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07x21 - Firstborn

Posted: 01/26/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
As time passes,
a boy inevitably becomes a man.

But what is not inevitable
is that a man becomes a warrior.

A warrior must be forged,
like a sword, tempered by...

...tempered by experience.

The path of a warrior begins with...

- Alexander.
- No, wait!

Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you.

- What is the meaning of this?
- I'm sorry.

We made fullerenes at chemistry class
and filled them with water.

I asked you to meet me here.
I have been waiting.

I forgot.

You forgot because you allowed
yourself to be distracted.

I'm sorry.

There is something very important
I want to discuss.

It concerns your future. Sit.

As time passes,
a boy inevitably becomes a man,

but what is not inevitable
is that a man becomes a sword.

- What?
- I meant, warrior.

The path of a warrior begins
with the First Rite of Ascension.

When they hit you with painstiks?

No, that is the Second Rite.

You are approaching
the Age of Ascension.

- It is time for you to prepare.
- What do I have to do?

Your fighting skills will be tested

and your knowledge
of the teachings of Kahless.

It will be challenging,
but I will help you prepare.

These are the kor'tova candles.

They represent the fire
within the heart of a warrior.

When you light yours, you declare
your intention to become a warrior.

- Go ahead.
- What if I don't want to?

If you do not participate
in the rite before 13 years,

you will never become
a true Klingon warrior.

I don't care.

You may not now, but you might.

Mother said I didn't have to do this
Klingon stuff if I didn't want to.

- It is your decision...
- OK, then.

- I'm not going to do it.
- Alexander.

You said it was up to me.
I don't want to be a warrior.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

We can't rendezvous
with the Kearsarge for four days.

Will we hold position here?

Yes. And as we're in for
a relatively quiet time,

I shall visit the Hatarian system.

There are some ancient ruins
being excavated.

The delay allows Stellar Dynamics

to complete their study
of the Vodrey Nebula.

They can use the lateral-sensor grid.

We could use this time to recalibrate
the weapons-targeting system.

Mr Worf?

Yes. I will begin the procedure

Very good. Dismissed.

Lieutenant, could I have
a word with you for a moment?

I noticed during the briefing

that you appeared
to be a bit distracted.

I apologise. My personal affairs
should not interfere with my duties.

Is everything alright?

I'm having problems with Alexander.

He does not wish to participate
in the First Rite of Ascension.

I see.

I try to tell him that it is
important in a young Klingon's life,

but he does not understand.

He's had so little opportunity
to spend time with Klingons.

You know, the Festival of Kot'baval
is tomorrow.

If he could take part in that,

he would more fully appreciate
his rich cultural heritage.

There is the Klingon outpost
on Maranga IV.

They'll be celebrating the festival.


But the outpost is on the other side
of the Vodrey Nebula.

It would take three days by shuttle.

The Enterprise could be there
in a fraction of the time.

I could not ask you...

Stellar Dynamics would like
a trip around the nebula.

Thank you, sir.

Who's that?

It is the tyrant Molor.

He was so strong,
no one could stand against him.

What's he saying?

He is asking if anyone else
will stand up to Molor.

What is this?

You wounded me.

- You fought well.
- What happens now?

Only one man
can stand against Molor.

It's Kahless.

Kahless would rather die
than live under Molor's tyranny.



- Where have you been?
- We watched the fire dancers.

- We?
- K'Nor and Bar'el.

They live here. I need some money.

What for?

The man there says he has Molor's
head in a box. The real Molor.

That is impossible.
The real Molor died centuries ago.

I know. It's mummified.
He'll show us for 50 darseks.

- He is trying to take your money.
- Please. He's waiting.

No. It is too late. We should go.

- But...
- Alexander. That is enough.

Come. It is time to go.

I have to say goodbye to my friends.

See your friends tomorrow.

- We're coming back?
- If you want to.


- You are too much for them.
- I have seen you before.

- Who are you?
- A friend.

You are K'mtar.

Your brother sent me here
to protect you.

