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06x43 - The BFFs

Posted: 01/26/23 18:32
by bunniefuu
Uh, Gumball?

Gumball: What?

Someone put a pair of eyes on some cotton candy and dumped it on our doorstep.

My name is Fuzzy.

Oh, no, wait.

It's one of those '90s talking toys that are creepier than bald men with long hair.

Dude, I'm alive.

This is just how I look.

I'm so sorry It's fine.

for you.

Does Gumball Watterson still live here?

Oh, yes.

Gumball! Hey, partner.

Aw, Fuzzy! You haven't changed at all.

Oh, so it's congenital.

Aw, Darwin, this is Fuzzy, my BFF! Ohhhhh! Pleased to meet you.

Did you really have to invite him for lunch?

Why are you so angry I had a best friend before you?

No one's angry.

Who's angry?


Sorry, dude.

Why don't you have a seat, Fuzzy?

We'll bring out some food that isn't you.

Uh, thanks, man.

So, how long were you guys a thing?

A few years before you arrived and before he


- Hmm.



Uh, what are you doing?

Oh, I was just trying to work out if I give a darn.

So, was it serious?

Yeah, you know, things were moving along.

We moved into a hideout together.

Uh, what are you doing now?

Oh, just looking for a darn to give.

Were there others?

No, of course not.



- Take this.

I'm afraid that's all the darns I have to give.

Hey, dude, why don't we hang out and grab something to eat in town?

The food here is a little too salty! Oh, yeah?

! Well, you know what?

! Uh, you


- you


- you know what?

Uh, uh, you


- you, uh Mm


You, uh, ah So, what have you been up to?

How's Minnesota?

Made any friends?

It's hard to tell.

Everyone is wearing ski masks all year long.

Either I have friends or I'm on a CIA watch list.

Yeah, summer's so short there they just call it "sss.

" It's so cold up there, rappers can only sag their pants under their nipple level.

All right, all right.

I get it.

It's great! Stop trying to make me jealous.

Yeah, well, it would've been better if you were around.

It's that lonely up there, huh?

No, I do have one friend


- Hank.

He's pretty frozen.


That's how you say "cool" in Minnesota.

You have to adjust the temperature.

Although, if he knew I was hanging out with you now, I'd probably be in room

-temperature water.



He's a nice guy, but, you know, it's not the same.

Look, I'm sorry, Fuzz.

I really wanted to keep in touch and send you a letter or something, but turns out it takes toddlers four years to learn how to write.

After all that time, it felt a bit like posting a get


-soon card through the window of a hearse.

Well, I'm back now, and I'm glad we get to catch up on lost time.

Me, too, buddy.

Me, too.

Darwin: Well, you


- You know what?

! Uh, well, you know what?

You're like a What the?

Uh, well, you know what?

! Uh Dude, are you seriously still looking for a comeback?


Darwin, just because Fuzzy's back in my life doesn't mean I love you any less.


How muchdo you love me?

Dude, I love you more than elderly people love walking around in their birthday suits in sports locker rooms.


More than Canadians love telling you which famous people are Canadian?

More than PC gamers love to bash game consoles.

That's quite a lot.

Come here.



I'm sorry if it looks like I'm overreacting, but I just don't trust that guy.

He looks like a hairy thumb with bulbous, soulless, motion

-capture eyes.

Would you please just give him a chance?

For me?


How about we hang out together and play some games?

You'll see.

He's a great guy.


Sorry my seasoning isn't to the taste of your treasoning! What?

You know, the salt comeback from before, and


- Oh, never mind.

Man, I am really struggling with this third

-party controller.

I think it's broken.

Fuzzy: Dude, that's not a controller.

Yeah, it's the remote for Mr.

Dad's new massage chair.


! Uh, ugh! Ugh, ugh! All right, you guys.

Finish this one, and I'll take the winner.

I'll just go get some drinks.

Okay, what's your game, you furry creep muffin?


Look, just give me a chance.

A "chance" to abduct your best friend and lock him up in a cabin in the woods?

What the?

No! Look, can we just bury the hatchet?


" "Hatchet?

" Okay, I don't know what you're trying to rope me into, but


- "Rope.

" Dude, you have a pretty weird relationship with your BFF.









" All right, I'm out of here.




What's going on?

Look, I was gonna invite you guys to a sleepover, but I think it's best if I don't.

