02x57 - Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x57 - Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

During a battle with the Oración Seis
for "Nirvana," Erza was poisoned.

And then we lost Lyon as well.

We succeeded in retrieving
Wendy after she was kidnapped...

...but what is Jellal doing here?!

When I'm with you, my love and dreams

become magical

Now, let's cast the magic of a smile

I always sort of longed for a powerful world

filled with problems

Once-frozen time has begun moving again

ever since I met you

Why were we born? Why are we alive?

There's no need for complicated answers to that

Let's just laugh and cry,
while being true to ourselves

It's the simple feelings that
are the most important of all

They turn the tears we shed on sad nights

into strength

Now, I'm going to cast the magic of a smile

That sound...

Hey! Happy!




Th-This can't be! Sir Lyon is...!

There's no way he'd die! Let's find him!

Come on!

Why would Sir Lyon...?!

Whose fault is it?

I know you're there. Show yourself.

I'd expect no less from a Saint Wizard.


My magic softens earth,
and your magic hardens earth...


The question is... whose is stronger?!

Magical ability is irrelevant!

He who possesses the stronger
ideology shall triumph!

You're wrong.

In all eras, victory has gone...

...to the rich, yes!

We made it!


What's the deal?!
The map in my head is suddenly...

Never mind that. We need
Wendy's help right away.

Oh, right!

Get up, Wendy!

C'mon, you gotta save Erza!

--C'mon! Hey!
--Take it easy, Natsu!

I'm sorry! I'm...!

Never mind that right now!

Erza's been poisoned by a snake!

Save her! Please!


We need Ms. Erza's help to fight the Oración Seis.

Please! Save Erza!


O-Of course! Yes! I'll do it!

Thank goodness...

Will you come to, already?! You're pathetic!


The idea that Jellal did
something terrible to Ms. Erza...

It can't be true...

Man, I can't hear this guy's inner voice at all.

If only I could hear it,
I wouldn't need to follow him.

He stopped!

What is this place?!

I didn't know there was a place
like this in the woodsea...

Was Brain right?! Is Nirvana here?!


At last, we've found our future!

All done!

The poison in Ms. Erza's body is gone!

All right!

Lucy! High-five!

Thank goodness!


Just this once.



Thanks a bunch!

She might not wake up right away,
but she'll be okay now.

Incredible. She really is starting to look better.

So this is sky magic...

Way too close!

Now listen.

Please don't have Wendy use any more sky magic.

As you can see, it uses up
a lot of her magic power.

I'm fine!

More importantly, I...

Now we just wait for Ms. Erza to
wake up and then it's time to strike back!

Yeah! Prepare to get walloped, Oración Seis!

Yeah! We won't let you have Nirvana!


A pillar of black light...

It can't be...!




We've obtained it...

We've obtained it!


It's ours!

What is that light?!

Damn! Don't tell me it's Nirvana?!


N-No question about it...


I will go and eliminate the guild wizards now.

Before midnight.

You go to the light, Father.


Is that Nirvana?!

Don't tell me the Oración Seis
beat us to the punch?!

That light...

Jellal is there!



What is this about Jellal?!
What are you talking about?!

It's... It's my fault...

I can't let him and Erza meet!

I have to destroy him!


I have no idea what that light is!


Look. Something's flowing
out of that eerie, black tree.

That light is sucking it out!

What could this mean?

Could Nirvana be where that light is?!

If so, then does that mean
someone already found it?!

Was it the allied forces... or the Oración Seis?

Hibiki! What's going on?!

Respond! Hibiki!

This magic power is blocking our telepathy!


I'll keep focusing on rescuing Wendy!

Got it! I'll check out that light!

Be careful!


What the heck's going on?!

Whose fault is it that Sir Lyon is...?


Say something, dammit!


Hey! Lyon!

It's his fault...

What in the world is that?!

Nirvana, yes!

Rest easy, yes.

It hasn't yet fully activated.

Its seal has merely been lifted.

But I can just smell the
dough we're about to roll in, yes!

This is no time to be fighting this guy!

No, actually, the mission is
to defeat the Oración Seis!

Do I fight, or do I stop Nirvana?!

Money! Money!

We're all about to become very rich--!



N-Now what?!

We have to go after Natsu!

What was that he said about Jellal?!

