05x132 - Key of the Starry Heaven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x132 - Key of the Starry Heaven

Post by bunniefuu »

S-Say what?!

The Legion Platoon?!

Does that mean we were att*cked
by followers of Zentopia?

Yeah. No doubt about it.

Why would the largest church
in Fiore do such a thing?

I'm not really sure, but the guy
said stuff about a "holy w*r."

None of that crap matters!

Lucy. We will get your keepsake back.


Don't be so hard on yourself.
She used magic to control you, y'know?

I'm sorry... I wasn't able to do anything...

No. You're not to blame, Michelle.

It's because I...

It's because I was weak...

hajimari no sora e... hikari sasu hou e...

nani mo kowaku nai... boku ga iru kara...

nando mo chi ni hiza o tsuite
puraido o mamorenakute

utagai bakari umarete mo mada me o tojinaide

ima koko de kanousei o
mikiwameru koto nante nai

namida ga ame ni kawaru toki tada kizuite hoshii

kuyashisa wa haki suteru yori

tsurete yuku koto de imi ga aru kara

kimi ga nozomu subete ga
tatoe tsukamenaku tatte

hitotsu dake yuzurenai mono te ni shite

hajimari no sora o mukae ni yuku yo

furikaerazu mae o mite

se ni kaze o kanjita nara fukuzatsu
na koto nante nani mo nai hazu sa

miwataseba itsumo no egao ga aru kara

hitori de kakae komanaide

kotae wa aserazu kono michi no tochuu de

deau mono sa kitto

A series of church att*cks just before
the Zentopia Founding Festival...

A mysterious clock hand
and an ominous phrase...

The Legion Platoon's theft of it...

And a holy w*r, huh?

I don't like it...

I don't like them making a
mockery of Fairy Tail, either.

This ain't over yet, that's for sure.

What happened with trying to follow them?

According to Warren,
every team lost sight of them.

But this isn't the end.

In fact, you could say it's only begun.

Yeah! This means we can look forward
to paying 'em back a hundred-fold!



"Key of the Starry Heavens"
Key of the Starry Heavens.

This "holy w*r" of theirs...

The Legion Platoon is hoping
to accomplish something big.

And that something requires that clock hand.

There's also the phrase inscribed on it...

"Time ticks forward...
toward inevitable chaos..."

What is it, Charle?

Oh, no, it's nothing...

Somewhere out there, that clock really exists.

Does that mean it'll be used in their holy w*r?

Do you think maybe the "chaos"
is referring to this holy w*r?

Are you okay, Natsu?
Do you understand all this?

Shut up.

This means it's no-holds-barred.

That's just how I like it!

Uhh, need I remind you
that the world only works

because there are certain rules in place?

Like, "Taking people's things
makes you a thief"?

And things like, "Lock your door when leaving"?

All freedoms are built upon
a specific set of rules.

Otherwise, there'd only be lawlessness.

Will winning this holy w*r give them that?

Things have taken an ugly turn, all right...

Swiping other people's stuff doesn't
seem all that holy, if you ask me.

We need some clues...

You know, maybe the Legion Platoon
is looking for other clock parts too.

If we can discover what their aim is,

the keepsake's significance
will become clear as well.

We'll just have to do some
investigating if we hope to find them.

But, who knows, maybe they'll
take notice and come to us.

Count me in!

Let's go!

But what do we look into first?

I'll try my fortunetelling.

It might narrow things down a tiny bit.

Did you hear that?!
My daughter's so amazing!

Yeah, yeah...

We've received word!

No unusual activity at the other two parishes!

Thank you.

Is it possible the next attack won't
happen in one of these three locations?

I can't say for sure.

But investigating every prior incident
and using the latest augury spells

has led us to these three possibilities.

I have faith in that.

Is anyone inside?

The priest says it's deserted at this late hour.

Hot... payoff... time!

So it's you?!

Don't think I'll go down quietly, monster!

Please, do go down quietly!

--A scream?!
--This can't be!

Oh, no! Quickly!

Curse you...!

Well, I'll be!

Thanks for coming out so late, members
of the Custody Enforcement Unit!

Are you the one behind these incidents?!

--What is that?!
--It's huge!

Just who are you?!

Yeah, Jackpot's the name.

Now, then...

Awright! Here we go!

Washtubs, it is!

Payoff! Hot payoff!

Now we've hit Sorcery Rush mode!


Lightning Bolt Bonus!


Wh-Who is this absurdity?!

The spin's not over yet!

Yes! A Devil Flush!

This is hot payoff.

--What the...?
--It vanished!

What was it?!

It was behind all these att*cks?

Apparently so.

Its playful demeanor makes
it all the more horrifying...

So... I hate to ask, but are you up for it?

Sure, I guess so.

You're the only one we can ask
to do something this dangerous.

And we got just the partner for you.

Yet again he's sneaking
around this late at night...

Now, now. Don't be like that.

Oh, Cana! Were you listening in?

A little.

Wanna tag along with Daddy?

A father-daughter trip
sounds great, don't you think?!

Go by yourself.

--Cana's always a big meanie...
--Just go already!

See you later!

