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07x15 - Lower Decks

Posted: 01/26/23 08:30
by bunniefuu
Fletcher has more experience
with propulsion systems.

But Carstairs is better with people.

this is a supervisory position,

I'd go with her.

I guess you're right.

Didn't we just do
crew evaluation reports?

Three months ago.

Seems like three weeks.


Why don't we just give everybody
a promotion

and call it a night, commander?

Fine with me, captain.

Could we have two coffees, please?


What could be so funny?

What's so funny
about crew evaluations?

Don't worry about it, Sam.

Can't we just try
and have a good time here?

How can I have a good time
when my career's being decided

across the room?

Come on. Think promotion.
Promotion, promotion, promotion...

You can't really believe
that what you're doing

will influence the outcome
of your evaluation.

- Promotion, promotion, promotion.
- It's a time-honored strategy, Taurik.

The vedeks of the Janalan order
maintain a round-the-clock chant

for the benefit of the Bajoran people.

Considering the history
of your planet,

that doesn't exactly validate
what he is doing.

Promote me, please,
so I can make lieutenant

and have my own room.

If you're unhappy
sharing quarters with me,

then you should put in
for a new room assignment.

Just in case you're not promoted.



I've been thinking
about who to promote to Ops.

- The new night-duty officer?
- Mm-hm.

Lavelle is an obvious candidate,
but I'm also considering Ensign Sito.

- Thank you.
BEN: You're welcome.

Are you sure about dessert?

Yes. Don't tempt me.

So are they working
on crew evaluations?

- Yep.
- Who were they talking about?

It's not my place to say.

SITO: Come on, Ben.
- Please.

All right, but I'm not sure you two
are gonna like it.

Apparently you two
are up for the same job.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

- Lock phasers on target.
- Phasers locked.


DATA: The enemy is firing.
- Helm, hard to starboard.

- Hard to starboard.
- Fire phasers.



Target is destroyed.

End simulation sequence,
secure from drill.

Alpha shift, your response time
was 7 percent slower

than the Gamma shift.

All departments, submit
drill evaluation reports by 0900 hours.

- Ensign, you'll write that report.
- Yes, sir.

What happened back there, ensign?

I'm sorry, sir.
When we changed course,

I had to re-lock phasers
before I could fire.

Next time,
try letting the locking relay float

until the actual order to fire is given.

They may not teach that trick
at the Academy, but it works.

Thank you, sir.

- Lavelle.
- Sir?

- Resume previous course and speed.
- Aye, aye, sir.

One aye
is sufficient acknowledgment, ensign.

Helm, change course
for the Argaya system.

- Maximum warp.
LAVELLE: Aye, sir.

What happened with the Clement?

I've just received new orders
from Starfleet.

We'll discuss it
in the observation lounge.

Mr. Data, Mr. Worf.

Ensign Sito, take over at Ops.

Yes, sir.


The Argaya system's close
to the Cardassian border.

I wonder why we're going there.

How'd you like to be a spider
under that table?

- What?
- A spider under the table?

Is that like a fly on the wall?

I guess so.

You did really well during the drill.

Well, apparently Commander Riker
didn't think so.

I swear he's got it in for me.

- You're imagining things.
- Yeah?

Then how come you're sitting
in that chair instead of me?

I guess he figured
I needed more practice than you do.

Excuse me, sir.
Do you have a minute?

Sure, Taurik. What is it?

I'd like you
to take a look at something.

Have you been
improvising again, ensign?

In a manner of speaking.

I'm running a computer simulation
to test a new warp-field configuration.

You've got a problem here.

Your plasma flow to the nacelles
is out of sync.

Actually, sir,
that was done deliberately.

As you can see, this configuration

has increased overall
warp-field integrity by 7 percent.

- You're right.
- Dr. Nils Diaz has been experimenting

with this technique
at the Tanaline Propulsion Laboratory.

Yeah, I'm familiar with his work,
but I never heard anything about this.

His findings
have not been released yet.

I was able to review a preliminary
report when I was at the Academy.

I look forward to reading it.

I predict that when these findings
are made public,

they will become a new model
for warp-field operations.

Sounds interesting.

With your permission, sir,
I'd like to begin tests

to see if the technique
can be adapted to our warp drive.