- He is gin'tak to the House of Mogh.
- Gin'tak?

An adviser so trusted,
he is part of the family.

Do you know
who was behind the attack?

It is a Klingon matter.

It is not your concern.

One of my officers was almost
k*lled. That makes it my concern.

Recently, rumours began to circulate
on the Homeworld

that an assassination attempt
would be made on the family of Mogh.

Kurn sent me here to make
sure nothing happened to Worf.

Why didn't you warn him
before the attack?

I tried to contact him over subspace.

I was told he was not aboard.

I decided to beam directly
to the surface.

Why didn't you let us know?

Forgive me for being blunt,

but when it comes
to protecting the house

to which I have pledged my life...

...I trust no one.

I have full confidence
in the officers with whom I serve.

One of the attackers
dropped this dagger.

The design
represents the House of Duras.

We have other evidence

that indicates the Duras sisters,
Lursa and B'Etor, were behind it.

What were they after?

Kurn's seat on the Council,
of course.

We cannot allow their attack
to go unanswered.

First, we must find them.

At one point, they were on
Deep Space Nine,

trying to sell expl*sives.

That was months ago. No one knows
where they went from there.

Maybe we can find them.

We've arranged for quarters
if you'd like to stay.

I would.
Worf and I have much to discuss.

I will send Kurn a message
telling him what happened.

But he will not receive it for days.
He's gone...

Why did you treat Cmdr Riker
disrespectfully? You were rude.

I may have been rude by human
standards. I meant no disrespect.

What is the matter, Worf?

Have you been living so long
among humans

that you have forgotten
how Klingons behave?

I have not forgotten. Their ways
are different than ours.

I trust your son
is aware of that fact.

- Yes, of course.
- Good.

Because Alexander may be called upon
to lead the House of Mogh.

Kurn has no male heir.

He wants to make sure
that Alexander is preparing himself.

Does my brother doubt my ability
to raise my son as a Klingon?


But you are alone among humans.

It cannot be easy to keep our ways.

- Well, it has not been easy.
- How are his fighting skills?

- Can he handle a bat'leth?
- He is learning.

- He could be better.
- He must.

He is nearing the Age of Ascension.

Actually, Alexander has not committed
himself to the rite.


I have tried to explain how important
it is, but he will not listen to me.

Perhaps together, you and I,

we can find a way to spark
the boy's interest in his heritage.

I would be grateful for any help.

- Tomorrow, then.
- Tomorrow.

- May I say goodnight to the boy?
- Yes. Of course.

- Is this your mother?
- Yeah. She died when I was little.

You miss her a great deal,
don't you?

It must be hard, being the
only Klingon your age on this ship.


Have you been to the Homeworld?

- No.
- I think you would like it.

At your uncle's house,
there is a lake you can swim in

that is so clear you can see
all the way to the bottom.


You have cousins there.
They want to meet you.

- I don't know...
- I understand.

You're afraid. You don't know
whether the Homeworld is safe.


What happened today on the planet
is frightening.

You're troubled.

I thought they would k*ll my father.

You must have wanted to help us
fight them off.

I didn't know what to do.

Someday, if you work hard,

you will become a warrior,
a Klingon warrior,

and you will always feel safe

because you will know
how to defend yourself.

I'll tell you something else.

If anyone ever tries
to hurt your father again,

you will be able to fight at his side

and make sure
nothing happens to him.

What do you think of that?

Goodnight, Alexander.

Dream well.

Goodnight, K'mtar.

Any luck?

Starfleet records contain
no mention of the sisters

after their departure
from Deep Space Nine.

Did I not tell you as much?

Have you contacted Deep Space Nine?

- I am being patched through now.
- On screen.

Quark. I see you remember me.

How could I forget the only man ever
to win dabo at my table?

How could I forget that you didn't
have the latinum for my winnings?

I thought I explained. My brother
misplaced the key to the safe.

Those vouchers
are every bit as good as latinum.

You can spend latinum anywhere.

