04x125 - Magic Dance Ball

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x125 - Magic Dance Ball

Post by bunniefuu »

Job time! Job time!

Let's see here...

How about this one, Natsu?

Catch the wanted criminal Velveno...

...and earn a 4 million Jewel reward!

Ooh, that's perfect! I am flat broke and all!

We're doing this job! It's decided!

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

We're doing this job! It's decided!

Don't just decide on your own...

Actually, it sounds good to me.
We're out of money too.

This Velveno guy is an escaped convict
Gray once tried to catch, right?

I think his bounty was
400,000 Jewel then, though.

It must've skyrocketed
over the past seven years.

Who's the client?

Let's see... Some guy called "Count Balsamico."

Man, that's a sour name!

Like "balsamic vinegar"!


Oh, I heard this Velveno is gonna crash
the Balsamico family's Magic Ball.

Magic Ball?

It's a ball for wizards to gather and dance.

They apparently hold it
only once every seven years.

It's scheduled for next Saturday, I think.

Then let's attend this ball and catch Velveno!

All right! I'm fired up now!

Let's get going!


Whoa, wait a minute!

If we're going to a ball, that means
we'll need to practice dancing!


"The Magic Ball"

"The Magic Ball"
The Magic Ball.

We'll start with a basic step.

Okay. Take my hands.

Ugh. This is a pain in the butt.

What exactly are Big Brother
Natsu and Big Sister Lucy doing?

Ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dancing? What's that?


My bad!

Oh, so it's basically a foot-stomping game?

I don't think that's quite it...

It's a type of dance men and women
do together in social situations.


Oh! That's a fun-looking
game you got going there!

It's not a game!

Let me play too!

Instant disqualification!

The lovely Gray, doing a cozy
dance without Juvia knowing...

If it means being able to dance
with him... Juvia will strip, too!


Ballroom dancing is my specialty.
I was once known as the Dancing Devil.



Okay, Natsu! Let's go!

No, uhh, I think I'll pass...

No excuses!

Dancing is about...


I feel sick! I feel sick!

Everyone who dances
with Erza always gets sick.

I guess that's why she's
called the Dancing Devil...

Good grief. I'll teach you how to dance, Natsu.

No, I need a break--

That's it, Natsu! Stay relaxed like that!

I can't go on...!

A grown man, acting all soft and weak...

And you call yourself a man?!

Elfman! You're next!

A r-real man doesn't--

I feel sick!

Ballroom dancing? How delightful!

Shall we dance?


I'd love to!

Wow! Wendy's a good dancer!

But why is she dancing with Warren?

Shall we dance?

Oh, all right.

Let's try dancing too!

Yeah! It looks like fun!

Would you care to dance with me, Miss?

I'd love to!


Hey! That's not fair, taking
advantage of the confusion!

--Shut up! Get lost!
--Why, you...!




Just so you know, I don't dance!

No one's asked you to!

--Levy! Come dance with me!
--Levy! Come dance with me!

--What's the big idea?! I asked first!
--No, I did!

--I did!
--I did!

Oh, all right. If you insist.

Seriously, no one even asked you...

That's not fair!

If you wanna dance, I'm your man!

This isn't the same as your dancing, Vijeeter.

To be frank, you're in the way.


At some point this turned into a big deal!


At some point I wound up
the only one without a partner!

--You called?

Wow, you're a great dancer.

Well, it is my duty to raise you into
a lady worthy of the Heartfilia family.

Sure, sure. But isn't this a bit much?

You should know better than that.
Now let's start over from the top.

And this is the client's
residence, Balsamico Palace.

We're here!

So the Magic Ball's going to
be held in this palace, huh?

It was actually pretty far away.

No matter. It's for the sake of dancing.

Hey, now. Don't tag along
just so you can dance...

Who might you be?

Whoa! She's super-pretty!

You don't need to use
telepathy for that, you know!

Who are you?

My name is Aceto. I'm the daughter
of Balsamico, this palace's owner.

That's a tongue-twister of a name...


I'm Natsu of Fairy Tail.

We've come here upon
the request of your father.

Oh, in that case, I'll take you to him.

Come right this way.

It was I, Count Balsamico,
who posted the job request.

--His name's sour...
--...but so is his face!

Be quiet, you two!

