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02x17 & 02x18 - The Bumpkin/The Flakers

Posted: 01/27/23 11:12
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[female automated voice]
In yards, turn left.

[tires screeching]


Dad, why do we have to go to school?

-So you can get a job.
-But why do I need a job?

So you can earn money.

-Continue ahead.
-[Gumball] Well, why do I need money?

To buy the stuff that TV makes us want.

[Gumball] But why do I need to buy stuff?

[Richard] Because if you didn't buy stuff,

everyone would be out of a job,
and no one would have any money.

Wait, so I have to work for the rest of my
life to pay for stuff that I don't want,

just so everyone else can suffer
the same horrible fate as me?

[Richard] Exactly.

[horn blaring]

You just live your life
without thinking, don't you?

I believe you are underestimating me, son.

Turn right.

You have reached your destination.

[both hyperventilating]

Come on.
Surely there's more to life than that.




I'm out of here! Enjoy your pathetic
lives working : to : .

Hector, send me to freedom.

That's it. Laugh at me.

But at least I'm not a mindless zombie,

going through life just
doing what they tell me to.

-You know, them.

Who's "them"?

-You know, the Man.
-What man?

-The Man who tells you what to do.
-Who? My dad?


The people who tell you what
to watch on TV and stuff.

What's a TV?

It's a...


[automated voice]
You have reached your destination.

[video game sounds]

On the menu today, poulet a la deep fried,

accompanied by le fries of the French.



What are "le fries of the French"?

Are you a potato?

As sure as the world is flat.

Who's the bumpkin?

[softly] This is Idaho,
Gumball's friend from the country.

He's gonna be staying
with us this weekend.

Where's your chair?

Gumball threw it away.

We're getting rid of our possessions
to lead a simpler, better life.


What's going on here?

It's Idaho. He's gonna show us the way.

[Richard] The way to what?

The way to ultimate happiness.

Is that a theme park?

No, it's a free world with no electricity,
no cars, no supermarkets,

and especially no TV.

[emotional music playing]


He's not joking, is he?


Isn't it better to simply communicate
rather than being brainwashed by the TV?

Dude, no one said a word for half an hour.

Nicole, punish Gumball for being boring.

I really want to, but I can't.

Gumball is exploring
his outlook on society,

and it's our job as parents
to encourage that,

no matter how much we might think
it's completely ridiculous!

[chuckles nervously]

So what do you noble savages
do to entertain your tribe?

-We play rough and tumble.
-What's that?

Come on. I'll show you.

Now, the rules is that there's no rules.

You wrestle, and you
make your friend tumble.

Wait, so, you can, like, punch and stuff?

Well, you can try, but I have to warn you.

I've never been defeated in Elmore county.
Come on.



[bottles clink]

-He said there were no rules.

You didn't have to kick him over a house.

I was defending myself.

Against what?

You're like eight times his size.

I panicked, OK?

Do it again! Do it again!

You know what we do
when we need to cheer up?

We sing songs.

[clears throat]

[singing off-key]
♪ Aberdeen, in the wind ♪

♪ In the field ♪

♪ Potato ♪

Come on. All together now.

[all singing in gibberish off-key]



I hope the tooth fairy accepts change.

That's it. I've had with
your "alternative" New Age nonsense.

It started boring, and now it's painful.

I'm going to the chicken place
to get a family bucket of comfort food.

Look, we're in search of freedom,
and it comes at a price.

It's tough, but it's beautiful.
It's rough, but it's real.

It's dangerous, but it's...

-A backyard.

There's nothing dangerous around here.


[all screaming]

Darwin, don't blow it at me. Blow it away.

I ain't seen this much dancing
since they invented the mashed potato.

Yeah, calm down, guys.
It's only a tiny insect.

I'll show you how to handle it.

Hey, wasp, how about you just go--

Ow! What the-- Ow!

It stung me like a million times!

[screaming continues]


Suck the poison out,
and you'll be just fine.

Yeah, chill out, people.
It's only a wasp sting.

Just got to suck the poison out.


That's not how you deal with a wasp sting.

I think I'm ready.

To go back inside?

No, to live in the forest.

[Gumball] Come on!

To the forest of freedom,
where we can pick ripe fruit off

the laden trees and pluck fat fish
from the teeming rivers,

paying for nothing and living for free.

[Richard] OK. OK. Look, where is it?

[Gumball] Wait, were you following me?
'Cause, uh...

We'll just forage around the neighborhood.
It's just as good as a forest.

Is this really what you eat every day?

No. What I eat is healthier.

It's the thing all food
comes from and goes back to.

Discount supermarkets?

Nope. Soil.



Mmm-hmm. Mmm-mmm-mmm.

Blech, this is disgusting.

Hey, brain dude, should I spit?

Sorry, tongue guy.
Just man up and swallow.

Me and my boys are not digesting this.

Who are you calling "boys," stomach man?

I'm five times the length of this body.

Forget it, intestine.

I'm tired of you always blowing hot air.

Come on, guys.
Can't we all just love each other?

No, we can't just love each other.