Those vouchers
are only good at your bar.

Is that what this is about?

You're on your way
and calling to reserve a holosuite?

I hoped you could help
with something.

- What would that be?
- I'm looking for some friends.

The Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor.

Yes. Lursa and B'Etor.

Big talk, small tips.

Where can I find them?

Well, I did hear a rumour, actually.

What kind of rumour?

I don't know.
I'm sure it was told in confidence.

And how much
would your confidence cost?

How many vouchers
do you have again?

I have enough for 12 bars of latinum.

I'd be glad to return them.

I believe the rumour was

that the sisters were trying
to buy mining equipment.

What for?

They learned of a magnesite deposit
on the Kalla system.

It belongs to the Pakleds.
Those fools don't know it's there.

Your friends tried to get at it.

I'll send those vouchers to you.

Don't bother. I voided them
while we've been talking.

So long, Quark.

How long to get to the Kalla system?

- Approximately 16 hours, sir.
- Was he lying?

Why would he?

I'd just be knocking
on his door again,

and I wouldn't be
in a good mood.

Congratulations, Commander.

I did not think it would be possible
to find the sisters.

- Take us out of orbit.
- Aye, sir.

I created a holodeck program.

- What kind?
- I'll show you.

run program K'mtar Alpha One.

Program initiated. Enter when ready.

Why did you want to recreate this?

You said you wished you had helped
your father fight,

but you did not know how.

You have probably fought that battle
over and over in your mind.


Let's see what happens now.

give me two Klingon warriors.

How can I fight someone that big?

Size is not
the most important thing.

Skill, cunning, powers of observation

are the most important weapons.

Freeze program.

Look what this ko'tal is doing.

You see his leg?

That will give you a clue
as to his next move.

His weight is on his right foot.

He has to shift it
to regain his balance.

Stand ready.

Computer, resume program.

Finish him.

Freeze program.

- You should have k*lled him.
- Why did you not?

- I don't know.
- Look at him!

He did not care that you showed him
mercy. He was going to k*ll you!

K'mtar, that is enough.

If this was real,
he'd be dead by now.


- We are approaching Kalla III.
- Standard orbit.

Any evidence of a mining expedition?

A shaft has been cut
through the crust.

There is evidence of machinery
but it is not in use.

- Life signs?
- Difficult to say.

The magnesite
is interfering with bioreadings.

Assemble an away team.

- Who are you?
- Gorta. I am Gorta.

- Why are you on this planet?
- I crashed here.

Then you are denying involvement
in illegal mining?

Mining? So that's what
all this equipment is for.

We are looking
for two Klingon women. Sisters.

Lursa? B'Etor?

- Do you know where they are?
- We were hoping you did.

Maybe I do.

Would you share that with us?

My personal code of conduct
prohibits sharing.

But I'd consider a trade.

Does your code tell you

that when you're stranded,
you shouldn't try to cut deals?

You have a point.

We could certainly provide passage
in exchange for information.

Could you perhaps fail
to tell the Pakleds

that we were mining their ore?

Don't push your luck.

But if you get us to the sisters,
I'll see.

The Duras sisters.

They are magnificent, aren't they?

- Where are they now?
- Selling the ore, I imagine.

They took everything.
The ore, the ship.

Where have they gone?

We were going to sell the ore to an
Yridian trader in the Ufandi system.

Gather your belongings.
It is time to leave.

Like I said, they took everything.


I am sorry about what happened.

I should not have gotten so angry.

It's just that I am worried
about Alexander.

As am I.

Kurn told me that his mother
actively discouraged him

exploring his Klingon heritage.

When he came to live with me,
he knew nothing of our ways.

He often reminds me of the things
his mother said to him.

I try not to disregard her wishes.

I want him to honour his mother.

Someday, he will appreciate you

and be grateful
for all that you have done for him.

But still,
compared to other boys his age,

his fighting skills are years behind.

Yes, I know.

He does not put in the time
it takes to learn the skills.

