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04x34 - The Blame

Posted: 01/27/23 09:33
by bunniefuu

Even in
this brutal digital world,

the children of today
still find solace in books.

Truly the pen
is mightier than the sword.

Dude, did you hear that?

Equip the pen!


Turns out the bazooka
is mightier than the pen.

And the sword.

Hey, Tobias, stop camping!

Use alt fire!

What is
this dazzling juxtaposition

of sound and image?
It's a video game.

So these are the video games
of which Mother warned me.

How do they function?

See this dude with
the muscles of a body builder

and the haircut
of a Korean pop star?

It's me, and I have to blast
these monsters over here

to save... stuff?

Here, try it. But is
it not dangerous?

Mother always says
that video games

can make one lose contact
with reality,

that they encourage loose
behavior and violent tendencies,

much like
the rock 'n' roll music,

long hair, and vaccinations.

Uh, no.
They're just fun.

Well, I suppose there's no harm
in trying it once.

In the name
of science, of course.

This is amazing!!

Good fun!

It's too much, too much...

What was that all about?

He didn't even make it
past the loading screen.

And this is why,

as president
of the parents' association,

I call for a total ban
on all video games in Elmore!

She's right! Look at what happened
to Ocho since he started gaming.

He doesn't look so bad.

But here's
what he used to look like!

Gaming's given my kid
square eyes!

Gaming gave
my daughter a speech impediment!

So we're all in agreement.

Not everyone!
Not everyone!

We are Mr. Dad
and Mrs. Mom.

He means
Richard and Nicole Watterson.

And we found video games to be

nothing but a positive influence
on our children.

This is ridiculous!

I think
I'm about to say something.

Video games can be educational,
teach puzzle-solving skills,

and help the growth
of young imaginations.

You two, stop this!
Oh, my goodness!

My son Gumball
has dressed up as me

and attended the PTA meeting
in an attempt to stop this ban.

You're in big trouble, mister!

Okay, Nicole, I think you should
ground your son for a month.


you're grounded for a month!

Uh, honey...

You're right, dear!
Two months!

But you also get a surprise
pool party in honor with pizz...

Don't push it, little man.

Your plea has really
made me think about things...

mostly that I should have locked
that door.

I admire your determination.

I give you three chances
to prove your argument

that video games
can be a force for good.

Meeting adjourned!

That's a gavel.

He wouldn't let me use it.


You see, people often say

that video games are anti-social
and make you unhealthy.

Well, just take a look
at this family

sharing some sporty fun

What about that family?

They're playing together,
which is all that matters.

Now, safety first,
dear little brother.

Of course, dear big brother.

The wrist strap!
What was I thinking?


No hand at the end of the wrist.

Come on, Anais!

We can't lose to these slugs.

This one doesn't look
very healthy at all.

Hey! This is the body
of a world-class gamer!

You're lucky
we're not online right now,

or I'd be saying things
I'd never say to your face.

Take the shot!

Ah, come on!

Uh, now, now, Mother,
it's only a game.

Nicole's team wins!

I don't want to play anymore!

Um, how about we switch
to a nice fishing game?

That's mine!
Give it to me!

Hands off my... Hey!

Well, they're fighting,
so technically,

it's brought them closer together.
Give it back!

Okay, now I'll prove

video games don't make kids
lose contact with reality.

Hey, Joe, what are you playing?

It's a game

where you can build anything
out of little bricks.

Very good, Joe!
A game encouraging creativity.

Right now I'm building
a fireplace in my wooden house.

Oh, no.
Not the goats.

The goats are on fire!

That child has no idea
what's real and what's not.

Yes, but you don't know

it was video games
that made him that way.

What else could have
made him like that?

Son, son, son!
Stop with this tomfoolery!

The fire isn't real.

I'll show you what's real.

Take this book.
It is the key to your future.


"Books pave the road
to your future."

Come on, son.
Let's time travel.


Yes, I agree.

Children should read books
and not play silly games.

A lot of people think
that all gamers

are unattractive male losers,

but look at
this majestic female specimen.

You must be joking!
Look at her face.

The lack of natural sunlight

has given her skin
like a parrot's tongue.

And the breath
is like a subway in Paris.

And the teeth...