Getting straight to business,

the job is a bit more complicated
than what was written on the flier.

Go on.

It's about this super-beautiful
and beloved daughter of mine...

--Ms. Tongue-twister, was it?
--Her name is Aceto!

Sorry. Please continue.

The truth is, my daughter is to choose
her husband at tonight's Magic Ball.

Huh?! Her husband?!

There's a ring for this event that's
only unveiled once every seven years.

It is a truly precious ring passed down in the
Balsamico family from generation to generation.

So, you think Velveno might be after this ring?

Mm. He tried and failed to
take it seven years ago as well.

The husband-choosing
ceremony was ruined as a result.

But, given Velveno's appearance,

wouldn't any attempts to sneak
into the ball disguised be obvious?

He uses transformation
magic and Magical Drain.

Magical Drain? What's that?

It is a most dangerous
type of magic that allows him

to temporarily copy the magic
of any wizard he touches!

Wow, that's pretty cool!

It falls to you to work together
and keep the ring safe from Velveno!

I'd also like you to catch him
and throw him back behind bars!

Just leave it to us!

We will live up to your expectations!

Also, umm...

It said on the job flier that if
we do catch Velveno, you'll...

Mm. I'll pay you 4 million Jewel, in cash.


In cash! All right!

Perfect, shrimp.

Who knows; I look so cute that
maybe I'll get proposed to!

Lucy. Are you ready?

Whoa! Why are you in serious mode?!

Although this is a job, attending a ball
demands some level of etiquette.

Do I... look okay?

You look really cute, Wendy!

It's a little embarrassing, though...

Now, then! The curtain has risen on this ball!

Let us take to the stage as well!

Erza's as raring to go as
she was with our stage play!

All right! I'll do my best, too!

But first I need to cast my
Troia spell on Mr. Natsu!

Warren. See anyone who looks like Velveno?

I've scoured the entire place
using surveillance lacrimas,

but I don't see anything yet.

We'll tell you right away if
we find anyone suspicious!

Just act as natural as you can until then.

--Where are Natsu and the guys?
--Oh! There they are!

Oh. There's Lucy and the girls.

Guess we better start dancing
and mixing in with the partygoers.

Th-That's manly!

What are ya so nervous about?

Still, will Velveno really show up
at such a glamorous place as this?

I guess all we can do is investigate
suspicious people without being rude.

Hey, hey, cutey-pie!

Don't look so serious, yo!

Let's have a fun dance together!

Some suspicious guy just asked Erza to dance!

Look into it!


Very well.

Poor guy...

Just as I expected.


The world's spinning! Or, I mean,
you're spinning me like way too much!

You lack spirit!

--I'm guessing Erza...
--...doesn't need any help.

Shall we dance?


Now Lucy is dancing with one!

His pretty boy demeanor is extra suspicious.

We should check him out.

I guess Lucy's next.

Let's do it!

Well, if you're that insistent...

...we can't say no to dancing with you!

Who the heck are you?!

We didn't ask anyone to dance!

All right! I'll handle this!

Could I trouble you for a dance?

Manly! This is what it means to be manly!

I'm so glad I was born a man!

Someone that pretty approaching
Elfman is really suspicious!

If she's Velveno, she might be
planning to drain his Beast Soul power!

The girl who asked Elfman
to dance is suspicious!

We're on it!

What hunks!

Elfman! Switch with Natsu or Gray!

I refuse to!


The more obstacles there are,
the hotter the flames of love!

And that is the definition of manliness!

I'm his substitution.

You're quite a nice guy yourself.

The fact you're at the Magic Ball
means you're a wizard too, right?

What kind of magic do you use?

Oh? A proper gentleman reveals
his magic before asking a lady hers.

Unfortunately, being a gentleman
isn't something I care about.

Oh. Then I'll show you mine first.

Ice Make...


You use Ice Make magic just like me, huh?

Then here's some back at you!

Ice Make: Kite!

How about this, then?

Ice Make: Polar Bear!

Ice Make: Prison!

I just love when things turn intense!

Ice Bazooka!

Same here!

Ice Cannon!

If you'll excuse me!

Knock it off, you two!

It looks like things have
turned crazy, like always...

Oh! There's Ms. Aceto!

