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01x35 & 01x36 - The Helmet/The Fight

Posted: 01/27/23 10:09
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

You know what?
I don't think I'm gonna wear this anymore.

Why? I thought it brought you good luck.

Yeah, it does, but nothing's fun anymore.

See? Watch this.

[all] Whoa!



What are you talking about?

That was fan-flapping-tastic!

Yeah, a week ago, maybe,
but now it's just lame.

I think I'm gonna throw it out.

Don't throw it out!

I could really use some luck right now.

I've been trying to get on
Win or Don't Win for five months,

but they're not returning my calls.

You're never gonna get on that show,
hat or no hat.

[gasps] There's a show
called Hat or No Hat?

Look, you want it?

You have it.

[phone ringing]

-[speaking indistinctly]

Would I?

Huh! Tomorrow?

Oh, thank you, Win or Don't Win!

Wow! This hat is amazing!

OK, guys, as impressive as all this is,

let's not get carried away.

There's no way a tinfoil hat
is responsible for--

Richard! What are you--

[phone vibrating]

-[speaking indistinctly]

Interview? Tomorrow?

For a promotion and a pay rise?

What was that?

That was the sound of doom
for the Wattersons.

[blowing whistle]

[blows whistle]

Do you ever miss your helmet?

No. Why?

Well, everyone seems to be using it
for really cool stuff,

like Dad with the TV show

or Mom with her job.

All you ever did was lame party tricks.

It doesn't matter, Darwin.

I'm happy to see the back of it.

Succeeding at everything
really took the joy out of life.


sometimes in life, you make your own luck!

It's so good to fail again.

You see, you take a pinch of success,
a dash of failure,

you mix it together,
and that's what makes life int--


See? That wasn't so bad.

You just blew up the ant farm.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

It's OK!

[chuckles nervously]
Life is great, Darwin!

Ah! Ow! Ow! Ow!

So, you're saying
you're happy when you fail?


It's the struggle
that makes a victory sweet.

Besides, I still got it.

[Banana Joe screams]

Butter side down,
just like poor Uncle Eddie.

What do you know--

my lunch is on the floor.

Hey, who's the funny guy who did that?

And you know what the best thing
about failure is, Darwin?


Is that it builds your sense of humor.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I'm nothing without my helmet!

I want it back!

I need it!

[Richard] But I need it more,

'cause I need to win the show!

Well, I need it to get the promotion,

which is more important than a game show.

But if I win the show,

I'll get a speedboat!

Think about how great it would be for me!

Richard, you'll never use it.

Nicole, if I win a speedboat,
I'm gonna use it.

You have to understand,
I'm doing this for the greater good.

Winning the speedboat will be food for you

but not for the rest of the family.


You're right.

I'm sorry, Nicole.

I don't know what came over me.

It's OK.

Just, where did you hide the helmet?

It's in this bag.


No, wait!

Actually, it's in-- it's in this one.

I was gonna trick you.

I'm sorry.

I guess that helmet's
got more power over me than I thought.

Thanks for being honest, honey.

[man] That was an astonishing interview.

There's... just one thing.

You are aware that if you get the job,

you won't be able to wear
that papier-mâché helmet, right?

[Nicole chuckles]

Of course.

But for the record, it's not papier-mâché.
It's tinfoil.

Mm. No.

I'm pretty sure it's papier-mâché
painted gray.


Can I switch your TV on?

Uh... Sure?

...and he's won the speedboat!


[upbeat music playing]


This isn't going to affect my chances,
is it?

Um, what do you think?


[Richard] It's mine!

[Nicole] No, mine!

[Gumball] Give it back!
Give it right back!

[Richard] It's mine!

I lost my job for it!

It's mine!

I need it!

But I'm on Hat or No Hat tomorrow!



Stop it!

Look at what you've become!

This stupid hat is driving you crazy!

Actually, it's a helmet.

It's not a helmet or a hat!

It's a piece of tinfoil!

And it's tearing this family apart!

Look at you!

You're behaving like animals!


Anais is right.

That helmet has such a grip on us.

It's like its magic is taking control
of the person who wears it.

[laughs] Well, since none of you guys
want it, I guess I can have it back.


Me and Darwin have been talking,

and we've decided it has to be destroyed.


You can't destroy it!
I'm nothing without it!

I'm sorry, honey, but Anais is right.

-Can-- Can I have one more go?

-Don't touch it!!

No! No! No! It's mine!

Aah! No! It's my helmet!

Dude, chill out.

It's just a bucket
with some tinfoil on it.

