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04x31 & 04x32 - The Night/The Misunderstandings

Posted: 01/27/23 10:41
by bunniefuu
[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Owl hoots ]

[ Ethereal music plays ]

When darkness falls
across the town,

The people
start to settle down.

And into bed they gently drift,

Unless they're on
the nighttime shift.

When everyone has hit the sack

And richard's eaten
his nighttime snack...

[ Snores ]

Nonetheless, when everything
is tired and bleary,

They spoon together snug,
but weary.

Off they drift
to a distant place

Not bound by rules
of time and space,

A place of wonder,
of sounds and sights,

A place of joy, of fear,
of frights.

So join me now
and we'll explore

The dreams of those
down in elmore.

[ Gasps, panting ]

[ Sighs ]

Darwin, do you sometimes
get that weird feeling

Like you're falling
when you're going to sleep?

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Screaming ]

Wait a minute, this is a dream.

Nothing bad can happen.

I'll simply wake up
before I hit the ground.


[ Screaming ]

[ Groans ]


[ Grunting ]

Oh, finally.

[ Gasps ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

Ah, the land of slumber.

A magic world where one
can fly or breathe underwater,

A place where rainbows
flow like rivers

And animals dance on clouds.

A place with no limits.

Where, oh, where

Shall my wondrous imagination
take me this time?


[ Loud ticking ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Screaming silently ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Barking ]

[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Pop! ]

[ Music resumes ]

[ Barking ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Screams ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Luau music plays ]


[ Music stops ]
[ horn blares ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Horn blares ]

[ Yawns ]

[ Music resumes ]

[ Gust! ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Sputtering, snoring ]

[ Yawns ]

[ Luau music plays ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Music stops ]
[ creak! ]

[ Music resumes ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Ominous music plays ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Muffled grunting ]

♪ I'm a bun, I'm a bun,
I'm a tasty, tasty bun ♪

♪ To be baked and kneaded,
oh, how fun ♪

♪ You can have me with
breakfast, have me with brunch ♪

♪ You can have me
with your dinner ♪

♪ You can have me
with your lunch ♪

♪ I'm a bun, I'm a bun

♪ I'm a tasty, tasty bun

♪ To be baked and to be kneaded,
oh, how fun ♪

[ Sighs ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Grunts ]

♪ I'm a bun, I'm a bun,
I'm a tasty, tasty bun ♪

♪ To be baked and kneaded,
oh, how fun ♪

♪ You can have me with --

[ Shouts ]

No dozing on the job,

Business doesn't sleep.

[ Somber music plays ]

Hmm. Not a very convenient

For a convenience store.

[ Strained ] larry...

You have wasted your life.


[ Screams ]

[ Screams ]

[ Muffled scream ]

[ Alarm clock beeping ]
[ screams ]

I overslept!

I don't get to sleep.

[ Fingers snapping ]

Hey, larry!
Wake up!

So like I said,
one grande cappuccino,

But with the milk, the coffee,
the foam,

And the cup on the side.

Wait, what?

Three doughnuts
with extra cheese,

And four hot dogs
without the skin on them.

Uh, okay.

Wait a minute!

This is another dream,
isn't it?

One where I get tortured

By stupid customers
with insane demands.

Well, guess what, mister,
this is my dream,

And I can do
what I want in it!

[ Upbeat lounge music plays ]
[ clucking ]


[ Purring ]


Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

[ Screams ]


I'll probably wake up soon.

[ Snoring ]

In three, two, one.

What, no pixie dust?
[ Giggles ]

[ Imitates angelic fanfare ]

Oh, gosh.

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Snoring ]



I'm not a giant anymore!

I can do everything
the regular people do!


[ Humming ]

I just danced, and I didn't
destroy the whole neighborhood!


I can hug people

Without hospitalizing them!

[ Gasps ]
I can take the bus!


This is so slow!

[ Brakes squeak,
air brake hisses ]

I can sit in a classroom
like everyone else!

But this is a dream, and I'm not
gonna waste it on studying!

