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03x22 - Félix

Posted: 01/26/23 09:57
by bunniefuu
In the daytime,
I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl
with a normal life.

But there's something about e that
no one knows yet.

I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous!
Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test
when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous!
The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love,
always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪

Ladybug and Cat Noir's

will soon be mine.
I promise.

Then I will get
the ultimate power

and we'll be together

You and I.

Soon, Emilie...

Of course.
Someone will get you right away.

It's been a year.

The longer you keep him
in the dark,

about what you're doing
the harder it will be

on him
when he finds out.

♪ Little kitty on a roof
all alone without his... ♪

- Adrien.
- Father?

There's something important
I have to talk to you about.

I think about telling you
every day,

but don't know
how to find the words.

- I think I already know, Father.
- But how?

I've noticed how close
you and Nathalie have become.

If she can make you
happy again, then,

as far as I'm concerned,

she's already
part of our family.

How could you think
such a thing?

Nobody could ever
replace your mother.

As long as she's in our hearts,
she lives on!

We're expecting guests.
Be ready.

Wow, your father's like a piece
of Tomme cheese,

with a rind so thick

it's almost impossible
to get inside the centre

Don't be so hard on him,

It's been a year today
since Mom... went away forever.

We can't leave Adrien all alone
on a day like this!

True that!
But there's no way

his old man's gonna
let us see him.

Why not make him a video

and tell him
how much we all care about him?

Great idea. We can take turns
recording our messages.

Then send it to him!

That would be great!

OK, go, Marinette.

Uh... No, no!
Someone else go.

I still need to go figure out
what I'm gonna say!

OK, girl.
So, Nino, ready?


Hey, my dude!


Your father is waiting
for you downstairs, Adrien.

Uh... I'll be right there.


My, my!

Look at how much
you've grown!

Gabriel, isn't he just
the absolute cutest?

I'm sure
Adrien is delighted

to have such a timely visit
from his aunt,

- today of all days!
- Aunt Amélie?

I'm so happy
to see you again!

I thought it'd be better
if we were all together

on a day like this.

Don't you agree,



Good to see you

Aw! They look just like twins,
don't they, Gabriel?

Remember when they used
to have so much fun

pretending to be each other?

Once they had you and Emilie

for a whole weekend.

We laughed so hard!

I won't be fooled
a second time.

Hello, Uncle.

Félix, you know your uncle's
never been the physical sort!

Oh! How sweet! You're still
wearing your wedding band!

You must have Emilie's too,
I imagine.

You never replied
to my message about that.

I'd like to get the rings
back, you know.

These rings are obviously
very special to me.

And they're very dear
to me, too, Gabriel.

Those jewels have always been...
family, not the Agrestes!

We'll discuss it later.
It's been a long journey from London.

You may want to rest a bit.

Follow me, please.

- Take Félix to your bedroom.
- Yes, Father. Come on, Félix!

Just wanted you to know
we're thinking about ya!

And... cut!
You're the last one. Ready?

I'd rather record myself.
I'll be right back!

What am I going to say to him?
Help me, Tikki!

What if a kwami friend
had lost their mom?

The thing is, we kwamis
live forever, Marinette!

Let your heart do the talking.
As long it is filled with love,

- you can't go wrong.
- You think?



I love you.

I'll always be there
if you need me.

What was I thinking?
This is the worst day

I could choose to tell him!

We've gotta start over.

There'll never
be a right day to tell him.

Marinett! You done in there?
We're all waiting for you!

What if your message
could turn his worst day ever

into the best day ever?

What's going on,

You feeling sick or something?

Send it without looking at it!
No one can see my part!

Don't tell me you...

- Promise!
- You have my word.

I can't believe it! Wow!
We got all the messages, guys!

I'm sending them
to Adrien!

Do you remember
our sh**ting contests?

I'm really sorry I didn't come
to your dad's funeral.

My father thought
it would be too hard on me,

considering everything
that happened this year.

You've every right
to be mad about me

You always do every thing

your father tells you
to do.

He's very...
protective of me.


Oh! Do you have
that chessboard

we used to play on?

Of course!

Let me go upstairs
and get it for us!

Well, I challenge you,
so let the best man win!

Found it!

Grab some cards,

while you're up there!

You still doing magic?

Now more than ever.
You'll see!

How about karate?
Still practising?

Of course!