I don't want to make any waves between you and Darwin.

I just think you guys need a little chat in front of a shrink while wearing straitjackets behind two

-way glass under the supervision of armed guards because you're crazy.

I just wanted to make that clear.

Okay, bye.



Wait, what?



-Fuzzy! Fuz


- ugh.

What did you do?

! Nothing.

You obviously did something.

Did you see his face?

He had the expression of someone who had just sat down on a warm toilet seat.

What did he ever do to you?

Well, when you went away to get drinks, he


- He stood up, grabbed a fire poker, and and he Yeah, okay, I completely made that up and probably shouldn't have.

Agh! Why are you acting like this?

I just think it's interesting that this guy's back in Elmore.

No, you don't.

You think it's suspicious.

Just say "suspicious"! No, I just think it's intriguing


- No, you don't.

You think it's sinister.

Just say "sinister.

" I'm just fascinated


- You're jealous! Just say "jealous"! Hmmf.


Where are you going?

To the brony convention in Liechtenstein.

Where do you think I'm going?

! Going to Fuzzy's house.

So have fun being more jelly than a peanut

-butter sandwich! I'm not jealous.


What's that?

The needle on my give





- Not moving.


Look, you can still come if you want.

What was that?


I just wanted to make sure I didn't look like I gave a darn.

I said you can



Is this the give


-darn store?

Uh, yeah, I'd like to know if you had any more darns left in stock.

Yeah, it's for a friend.

Oh, you discontinued the line?

I see.

Oh, you might have some left in the warehouse?


I'll hold.

Just a sec.

Ah, right.


And then he was talking about how the darn mines had closed and that I should've invested in renewable darns and


- whatever.

Anyways, is your place very far?

'Cause we've been walking for an hour now.

Oh, yeah, it's right around the corner Good.

after the lake.


Um, wait, Elmore's got a lake?



Dude, can we at least make a pit stop?

I need a new pair of feet! Oh, but we're nearly there.



Just beyond that pass.

The overpass?

! No.

No, that mountain pass.


Okay, maybe we need a little break.

Oh, thank you, universe! Ah, much better.

What's that sound?

I'm crying, but I'm so dehydrated, only air is coming out.

I'm not gonna make it, Fuzzy.

You're gonna have to continue without me.

Gumball, I'm not leaving you behind.

I never said leave me behind.

I meant you're gonna do the rest of the walking, get some form of wheel

-based transportation, and come back to get me.

Also, I want a burrito.

But it's just there, right before Ontario.

Wait, are you telling me we're in Minnesota right now?

Come on.

We're right there.

No! Forget this! Forget you! Forget Minnesota! Forget everything! Okay, I'll just wait for you inside, then.

Oh, all right, then.



Looks exactly like your old bedroom.

Welcome back, Gumball.

What the what is going on here?

You abandoned me, Gumball.

You promised we would stay BFFs forever, but you replaced me.

Put this on.


But it's for toddlers.

It's too small.

Put it on! Now you're gonna make up for it, starting right where we left off, and life is gonna be one long sleepover.

Now, let's play! Aah! Darwin! What are you doing here?

I knew there was something creepy going on with this guy, so I followed you.


Why'd you dig a hole, though?

Oh, um, to bury the hatchet.

Oh, my gosh.

You were so jealous you were gonna whack this guy.

Yeah, right.


I'mjealous of Fuzzy.

I'mjealous of his relationship with you.

I'm jealous that Fuzzy will go back to being your BFF and you'll abandon me.


-are you still being sarcastic, or


- Ha! Yeah, sure.

I'mbeing sarcastic.

So you're being sarcastic about being sarcastic.

Yeah, I'm just jealous, basically.

Aww, well, you shouldn't be.

I love you, dude.

I love you more.

No, I love you more.

No! You love me more! Aaaaah! There! Get behind me.

Oh! Ugh! Oh.

He's coming! Aah! Aah! Aah! We got no choice! Darwin and Gumball: Aaaaah! Fuzzy: I'm sorry, Darwin, but there can only be one BFF.

Yeah, me.



- oh! Ooh.



- who are you?


I was Fuzzy's BFF, and now I'm taking him back.


That's cool.



So should we go help Fuzzy, or?

Or not?

Yeah, I mean, it's late.

We are far from home.

I'm hungry.

Well, I saw a really good taco truck on the way.


Eh, somewhere near Wyoming.