Maybe you could be little kinder to him?

Screw that.

Sheesh. He's so cool when he
actually has his act together, too...

Another one?

His nightmares seem to
worsen with each passing day.

Tranquilizing pills
apparently don't help, either...

Are you awake?

How do you feel?


It was that dream again...

Tonight as well?


A most ominous, menacing dream.

However, it's trying to tell me something...

I'm now afraid of falling asleep.

But it will affect your
health if you don't sleep.

The Founding Festival is near.

Should anything happen,
please summon the cardinals.

You mustn't talk like that!

Being a leader of people sometimes
requires making difficult choices.

For that is the duty of
the Archbishop of Zentopia.


This seems sorta familiar...

It's the Heartfilia mansion.

It got sold off?

It looks pretty nice even after seven years!

I guess they're cleaning it regularly
until they can find a buyer.

According to the estate manager,

they're not having any luck finding a buyer.

'Cause it's way too fancy.

This really takes me back!

It seemed like a castle to me back then...

...and it still does now!

You've been here, Michelle?

We used to play together all the time...

Err, oh, yeah! I think...?

You would make clothes for me and such...

Oh, that's right! I guess...?

You made clothes?!

You must've been surprisingly skillful!

That's quite adorable, indeed!

She would make them out of colored
paper and flowers and such, though...


Oh, man...

How do you make clothes
out of paper and flowers?

Well, you know...


Get lost!

I'd like to get down to business now.

Is that acceptable?

No objections!


Where should we begin?

Plus, what should we be looking for?

That is why we came as such a large group.

We'll split into teams of two and
scour every room from top to bottom.

Clock parts...

Actual old clocks...

Anything that seems related
to the mysterious phrase...

Any literature pertaining
to ancient Potamelian...

Anything at all.

Check anything that makes you go, "Hmm..."

There's certainly a lot of furniture left.


Apparently some of it is priceless...
and some of it is worthless.

What is this?

It was a little before
Mom passed away, I think.

All I remember is being told to sit like this.

But remembering her was painful for me,

and I took my pain out on
things and other people...

I really worried everyone, as I recall.

I see...

I've decided! I'm going to
buy this house back someday!

And then I'll return everything to
how it was, as much as possible!

Return it... to how it was?


Is something wrong?

Oh, no, it's a lovely idea.

I think Mr. Jude would be delighted.

That's it! Dad!


It's like a library!

It's Dad's study. He was an even
bigger book collector than I am now.


Maybe there's a book here
that could give us a clue!

That said, there are just so many to check...

"To My Daughter"?

Big Sister! Look!

There's something odd about this book...

All its pages are completely blank.

The title is... "To My Daughter."
And there's no publication info.

I suppose some sort of
magic has been cast on it?

By the way, Big Sister...

Is he asleep?

No, he's "sensing."

If anyone can figure this out,
it's Grandpa Crux!


Mm. It is no more than a stack
of incredibly old paper.

There are no spells, invisible inks,
or watermarks either.

Additionally, its binding was
handmade by your father.

Oh. Is there anything else of note?

There is one thing...

There have long been certain ways
of solving riddles such as this.

For example, this title.

Perhaps it could be an anagram?

I see!

So we should rearrange the letters?

How are we supposed to know
what the heck to look for?

I'm hungry...

What are you playing around for?

Oh, Mr. Natsu!

--Be quiet.
--We're tryin' to think here.

What is this? A puzzle?

We're figuring out anagrams.

Ana-wha...? Oh, that?

Yeah, it's basically a puzzle of sorts.

Oh, sounds like fun!

Lemme join--

What's the big idea, you?!

--We were figuring one out!
--My bad...

I was so close to a breakthrough!

Ms. Erza looks really serious...

Yeah, she's the kind who really
concentrates on stuff like this...

Sheesh. Now they're all over the place.


Is this...?

Those four letters... They spell "myth."



Like a legend or a fable.

Now we're on the right track!

What can the remaining letters spell?

Duo. Great. Myth.

That's it! There are books known
as "the two great myths"!

They were written by Will Neville.
One is titled "Life of the Clockwork."

It has that mysterious passage in it!

That book you had in your apartment?

Yes! Talk about coincidence!

And the other myth is...


It's titled "Key of the Starry Heavens"!

That's just a picture book.

It's no ordinary picture book.
It's very strange and magical!

In any case, the word "key"
seems pretty suspicious to me.

Indeed. That book might
contain a clue of some sort.

One anagram followed by another anagram?

No, that's silly.

But maybe if we look at it differently
we'll figure something out...


I don't know if it has anything
to do with that clock hand or not,

but there might be a message
from my dad in this book!

Uhh, what are you holding there, kitty?

A "Tortoise and the Hare" book.

I think this story is very
strange and magical too!

Could I please have that book?

They're after this book?!

That's not a very funny joke.

What the...?!

The door handle grew!

Your expressiveness is lacking.

Is it beyond you to say that
doubling the handle's size

effectively broke down the door?

--No way! He's...!
--Huh? Is he...?!

An Exceed!

But I don't remember
anyone like this in Extalia...

He's not.