- We need to talk, Adrien!
- What are you doing here? Hide!

Mind if I take a shower?

No, go ahead.
Make yourself at home!

What's up
with that cousin of yours?

First he searches through your
things, and then, unforgivably,

he squashes my hunk of
goat's cheese under your pillow!

I'd been maturing that baby
for two weeks, do you realise?

Two whole weeks!

Listen, Plagg.

Félix lost his dad
not so long ago.

He's probably not himself.

I'm sorry,
but there's just no excuse.

You never touch my cheese
and yet you lost

your mother
not so long ago, right!

Uh, please forgive me, Adrien.
I didn't mean to.

I know. And I'm sorry
about your cheese.

Tsk! Of course that idiot
has a crush

on a superhero!

Hey, my dude. I'm not quite sure
what to tell you

except your mummy that bros
are always there for their guys!

Bros are always there.
Bla, bla, bla! Moron!

Unicorns have a saying.

"Even when there's nothing
but grey skies and rain,

all it takes is
one little sunbeam

for a rainbow to appear!"


It's % proven
you should feel % happier

with a healthy dose
of laughter.

So, Markov uploaded
a few jokes for you,

- starting with...
- Freak!

When my mother left
for New York, I felt so sad.

It felt like she was...
but she came back,

and I know
how lucky I am.

So, you can count on me,
my Adrikins.

Chloé, just
as annoying as usual.

Adrien, I love you.

I'll always be there
if you need me.

Ha! Pathetic!

Video deleted.

Adrien, could you lend me

some clean clothes?
I left my suitcase downstairs!

Sure! Take whatever
you want clothing.

They're perfect.


First of all, thanks so much

for all your messages,

Oh, come here!
Adrien has sent a message

back on the group chat!

I don't want to know!

Yes, I do want to know!

No, I don't!

What if he tells me he loves me?
Or doesn't love me?

Or he likes me
but not that way? Aaah!

Luka? Please don't tell me
you heard me.

You know, I'll be really happy
for you and Adrien

if it works out.

And if it doesn't,
I'll be here for you.

Thanks, Luka.

First of all, thanks so much for
all your messages, guys! Really!

Sending me messages on today,
of all days,

to remind me how sad
I'm supposed to be feeling?

Why that's great!
Really, thanks a lot!

Uh... so is he happy about it
or not?

There's something wrong.

My father was right.

What could I possibly
get out

of going to school?
Hanging out with you

is a waste of time!

Ha! I knew
Adrikins couldn't possibly

be real friends
with those fools!

Chloé, you're still
the same spoiled brat

you ever were,
you know that?

That's not him. Impossible!
There's no way that's Adrien!

Sorry, sir.
Lila Rossi just sent this to us.

It's a message
from Adrien's phone.

To remind me how sad
I'm meant to be feeling?

Why that's great!
Really! Thanks a lot!


If Adrien's friends think
it's him on the video,

they must be feeling
very hurt right now.


All this disappointment
might just help us

get rid
of our unwanted guests.

Félix, I told you
that you couldn't fool me twice!

Fly away, my little akuma,
and evilise these sad souls!

No way that's real.
It must be a fake!

I am % positive

that the video
hasn't been altered in any way.

- Confirmed.
- The truth is,

we've only known him
since we came back

after the summer!

That's happened to Garry.
He was friends with Chloé

before he met us.

Don't believe this video!
It can't be Adrien!


Lady Wifi,

Princess Fragrance,

You are now
the punishers trio!

I'm giving you
the power

to chastise the boy
you thought was a friend,

who has hurt you
so terribly.

I'm only asking you
one thing in return.

Ladybug and Cat Noir's

He's going to regret
what he said to us!

Uh! This isn't good.
They'll take it out on Adrien!

Tikki, spots on!


Come on, Alya,
you're not seriously

going to attack our buddy,
are you?

I'm not Alya.
I'm Lady Wifi!

Anyone who tries
to stand in our way

will be harshly punished!

You're not punishing anyone,

It's time
to log you out!

Not now that I've got
satellite connection!

At your service,
Princess Fragrance!

- Catch Ladybug!
- Yaah!

Call you later!

I know where you're going,

Nathalie, get Adrien to a safe
place, far from his cousin.

Make sure he doesn't have
his phone with him!

Come along Andrien.
You have a last minute photo sh**t!


