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07x22 - Bloodlines

Posted: 01/26/23 08:37
by bunniefuu

There's an object of some kind
closing in on our position.

On screen.

It appears to be an unmanned probe,
about half a metre in diameter.

No identifiable armaments.

Captain, we are being...
You are being hailed, by name.

Open a channel.
This is Capt Jean-Luc Picard...

I am reading a power surge.

Shields up.

The beam contains
holographic imaging information.

It's trying to project something.

Isolate the bandwidth.
Let the signal through the shields.


I trust you remember me, Picard.

Because I haven't forgotten you,
or how you m*rder*d my son.

For 15 years now, I've thought
about how to avenge his death.

But nothing I could do to you could
equal what you did to me. Until now.

You thought you could hide him
from me, but I found out about him.

Jason Vigo is as good as dead.

I'm going to k*ll your son, Picard.

Just like you k*lled mine.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Mr Worf,
put a tractor beam on that probe.

Determine if it's safe
to beam it on board.

I want to know where it came from.

Mr Data, see if there is
a Jason Vigo in Federation records.

You might start with Miranda Vigo.

She was born on New Gaul
about 50 years ago.

Aye, sir.

Contact the Ferengi government,
find out all you can about Bok.

He was in a DaiMon's uniform.

If he's regained his rank,
I want to know why.


The Ferengi government is debating
the Rules of Acquisition.

It could be a while
before we hear from them.

Data found out that the woman you
mentioned has a son named Jason.

This is the most recent picture
we could find.

- How old is the boy now?
- 23.

He and his mother left Earth
12 years ago.

They settled on Camor V.
That's all we know.

The planet's records
are virtually non-existent.

Picard to bridge.

Set a course for the Camor system.
Warp five.

Aye, sir.


I do appreciate your not asking.

But I do think
that you have a right to know.

There is a possibility
that the boy is my son.

I was involved with his mother
for a short time about...

...24 years ago.

We met through a friend
when I was on shore leave on Earth.

It was all very romantic.

Very intense.

Probably because we both knew that
I would be leaving in two weeks.

And we kept in touch for a while,

but we never managed
to get together again.

She never told you she was pregnant?

No. So either Bok is wrong
and I'm not the father,

or Miranda decided
to raise the child alone.

Which, frankly, wouldn't surprise me.
She was very independent.

Very strong willed.

She'd have to be
to get by on Camor V.

But whether he's my son or not,
he is in danger.

Bok tried to k*ll me six years ago.

I don't doubt that he will try to
make good his threat against the boy.


No Ferengi vessels
in range of our scanners.

Captain, I can find no information
on Jason Vigo's current whereabouts.

- What about his mother?
- No, sir.

Miranda was trained as a botanist.
She used to talk of running a farm.

- Concentrate on agricultural areas.
- That would narrow our search.

The only cultivated land
is on the southern continent.

Few people are engaged
in agricultural activities.

There cannot be many non-Camorites
among them. Scan for human life.

I'm detecting eight humans.

Three are female, but they
are too young to be Miranda Vigo.

What about males?

One is an infant, another is elderly,
two are middle-aged.

That's seven. You said eight.

I am having difficulty
getting a reading on the eighth.

The individual appears to be

two kilometres
beneath the planet's surface.

Male or female?

Male. Between 20 and 30 years old.

No sane person would go
that far underground alone.

Unless forced to.

Captain, I'm reading seismic
instability. He is in danger.

Relay his coordinates to the
transporter room. Beam him aboard.

Aye sir.

What the...?

This is a Federation ship.

That's right. I'm Capt Picard.
Jean-Luc Picard.

I realise I wasn't supposed to be
spelunking that cave,

but don't you have
better things to do?

We thought you were at risk.

Well, I wasn't. So maybe you
should just beam me back.

Are you Jason Vigo?

I know him.

Is he in trouble?

In a manner of speaking.

Someone has made a threat
against his life.


I'm an old friend of your mother's
I'm here because you're in danger.

Why would anybody want to k*ll me?

The person who has made the threat
is under the impression that you...

...are my son.

Am I?

I don't know.

My mother never told me
who my father was.

Just that he was in Starfleet.

Maybe we should contact her.

She died a few years ago.

I'm sorry.

Jason, I think it's important that
we find out one way or the other.

Would you be willing
to permit a genetic test?