There might be variables
that you didn't account for.

I was quite thorough.

I'm sure you were,
but I'd still need to see your simulation

before I authorize any tests.

As you wish.

If you have any other ideas
for increasing efficiency,

don't hesitate to run them by me.

As a matter of fact, sir, I do.

When would be a good time
to discuss them?

I'll get back to you on that.

Excuse me, doctor.

If you're wondering
about the evaluations,

things couldn't be better.

Actually, I just wanted to tell you

that Ensign Reilly's condition
is showing improvement,

but thank you.

In fact, I'm recommending you
for a promotion.

How does
Lieutenant Alyssa Ogawa sound?

It sounds wonderful.

I'll talk to Commander Riker,
and I'm sure it will be official

as soon as the current
crew evaluations are over.

Oh, Alyssa.

How are things going
between you and Lieutenant Powell?


I think. Heh.

You think?

I'm sure it's nothing,
but he seems preoccupied lately.

- Last night, he had to cancel our date.
- I see.

He's been putting together
a research proposal.

I mean, he's been really busy with it.

Well, I know what that's like.

Sometimes I get so busy
with research, I forget to eat.

I just wonder...

What? Sit down.

I've never met anyone like Andrew.

It's as though
we've known each other forever.

You do seem very well-suited.

But I know that in the beginning
of a romance,

it's possible to be a little blind.

I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Well, canceling a date like that,
the way he's been so distant lately...

Doctor, do you think
those could be warning signs

that he's losing interest?

Alyssa, I think you're overreacting.

Maybe so.

If I cared about someone
as much as you care about Andrew,

he'd have to do a lot more than cancel
a date before I'd get suspicious.

You're right.

I'm sure
that when this research is over,

things will be back
just the way they were.

Except, of course, that he'll have
to deal with Lieutenant Ogawa.


I only filled in at Ops for a half hour,

but I had to degauss
the main deflector dish,

recalibrate the navigation grid,

and use internal sensors
to find a lost puppy.

Ops is a very different challenge
from Tactical.

I can't figure out why I'm even
being considered for this assignment.

I'm a security officer.

I recommended you.

I'll try not to let you down, sir.

What could they be talking about?

Have you ever considered
learning to lip-read?

Do you think
Worf's chewing her out?

No, he always looks like that.

Maybe he's giving her pointers
on how to land the Ops position.

- Hi, Will.
- Ben. How are you doing?

- You called him Will?
BEN: Why not?

He's second-in-command of this ship,
that's why not.

I'm not Starfleet, I'm a civilian.

When he's in here,
he wants to be treated like a civilian.

Riker? I bet he sleeps
in his uniform.

BEN: You only think that
because he's your C.O.

- If you got to know him...
- Right.

He's convinced that Commander Riker
doesn't like him.

Why? Did you crash the ship
into something?

- No, he just doesn't like me.
- He doesn't even know you.

That's right.
You should go talk to him.

About what?

Perhaps something
you have in common.

- He likes jazz, poker. He's Canadian.

- My grandfather was from Canada.
BEN: There you go.


Excuse me.
I've gotta go talk to somebody.

I better get back to work.

Good evening, sir.


Something I can do for you?

No, sir,
I just came to get another drink.

Is there something wrong
with that one?

No, actually, I...
What are you having?

- Trakian ale.
- Good choice. I'll have one too.

My grandfather was Canadian,
you know?

- Really?
- Aren't you one too?

- A grandfather?
- Heh, heh, heh.

No, Canadian, sir, Canadian.

No, I grew up in Alaska.


Well, they both get a lot of snow.

Heh. Yeah.

- It was good talking to you, sir.
- Yeah.

Your ale, ensign.


We're holding position
in the Argaya system.

- Anything?
- No, sir.

I detect no vessels in the vicinity.

How close to the Cardassian border
are we?

Less than 5,000 kilometers, sir.

Sir, I'm detecting an object
5 meters in length.

It appears to be an escape pod.

They must have been forced
to abandon the ship.

How far inside Cardassian space
is it?

Fifty thousand kilometers.

How the hell
are we gonna get it out of there?

Sir, the pod's life-support system
is failing.

Notify Dr. Crusher.

Can we get within transporter range

without crossing
into Cardassian territory?

We would need to boost the gain
on the beam by at least 7 percent.