Give it back! It's my helmet!

[Darwin] Why can't we just
put it in the bin?

[Anais] Because they'll just
pull it out again.

We have to take it to the bin
of all bins-- The dump.

Can't we just rip it up?

Have you ever tried ripping up tinfoil?

Sounds horrible.

What are we gonna do with it, then?

Throw it in the garbage crusher.



Can you hear that?


That noise.

Sounds like a cat trying to say "snake."

[Gumball] Snake.

It's probably just the wind.


I don't know what the big deal
with this lucky helmet is, anyway.

Looks pretty normal to me.

Oh, look-- a gold ring!

Oh, look-- a pearly necklace!

Wow! A diamond-encrusted chain!

And it spells "Darwin"!

[panting] Come on.

We're nearly there.


I... I can't do it, Anais.

It's-- it's too heavy.

Well, give me the helmet.
I'll deal with it.


It's a man's job.

You're-- you're just a little girl.

The helmet is my burden to carry.

-You can carry me, though!

[Anais grunting]


I've done my part.

Now you do yours.

Throw the stupid thing in the crusher.


Well, good riddance!

Darwin, look out!

Give me my helmet!

The helmet's mine! Give it back!

Give it! Give it!

Dude, what's wrong with your voice?

I just really need to cough. [coughs]

Better. Ah-ha!

-[Gumball laughing hysterically]

[Anais] Give it up, Gumball!

There's two of us! You'll never win!

Oh, yeah?

I can already feel its power!

Well, not for long!

Come on, Darwin.

You'll never hit me!

I'm the luckiest man alive!

It's not luck!
It's just we can't throw very well!

Then let me make it easy for you.

Come on, Anais!

There's no way you can miss from there!


Nice try, but now it's my turn.

Oh, look-- a tennis-ball machine.

[scoffs] Good luck finding
a power supply for that.

Oh, look--

a generator.

OK, maybe the hat is magic after all.


[Gumball laughing hysterically]

He's got us cornered!

What are we gonna do?

Pass me that stale baguette.


Don't you worry about it.
Just tell Mom and Dad I love them.

What? Darwin, no!



No! My power!

Come on, Darwin!

He lost the helmet!

Oh, cool.

No! No! No, no!


[both gasp]

[Gumball grunts]

Almost... got... it.

What the-- What is wrong with you?

My helmet...

I can almost reach it.

Give me your hand!

No! I need the power!

For goodness' sake, man!

It's only a piece of tinfoil!

But think of all the stuff
we could do with it.



Haha. OK, you can pull me up now.

Listen, Gumball, the helmet is powerful,

but it's also evil.

Look at what it's done to you
and Mom and Dad!

But-- but without it, I'm nothing!

Gumball, we're nothing without you.

So, give me your other hand.



[all groan]

[all] Yay!

[Anais laughs]

Richard, are you sure this is a good idea?

Of course, honey.

I said I'd use it, didn't I?

Uh, how far away is the sea?

[Richard] Uh, about miles.

[man on TV] And welcome to the WBWNA
Welterweight title...


You OK?

Yep. School was awesome today!

I was hanging out with Tina.

She taught me how to donate to charity.

-Who is this for, again?

Then she helped tear through my homework.


And finally, we had lunch together.

What should I try first?


It was great!


I think you're being bullied.

Nah. We're just having fun.

Nope. You're definitely getting bullied.

[gasps] What am I gonna do?

Don't worry, bro.

I'll take care of this for you.

Hey, Tina, you've been picking
on my brother,

and I think it's time you guys
talked about this face-to-face.

[indistinct chatter]


: p.m.?

Behind the school?

No, wait! That's not what I meant!



Looks like your face-to-face
turned into more of a... face-to-fist.

What the-- What?

I think she wants to have
a fight with you.

-[bell dinging]
-[man on TV] He's out cold!

Come on, son.

It's time I showed you
how to deal with bullies.

There comes a point in every man's life
where he has to stand up for himself.

But that's OK, 'cause Daddy's here
to teach you an old family technique

that got me out of trouble many times.


A secret fighting technique?

Yes. It's called... the Bunny Hop.

But remember,
you must never use it in anger.

I promise, Father.

All right. You be the bully.


Come on. Don't be shy.

Try to take my lunch money.

[screams] Don't hurt me! Not the face!

Here's my lunch money-- and my lunch!

Please, take it! Please, please, please!

That was step one.

And here comes the Bunny Hop.



Well, that wasn't much help.

You're right.

I think you need help from a real adult.

So, School Counselor.

Pretty scary title, huh?