If I'm not your son, is this person
still gonna want to k*ll me?

I doubt it.

Then you won't mind my saying
that I hope you're not my father.

What were you doing in the caves,
Jason? Are you a seismologist?

No. I just enjoy climbing.

- Without an antigrav harness?
- No, they get in the way.

So, what do you do?

I'm between jobs right now.

I see.

Excuse me, gentlemen,
the test results are ready.

Your genetic code is a cross between
the DNA of your mother, Miranda Vigo,

and your father...

...Jean-Luc Picard.

What's all this?

These are archaeological fragments
that I've collected over the years.

This is a Silvan glyph stone.

And this is...

This is a Gorlan prayer stick.
It's really quite rare.

- Is it valuable?
- Not really.

Only to students of archaeology
such as myself.

Though I did hand over a bottle
of very old Saurian brandy for it.

I'd say you got taken.

Well, perhaps.
But it's of value to me, nonetheless.

On Camor, something has value
if you can eat it or sell it.

Everything else is luxury.

Would you like some tea?

No. Thanks.

- Something else?
- No.

Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

I'm sure this whole thing is as much
of a surprise to you as it is to me.

I really want to be honest with you,

I only knew your mother
for a very short time.

I would have liked
to have known her better.

It just didn't work out that way.

You look a lot like her, you know.

It's the eyes, I think.

I would like to make
one thing clear, Jason.

Your mother never told me about you.

If she had,
I would have been part of your life.

Maybe that's not what she wanted.

I think I'd like
to go back to the surface now.

It would be better
if you stayed on the Enterprise

until we resolve this situation
with Bok.

What is this situation with Bok
anyway? Why does he want me dead?

Years ago, I was forced to destroy
a starship commanded by his son.

Bok apparently feels that it would
be fitting vengeance to k*ll my son.

Well, I can't hide forever.

Of course not.
We are trying to locate Bok now.

I want to confront him,
settle this.

How long is this gonna take?

There is no one more eager
to put this behind us than I am.

Where do I stay?

We'll get you some quarters.

OK, let's go.


Your being here,

I hope it will give us the chance
to get to know each other.

We shut down the probe's
power system to beam it aboard.

It's not gonna be easy
to figure out where it came from.

Bok encrypted
the probe's navigational systems

so we would be unable
to decipher its flight path.

We ran an analysis of the hull.

From the particle deposits we found,

it travelled through
a dichromic nebula,

was exposed to gravometric distortion

and passed within a light year
of a class-four pulsar.

Those phenomena are common.

We need to identify at least one
to postulate a flight path.


Captain, incoming message
from DaiMon Birta.

Put it on screen.

Thank you for taking the time
to talk with us, DaiMon.

- I understand you have a problem.
- Yes, it concerns DaiMon Bok.

Bok is no DaiMon. He was
relieved of command six years ago.

He was unstable, dangerous.
We had to confine him to Rog Prison.

But he's no longer there.

He was able to buy himself out
about two years ago.

I see. Do you know
his whereabouts now?

I understand he was seen in
the Dorias Cluster not too long ago.

But that cluster consists
of more than 20 star systems.

You don't have to thank me, Captain.

Believe it or not,
that might be the fix we need.

A nebula in the Dorias Cluster
matches the particles on the probe.

There is a class-four pulsar
three light years from the nebula.

Calculations indicate the probe was
launched in the Xendi Kabu system.

Plot a course. Take us out of orbit.

- Jean-Luc, come in.
- I think I need to talk to a parent.

So, what's he like?

I'm not sure that I can tell you.

He puts up so many barriers,
I have no idea what is underneath.

He's had 20 years to be angry
that his father wasn't there.

It's gonna take time
to get over those feelings.

But I do think it's possible.

Perhaps. But surely it would be
wrong to force the issue.

My sense is that he is
a very independent young man.

Perhaps it would be best
if I left him alone.

Let him come to me if he wants to.

Maybe you're right.

But I think
you should consider this.

Are you doing the best thing
for Jason or what's easiest for you?


Hello, Jason.
I'm Deanna Troi, Ship's Counsellor.

Come in. Did Capt Picard
ask you to come talk to me?

No, I just thought
I'd see how you were doing.

A lot's happened in the last few
hours. I thought you'd like to talk.

I'll be alright. People
have wanted to k*ll me before.

But you've never
met your father before.

