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02x07 & 02x08 - The Phone/The Job

Posted: 01/27/23 11:06
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[Gumball] Camera!

Alarm clock!


Are you sure we won't need it anymore?

Of course not.

What is all this--


We have everything we need in one

[grunting] little... package.

[Darwin] I don't understand
what all the fuss is about.

We never needed a cellphone before.

What are you talking about?

I don't know how we ever managed
to live without it.

-OK, where's the camera?
-No camera.

-Alarm clock?

Please tell me we have the Internet?

Dude, I think this
manual was printed B.I.--

Before... Internet.


I know that one day I'll feel regret about
the many things we have lost today.

But right now, I don't care because...
who's got a phone?

We got a phone.

I said, who's got a phone?

We. We got a phone.

Wow! That's right!


[gasps] Dude.

I think I know why we haven't
received any calls yet.

Is it because you look like a dork with
your Brick-phone-hands-free headset?

No. It's because no one's got our number.


[inhales sharply]

Hey, Ocho, here's our number.

Zero-triple one-zero-zero-triple
zero-one-one-zero-one-triple one-zero

double one-zero-double one-double one

zero-triple one-zero-triple zero.

That spells "poop" in binary code.

What are you doing?

-Not Ocho!
-[Ocho] What?

-Why not me?
-Hmm. 'Cause you're nuts.

-What was that?

It's just that occasionally
you can get a little intense.

Oh, yeah?

Is this intense?

Is this intense?

Is this intense?

No, no, no, no. No, that's
a perfectly normal level of intensity.

That's a relief.

I just wanted to make sure
I don't scare anybody.

Thanks for the number.

Dude, be more careful.

We can't just go around giving
our number to anyone.

Hey, everybody!

We got a cellphone!

Who wants our number?

Ugh. Come on, come on, come on!

Ring already!

Dude, I think you're getting a little
too hooked on this phone.

Shh! I don't want to miss a call.

-H-- hello, Gumball speaking.

-Please be quick, I'm a very busy man.


Hey! Keep it down, man!
I don't want to miss a call.


[buzzing softly]

Gonna take like three weeks
to drill this hole now.

I don't care!

-[melody plays]
-Huh. Shh!

Hello. Gumball speaking. Please be quick.
I'm a v--


[melody continues]

I'm not addicted.

-[school bell rings]

[sighs] Just take it.

I don't want to see it anymore.


[Darwin] Hello.

Oh, hey. How's it going? What?

H-- hold on.

Do you mind? This is for me. Sorry, what?

Oh, nobody important.

No, I don't think you're nuts, dude.

Maybe blowing up the cafeteria
was a little over the top.

I've never liked that stupid phone anyway.

[Gumball] This is the moment of truth,
my friend.

Final level. One life left.

It is time for the Combo Breaker.

Three, two, one.

-Go, go, go, go, go, go, Combo Breaker!
-Combo Breaker!

-I should probably get that.

Leave it, dude. Focus!

If we lose here, we'll have to start
the whole game again,

and I can't go through that!

But what if it's important?

This-- this is important!

Chill out. It'll just take a second.

Darwin, no. Don't do it, man!

-Darwin, please don't do this to me!
-Just a little second.

[Gumball] Darwin!

I'm getting a cramp in my tongue!

[buzzing continues]



[game over sound]

How do you spell "LOL"?



[Darwin] O-M-G!


You have to H-L-P!

Dude, text lingo's for phones.

We use real words when we talk
with our mouths.

It's the phone!

I was texting in the library,

and Mr. Small confiscated it!

You have to get it back!

I'm sorry, Darwin,
but maybe it's for the best.

O-M-G, O-M-G, O-M-G, O-M-G, O-M-G...

Dude, what do you want me to do?

I'm a coward.
I'm not gonna break school rules.

[Darwin sobs]

All right.

Colon, closed bracket!

What is that?



[Darwin] Over there.

Up a bit, up a bit!

[imitates Darwin]

I know where your phone is,
you text maniac!

Just chill out for a second.

Gumball, look out! Look out!

Will you be quiet?





Gumball, behind you! Behind you!

[muffled bang]







[softly] Oh, man, what am I gonna do?

[buzzing continues]

[exhales sharply]









I meditated too long!
I've become one with the universe!

[cellphone melody playing]

[breathing rapidly]

-[sighs] Darwin, we need to talk.
-Uh, yeah.

-You know, I love you, man.

But I think you have a problem
with that phone.


So I've arranged for your butt to be
surgically grafted onto your face.

Yeah, yeah, sure, great.

You're not even listening!

Why don't you text me? [screams]

-Give me that! Give me it!

-Give me it!
-Look at what this thing has done to you!

You're right fin has worn down to a stump
from all that texting.

The left side of your head is burning
from all that radiation.


And worst of all,
your tail has fallen off!

What? Seriously?


No, I just added that for dramatic effect.

But you get the point!

This has to stop.


I'm sorry, but Darwin isn't available
right now or ever again.

Please get a life, stop texting,

and never call again after the beep. Beep!


You're right.

Ocho and I are phone addicts.

Please don't tell me
that was Ocho I just spoke to.