- Mr. La Forge.
- I'm on it, captain.

- There, try that.
- The pod is still too far away.

Okay, I'm gonna try augmenting
the frequency spread.

Bio-readings indicate
passenger's humanoid.

- Attempting life-form identification.
- No one told you to do that, ensign.

Let's just get him aboard safely.


There. That should do it.

Confinement beam's
at 109 percent of normal.

Transporter room,
you should be able to get a lock now.

Aye, sir.

Dr. Crusher, are you ready?

Stand by.

Alyssa, I'm afraid I'm gonna have
to ask you to leave now.

All right, doctor.


- Transporter room, go ahead.
MAN: Aye, sir.

What are you doing here?

I'm not supposed to let anyone
but the senior officers inside Sickbay.

Do you have any idea
what's going on?

No, do you?

I better go.

- Ensign.
- Sir.

1200 hours. Alpha shift is relieved.

Excuse me, sir. If you don't mind,
I'd like to stay on for another shift.

- I could use the training.
- Now is not the best time.

Yes, sir.

Ensign, you're with me.


You are a certified pilot, ensign?

Yes, sir.

How long have you served onboard
the Enterprise, ensign?

Seven months, sir.

I understand you've been
recommended for the Ops position.

- Do you think you're up to it?
- I do, sir.

I'm not so sure.
I'm concerned about your record.

- Sir?
- The incident that you were involved in

at the Academy.

With all due respect,

that was three years ago.
My record since...

It doesn't matter
how long ago it was, ensign.

Would you do something
like that again?

I can assure you, sir,
that I would never,

never jeopardize lives
by participating in...

In a daredevil stunt?
I would certainly hope not.

But what concerns me
is that you participated in a cover-up

that impeded an official investigation
into the death of a cadet.

Sir, I know I should have told the truth
from the start.

Yes, you should, but you didn't.

Instead, you joined with the others

to pretend that that was simply
an accident.

Now, what do you think that tells me
about your character?

Sir, if you had any idea what it was like
after that incident...

I didn't have any friends.

I didn't have anyone to talk to.

I had to take my flight test
with the instructor

because no one else
would be my partner.

In a lot of ways, it would have
been easier to walk away, but I didn't.

I stuck with it.

Doesn't that say something
about my character too?

Well, I'm really very sorry
you didn't enjoy your time

at the Academy, ensign.

As far as I'm concerned, you should
have been expelled for what you did.

Quite frankly, I don't know
how you made it onboard this ship.

You're dismissed.

Another two seconds.

Okay, that's enough.


I'm a little puzzled.

Why are we intentionally damaging
the shuttlecraft?

We're evaluating hull resiliency.

- Starfleet requires periodic testing.
- I see.

I don't believe I'm familiar
with that requirement.

Probably because
you're not a senior officer.

If you wish,

I could reconfigure the phaser
to fire a low-intensity burst

that would not harm
the shuttle's hull.

The test procedure
would not be affected.

It's fine just the way it is.

Now, give me another burst
about four seconds, right here.

Do you want me to fire
from this position?

Actually, why don't you do it
from over here?

That would be consistent.

Consistent with what?

With making it appear
that this shuttle had fled an attack.

What makes you think
that's what we're doing?

The pattern of fire you've asked for

is similar to what might result
if the shuttle had fled an attacker

while engaging
in evasive maneuvers.

It's an amazing coincidence.

Yes, sir. It is indeed.

- Shall we proceed with the testing?
- Yes, ensign. Thank you.

Alyssa, thank you
for coming so quickly.

We have to prepare for surgery.

We have a comatose patient
with a subdural hematoma.

- Yes, sir.
- I wanna make it clear.

- You are not to discuss what you see.
- I understand.

We'll need to synthesize at least a liter
of Cardassian blood.

It's your bet, Taurik.

What I can't understand,

is why are we just sitting here so close
to the Cardassian border?

It must have something to do
with that escape pod we picked up.

- Don't you think, Sito?
- Maybe.

- Wonder who was in it.
- You know what I heard?

- It was Ambassador Spock.
- That is most unlikely.

BEN: That's what I was told.
- By whom?

I can't say.

They beamed whoever was in it
straight to Sickbay.

Did you see anything
when you were down there?