And I have to admit,
I never thought I would.

It must be somewhat overwhelming.

- I'm a little shaky.
- That's only natural.

But you know what? I feel better
already just talking to you.

So how did you feel about
the Captain, about your father?

He's OK. A little stiff.
But where are you from?

I was born on Betazed.

Do all the women there
have eyes like yours?

Jason, I came here to talk to you
because I'm the Ship's Counsellor.

If you don't want to talk to me
in that way, then I should go.


You can make an appointment
to come to my office.

Maybe I'll do just that.

Picard! Can you hear me?

I will k*ll him, Picard.

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

Captain's quarters, immediately.

How could he
have beamed through the shields?

I'm not sure he did.
Sensors show no sign of an intruder.

Was it another hologram?

I don't think so, Captain.
Something has to generate a hologram.

We would have detected it.

Bok once used a mind-control device
to make me hallucinate.

That device emitted a specific energy
signature. I'm not reading that.

Could he have modified it
so he could use it undetected?

Possibly. I'll recalibrate to scan
for low-intensity transmissions

and sweep your quarters
with a resonance scanner.

Good. Keep me posted.

Mr Worf, I want you to
assign a security detail to Jason.

And what about yourself?

I am not the target of Bok's threats.
Jason is.

Captain, I have compiled all records
about Jason Vigo's criminal record.

Criminal record?

Yes, sir. He has been charged
three times with petty theft,

twice for disorderly conduct, and
several dozen times for trespassing.


I believe the charges
relate to his climbing activities

in the caves
beneath the planet's surface.

This is the information
you requested, is it not?

Thank you, Mr Data.

- What was your name again?
- Lt Rhodes.

Actually, I meant your first name.


Well, Sandra, do you think
you could give me some room?

We're supposed to be
keeping an eye on you.

Can't you do it from over there?

Good morning.

I thought you said your ship was the
safest place to be. Why the guards?

Because Bok
appeared in my quarters last night.

It might not have been him.

It may have been an image.
We're investigating.

Look, just drop me off somewhere.
I can watch out for myself.

- That wouldn't be wise.
- I've done it since I was 15.

I'm sure you have,
but Bok is a dangerous creature.

He has a starship.
He has technology...

Alright. I'll stay here.

You seem to like rock climbing.

The holodeck can create
very challenging climbs.

I could go with you and show you
how to use the program.

Thanks, but I think I can
figure it out myself.

We could climb together.
I'm probably not as skilled as you,

but I'm not inexperienced.

Look, I'm sorry. I appreciate what
you're trying to do. But, Captain...

Captain. Father. Jean-Luc. I don't
know what I'm supposed to call you.

As soon as this thing with Bok
is over, I'm leaving.

So don't you see?

There really isn't any point
in our getting acquainted.

Let me know
as soon as you catch him, alright?

Captain's log, stardate 47829. 1.

We've been in the X endi Kabu system
for over three hours

and still no sign of Bok.

I'm detecting an object 5,000
kilometres off our starboard bow.

It is another probe.

Why didn't we detect it before?

It must have been cloaked, sir.
It came out of nowhere.

On screen.

Is it another holographic device?

I do not believe so.

- The probe systems are overloading.
- Red alert. Shields up.

Damage report.

No damage, sir.

I do not believe it was meant
as an attack, but as a message.

A message?

Yes, sir. In B'zal, a Ferengi code
using patterns of light and darkness.

Can you translate it?

I am attempting to do so.

The message reads,
"My revenge is at hand."

He's proved that he can get to us
whenever he wants.

Why doesn't he do something?

Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

If you want me to stay and talk,

you'd better not call Security
this time.

How do you like your boy, Captain?
Is he everything you'd hoped for?

It's a risky game, coming here.
Next time, we'll be ready for you.

Why don't we settle this now?

And how do you propose to do that,
Picard? You m*rder*d my son!

In self-defence.
He fired on my ship.

You were in Ferengi space.

I didn't know that. If he'd told me,
I would have withdrawn.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing
I can do to bring him back.

How touching.

Your apology is worthless to me. I
demand that you repay me for my loss.

You cannot put a price on a life.

But you can, Picard.

You can pay me with your son's life.

- No.
- You don't have any choice.

I insist on being paid.

That should do it. Let's run
a level-three bioscan to be sure.

Rhodes to sickbay. Medical
emergency, deck nine, section four.

