

I said back up!


- Stop, stop.



Walker, over there!

♪ One is for the light... ♪

On it.

♪ Three is for the land ♪

♪ To make room for the fauna ♪

♪ Four is for the sun and moon ♪

♪ And five is for the creatures ♪

♪ Well, six is for the people ♪

♪ To enjoy all our features, come on ♪


♪ Oh, come on, oh, come on ♪

♪ Oh, come on ♪

♪ I don't know why we're out here ♪

♪ Our kingdom had come,
but the message is clear ♪

♪ Heaven sent seven,
was a gift from above ♪

♪ Show me your love ♪

♪ Girl, I wanna see
what you're made of ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoa! ♪

♪ I don't know what it all means ♪

♪ I don't know where we come from ♪

♪ But from what I have seen ♪

- ♪ We're here to have fun ♪

♪ Heaven sent seven,
was a gift from above ♪

♪ Well, show me your love ♪

♪ Girl, I wanna see
what you're made of. ♪

No, nope, don't.

Don't-don't move, don't move.

Freeze, stay where you are.

Now get your hand out of your pocket!

We have a back door into ten more ATMs.

One text to our team and
they're all gonna go off.

Okay, don't do that.

Let's not do that, right?

How about we talk?

Let's talk.

I'll start.

This is just an observation, but...

I don't think you actually want
to do that, do you?

See, here's one thing I know...
you didn't bring any bags,

you didn't take any money,

so this wasn't some kind
of get-rich-quick scheme.


Was it?

So this isn't about you...

and this isn't to launch some
sort of ransomware attack.

This is about those people
back at the credit union.

Am I getting warmer?

- No one was supposed to...
- Alyssa.

WALKER: Okay, so let's
say this is about them,

let's say it's to try
and help 'em, yeah?

Spread the wealth a little bit?

See, here's the thing.

Those ATM machines have cameras,

and stealing is a crime no
matter which way you slice it,

and now those people are getting
aggressive, hurting each other.

They are turning against each other,

all because of what you did.

Now, I don't think you want that
on your conscience.


... we can either, uh... stand here

and let more people get hurt.

Or we can shut this down.

It's up to you.

TREY: All right, I need everybody

to back away from the ATM now!

- CASSIE: Back up!
- Back up!

Everybody, move, move.

What did I say? Stop.

- CASSIE: Back up!

TREY: This money is
not for you! Put it down!



Okay. Smells really good in here.


What's up with the spread?

I thought you might enjoy a night off

after being a one-man kitchen all day.

Well, thank you.

I was a jerk to you earlier.

♪ Leaves on the lawn... ♪

You knew something was off,
and... you were right.

♪ Waiting for the moon ♪

My grandma wrote to me.

♪ To keep us moving on and on... ♪

I got it on Monday.

That's why she's been on my mind,

and, uh, I just didn't know
how to talk about it.

No wonder you've been upset.

♪ It's something
that you just can't touch ♪

So, what'd she say?

♪ But we can find the beauty... ♪

That she wants me to visit.

Thought I was gonna rip it up,

but, uh, I spilled to Augie

and he weirdly gave me some good advice,

and, um, now I think I'm going to go.


But not anytime soon,

but, um, being here alone's
helped me realize

how attached to my family I really am.

I still care about my grandma,

but I know she's caused you
and your family...

She's put you guys through hell,
and I-I feel so guilty,

- and I-I don't want...
- Colton, why, though?

That's not you and that's not us.


Sure, I need distance

from my family right now,

but that does not mean
you have to do the same.

Playing house can wait.

I want to be here, Stel, and I just...

... just need an anchor to
my life before I came to Austin.

I get it, I'm here for you
no matter what you decide to do,

and your feelings are absolutely valid.


- (LAUGHS) What?
- No, Augie said

that same exact thing.


See, what do you even need me for?

- Well...
- Mm-hmm.

You smell way better.

♪ My shelter from the storm. ♪

- Want to eat?
- Mm-hmm, yes.

Do you want some salad?


Oh, you're-you're putting it away?

Yep. I beat everyone. Three times.


And no one wants to take another s*ab.

I mean, we can't have that, can we?

Somebody's got to try out
this new queen.


This is beautiful.

How long did it take you?

(SCOFFS) Just, like, a couple of hours.

We need more Band-Aids, by the way.


Where's Gramps?

I want to see you two play
with the completed set.

Oh, he's out working.

I'm... I'm touched.


Well, then, maybe you could teach me.

I've always wanted to learn how to play.

And who knows? Maybe one day
I can beat Mawline the Great.

You know, Augie...

Thank you for this.

But you know I've already forgiven you.

And you don't need
to make anything up to me.

I know. I know, yeah,
the queen was just a gesture.

The spending time with you
is the cherry on top.

By the way, which one of these
weird-looking pieces is the rook

or the knight?


ABELINE: Well, you got some names right.

- Here's the rook.
- Oh.

- ABELINE: Looks like a castle.
- Mm-hmm.

- This is the knight.
- Okay.





Hey. What's going on?

You are not gonna believe this.

We are officially the owners

of a horse rescue and
rehabilitation center.

I wanted to tell you when we
could have more of a, you know,

celebration, but
I-I couldn't wait any longer.

I thought we were keeping
this horse rescue small.

Just feeding 'em, accommodating 'em.

I-I didn't know we were starting a whole

mental health therapy center.
When-when did you file these?

Today. I had a buddy rush 'em through.

And you did so without consulting me?

Well... no.

You gave me a task for the horse rescue,

so I figured that you trust
my judgment on this.

Son, I asked you
to get our feed delivered,

not create a whole new
business on this ranch.

Well, things didn't go exactly
as planned at the feed store.

It got complicated and...

I lost that deal.

Oh, William. Why am I just
hearing about this now?

Dad... it's fine.

Because we're going to help people,

and now that it's a charity,

we're going to save
so much money on taxes,

you're not going to have
to worry about the feed deal.

But there are countless
of other expenses

in starting up a charity.

And now the IRS is involved.

Do you really want to start
that kind of stress around

the ranch right now, given what
just happened to your mother?

Stella and I are gonna figure it out.

Not to mention, do the Davidsons
know about this joint venture?

I mean, the horses are
on their property.

Colton knows.

Son, he's .

What about Dan?

(SCOFFS) Denise?

You know, at the very least

I thought that you were
gonna be happy for me.

This is something I am passionate about.

It's something I'm actually good at.

I am happy for you.

But you're making these decisions

that affect my reputation.

My land.


Just know your place.






Hey. It's Julia.

WALKER: Julia.

Hey. You-you... you called.

I called.

To check in. After everything.

Yeah. I should thank you.

Believe it or not, your advice
helped me with a case today.

Did it?

I'm so glad I could help.

Sorry. There's a... there's
a package on my porch.

Which is weird,

because they usually get
delivered to my folks' house.

But I guess it's nice, because
I've actually been trying

to, uh, not bother them lately.

Not be a bother to your own parents?

Uh, long story. My dad

kind of asked me to, uh, move

elsewhere and...


Wow, look at you.

Now I know why you get people

- to overshare for a living.

♪ ♪

Eat. Eat.

JULIA: Hello?



- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

Uh, Julia, hey.

Uh, can-can we get together tomorrow?

Uh, my place? First thing?

Uh, there-there's something
I want to run by you.


Sounds good. I'll, uh, I'll be there.

Yeah, great.

♪ All right ♪


♪ I'll give you ♪

♪ My forehead, my crease. ♪