We can explain later!
We need to hurry after him!


Erza is gone!

Well, I never! She didn't
bother to thank Wendy at all!

Do you think Erza heard
us mention Jellal's name?

Now what?

This is all my fault...

It's because I healed Jellal...

...that Nirvana was found...

...and that Ms. Erza and Mr. Natsu ran off...

--What do you think you're doing?!


We'll show you the power of the Harpuia
guild under Racer's direct control!

Get 'im!

Get out...

...of my way!

I won't let him get near Erza!

I won't!

Sorry for scaring you like that!
But I only knocked her out!

Why?! And why are we running, anyway?!

We have to go after Natsu and Ms. Erza!

Let's head for the light too!

I find this unacceptable!

Wendy is quick to fret, but such rough-handed
treatment was hardly necessary!


I had to do it.

The truth is... I know about this Nirvana magic.

Huh?! Really?!

But I couldn't tell anyone
about it, because of its nature.

Even just thinking about it is dangerous.

That's why our master only told me about it.

Not even Sir Ichiya, Ren, or Eve know about it.

How is it dangerous?

It's a very terrifying type of magic.

Nirvana switches light and dark.

--...and dark?

It switches them?!

But that's only the final stage.

It starts by producing a black
light when it's unsealed.

Precisely like that.

First comes the black light,

then it takes those wavering
between light and dark

and switches them to the opposite alignment.

Those of the light side who
bear intense negative emotions...

...fall to the dark side.

So you knocked Wendy out because...!

This is all my fault...

It's because I healed Jellal...

Yeah, remorse is a negative emotion.

If I hadn't done something,
she might've fallen to the dark side.

Hold on!

What about anger, then?!

Is Natsu in danger too?!

I can't really say.

It's hard to tell if anger is a negative emotion

if it's there for someone's sake.

Oh, man! I don't understand any of this!

You really are stupid.

Simply put, when the seal on Nirvana is lifted,

it changes the personalities of people
with hearts of both righteousness and evil!

That's why I kept quiet about it.

The act of thinking about things
in terms of good and evil

causes negative feelings to well up in people.

"If only it weren't for that person..."

"Who's to blame for this pain?"

"Why me?"

All of these thoughts are judged by Nirvana.


I have avenged you, Sir Lyon.

Who's next?

His friends?

Fairy Tail?

Money! Money! Money! Money!

Wh-What in blazes is going on?!


...is completely unnecessary, yes!


I was determined to find
my long-lost younger brother!

I thought I could find him if I had enough money!


But now I realize that was a mistake!


Now, let us stop fighting!


The world is just brimming with love!

Oh! Love!

What a sweet, compassion-filled word that is!

Nothing is impossible as long
as there's love in this world!


Now come! Let us put an end
to my former comrades' tyranny!


We must teach them the wonders of love!



White Fury!

The hunt begins.

Wh-Who is this guy?

My magic can't hit him...

Wow. You're still alive.

I'm not nice.

So, if this Nirvana fully
activates, we'll all turn evil?!

But, on the other hand,

doesn't that mean the dark guild
guys will turn into good people?

I think that's a real possibility.

But what's really scary about Nirvana

is that it can be purposefully controlled.


For example, if Nirvana were
used against an entire guild...

...it would result in comrades k*lling
each other without hesitation...

...and wanton, full-scale
wars against other guilds!

--All caused without any trouble at all!
--You can't be serious!

If we don't stop it as soon as possible...

...all the light guilds will be wiped out!

I want to tell you now

that our hearts are connected

As I hold on tight to keep
my dreams from getting away

I have feelings hidden in the scars
deep in my heart that can't reach you

My footsteps tremble, yet I won't turn back

Instead, I'll take one step toward tomorrow

I want to tell you now

It's okay, hold my hand

Let's start all over again

and strive for the future we always wished for

Natsu... is red, I guess.

Huh? What are you talking about?

You know, your theme color.

You use fire, so you're red.

Gray uses ice, so I'd say he's blue.

Happy. That's your color too.

Y-You're right! What do I do?!

"Next Episode: Celestial Skirmish"
Next Episode: Celestial Skirmish.

Then how about something cool, like black?

Nah, black is Lucy's color.

Yeah, Lucy does have the
blackest heart in all of Fairy Tail!
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