Let's go.

Have you had
any seizures like this before?

No. Not really. Sometimes,
my hand shakes, but never this bad.

When did it first start to happen?

A few months ago. Do you have
any idea what's wrong with me?

You have Forrester-Trent syndrome.

It's a degenerative neurological
disorder, very rare.

What do you mean degenerative?

If it goes untreated, it could result
in paralysis, even death.

I'm going to start you
on a neuro-stabilisation regimen.

If we're lucky,
it will halt the degeneration

and maybe reverse its effects.

The disease is hereditary. Was
your mother prone to these seizures?

Not that I know of.

There have been cases reported

where the disease
was instigated by a random mutation.

I'll run a microcellular scan
and see if that's what happened.

In the meantime, I want you to try
to take it easy and get some rest.

- Is he going to be alright?
- I wish I could say for certain.

But I'm not sure
how he'll respond to treatments.

I've been thinking about
what you said the other day

and, you know,
I think you were right.

I had convinced myself that Jason
didn't want me to reach out to him.

You know, I don't think anyone
is born knowing how to be a parent.

You figure it out as you go.

The one quality that's a requirement
for parenthood is patience.

Well, I'm not sure
that that is going to be enough.

I've found out
that Jason has a criminal record.

It's nothing very serious.
It's only petty theft and so forth,

but I can't help feeling that
if I had been part of his life,

then he wouldn't be so troubled now.

Maybe. But why waste time blaming
yourself for not being there?

Just be here for him now.

And be patient.

And be patient.

We think we've found something.

Bok was in contact with this chair
for an extended period.

It is showing
a distinctive subspace signature.

We think he's using
some kind of subspace transporter

to beam aboard the Enterprise.

My understanding is that
such devices were impractical.

The Federation
abandoned its research

because the technology was unreliable
as well as energy intensive.

To transport matter, you have to put
it in a state of quantum flux.

- It's very unstable.
- What range would it have?

It could operate
over several light years.

So the probe that exploded

may have been beamed into
position from outside sensor range.

If Bok uses his transporter again,

we might be able to trace its
signature and locate his ship.

Is there any way to keep Bok from
beaming aboard the Enterprise again?

I don't think there is.

If he can beam aboard, he may
be able to beam someone away.

It is a possibility.

I'm concerned he may try to take
Jason. Can we protect him?

We could keep a signal lock on him
at all times.

If Bok tries to beam him away,
we might be able to hold him here.

We would need to tie
the ship's subspace field coils

into the transporter system.

Make it so.

Computer, where is Jason Vigo?

Jason Vigo is in holodeck four.

Would you wait outside?

- Not bad.
- I like climbing.

There's something about actually
having your fate in your own hands.

Yeah, I know.

It looks as though we may have
found out how to locate Bok's ship.

This could all soon be over.

You came up here
just to tell me that?

I thought
it would make you feel better.

Thanks. That was nice of you.

Jason, when your mother and I parted,
I lost track of her completely.

But I would like to know what
happened to her, if you'd tell me.

- Like what?
- How did you end up on Camor?

It's an unlikely place
for a woman and child.

You know how she was.
See a stray cat, take it in.

See somebody cold,
give them your coat.

Yes. That was Miranda, alright.

She'd heard about all the children
orphaned on Camor,

from the Cardassian w*r.

I see.

I was only ten when we went there.

I remember her telling me

all about the boys and girls that
didn't have anyone to care for them.

So she got this big house.
Practically falling apart.

Then she started
rounding up children.

Eventually, there were over 40 of us.

She called it a school.

You know,
she got up before dawn every day

and went to bed well after midnight.

In between,
she never stopped working.

She taught us all how to read.

And she grew vegetables in hardpan
to feed us.

And she made sure
we knew how to sing.

It's important
in a place like Camor.

And then, one day she was att*cked... two men in the street
in broad daylight

for the food she was carrying.

If she'd just given it to them, they
probably wouldn't have hurt her.

But she knew how important
the food was to us.

So they k*lled her.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be sorry for me.

My mother made sure
we were tough enough to make it.

Jason, isn't there some way
that I can be a father to you?

My own father and I were estranged.

He wanted me to stay at home
and tend the vineyards

and I wanted to join Starfleet.

And he died before
we could come to terms with that.

And I've regretted that
all of my life.