I can buy clothes

Instead of pretending
I'm not naked

And just hoping nobody looks up!

I can use a toilet
instead of a volcano!

[ Softly ] sarah, hi.

[ Smooches ]
[ giggles ]

[ Normal voice ]
I can have a girlfriend!


[ Sirens wailing ]

[ Explosions, glass shattering ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Panting ]

No. No.

♪ Ooh, la la, ooh, la la

♪ Ooh, la la, la la

♪ Ooh, la la, ooh, la la

♪ Ooh, la la, la la

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Humming ]

[ Gasps ]
oh, my gosh!

I'm naked at school!

[ School bell rings ]


Hey, teri.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

...discuss appropriate
school attire.

I --

So, where were we?

[ Panting ]



Why isn't it working?!

[ Angelic fanfare ]

♪ La la la la la

Would you like some more, anais?

Oh, look at you.

You're all dirty.

It's bath time.

[ Muffled ]
still dirty.

[ Normal voice ]
let's play a little more.

♪ La la la la
la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la

You're my best friend,

Do you like me, too?

please, end this.

[ Squeak! ]

♪ La, la la la

That was my dream.

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Beatboxing softly ]

Hey, carmen, what's up?
[ Gasps ]

Dude, I can talk!

I can communicate again!

Guys, guys, let's have a
conversation right waka now!

[ Imitating trumpet ]

[ Imitating piano ]

No. No!

[ Imitates bongo ]

That's not fair!

[ Instruments play
discordantly ]


[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Pleasant music plays ]

[ Chuckling ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Groans ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Whoosh! ]

[ Glass shatters ]

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Snoring ]

Man: okay, cut!

And that's a wrap.
All right, thanks, everybody.

What's going on?

Huh? Huh?

[ Screaming ]

Susie turned into a monster!

[ Whimpering ]


[ Objects crashing ]

Can somebody go check on her?
Is she okay?

[ Angelic fanfare ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Humming happily ]

Well, now you know
what joy and fun

Is in the dreams of everyone.

In three, two, one!
[ Snaps fingers ]

Well, almost everyone.

So when to bed
you have retired...

Quiet, you!
I'm really tired!

...just count yourself
truly blessed.

I'm trying to get some rest!

As dreams abound
all over town...

Seriously, buddy,
keep it down!

...enjoy --
[ grunts ]

Enjoy this moment
while it lasts.

Embrace whatever comes to pass.

For the day is always
kind of rough

Because the night
is never long enough.

[ Alarm clocks buzzing,
dinging ]


-[ Groans ]

[ Phone rings ]

[ Yawns loudly ]

[ Tired voice ] yes?

are you coming or what?

But -- but I thought you said we
were going to meet at dinner!

Yeah, we're having lunch
at "dinner" --

The new diner
that's just opened.

[ Screaming ]

Uh, hello?

Uh, yeah, yeah, sorry.

I thought you said
we were going to meet

At the mall, not your house.

I am at the mall.

[ Muffled speech ]


Me too!

But I can't see you,

Where are you?

Oh, you know,
right by that place,

The one that sells

[ Zipping ]

[ Splat! ]

Gumball, you do realize I called
you on your home phone?

[ Laughs ] of course,
I mean [clears throat]

This is a voice message I left
for you in case you called.

Please leave your message
after the beep.


I'll be there in .


[ Panting ]

Dude, look!
I learned how to wiggle my ears.

Check it out.

Is it happening?

Are they wiggling?

W-wait a second!
I-i just had it.

You gotta see!


What do you mean,
you want to buy a new pair

Of fruit bikinis,
but you're not sure
if the milk is off?

That's what you just described
with your hands.

Okay, first,
you don't have ears,

And secondly,
this is what people do

When they want to get out
of a conversation

Without being mean.

Well, I think
it's a little bit confusing.

How is this
remotely confusing?

"I'm late, I've got to go,
I need to hurry,

I might call you,
but I definitely won't."

[ Car crashes ]

[ Hubcap rattles ]

Dad, what are you doing?!