I thought that you might send him
to the training academy at Ogat.

Your brother is an influential man.

I'm sure
he could get Alexander admitted.


I am only thinking
of what is best for the boy.

There, he would learn our ways.

He would live like a Klingon.

I would like him to learn our ways.


This is his home.

How can you expect him
to lead our family

when all he knows is life
aboard a Federation starship?

He is my son. He belongs with me.

The boy is more human than Klingon.

If he stays here,
he will never be a warrior.

He will never defend our family

- Against its enemies.
- Enough! The decision is mine.

Not necessarily. It's within
my rights to invoke ya'nora kor.

You would question my fitness
to raise my son?

For the good of our house, yes.

I beg of you,
please stop thinking of yourself.

It is Alexander
we should be considering.

Look into your heart
and do what is best for him.

Kahless was determined
to teach his brother a lesson

because he had told a lie.

But Morath refused to fight him
and instead ran away.

Kahless pursued him across
the valleys,

over the mountains
and down to the edge of the sea.

There, at the shore,
they fought for...

...12 days, 12 nights.
I've heard this story before.

Alexander, it is important
to tell these stories,

even though we already know them.

Why was Kahless so mad about the lie?

It made him look like a coward.

If Kahless had explained,
they wouldn't have to fight about it.

- You miss the point.
- Was Morath wrong to run away?

Maybe he didn't want to have
to fight his brother and k*ll him.

He ran because he was a coward.

- How do you know?
- No more questions.

These are our stories.

It is important for a warrior

to learn
how to interpret them properly.

- I'm trying to...
- No.

Your head is filled with foolish
human notions about how things are.

You are Klingon.
It is time you began to act like one.

- I am part human, too.
- Listen to me, Alexander.

When a human looks at you,
he does not see himself.

- He sees a Klingon.
- It doesn't matter what I look like.

It does.

You are different
than everyone else aboard this ship.

- That's not true.
- It is.

The only way that you will ever feel
as if you truly belong

is to leave here
and go and live with your own kind.

I know a Klingon school.

You would be welcome there.

They would teach you to be a warrior,

prepare you
for the Rite of Ascension.

I don't know if I want that.

After you were there for a while,

you would find
that you wouldn't want anything else.

- I don't want to leave the ship.
- You must.

Everything depends upon it.

I thought you were different.

I thought you understood me.

But you don't.
You're just like my father.

All you care about is me
becoming a warrior. Leave me alone.

First Officer's log,
stardate 47779.4.

We've entered the Ufandi system,
where we believe the Duras sisters

have come to sell the ore
they mined on Kalla III.

I am detecting a vessel
near the third planet.

- It is a Yridian freighter.
- On screen.

Scan for magnesite in its hold.

The resonant signature indicates
that there is magnesite ore present.

Then we're too late.
The sisters have been here.

Somehow, I doubt the Yridians
will be forthcoming.


Readings indicate that there are
500kg of ore in the Yridian hold.

- There should be over 10,000kg.
- That's odd. Hail them.

I'm Cmdr William Riker from
the Federation Starship Enterprise.

I am Yog. Why are we speaking?

Our sensors indicate
you're carrying magnesite ore.

Magnesite, yes.

- Where did you get it?
- From a Corvallan.

- For a good price.
- Where is this Corvallan now?

I'm under orders
to acquire some magnesite.

He is gone. Where?

Who is to know?

Would you sell me the ore?


- I have a buyer.
- You haven't heard my offer.

Half a gram
of Anjoran biomimetic gel.


Once we verify
the purity of your ore,

we'll beam over the gel.

You're up to something.

Have the transporter room beam
the ore to these coordinates.

Sir. That would place the ore
off the starboard bow.

I know.

Transport complete.

Lock on the ore and fire.


A Klingon bird-of-prey.

- Put a tractor beam on it.
- How did you know?

The Yridians only had part
of the shipment.

We arrived
before they completed the transfer.

- The Klingon ship is hailing us.
- On screen.

- Release our vessel at once.
- I don't think so.