It seems that Aceto is so beautiful
that no one can invite her to dance!

Your dazzling brightness is so manly!

I'm a girl, though...


Would you honor me with a dance?

Of course.

Wait! Why is she dancing with Erza?!

How should I know?!

Excuse me...

Would you dance with me?

Huh? S-Sure.

Who does that punk think he is?!

He's a million years too early
to ask Wendy to dance!

Take it easy.

It's almost midnight. The ball's about to end.

Wh-What's that?

At last, the time has come!

The time for what?

The unveiling of the ring.

That giant wall clock opens
only once every seven years

to present the ring.

And the man who takes the ring inside it

is allowed to propose to
the daughter of the house.

It's a Balsamico family tradition!

The man who takes the ring?

--Huh? What's that?
--I'll check it out!

I'll come with you!

Now! If anyone wishes to
propose to my daughter...

...then go get that ring!

A real man will propose to her!

Why would you propose to her?!

Oh! It's the boy who danced with Wendy!

You okay?!

Some guy with an afro
captured me right before the ball!


That means the boy with Wendy right now is...

Wendy! That kid is Velveno!


Transformation off!

Sky Dragon Roar!

The Balsamico family's ring is now
in the hands of the great Velveno!


You fiend! Give the ring back!

Things are finally gettin' good!

Now you're dealing with me!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


--Fire Dragon Roar!
--Fire Dragon Roar!

I took the liberty of draining
your magic too, during our dance.

Then I will deal with you.

Gray! Elfman!

Look after Lady Aceto!

--You got it!
--We're men!


Purgatory Armor!

Requip! Purgatory Armor!

It's no use!

I've already copied the magic of
all you Fairy Tail members here.

All right, then! Let's see how good
you can fight, you copycat creep!

Hang on a minute. I didn't
come here to fight you guys.


I screwed up last time, so I patiently
waited another seven years...

...to propose to you, Aceto.



We've known each other since we were kids...

...and I was always head-over-heels for you.

You were a servant's son, yet I
permitted you to play with my daughter!

Have you forgotten that debt to me?!

I tried to visit Aceto lots of times
after you kicked me out of your palace

but you turned me away every time,
sayin' we were from different worlds!

Huh?! You never told me this, Daddy!

Ugh! You be quiet!

He had a point, though,
so I decided to give up on you, Aceto.

But it left me emotionally hamstrung
and pushed me toward a life of crime.

Before I knew it, I was living behind bars.

This is a bunch of crap!


But, while I was in the slammer,

I always regretted that I never
got a chance to tell you how I felt.

So I broke out and took a risk for
this once-in-seven-years chance!

Twice, in fact!


Will you be my wife?

--He's enchanting!

Err, n-nothing!

I-It's obvious that she'll say no!




Velveno! I was always waiting for you, too!

For real?!

Then you really will be my wife?!

On one condition...

First, you have to turn yourself in
and atone for your crimes.

All right.

--Just wonderful!

--It really is fantastic!
--Very touching!

There you have it.

Mm! That was truly manly!

This doesn't sit well with me...

A round of applause for their new life together!

Well, I'm off.

I'll be waiting for you. I promise.

Yeah! And I promise I'll come for you!

Umm, about the reward...

I'm not gonna pay it, obviously!

All right!

As best wishes for Lady Aceto's
happiness, let us dance the night away!


Well, this is how things turned out...

Ah! Someday I want someone
to propose to me like that too!



...ate a crap ton of food! I'm outta here!

O-Oh, I see!

No, don't be like that!
Indulge me a little longer!

Qu-Quit it!

One, two, three! One two, three!

Urgh! Don't step on my feet!

--The Troia spell's worn off...

Take us down!

Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Sheesh! When are you finally
gonna get used to riding in vehicles?

I told you you couldn't handle it.

You knew this job involved riding on things!

You knew this job involved riding on things!

You knew this job involved riding on things!

Wh-What's goin' on? It's like
the whole world's spinning...

The world isn't spinning. Your eyes are.

"Next Episode: True Scoundrels-- The Butt Jiggle g*ng"
Next Episode: True Scoundrels-- The Butt Jiggle g*ng.

Ooooh! M-My butt...!

Huh? Your rear? What are you talking about?

My butt... My butt is spinning too...!
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