Will you come with me,

Your father insisted
you go alone. Hurry!

It's time for your punishment,
you naughty... Huh?

- Boys?
- It all makes sense now!

There were two Adriens!

That explains
why our super-nice video

was answered
with a super-mean one!

Which one of you is
a cruel and inferior

copy of the original?

What video
is she talking about?

Hey! I've no idea
what they're going on about!

One of you two guys
tried to make Adrien

look like a monster!

It was him!
He's Félix, my cousin.

Only a real meanie
would tell on his cousin!

You must be Félix!

What are you doing, Adrien?


Is that Félix or not?

What do you think?
Ha, ha, ha, ha!

That's him!
He's the real Félix!

Don't touch him!

You're being tricked,
you fools!

Adrien has sacrificed himself
for his cousin!

Hey, girls, wait!
I didn't do anything!

- He's the true culprit.
- But...

Oh, well... it's too easy.

Where's the fun? You want real?
I'll show you real!

It's time for punishment,
naughty boy!

Be careful
what you wish for,

naughty girls!

Would you mind explaining me
why you're

trying to save this
cheese m*rder*r.

Because we're
the good guys!

There's no time to lose.
Plagg, claws out!

Don't worry! Adrien.
I'll deal with them later.

I'll put you out
of harm's way first!

- You'll be safe here!
- Ladybug! Wait!

I... I've always been
in love with you, you know.

Huh? I...

If only you would... let me...

Uh! Huh, uh!

Give you some courage
before you go.


Uh... Wait. What?

OK, which part of the word "no"
did you not understand?

Gross! You're not Adrien!
He would never be so pushy!

That's Félix,
Adrien's cousin!

I ran into real Adrien
and he told me everything!

You made a lot of enemies
in one day!

Bet you don't have lot of friends,
acting the way you do.

Am I wrong?

Cut it out.
There's no time for bickering.

They're coming!

Lucky Charm!

You really think covering us
with whipped cream

will save you from
being punished, Ladybug?

You want to smell like fish for
the rest of your life, kitty?

Do anything
and I'll pause you for good!

You spend way too much time,
on your phone, you know that?

Félix, smash it in half
and this nightmare will be over!

What makes you think
I want it to be over?

Hawk Moth!
Can you hear me, Hawk Moth?

You want their Miraculous,
don't you?

Uh, huh!

And what do you want?

I'm after a piece
of jewellery too.

How about we make
a little exchange?

Get hold
of the Miraculous first!

- We'll discuss the rest later!
- You've got yourself a deal!

Now I think
it's high time

Ladybug and Cat Noir
were punished!

I hope, you've learned
your lesson!

- Pound it!
- Pound it!

No more evil-doing for you,
little akuma.

Time to de-evilise.


Bye-bye, little butterfly.

Miraculous Ladybug!

That video you sent
to my friends...

Unforgivable, Félix.

Now his father isn't here
to stop him

from getting into mischief...

I don't deserve
to be forgiven, mum.

I put my favourite cousin
in danger.

He's right.

No apology can never
be enough.

I just hope I can learn
from this

and... come back to see you
as a better person someday.

I really am sorry.

I'll do my best
to make it up to you.

And to you too,

Goodbye, Félix.


- Félix, wait!
- Adrien, stay here!

If you're feeling upset
or out of control,

call before you do
anything you might regret.

I'm really lucky
to have you.

Sorry, Plagg.
If Félix didn't destroy your cheese

and steal my phone,
none of this would have happened.

Your cousin can come back
whenever he wants!

Did you know my friends
recorded messages for me?

What a nice thing
to do.

I-I-I've got an idea!

[game sounds]

[imitate different game sounds
and laugh]


Hey, guys,
I never got your messages,

but I'm really touched,

just to know
you were thinking of me today.

You're the best friends
anyone could ever dream of.

I love you.
All of you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Oh, I love you too,

I love you.

I've got a surprise
for you, Mom.

[gasps] But Gabriel refused
to hand it over to me,

and after everything
that happened...

My little magician!

I can never understand

how you always manage
to get what you want!

Keep it.
It's yours now.

- But you wanted it so much!
- Only to give it to you.

You've always been
so fascinated by them!

How many times have
you asked me to tell you

the story of
"The Graham de Vanily twin rings?". huh!

I'm glad it's back
in the family,

where it truly