No. Dr. Crusher just asked me to
help her with the laboratory schedule.

I thought Lieutenant Powell
was gonna join us tonight.

He had to do a double shift.

That's too bad.

He must be the worst poker player
I've ever met.

It's your bet, Sam.


The thing is, I saw Powell
in Ten-Forward with another woman,

and the way they were talking,
it made me wonder.

Well, if he's seeing someone else,
he should tell Alyssa.

I mean, it might hurt her now,
but it would be better in the long run.

RIKER: I've been meaning to talk to you
about something, Mr. Worf.

I don't think Ensign Sito
is prepared for the Ops position.

Oh, I must say I disagree, sir.

- Counselor. Pair of fours bets.
- Oh.

I'm listening.

The bet is 50.

It would be illogical for the captain
to deny you a promotion

for something you did as a cadet.

He said it shows
I don't have character.

What did you say?

What could I say?

Maybe he's right.

Hey, you're a damn fine officer

and you deserve that post
as much as anyone.

One thing's for sure,
I won't be getting it.

Not if it's up to Riker.

Well, it is your decision, sir,

but I am certain if you give Ensign Sito
a chance to prove herself,

she will not disappoint you.

Very well,
I'll take her under consideration.

Besides, I'm not convinced
about Lavelle.

- Really? Why?
- He's too eager to please.

He's always trying
to ingratiate himself to me.

Why assume he's doing that
to get the job?


There's your 50 and 100 more.

I don't know. It seems to me
that you and Lavelle are a lot alike.


- We're not at all alike.
- You're bluffing.

You think so?

Yes, and I'm not gonna let you
get away with it.

You know, Sam, maybe you
shouldn't try so hard with Riker.

It doesn't matter whether he likes you,
as long as he respects you.

He must, otherwise
he would not be considering you

for the Ops position.

You're probably right.

Maybe I'm just telling myself
that he hates me,

so that if I don't get promoted,
I'll have an excuse.

You in or not?

At this juncture,

the odds of my winning this hand
are less than 39-to-1.

I fold.

Commander's flush is still working.

- No help, Worf.
WORF: Ugh.

Tens and deuces for the doctor,

and jacks and fours
for the counselor.

- Ah. Three sixes.
- Fold.

It looks like it's just you and me.

- Think you can go another 50?
- I'm thinking, give me a second here.

Didn't you tell me
that you took up poker

so you could be in the officers' game
at the Potemkin?

I happen to like poker.

But your senior officers
might have thought

that you were trying
to ingratiate yourself.

I guess it's lucky that they realized

that you were young
and inexperienced,

and decided not to hold it
against you.


Maybe I have been a little hard
on Lavelle.

- I do not believe he is bluffing.
- I do. There you go.

What have you got?

- Flush.
- I cannot believe this.

I am your worst nightmare.

I knew it.

How could you tell I was bluffing?

You don't really expect me
to answer that, do you?

Look, it's getting late.

Maybe we should all
get some sleep.

- One more hand.
SITO: Uh-uh.

Come on, Geordi, you don't have
to quit because I'm unbeatable.

No, there's something I need to do
down in Engineering.

- I'll get you next time.
- I'll be there.


CRUSHER: Good night.
TROI: Good night.

SITO: Bye.
- Good night.

See you later.


What I find curious

is that when Commander La Forge
saw that the technique I was using

was actually more efficient,
he seemed annoyed.

Of course he was.

He didn't like the fact
that you knew something he didn't.

Do you think that I've irreparably
damaged my relationship with him?

Well, it depends
on what kind of a guy he is.

Ante up, gentlemen.


Come in.

LAVELLE: Commander.
- As you were.

- I just dropped by to see Taurik.
- What can I do for you, sir?

Well, I'm headed for Engineering
to run those tests on the nacelles.

Since you've already put in some work
on the technique,

I thought you might like to give me
a hand.

- I'd be pleased to, sir.
- Great. Let's go.

How about some blackjack?

Oh, I've gotta get some sleep
so I can be sharp tomorrow.

Why? So you can get promoted,
have more responsibility

and have to get to sleep
even earlier?

Good night.

Come in.

Ben. What are you doing here?

I just cleaned out some junior officers,
and I thought I'd do the same here.

You're welcome to give it a try.