It's your fault.
You said, "go back,

And keep going,
and I'll call you

When you get too close
to the lamppost,"

Which I thought was
a bit weird.

See, dude? Those signals are
pretty easy to misinterpret.

Fine. Interpret this!


You bought a time share

In a lighthouse
with watermelon paper?

[ Screams ]

Hey, man,
want to hang out?

Hey, joe. [ Panting ]

I'm sorry, I really
can't talk right now.

♪ Should we
just sing instead? ♪

Dude, I don't have time
for this.

I really got to go.

Number or number ?

[ Doink! Doink! ]

What? Ew. No!

Look, no, I don't want to be
rude, but I need to leave.

Follow me?

Got it.

What are you doing?!

What? You said,
"follow me."

I thought we were doing
a walk and talk.

Dude, I don't have time to talk!
Am I clear?

[ Zipper zips ]

No, just me walking!

For you, there's no walking
and no talking, all right?


[ Inhales sharply,
stammers ]

Actually, that was too
impressive for me to be mad.

But I'm going to be as specific
as I possibly can.

You stay here
and don't do anything.

I will go to the mall
and see you later, okay?

[ Gasps, grunts ]

[ Groaning ]

You cbreathe, though.

[ Exhales sharply ]

-Excuse me?
-Oh, sorry, I --

I don't want any money.

All I want is a moment
of your time.

Sorry, time is the one thing
I don't have today.

Got any money, then?

F-for what?

To get my yacht waxed,
of course.


[ Laughs ]
just kidding.

It's for new gold faucets
in my mansion.


No, still joking.

It's for
cosmetic surgery --

I want fuller lips.


It's for food, obviously!

Uh, I'm sorry.
I've got $ ,

But I need to buy lunch
for my friend.

Oh, I see clearly
we're not friends, huh?

Well, no,
not, no, not really.

[ Whines ]

Look at you, my lord, with
your big eyes and your pants.

Wait, are you saying
you're only wearing
a trent coat right now?

I don't know.
Am i?!

[ Screams ]

I see. Sarcasm.

Look, don't be angry.
We can still be friends.

But not lunch friends.
Look, I pro--

I-i don't have
the time right now,

But I promise I'll buy you
some food later at dinner.

How's that?

It's a date.

Are you being
sarcastic again?

Can't you tell?


Hmm? Hmm?

[ Inhales ]

Oh, man, I'm super-late!

I think.


Hey, sweetie.


Hey, cupcake.

Hey, cupcake!

-Hey, kid.


Your head is massive!


Good job, guys.

[ Chortling ]

Hey, hey,
you know what? No.

I'm in a serious hurry,

But someone needs to take
a stand here!

So, in the name of all
your victims...pbht!

[ All gasping ]

I have no idea
what that means,

But it looks
extremely insulting.

Is it a vulcan g*ng sign?

I don't know
what it means either,

But that'll teach you
for making fun of my head.

What? But we meant it
as a compliment.

A big head means a big brain.
You must be very intelligent.

Well, when you shout weird
stuff [high-pitched voice]
from a tiny head

[Deep voice]
between huge arms,

[ Normal voice ]
it scares people.

So, what should we do
to make people feel good?

Try a softer approach.

And keep
your compliments simple.

You're not doing too well
with specifics.

Uh, okay.
How about...?

[ Wolf-whistles ]


[ Shudders ]

That just went from
uncomfortable to unacceptable.

Maybe just stick
to a friendly gesture?

Oh, I got it.

Hey [smooching]

Stop, stop, stop.
Maybe just a simple smile?

[ All sigh ]

You guys really need
to get out more.

You're right.

We need to hang out with some
other people, but where?

-The mall?
-Good idea.

Definitely not the mall!
That's where I'm going.


Uh [sighs]

All right, the mall.

Okay, I got to go now.

I don't even know why I've been
standing here for so long.

Because you're standing
in concrete?

[ Grunting ]

[ Tires screech ]


Need to remember.