Who do you think
was calling me all the time?


Uh. You must forgive me, buddy.

I'm so sorry about that.

-We should talk.
-Dude, don't!

You had the predictive text on!

Oh-ho, what did I send?

"Your mom gave me scurvy.

I'm so ready for a fight.

You're a dork."

[cellphone buzzes]

He said, "I'm coming," and he spelled that
in capitals and he put arrow,

colon, bracket.

What does that mean?

We need to get out of here!

-[doorbell rings]



-[both gasp]

-[inhales deeply]

[in Foreign accent] Hello.

[Ocho] I know you're behind the door.

No, no door here. Bye.

[in normal accent] I think we're fine.



Dude, please stop destroying our house!

I didn't mean that stuff about your mom.

It was our predictive text! Aah.

What are we gonna do?

He's completely out of control!

Let me reason with him.
We have a relationship.

I just need the phone, uh,
to send him a message!

No! Enough texting!

This is what got us here
in the first place.

You have to go and speak
with him directly.

Ocho, stop! Stop, please!

Please! Truce!

This is me, your friend, Darwin.



-Never mind.
-Dude, we've got three lives!

Then let's give him
a taste of his own medicine.

[video game beeping]

Hey, punk!

Game over!


-We got him!

Nice sh**ting, noob.

It's the trash lid that's defective.

Typical. Blame the controller.

Does that mean this is our last life?

Gumball, we need to call the police.

-We can't!

-I lost the phone!

-Let me get it!

What are you doing?

This is our last life, and you're gonna
waste it on some stupid phone?

You asked for this.

Oh! Gross!


Well, it still looks like a brick to me.

[in deep voice] My cellphone!

[in normal voice]
Final level. One life left.

It's time for the Combo Breaker.

[both] Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, Combo Breaker!

[Ocho's mom] Ow!

Ocho, what are you doing?

You're not fighting again, I hope.

Oh, gosh.

Did I get a little too intense again?

Pssh, nah.

Totally normal level of intensity.

-Are you sure?

-Are you sure?
-[gasps] Yes!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Are you sure?

Please go home now.

Oh, that's good.

He can get a little carried away at times.

Come on, Ocho.

Dinner's ready.

See you tomorrow, guys.

Can I sit in the front, Mom?

You know, I'm glad I had the strength
of character to give up that cellphone.

It takes a lot of will power
to overcome your own weaknesses.

I hope you'll find that strength,
too, one day.

-[imitates cellphone buzzing]


[Anais] Mom, wake up!


Mom, are you OK?

I had the weirdest dream.

I was on the front lawn and your father
had a job as a pizza delivery guy.

[Richard] Ha. That wasn't a dream.

That's what I just told you,
and you fainted. [laughs]

I guess I was just overcome
with a strange new feeling.

What do you mean?

I think I'm pr-- I think I'm plared--

I think I'm... proood of you, Richard.

-Do you mean proud?
-Yes, I think so.

It's just, I'm not used to
saying that word much

particularly to describe your father.

Oh, oh.

I think I need to go lie down.

Something about this is not right.

Please follow him and make sure
nothing goes wrong.

[door opens, closes]

I got to say, Dad, I never thought
you were gonna get a job.

Neither did I.

I found a number
for Fervidus Pizza Delivery,

but I didn't realize
it was a job application.

I should have known it was strange
they wanted my social security number.

But look at me now!

I am an Italian food
distribution engineer!

Your mother's proood of me,

and best of all,
I can eat as much pizza as I like.

[both gasp] They give you free pizza?

Technically, no.

But what I do is...

[woman] Step one, remove a slice from
the center of the pizza.

Step two, eat the pizza slice.

Step three, push the remaining
halves of the pizza back together

and cover your tracks.

Step four, put the pizza in its box.

Step five, enjoy how clever you are.

Step six, repeat.

[Richard sighs]

Well, these pizzas aren't gonna
deliver themselves.

[motor whirs]



-[car alarm blaring]
-Look at him.

He's not going to keep this job for long
unless we give him a hand.

Your father has a job.

Your father has... a job.

Something's gonna go terribly wrong,
isn't it?

No, this is a good thing.

We can finally buy all the things we need.

What do you mean?
We've got everything we need.

Mom, we've all been wearing
the same clothes for the past year,

you three don't even have any shoes,

[whispers] and I think it's time Darwin
wore some pants.


Wait a minute. Show me that.

Look at the crack down the earth.

And your father's eyes.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Mom, please.

It's just delivering pizzas.

How wrong can it go?

[ominous chanting]

OK, , Elm Street.

That's the place.

[doorbell rings]

[gasps] Siciliana, come see what
the stork brought us!

Oh, look!

He's got his father's eyes.

Oh, he's beautiful!

Thank you so much.

Here's a $ .

♪ Boom, boom, ba-boom Ba-boom, boom ♪

♪ Here I am, I got a J-O-B ♪

♪ Earning plenty of dough for my family ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm Richard Watterson, employee ♪

♪ So have some R-E-S-P-C-K-A-T ♪

♪ I got a pizza in the box
I got a cola in the bottle ♪

♪ And I get it to you faster
When I'm pulling on the thr-- ♪



[engine revs]

[horn blares]


Oh, man! We gave them the vegetarian.