- Pull up a chair.
BEN: Thanks.


Ensign Sito.

Yes, sir.

I also teach an advanced class.

I believe you may be ready
to participate.

However, before you can join the
group, you must pass the gik'tal.

- Gik'tal?
- Yes, it is a very ancient Klingon ritual.

It tests your knowledge of the forms
of the mok'bara.

- I should practice first.
- No.

No practice. That is part of the ritual.
The test must be unannounced.

- Can you see?
- No.


The gik'tal has begun.
Defend yourself.


You must anticipate my attack.

- Yes, sir.
- Defend yourself.


Are you listening, ensign?

- Yes, but...
- Defend yourself.




You did not anticipate.

How am I supposed to defend myself
when I can't see a thing?

Stop making excuses.

- Replace the blindfold.
- No.

It's not a fair test.

Very good, ensign.
You have passed the challenge.

What, by taking off the blindfold?

It takes courage
to say the test is unfair.

One thing I don't understand.

Doesn't gik'tal mean to the death?

You speak Klingon.


Is there really such a thing
as a gik'tal challenge?

No, there is not.

But perhaps next time
you are judged unfairly,

it will not take so many bruises
for you to protest.

All I've ever wanted is to make a career
for myself in Starfleet.

I can't change what happened
at the Academy. No one can.

All I can do is work hard,

and try to earn the respect
of the people I serve with.

If you're not going to give me
that chance, then I respectfully request

that you transfer me to another ship.

If you're looking
for a more lenient commander,

I don't think you'll find one.

Permission to speak freely, sir?

Please do.

If you didn't want me on your ship,

you should have said so
when I was assigned to it.

It's not your place to punish me
for what I did at the Academy.

I've worked hard here.

My record is exemplary.

If you're going to judge me,
judge me for what I am now.

Very well, ensign. I will.

It took courage to come here
and face me

after what I said to you
the other day.

I didn't ask you here

because I was assessing
your qualifications for the Ops position.

I don't understand, sir.

I was harsh with you,
because I wanted to assess you

for a very important mission.

A mission
that could put you in a situation

that would be far more unnerving
than a dressing-down

by your commanding officer.

Can I ask what that mission is, sir?

Join the senior officers in the
observation lounge at 0900 hours.

We'll discuss it then.

Yes, sir.

And, ensign?

I do know why you ended up
on the Enterprise.

I asked for you.

I wanted to make sure that you got
a fair chance to redeem yourself.

Thank you, sir.

- You wanted to see me, doctor?
- Yes. Alyssa.

I think you know how much
I've come to depend upon you here.

I've recommended your promotion

because your performance here
has been exemplary.

Thank you, doctor. I appreciate that.

But more than that,

I've come to think of you as a friend,
someone I really care about.

It's nice of you to say that.

I feel the same way.


You and Andrew Powell?

Someone told you.

- Told me what?
- We were going to keep it a secret

until the promotions are announced.

- A secret?
- He asked me to marry him.

Alyssa, that's wonderful.
I'm so relieved. I mean, happy.


Please, take a seat, ensign.

This is Joret Dal.

He was in the escape pod
that we retrieved.

He is a member
of the Cardassian military,

and a Federation operative.

He has risked his life
to bring us invaluable information

about Cardassian
strategic intentions.

Information that could very well
enhance the security of Bajor,

as well as other planets
in this sector.

Now, it is absolutely imperative

that we return him safely
to Cardassian space.

It will not be easy.

The border is heavily guarded.

Since his ship was destroyed,
he'll be using one of our shuttles.

If a patrol stops me,
I will claim to have stolen it.

We have distressed the shuttle,

so that it appears
to have been fired upon.

Joret will attempt
to talk his way past the patrol.

If I were alone, the chances
of my succeeding would be slim.

But if I had a prisoner with me,
a Bajoran t*rror1st,

I would appear
to be a bounty hunter.

Border crossings of that nature
are not uncommon, and for a price,

the patrol can be convinced
to look the other way.

Once the shuttle is safely past
the patrol,

Joret will put you into an escape pod,
and return you back across the border.

Since the pod is so small,
it will be difficult to detect.

We'll be waiting here to pick you up.

I understand, sir.

Ensign, this is obviously
a very dangerous mission.

