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04x36 - The Detective

Posted: 01/27/23 09:34
by bunniefuu
It always looks
like a normal day.

Mommy's at work,
Daddy's asleep on the sofa,

the birds are singing,
and the sun shines on Elmore.

It's in these
completely normal moments

that horror chooses to strike.

The floor was covered
in Daisy's stuffing,

and she was missing.

And I was starting to think

she didn't walk out
that door on her own two feet.

Mainly because
she's an inanimate object.

I could see from
the stuffing pattern

that there had been
some sort of a struggle.

This is where she hit the floor.

It looked like a robbery,

but why take the doll
and leave the computer?

A DNA search would tell me more.

The evidence pointed towards
a blue cat and an orange fish,

but they could be victims, too.

I needed more proof.

There was no glass on the desk.

The window was broken
from the inside,

and the prints suggest
that someone with

abnormally large hands
was involved...

or someone with
an abnormally large finger.

There was enough
sugar in that bowl

to turn their brains to jelly.

Daisy got caught in the middle
of their sugar binge,

and something so bad happened,

they decided to make it
look like a robbery.

Still, without a body,
there's no crime.

I needed a witness.




What's that?
What does it look like?

Police tape.

Why is it eight inches
off the floor?

Because my arms
are too short to...

I'm the one
asking questions here!

Are you playing
"good cop/bad cop?"

No. This isn't
a trashy ' s cop show.

This is quality
subscription television

mysteriously mumbly
Southern detective.

Y'all hear anything weird

coming from this here
room this morning?


Did you hear anything weird

coming from this room
this morning?

No, but there was a strange
noise coming from the bathroom.

Sounded like pbht!

Kind of like a slice of ham
caught in a desk fan?

No, no. Wetter.

You mean like a cafeteria lady

being slapped in the back
with a fish?

Little less wet.
Little more fluffy.

A watermelon
hitting a sofa-bed...

in June?

In Kentucky?

More like fabric
being ripped by tiny fingers.

The next thing I knew, the boys
ran out of the house in a panic.

Thank you, sir.
That'll be all.

What are you gonna do?

Don't hurt my boys!

Them's my boys, you hear?

My boys!

The man wasn't lying.

The boys did something terrible.

He stood there, sweating,
another small-town yokel

who wasn't enough of a man
to prevent his sons...


Did I say that out loud?

Sorry, it was meant
to be internal monologue.

Well, you better be nicer with
your lominogues, young lady.

Sorry, dad.

Another decent man
whose sons went off the rails

and were beyond his control.

That's more like it.

Two boys high on sugar,

and a sweet doll
caught in the middle.

I was scared... scared to
discover what happened to her.

Could I even open the door
to that bathroom?

She was dragged here.

No! No!
She's not responding!

We're too late!

It's never too late!

Now it's too late.

Seems like there was
a lot of movement.

He went from here
to here to there.

Were they fighting?

Mm, more like Irish dancing.

No, they were panicking.

There are droplets on the floor.

What are they?


That would suggest an argument.

he's losing an argument,

Gumball always resorts
a raspberry.

Or are they tears?

Maybe Darwin lost the argument.

But what were they arguing


Oh, no.

Do it!

It's the only way
to get rid of the evidence!

I can't!

But she won't flush
in one piece!

She might, but you have
to eat her first.

They wouldn't be that stupid.


The garbage bag is gone

and toiletries
and their toothbrushes.

It's not gonna work.

We need another way
to get rid of her.

What are you doing?!

I-I say we run!

We've already gone too far!

No, we haven't.
We're still here.

It was a metaphor.
If we run, we're goners, Darwin!

But who's to say the police
will take us down?!

Sorry, that one
wasn't a metaphor.

I literally can't run.

I'd croak meters
from the house.

We need to deal with this
here and now!


I'm sorry!
No! No! No!


The only way to find
Daisy is to find Gumball,

but this is where the trail
goes cold, and the best...

Are you done yet?
Yeah, sorry.

I continued my search,

but all I found was
myself going in circles.

Put your helmet on, sweetie!


Her chances were dripping away
minute by minute,

like milk from a bottle.

Keep it coming, Rich.

But there are no refills
in life.

I couldn't sleep without her.

Daisy... Daisy... Daisy...

I was barely napping at all.

There must be
something I missed.

And that's when I saw him.

Not him.

All I had to do was follow
Gumball's accomplice.

Open up!

I know my rights!
You need a warrant!

I got an outstanding warrant
with your name on it.

Mm, that is well written
for a -year-old,

but I wouldn't call it

Where is she!

You tell me where Daisy is,

I'll negotiate your time
in the naughty corner

down to four minutes.

With good behavior,
you might be out in two.

I didn't do nothing!

One way or another,
you're gonna talk.

Ah, aah, aaah!

Thank goodness.

I thought you were gonna
hurt me with that.

No, that's what these are for.

Okay! Okay! Okay!
I'll talk. I'll talk.

It was a day like any other.

Hey! I'm the only one who gets
to do grizzly flashbacks.

Well, how else am I supposed to
tell you what happened?

Okay. Fine.
But do it in your own voice.

It was a day like any other.

Although, we both had
a lot of cereal.

Pbht! No more.

You said, "Pbht!"

This is how you laugh.


And this is how you laugh.




We were just kids having fun!
It was an accident!

I told him we should confess,
but he wouldn't let me!

Then we went to
the bathroom and...

I know what he tried
to make you do to her.

I know.
But where is he now?

If it's just a split seam,
maybe we can save her.

Save her?

Uh, uh...

Th-th-the cellar!

That's where he took her.

And just one more thing.

Why did he need the trash bag?

Oh, of course.

For Daisy.

Somehow it always ends up
at the bottom of a cellar.

This is where we abandon
our darkest mistakes...

between the treadmill

and the fat-free grilling

But I wasn't gonna let
the darkness take her,

not Daisy.



Throw it away.

I said throw it away!


Get on the ground.

I didn't do nothing!

It wasn't my fault!

Then why are you digging a hole!

I was gonna go underground.

That's not what that means!

I realize that now.

Please, don't make a "pew-pew"
sound with your mouth!

Aaaah! Pew! Pew!

Where is she!?

I don't know.
Where's the trash bag?

There! There!


It was Gumball who ran away.

It was Gumball
who lost the argument.

Like a crow disguised
as a dove, he played me.

Played me like an old banjo.

It was Darwin's plan
to destroy the evidence.

Why can't you do this?!

Because I don't have
opposable thumbs!

He had already got rid of her
when I found him in the shed!

I never wanted
it to go this way.

What have you done?

I was too late.

I didn't know we could save her.

I-I didn't know!

I swear!

Sure, I was mad,
but I forgave Darwin

for throwing Daisy
in the trash to cover my...

No, I don't.

It was worth a shot.

The truck!
I can still save her!

As I sped down
the road at breakneck speed,

my mind also started racing.

How could I have missed so much?

Daisy was another victim
of a ruthless world

who didn't know how to
care for her fragile beauty.

She was within arm's reach
that whole time, and yet,

now she's slipping through
my fingers once again

on her way to be discarded,
flushed away,

drowning in a torrent
of soiled plastic bags,

and cardboard boxes.

Well, not on my watch!

I'd given my all,
and it still wasn't enough.

I had failed her.

That's when they arrived.

Redemption is a funny thing.

Those responsible
for her suffering

were the very ones
who saved her.

She was banged up, but okay.

Nothing a few stitches
couldn't fix.

The boys did a bit of time,

but at least
they got things cleaned up.

As for me, I found sleep again.

I guess this story wasn't
as dark as I made it out to be.

Night, honey.