What are we gonna do?


-[doorbell rings]
-Are you sure this is going to work?

Because right now, it kind of looks like
a load of grass and dirt.

It just needs some mozzarella.


[footsteps approaching]

Oh, finally!

I've been on this Tibetan diet
where you're supposed to eat

nothing but sunlight,
but it's been really cloudy.

I think I need to eat something
that actually exists!

Oh, oh! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!


At least it was organic.

Dude, I think he's stopped breathing!


That'll be $ .

[ominous chanting]


Anais, did you see that?

See what?

Yeah, I know.

Running water.

Wasn't like that in your day, huh?

You know, when the world
was in black and white

and you could leave your front door open

and everyone cycled to school on a bike
with one big wheel at the front.

I don't claim to understand it, Anais,
but something is going wrong--

Seriously wrong.

And I think it has to do with your father.

I think we're gonna stop
with the coffee now.

Don't talk to me like I'm hysterical!

[doorbell rings]

Ah, pizza!

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

[engine revs]

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪
♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪


um, so, guess what's in the box.

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

Correct! And for ten points, what's round,

from Italy, and sometimes
has olives on it?

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

Right again!

And for double or nothing,

what is the name of the tower
that leans to one side?

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

Eh, it's Pisa, but I'll give you that one.

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪


Game's over, guys.

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

[both] Right.

I'm just going to put the box down here.

Bye now.

Well, somebody likes pizza.

[warped] ♪ Pizza pizza, pizza!

That's one creepy bunch of bananas, man.

[Nicole whimpering]

Mom, when you say Dad
having a job has upset

the fundamental balance of the universe,

are you sure you don't just mean

he's changed
the balance of power in the house

and that upsets you because
you're a little bit of a control freak?

No. Well, maybe.

I don't know anymore.


Boys, what's going on with your father?

Has something terrible happened?

Um... He dropped a few pizzas,
so we delivered them.

That's about it.


Maybe I should just try
to forget about this.

[reporter, on TV] Reports of strange
occurrences all around Elmore.

At Food 'n' Stuff
it's been night time all day.

It's supposed to be noon!

[reporter] Meanwhile, residents were
confused by unseasonal snow.

It's supposed to be June!

[reporter] And one senior citizen
seems to have inverted gravity.

I'm supposed to be on the ground!

[breathing deeply]

See? I told you!
This is all because of your father!

Some things are not meant to be.

Dogs shouldn't get on with cats,

men shouldn't have ponytails,

and your father
is not meant to have a job!

What are we gonna do?

We have to stop him.

Look, I'm sorry, but tearing
apart the fabric of the universe

is not a dismissable offense.

Now please let me go! Aah.

[Nicole] Don't you understand?

You need to fire him!

-But he's going OK.
-[horns blaring]

What if he delivers a pizza late?

Uh... Well, yeah, I guess
I could fire him for that.

Then he's not gonna deliver this one.

[tires screeching]

[rapping] ♪ Mild or spicy
My flavors will exhilarate you

♪ Get them double quickly
When I'm twisting the accelerator ♪

♪ Twisting the accelerator ♪

♪ Twisting the accelerator ♪

[engine revs]

[Gaylord] Aah...

[ominous chanting]

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

♪ Pizza, pizza, pizza! ♪

Pizza, pizza, pizza!

We must be getting close.

[Gumball] That was him!

[tires screech]

[engine revs]

[chanting continues]


The closer we get to Dad,
the more warped the universe becomes.

We got to be careful!

Then you better hold on tight.

[engine revs]

What's happened? I feel really smart.

I don't.


Don't forget to check your mirrors!

[tires squealing]

This is not so bad.

[all screaming]

Phew. I think the worst is over.


I can't... take it... any...


Where's he delivering his pizza?

-Thirty fourth Street.
-I know a shortcut.

We'll be there in no--

I'm sorry, but tearing apart
the fabric of the universe

is not a dismissable offense.

-Now please let me go!
-What the--

Oh, man! We went back in time!

We'll never catch up with him!

We'll see about that.

[tires squealing]

[chanting continues, repeats]

[tires screech]

[Nicole] We'll go this way.

What's the house number?

I don't know.

Well, make an effort.

This street is two miles long.

Uh... I think I know which house it is.

[siren wailing]

-[siren wailing]
-[Darwin] There he is!

Brace yourself!

[chanting continues]


For heaven's sake, Larry, fire him!

But he hasn't done anything wrong!

He's destroying the universe!


I'm all right... I guess.

Now go and stop your father.

Gumball, look.

[warped] Dad!

Don't deliver the pizza!

[doorbell rings, echoes]


Uh, hey!

Have you been eating this pizza?

Just a little bit from the middle.

Watterson, in accordance with article

of the Fervidus Pizza Handbook,
[deep voice] I fire thee.


[chanting stops]

[birds chirping]

[engine revs]

I'm sorry I lost my job, Nicole.

I know you were really proood of me.

It's all right, honey.

But don't worry. I'll get another one.

[thunder crashes]

[theme music playing]