I don't want the same thing
to happen to you and me.

You don't understand.
I'm not anybody you'd want for a son.

Trust me, if you knew anything about
me, you wouldn't be trying so hard.

- You're so wrong.
- Really?

Let me spell it out for you.

I've been in trouble
since I was a teenager. I lie.

I steal.

I use people. I'm a criminal.
That's what your son is.

I know.

You do?

Yes. I know all about your troubles
with the Camor authorities.

You do?

It doesn't make any difference,
Jason. You're still my son.

And, like it or not, I'm your father.

I don't know what that means.
I know it means something.

There's some connection.


But one thing is clear.

You'll never look at your hairline
again in the same way.

You wanted to see me.

Yes. It's about Jason.

I've finished the microcellular scan
I was running.

There's something you need to know.

Sensors are detecting a subspace
carrier wave headed for the ship.

Its signature is consistent
with Bok's transporter.

See if you can trace it.
Locate Bok's ship.

- Geordi, are you ready?
- I've got a signal lock on Jason.

Riker to Picard.

Picard here.

Bok is trying
to use his transporter.

The transporter beam is focusing
on deck nine, section four.

- Jason's quarters.
- I'm on it.

Security to bridge.
Bok is beaming Jason off the ship.

Initiating transport now.

I'm losing his signal.

Bok is re-establishing
his lock on him.

- Have you located Bok's ship?
- No, sir.

The signature left by his transporter
is decaying sooner than predicted.

It may not be possible to trace it.

Another probe has materialised
500 kilometres to starboard.

- It is sending a transmission.
- Put it on screen.

This is a very special day, Picard.

15 years ago,
you took my son away from me.

Today, I will take your son
away from you.

It will be our anniversary.

I wanted you to see him
one last time.

I'm tracing the transporter beam
Bok used to send the probe.

The ship is holding position
300 billion kilometres from here.

Plot a course. Maximum warp.

Even at warp nine, we wouldn't
get there for another 20 minutes.

The modifications
you made to the transporter,

can we use a subspace transport
to get me on to Bok's ship?

It may be possible, sir,
but not advisable.

I'll take that as a yes.
You're with me.

There. I've aligned the field coils.

Phase dampers are in synch.

Standing by
to modulate the transport pattern.

We might get you over there,
but I don't see how we get you back.

We'll deal with that later.

Transport will take
longer than normal.

We have to shunt your pattern
through subspace.

- Understood.
- Initiating transport sequence now.

- Maybe we can make a deal.
- What kind of deal?

Tell my father you k*lled me.

Put a phaser burn on my shirt and
send it to him. He'll think I'm dead.

That's what this is about, isn't it?

I got friends on Camor V
that will make it worth your while.

I understand your desire to live.

But I want Picard to see your body
so there will be no doubt.

Lower your weapons or Bok is dead!

Lower yours or your son dies!

You know as I do, Bok,
he is not my son.

I know what you've done.

Miranda Vigo is his mother
but I am not his father.

You made it appear so
because you resequenced his DNA.

But your technique was flawed.

He developed
a neurological disorder.

When my doctor investigated it,
she discovered what you had done.

Now he'll never pay the ransom.

Shut up!

There was no ransom. All he
was interested in was vengeance.

DaiMon, is this true?

He's not a DaiMon!
He was stripped of command.

They had no right to do that to me!

He lied to you,
so you'd help him in his plan.

The Enterprise
is closing in on your position.

If you let the two of us go,
they won't attack you.

They won't attack us
with you on board.

They will cr*pple your ship

and keep you here
until the Ferengi authorities arrive.

You've got a lot of explaining to do.

Your only hope
is to turn Bok over to them

and tell them that he deceived you.

There is no profit in this for us.

Captain's log, stardate 47831. 8.

At Jason's request, the Enterprise
has returned to Camor V.

Dr Crusher feels I am
responding well to the treatment.

She thinks
the damage may be reversed.

- I'm glad to hear it.
- Yeah.

Are you sure you won't stay
on board for a few more days?

I can't. I have a life back on Camor.

It's a mess. But I'd like to go back
and straighten things out.

I understand.

Well, maybe next time you come back
this way, you can look me up.

I will.

I put a little something into
your bag while you were packing.

I know you'd probably have preferred
Saurian brandy,

but that's all I could come up with.

- I can't accept this.
- I want you to have it.