[organs chattering]

You're not supposed to eat the soil.

You just rub on it yourself to
get the good things from it.

Thank goodness. I felt like my
stomach was about to punch my brain.

[insects chirping]

[Anais sighs]

How often do we just get to
sit back and gaze at the stars?

And it's actually pretty
comfortable out here.

Speak for yourself.

Sleeping on the ground is more
painful than getting your back

shredded by a million dirty claws.

I think you're sleeping on Gumball.


[all laughing]

This new lifestyle might be a pain,

but at least we finally get
some time together as a family.

Thanks for showing us the way, Idaho.

[all sighing]


[indistinct excited screaming]


[chuckles awkwardly]


I know what this looks like,
but before you tell me how wrong it is,

don't you want to try it?

[camera clicking]

[indistinct laughter]

[gasps] Let's do it again.

Dude, wake up.

-What did you do to him?

We just ate junk food
and played video games.

That's it!

His pure country body couldn't
handle your filthy suburban lifestyle.

It sent him into toxic shock.

Wait, what were you
doing playing video games

and leaving us outside all night?

-You... you...

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.

I hated this whole lifestyle
from the moment I turned off the TV.

Then why did you force us to keep it up?

'Cause I got principles.

It just turns out I can't live by them.


[Anais] Wait a minute. He's a vegetable.

He doesn't need a doctor.
He needs a gardener.

Take him back to his home.



Shh. It's OK. I love you, too, my friend.

I live about an hour away.


-Dad, hurry up!
-OK, let's take a shortcut.

[automated voice] In yards, turn left.

Give me all your money.
And don't try and call for help.

Call for help.

Continue straight.

Turn left.

Turn left.

I'm so sorry, buddy. This is all my fault.

It's OK.

Hey, it looks like he's getting better.


Dad, faster!

[automated voice] Turn left.

Turn left.

Turn right.

[elevator bell dings]

-Going up?
-I'll take the next one.

-[elevator bell dings]

What kind of shortcut is this?
We're running out of time.

[Nicole] Don't worry, honey.
Your father knows exactly what he's doing.

[Gumball] No... he doesn't!

This satnav is broken!

We've been everywhere apart
from where we need to be.

[Richard] What are you talking about?

We made it here in under three minutes.

Are you Idaho's family?

Please, you have to help him.

[Gumball panting]

[gasps] We're too late.

♪ Aberdeen ♪

♪ In the wind, in the field ♪

♪ Potato ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh, oooh ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh ♪


But, how?

There's nothing that a good,
old-fashioned dirt bath can't fix.

I still don't know how y'all can survive
the life you city folks live.

I know. We're disgusting.

Well, it's a potato's duty
to help his neighbor,

so why don't you stay here with us?

Good hard work here in the fields
will cure you.

[tires screeching]

[automated voice]
You have reached your destination.




[Tina roaring]


Oh, no. Come on.

Where are the secret passages
when you need them? [screams]

[low growl]

Take back what you said.


I would...

if it wasn't true!

There's no point in you
taking piano lessons.

You only have four fingers!

It's a waste of your dad's money!

And what do you suggest I play?


You better have some kind
of escape plan right now.

Oh, better than that.

I've got a best friend
who's always here to save my skin.

Just do what you got to do.

[Richard making gibberish sounds]

Sorry, I can't talk right now.

-I'm in the shower.
-[man] What?

[Nicole] Don't worry.

The dentist said the anesthetics
will wear off by the end of the day.

Richard, that's not a shower head.

It's an ice cream.


That should keep him busy for a while.

There's a list of your
father's chores on the fridge.

Make sure they're done before I get back.
Do not flake out on me.

And keep an eye on your father, please?

The last time he was on anesthetics,

I caught him smooching
an electrical socket.

All right!

Rock, paper, scissors
for who does the first chore!

One, two--

Ow! What was that for?

Are you angry about something?

You want to tell him what it is?

Do you want to mime it out?

[Anais] Ooh, ooh, a praying mantis!

[Darwin] No, no, a doggy paddle!

You were climbing up
a ladder and got hungry?

The blue goblin's dance
is making my toes sad.


Nimble fingers!

No, it's a--

It's because you flaked out
on me yesterday with Tina!

[bell dings]

I didn't flake. I just didn't help you,

'cause you were wrong to
crush Tina's piano dreams.

It doesn't matter whether
I'm right or wrong!

We're practically brothers!

What would you say
if I let you down like that?

I would say, "Thank you
for teaching me a valuable lesson."


Hot! Hot! Hot! Come on, man! Help me out!

I would, but I'm too busy
teaching you a valuable lesson.

Anais! Help me out!

How about you help me instead?

No need to look so scared.

I will give you a little kiss
and make you feel better.

Come on!


All right. Give it to me.


Oh, man!

Well, I hope they like lasagna in China.

I'll do the groceries with Anais,
thank you very much.

[Darwin] What right did he have to crush
the dreams of a poor young T-rex?

She could have made a song that
only had four notes, but no!

He makes a big deal like
I'm the one who let him down,

when he's the one who let me down.
You know what I mean?