I am not ordering you
to take part in it.

Then I volunteer, sir.

Be certain you understand the risk
you are taking.

- If you are captured...
SITO: I'm Bajoran.

No one knows better than I do

what Cardassians
do to their prisoners.

I've made my decision.

Very well, ensign.
Will you report to Sickbay?

Dr. Crusher will explain.

And, Ensign Sito,

I must ask you not to discuss
this mission with anyone.

Yes, sir.

I didn't realize
she would be so young.


The captain asked Dr. Crusher

to make it look
like Joret had mistreated me.

We're all set here.


I just want you to know
that I really appreciate

the fact that you've always
had confidence in me.

Good luck.

I'll see you soon.

We're approaching the border.

It won't be long before we're detected
by the patrol ships.

When they stop us,
do you want me to say anything?

No. It should seem
that I've broken your will.

If you're asked any questions,
look at me

as though you're afraid to answer.

Can I ask you something?

Why are you doing this?

Risking your life for Starfleet?

I don't consider myself a traitor,
if that's what you're asking.

All my life, I've served in the military.

Once it was an institution
dedicated to the security of Cardassia.

Now it's little more than a platform
for ambitious Guls

hoping to make their reputations
in battle.

If the information I've provided

helps Starfleet
deter even one pointless skirmish,

I've served my purpose.

I'm sick of w*r.

My people need peace.

I never thought I'd hear a Cardassian
say something like that.

And I never thought a Bajoran
would risk her life

to help a Cardassian get home.


Patrol ship's moving in
on our position.

We don't have much time.

She must have left on that shuttle.
There's no other explanation.

- Do you have any idea where it went?
- Toward Cardassian space.

That's what I'm worried about.

One other thing,
the shuttle was damaged...

Sam, can we talk
about something else?

- Don't you care what's happened?
- Of course.

But we have to accept the fact

that we're not always told
about everything that happens

aboard ship.

Well, we can at least tell each other
what we know.

Wait a minute,
do you two know something?

Sam, please.

Oh, I can't believe this.
We're friends.

We're also Starfleet officers.

I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Okay, I understand.

I better get going.
I got duty in half an hour.

Captain's log, stardate 47566.7.

We have reached the coordinates
in Federation space

where Ensign Sito's escape pod
was to have rendezvoused with us.

However, we have been waiting
for over 30 hours,

and as yet, there is no sign of her.


We've completed a long-range scan
of the area, sir.

The escape pod
doesn't seem to be out there.

It is possible that at this distance,
we are unable to distinguish the pod

from the inorganic matter
normally present in space.

Try narrowing the scan field.
See if you can pick any bio-signs.

Sir, it would help if I knew
what kind of life signs to look for.

You're scanning
for Bajoran life signs.

Yes, sir.


Nothing yet.
The pod is 32 hours overdue.

Sir, I recommend we launch a probe

to increase the range
of our sensor sweeps.

Launching a probe
into Cardassian space

would be a treaty violation.

Mr. Worf, prepare a probe
and launch when ready.

Aye, sir.

Probe launched, sir.


Sir, I am detecting signs of debris

200,000 kilometers
inside Cardassian space.

Its mass and composition indicate
it could be the remains

of a Federation escape pod.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have intercepted
a Cardassian report

stating that a Bajoran prisoner
escaped her captor

and was k*lled in an evacuation pod

as she tried
to leave Cardassian space.

To all Starfleet personnel,
this is the captain.

It is my sad duty to inform you
that a member of the crew,

Ensign Sito Jaxa,

has been lost in the line of duty.

She was the finest example
of a Starfleet officer,

and a young woman
of remarkable courage

and strength of character.

Her loss will be deeply felt
by all who knew her.

Picard, out.

- You okay?
ALYSSA: Uh-huh.

I just got promoted.



It just doesn't feel right.

For all I know,

she was gonna get the promotion
instead of me.

You shouldn't feel that way, Sam.

She would have been happy
for you, Sam.

The best way to remember her

would be to excel
in your new position.

We're proud of you, Sam.

Excuse me, sir,
but I need to move this table.


There's an empty seat over there.

I appreciate what you are trying to do,
but it is not appropriate.

You were her friends.
I was only her commanding officer.

Sir, I happen to know
that she considered you a friend.