He must've been one of those sent
to this world along with you and me.

All right... Who are you?!

The brains of the Legion Platoon...


You already caught wind of us, huh?!

Then give the clock hand back!


I must say,

it's quite impressive how much
you've done as I planned.

I calculated that you would come here
and that you would find a clue.

And find it you did. I amaze myself.

He's really getting on my nerves!

Let's get him before he gets us!

--Ms. Erza!

Ice Make: Lance!

Victory goes to the swiftest!

Fire Dragon Roar!


What are you doing?!

I just decided to try to buy this place back!

Hold on!

He deflected our magic!

I am the spearhead of the Legion Platoon...

...Dan Straight, yeah!


Not another weirdo...

Did you witness the power of my shield?!

The magical shield, Ricochet!

It stops all manners of attack
and sends them to and fro, yeah!

Ricochet? As in "bouncing off"?

We can't attack him recklessly...

Lucy'll end up buying back a pile
of rubble if we're not careful.

Why are all you guys such a pain in the neck?!

Here comes another.

The result will always be the same!

I'll wreck it before it can deflect!


Seriously, stop!

Dan. That girl has the book.

Ms. Lucy!

I'll lead him outside!

No! That's dangerous, Big Sister!

The book's right here!
Come and get it, if you can!





A "too-beautiful wizard" has just
shot me through the heart, yeah!

I can't get enough! I can't! It's crushing me!

Say, what's your name?


Lucy?! I can't get enough of that name, yeah!

With its "Lu" and its "cy"!

This is all so perfect for me!

Can I call you Lu?

Looey? Loopy? Looloo?

Whatever you want.

Here we go again...

Whatever... I... want?!

That voice! Those eyes!

That mouth! That hair!

That chest! That waist! Those legs!

They all set my Fibonacci
sequence aquiver, yeah!

This truly is...

L! O! V! E!

Love, yeah!

Wh-What's going on here?!

Love, yeah!


Hey, you! Don't be interruptin' me!

Go, Lucy! Michelle!
We mustn't let them have that book!


The rest of you, cover them!
I'll handle things here!

--Th-This was all so much...
--...that we couldn't process any of it...

Wow. Your confidence is impressive.

I wouldn't underestimate us, yeah.

Let me beat him up too!

You need to keep Lucy safe.

Run, Lucy!

--Let's go!

We're not done talking yet!

Don't wreck it!

Now, then.

Given the layout of structures such as this...

Dan! The Titania is all yours!

--No problem, yeah!
--Have at you!

It even deflects physical att*cks?!

Here goes!


What magic is this?! Eek!

Was that, "Eek!" I heard?

You're pretty cute yourself,

but Looey's charm stretches far beyond
the opposite end of the ocean.

Just what is your deal?!

Time's up, yeah.

Until we meet again, Titania!


Wait a minute!

--What was that?!
--It came from the study!


Big Sister! We'd better hurry!


When did you...?!

Just as I calculated.

Based on your mental states
and the layout of this building,

your next move was all too easy to determine.

I've had enough of your blabbering!

--Mr. Natsu!

--How dare you!

Precisely as arranged...

--Natsu! Are you okay?!
--That jerk!

Hold on!


Happy! Where's Natsu?! Is he okay?!

I stepped on him...

He's tiny!

Now, then. I suggest you quit
with this "running around" act.

What have you done to Natsu?!

The ability to change the size
of whatever it touches...

Such is the power of my
magical spear, the Habaraki, yeah!

So, would you kindly hand over that book now?

I'm not fond of Mary's style of doing things.

I'd prefer not to resort to
any more heavy-handed methods.

Say what?!


--Take the book and run!
--Aye, Sir!

Hey, you! Get back here, yeah!

--Go! Go!
--Hey! Get back here!

How small-minded.

The book is right here.

--Oh, man!
--He saw right through it.


All things work through cause and effect.

And I can calculate that.

Which means I can see right
through everything you do.

You can have the book back now.
I've memorized it all.


See ya later, Looey!

Next time we'll be on a private date, yeah!

Dan... Have you gained weight again?

--I can't believe he left the book...
--They sure made a mockery of us.

Actin' all high-and-mighty...

They will pay for this.

--Hey! Turn me back!
--Turn him back!


What are you trying to tell me?

mukishitsu na bokura no sekai wa

kirameita toki o nazotte dekita

fuhai shita metoroporisu

migarusa wa kanjinai

anata no nozonda kekka

haiiro ni afureteru

kore ga risoukyou?

hoshii mono wa subete te ni ireyou

hoshii mono wa taema naku ataeyou

muishiki no naka ni hisonderu

mienai koe ni shitagai ikite yuku

What am I gonna do about this body...?

I guess this means you're gonna
be useless baggage next time!

Say what?!

Seriously, with your tiny body, the only
fire you can make is a candle flame.

Hah! I could even barbecue stuff
underwater if I ever felt like it!

Your threats only come across as cute!

Happy... Why, you...!

"Next Episode: Travel Companions"
Next Episode: Travel Companions.

Oh? Are you angry, Natsu?

Isn't it obvious?!

You're cute when you're angry too, Natsu!
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