But don't you worry your tiny,
little heads about it.

Think of me as a friend, a compadre,

a fellow pilgrim
on a mad journey we call...


So, tell me, what's shakin'?

-Oh, I'm fine.
-No, he's not!

He's being bullied!


The big "B," huh?

You know, more often than not,

conversation beats confrontation.

Hands down.

Let's meditate on this.

[all together] Om.


So, tell me, who's bullying you?

-Tina Rex.

Tina Rex?

Don't tell her you saw me!

Well, that wasn't much help.

No way!

Gumball's gonna fight Tina?

She's gonna mash him!

-He's toast!
-She's gonna skin him alive!

This will be the greatest fight ever!

This is getting out of hand.

Don't worry. I'll fix this.

Come on! What is wrong with you guys?

How many of you have been bullied by Tina?


-I guess.
-I have.

Don't you realize if we all join forces,
we can stand up to Tina once and for all?

[indistinct chatter]

And no student will ever be bullied again!

[all together] Yeah!

-We can also stop global warming!
-[all together] Yeah!

And bring peace to the world!

[all together] Yeah!

And build schools
for the dolphins in the rainforests

so they can cure baldness!

[all together] Yeah!

Uh, Anais?

Sorry, Gumball!

The power's gone to my head!

See you on Capitol Hill!

Good luck with the fight, man! [laughs]

-There you are.


You're supposed to be here
when your best friend's

about to get mangled by--


Just follow me!

Behold my super bully protection
suit of power!


I love it!



Looking good.

Now, check this out.

It's got bouncy bubble wrap pants,
and it has an MP player as standard.

[instrumental music playing]

And that's not all.

This string here operates
the super counterattack device.

No, wait!

You've only got one shot,
so you must wait for the right moment.

[Gumball] OK.

And last but not least, the tassels!

What do these do?

Move your arm around.

[both] Oooooh.


OK. Time to put it to the test.


Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

What did it feel like?

[Gumball mumbling]


Like I'm being hit with a stick.

That wasn't much help.

That's OK.

We can rebuild it better,

faster, stronger!

Let's get to work!

-Oh, too late.

You know what?

Maybe it won't be so bad.

I'll just meet Tina in a quiet,

calm atmosphere, and we'll talk things
through like civilized people.

[both] Yeah!

This is a great idea!

[all] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight!

-This is a terrible idea.
-Fight! Fight!

[Miss Simian] What's going on here?

I'll have no fighting on my watch.

Oh, Gumball Watterson.

-I might have known.

Thank you, Miss Simian!

Oh, I was gonna fight a T-Rex.

Please send me to detention.

Well, I suppose I could--
after my coffee break.

But, Miss Simian, Tina--

Coffee break.

But, Miss Simian,

you're my last hope!


[all] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Where's Gumball?

[all] Here.

What am I gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

[Richard] Use the Bunny Hop, son.

Son. Son. Son. Son.

Dad? What are you doing here?

Well, I wasn't gonna miss the big fight.

[Tina roars]


Time to deal with this like a man.


[Tina roaring]


Stop running!

[Juke beatboxing]

Dude, I have no idea what you're saying.




[girls scream]





[Banana Joe] Haha. Scaredy-cat!


[Tina roaring]

Mr. Small!

Please! Let me in!



-Let me in!

-Mr. Small!
-Go away!



Would you mind removing your glasses
when you're at the table?

Uh... Yes?


What happened to you?

I... ran into a door?

That's not true. He's being bullied!

Seriously, I did run into a door.

[car engine accelerating]

[car door opens, closes]

Mom! Calm down!

I'm perfectly calm!

I just need a word with Mr. Rex,

-[Tina] Gumball!


You guys make up!

Mr. Rex.


Hi, Mr. Rex.

We need to talk about your daughter.


So, it's going to be like that, is it?

Well, that's fine by me!

Your dad is pretty scary.

So's your mom.

Uh, Tina?

Is it true that you're bullying me?

What? No!

I thought we were just having fun.

So, why were you chasing me?

I only wanted to speak to you,
but you ran away.

[Nicole grunting]

Everyone thinks I'm a brute,

just like my dad.

-But I'm not!

I don't think you're a brute.

-Of course.

You're just a dangerous friend
with a terrifying amount of strength.


Come on.

Give me five.


Uh, how about a friend hug?


Too... friendly!

Well, I'm glad we finally
reached an agreement.

Good-bye, Mr. Rex.

[school bell ringing]

So, everything's OK between you and Tina?


Everything's just fine.

[theme music playing]