Your mom sent me to the store
to buy one thing --

We're out of fruit.

Just get the fruit
and you won't get in trouble.

She said, "just remember,
richard, buy the fruit."

Can you drive to the mall?

It's on the way
to the grocery store.

Sure can!
Watch me go.

[ Tires screech ]

[ Screams ]

Why does no one
understand me today?!

[ Laughs ]

[ Crash! ]


[ Speaking foreign language ]

[ Shrieks ]

Okay, where do you want
to get to?

All right, take a right,
then continue for a block,

And it's on the left
after the town hall.

Got it?

[ Sighs ]

I'm late for my date,

So good luck.

[ Sighs ]

Man: do I I hear ,
, , ...

, , , , , ...

[ Grunts ]

That's for the little
blue man in the back.

-Thank you, everyone.

It's all for a good cause.

We're trying to end hunger
today, not tomorrow, just today.

It's a small town, you know,
but let's get back to business.

Do I have ?
? Need some .

? For
the little blue man!

And now I've got .
-[ Sighs ]

, , .

To the little blue man.
-[ Growls ]

Now, come on, we need .
Need , need .

A very slight move
of the head --

for the little blue man.

Going once, going twice --

Sold! For cents, that's $ .
-[ Screams ]

-Well done, everyone.
-$ .

[ Laughs ]
what was that?

I'm so sorry.

It's just everyone is being
completely useless today.

It's impossible
to communicate.

It's --

[ Sighs ]
just a second.

What are you doing here?!

You said, "I will go to the mall
and see you later."

So, here I am!

[ Chuckles nervously ]

Just order something.
I'll be right there.

Okay. Two pizzas and a milkshake
to share, please.

Not you, gosh darn it!

[ Giggles ]

-[ Wolf-whistle ]
-you're kidding me.

What do you want?

You told us
to come to the mall.

Yeah, and we thought about
what you said before.

You were right.
We're pretty creepy,

But we've changed our ways.

How's this
to brighten your day?

Your face is perfect.

Your eyes are full of life.

Your fur is so soft.

Your tail is --

That sounds like
the last thing

The victim hears
in a horror movie.

Why don't you guys
just find someone

As weird as you
to practice on?

Someone who, uh,
wait a minute.

[ Streak! ]

[ Squeaking ]

I like your skin.
It fits you like a glove.

Thank you.

You must work out.


[ Grunting ]

Wait. What?

Wait for what, what?

-What, what?

-The what before the what?

[ Growling ]

[ Loud popping ]

Ow. Ow.

[ Laughs, sighs ]

Hurry up! My parents
are picking me up in .

Just [laughs nervously]

Just start without me.
I'll be right there.

Who is that?

What are you
talking about?

Here I am all dolled up
for our date,

And what do I see?

You've been two-timing me!

Are you being
sarcastic again?

Do I sound sarcastic?!

I don't know!

Hey, little blue man?

You need to pay and get
your prize for the auction.

What's the prize?

A kiss.

Okay, you know what?

[ Smooches ]

On the cheek
from miss elmore.

Comes with a dinner.

[ Giggles, clears throat ]

You know what?

I forfeit my prize to him --
her, it.

Come on, you!
[ Laughs crazily ]

Auctioneer: hey!

So, where were we?

[ Speaking foreign language ]


Sorry, son.

I don't have time to buy
that fruit for you.

Your mother said I had to drive
the car to the mall.

No, dad, it was
the other way around.

Oh, right.

People are being
so confusing today.

I know, right?


[ Tires screech ]

[ Screaming
in foreign language ]

The museum? [ Laughs ]
yeah, I can take you there.

[ Giggles ]


Hey, sorry I'm so late.

Oh, you've got to go?

[ Choking ]

Your parents
have arrived?

It's funny,
'cause just this morning,

Darwin completely
misunderstood that.

Yeah, that.

See, I love the fact that you
and I just get each other.

[ Chuckles ]
anyway, you run now.

[ Smooch! ]

[ Choking ]

[ Coughs ]

[ Growls ]