We've done nothing wrong.
A simple business transaction.

We know you're dealing
in stolen ore.

I want to talk about the
assassination attempt on Lt Worf.

What assassination attempt?
This is the first I've heard of it.

Too bad it didn't succeed.

We have evidence you're behind it.

- That is outrageous.
- What is this evidence?

Beam over. We'll show you.

We'll be there shortly.

This was dropped
by one of the assassins.

It bears your crest.

Someone must have given it
to the assassins to implicate us.

Why would someone do that?

In order to tarnish our good name.

You cannot tarnish a rusted blade.

Mr Worf! You said there was other
evidence that they were involved.

Yes. On the Homeworld.

We'll set a course.
I want this cleared up.

I will send a message to Kurn.

He may wish to return
to the Homeworld as well.


What is it?

These markings represent
the members of our house.

This symbol represents
our father, myself, my sister.

This represents her son.

- I was not aware you had a son.
- I do not.

But I am with child.

She found out only a few days ago
and told no one but me.

How can this marking be here?

Where did this come from?

I will speak with K'mtar.


Stop. I am your son.

I am Alexander.

What are you saying?

I am your son Alexander.

I have come to this time
from 40 years in the future.

K'mtar, tell me the truth,
or I will k*ll you.

Look at me. When we first met,
you said I looked familiar.

Maybe I saw you on the Homeworld.

No! Look closely. I am your son.

If you are Alexander,

you will remember your mother's
last words before she died.

I was three years old.

She was dying when we found her.

She barely managed
to whisper my name.

And then she took my hand
and placed it in yours.

Then she died.

And then you howled in rage
and said,

"Look upon her. Look upon death
and always remember."

And I always have.

How have you done this,
come to this time?

I met a man in the Cambra system.

He gave me a chance
to change the past.

He had the ability
to send me to this time.

You came here to end your own life?

I was hoping
that I would not have to,

that I could change things,
that I could change myself.

But I could not.

Now everything is going
to turn out like it did before.

I cannot let that happen.

But why? What will happen
that is so terrible?

You will be k*lled
because I was too naive,

too weak to be able to protect you.

I do not believe that.

I was there! I saw you m*rder*d.
I was to blame.

- You must not blame yourself.
- You don't understand.

I did not become a warrior.

I was a diplomat, a peacemaker.

When it came
my time to lead our family,

I thought that
I could single-handedly

end the fighting
between the great houses.

I announced that the House of Mogh
would end the feuding,

that there would be
no more retribution or revenge.

You tried to warn me, to tell me
I should not show weakness.

But I thought
you were a foolish old man.

I told you that you were a relic
from an earlier time

and that a new era of peace
was at hand.

But you were right.

My enemies saw my weakness
and moved against me.

And unless I stop it right now,

that boy will see his father k*lled

on the floor
of the Great Council Chamber.

That is why you wanted
to turn him into a warrior.

I staged the assassination attempt
to try and frighten him,

to make him realise that he
must follow the ways of the warrior.

If I had listened to you,

if I become the warrior
that you had wanted me to be... would not have died in my arms.

No. Who knows the future will be
now that you have disrupted time?

I may die tomorrow.
I may outlive you.

But when I die, I would like
an honourable death.

The only way that is possible is for
you to accept yourself as you are

and stay true to what you believe.

The cause of peace is a just cause.

The struggle must continue.

It is a futile struggle.
I cannot change things.

You have already changed things
more than you realise.

- The boy I was has not changed.
- But I have.

You have given me
a glimpse into my son's future,

and I know now
that he has his own destiny.

And I believe it will be a great one.

I love you, Father.

And I, you, Alexander.

I've been waiting. Where's K'mtar?

He had to leave. He was called away.

He never said goodbye.

He asked me to say goodbye for him.

He wanted me to tell you,
no matter what you do with your life,

he will always care for you.

- When will I see him again?
- It may be a long time.

- We should start practice.
- Alexander.

There will be plenty of time
for training.