They're so yellow, I thought
they were made out of gold.

And look at her tiny arms,

completely shriveled
by the lack of exercise.

And her nails?

I've heard
of gaming addiction before,

but I never thought a girl
would let herself go

to the point of needing
a chainsaw to cut her toenails.

Yeah, but video games didn't
turn her into a giant lizard.

It comes from her dad.
Oh, I see.

My dear, do you play video games
with your father?


Well, that explains it.

Video games made them
both monsters.

Case closed.


Gumball, respond. Gumball?



Uh, that wasn't a video game.

But how are we supposed to
entertain ourselves?

You are surrounded by all the
greatest classics of literature.

That's all you need.


This is more boring

than having to listen
to your friend's band rehearsal.

Or having to look
at people's baby pictures.

Or, like, edutainment.

Okay, maybe not edutainment.

- Wait a minute.
- I got it!

The answer
was right under our noses!

We re... discover

making gross noises
with our armpits!

Did you hear that?

It's the sound
of someone feeling an emotion

other than boredom!


You okay?

It's this darn book.

It's making my hair
stand on end.

What hair?

Mm? Okay, what is it?

"Grimms' Fairy Tales."

There's people
getting eaten by wolves, poison,

and some old witch
getting cooked in an oven.


I can see
you're getting an idea.

No, no... just some
leftover food on my chin.

Well, I have an idea.

Hey, that's a great idea!

I'm gonna pass it off as my own.

Hey, I have an idea!

If our parents think video games
are a bad influence,

let's see what they think
about books!

Everyone, start reading!

Come on! Let's teach our parents
a lesson!

Excuse me.

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

And now that
we've banned video games,

let's move on to the next blight
on our culture...

the pop music.

♪ Everybody read
a book ♪

♪ Wreak havoc
across the nation ♪

♪ Come on,
just have a look ♪

♪ There's such violent
inspiration ♪

♪ "Lord of the Flies" is a book
each parent cherishes ♪

♪ The feral kids survive

♪ But the one with glasses
perishes ♪


♪ If you want more blood
and guts ♪

♪ Give Shakespeare's plays
a try ♪

♪ In "Titus Andronicus"

♪ A mother gets her son
served up in a pie ♪

You did this to me, Mother.


♪ Legends, myths,
and fairy tales ♪

♪ Will make their readers
shriek and wail ♪


♪ "Red Riding Hood"
is pretty bizarre ♪

♪ Where a wolf dresses up
as a girl's grandma ♪

♪ I've read Greek myths,
just like you, sir ♪

♪ When they get beheaded
like Medusa ♪

♪ And I read
the "Tortoise and the Hare" ♪

♪ A tale of t*rture
and despair ♪

Fight! You haven't read
that one, have you?

Uh, no.

♪ If you read Dickens'
"Oliver Twist" ♪

♪ You'd shut the library door
and lock it ♪

♪ It's all about
these homeless kids ♪

♪ Who learn how to pickpocket

♪ Okay, I get it,
that's enough ♪

♪ Fiction should be banned

♪ But history books
are just as bad ♪

♪ Perhaps a rap
will help you understand ♪

Juke, hit it.

♪ It's just words, words, words ♪

♪ Cover to cover

♪ Bow with the spine,
word to your mother ♪

♪ But books are the same,
every story to video games ♪

♪ They're just as gory

♪ Romeo, oh, Romeo

♪ Romeo is your homey-o

♪ "To be, or not to be...
That's the question" for a G ♪

♪ Huck Finn's adventures
by Mark Twain ♪

♪ All these books
are driving me insane ♪

♪ So who should really
get the blame? ♪

♪ Are books as bad
as video games? ♪


Off with their heads!

Thar she blows!


All right. All right!

What exactly
are you trying to say here?

Mother, allow me to elucidate.

We've raised
myriad issues here today...

censorship, parenting, making
gross noises with one's armpit.

But the nub of the argument
is thus...

Video games are shouldering
the burden of a deeper problem.

'Tis not the material
that's to blame,

but how parents teach
their children to respond to it.

My gosh, Billy.
You're right.

Books can be
as dangerous as video games.

There's only one
reasonable thing to do.

Become better parents

and look after our children
in a sensible way?