No, Darwin. I've absolutely no grasp
of the incredibly simple concept

you've explained eight times already!

OK, well, let me start from the beginning.

All he had to do was move
a plate to help me.

Is that really equal
to me having to fight...

A T-rex standing over me like this!

But instead, he's so concerned
with the ins and outs

-and the rights and wrongs...
-My hands don't match.

...instead of acknowledging
the cast-iron truth that

a four-fingered dinosaur
cannot play the piano!

Does this look like music to you?

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that...

[Darwin] He let me down!

And it's not the first time it's happened.


[whispering] Can you hear that?


[shouting] How good it sounds
when you're not whining?

Now, I'm gonna say it once--

If you have a problem with Gumball,

you sort it out with Gumball,
because this is how much I care.


You're right.
I'm gonna speak to him right now.

No! I meant after the shopping!



This is gonna take a while.


Look. I just want to say that I'm sorry.

I should've been there for you,
and I-- I hope you can forgive me.

OK. I forgive you.

Don't you think you
should apologize as well?

Dude, you apologized. End of story.

I'm not gonna say sorry just 'cause
it'll make you feel less guilty.

You're the one who let me down.

That wasn't letting you down.

This is.




Dad, help!




[vocalizing gibberish]

Very good.

Well, let's see if you can imitate this!


Is that all you've got left in stock?



This is your last chance.


[Darwin inhales deeply]



D-Darwin! Darwin! Please! Help!

Help me!


[both screaming]


[out of breath] I'm sorry.

I think it's time to have a little talk.

Now, we need to rebuild
the trust that you lost.

On the plate to your right
are the cupcakes.

On the plate to your left is the bad food,
like liver and stuff.

What you need to do is
trust the other person

to feed you the good food.

Sure. No problem.

[both exclaiming]

Dude, I thought you'd trick me!

Me, too!

I expected a mouthful
of rat cake or something.

I always knew I could trust you, buddy!

But I thought the left plate was...

[all laughing]

And that was for flaking out on me
at the supermarket.

What? What'd you do?

The cupcakes you just ingested
were laced with parasitic eggs.

All they needed to hatch was
a moist, warm environment--

your stomach.

[gasps] What's gonna happen to us?

First, they'll eat their way
into your stomach lining.

-Then, they will crawl up your head

-and lay eggs in your eyeballs.

Get them out! I can see them already!

There's only one way to lure them out.


How long do we have to do this for?

Until they dance their way out.

There wasn't anything in
the cupcakes, was there?

But there's something on the Internet now!

Give me that phone! Give it here, Anais!

You should thank me. You're buddies again.

That's true. But you're still getting it!

[all laughing]

[phone ringing]


Hello, sweetie.

I just wanted to know
if your dad felt any better.

-[indistinct crashing]
-[car alarm blaring]

Yeah. He's fine.

-Can you pass me on to him, please?
-Yeah. One minute.

[clears throat]

Hello, Mrs. Mom. What's for dinner?


Where is he?
Mom must be on her way right now!

We're gonna get our butts kicked!

I would've thought the anesthetics
would've made him a better driver.


Oh, my gosh. Marvin!

What has Dad done?

Ah! Please help me up!

I was trying to do sit-ups,
but I'm too old!

[all sighing]

Hey! What about me?

You can do it if you believe in yourself.

And don't forget to
stretch when you finish!

Well, looks like the anesthetics
improved his parking, too.

[Anais] This is not funny.

We need to find him right now,
before something terrible happens!

[Gumball] Look! Dad's pants!

[both laughing]

You have to catch me
if you want to eat me!

Little teasing bundle of fatness.

Sauce! Sauce! Sauce!

No, thank you.
He's delicious just the way he is.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Dude, stop!

It's not funny anymore! It's just weird!

♪ Radio Elmore ♪

[man] News flash. We're receiving a report
of a fat, pant-less, pink,

middle-aged man-bunny
causing disturbance in the city of Elmore.

He's reported to have att*cked
and nibbled several bystanders.

One extremely--

Come on.


And now the weather. Diane?

Did you see that?

It was Mrs. Mom's car!

Right. We've got to split up.

Gumball, you sort out the house.
Darwin, you try and delay Mom.

I'll take care of Dad!

Go! And no flaking out!



[tires screeching]

No! Come on!

Hey. I'd like to report a stolen
yellow family wagon.

I didn't do anything.
You've got to believe me!

We'll see about that, lady.
Let's just see those papers first.


How could you lose your own father?

You let him down, and you let me down!

He's here.


How could you not do your chores,
when I specifically asked--

Mom, they're all done.

I've-- You--

-How could you--
-Everything is fine, Mrs. Mom.

Oh, well, I guess I'm sorry
for doubting you, kids.


I had the weirdest dream!

Darwin burned the kitchen.
Gumball smashed the computer.

I'm pretty sure I drove
the car into a swimming pool.

And at some point, I remember
nibbling a couple of people.

-[inhales deeply]
-[kids sighing]

[kids] Flaker.

[theme music playing]