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07x09 - Force of Nature

Posted: 01/26/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
- Geordi?
- In here, Data.

Got her now. She's trapped.

Come on out of there.
Don't you spit at me!

Why is Spot under the bed?

Probably because she knows
if I catch her, I'll k*ll her.

Has Spot misbehaved?

So far, she's broken a vase,
a teapot,

she's ruined a chair,
using it as a scratch post.

And she's coughing up hairballs.

These incidents are common
to cat owners.

You borrowed Spot

to experience feline behaviour
before getting a cat yourself.

Well, I'm not ready. You can
take her back with my blessings.

- Go ahead, call her.
- Spot does not respond to commands.

She doesn't come when you call her?

Data, have you ever considered
training this cat?

- I never found it necessary.
- The cat is out of control.

I didn't know if she was going
to lick me or scratch me.

I have never experienced
this kind of behaviour in Spot.

Although she does jump on my console
when I am working.

She needs training.

Riker to senior staff, report to the
observation lounge in ten minutes.

We have to get her out. I'll scare
her. You grab her when she comes out.

It would not be wise
to startle her.

Training. Definitely.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 47310.2.

We're investigating the disappearance
of the medical transport Fleming,

somewhere in the Hekaras Corridor.

Our search is complicated by the
unique properties of this region.

The Fleming was last in contact
four days ago.

They reported nothing strange.

- Data.
- The sector's dense tetryon field

poses a severe hazard
to warp-driven vessels.

The Hekaras Corridor
is the only route in this sector

free of tetryon fields.

Ships travelling at warp must use it
to ensure safe passage.

How long
will a level-one search take?

At least two days. The Corridor
is over 12 light years long.

Tetryon interference
will limit our sensor range.

Could we use reconnaissance probes?

Ineffective. Interference would
disrupt contact with the probes.

But we can increase
sensor efficiency.

We've installed multiphase buffers
on all the sensor modules.

Hekaras II is inhabited. Maybe
they've had contact with the Fleming.

The Hekaran government says only
one ship passed through the system.

A Ferengi trader.

The Fleming was carrying
rare and valuable biomimetic gel.

Maybe the Ferengi h*jacked it.

I think we should
prepare for that contingency.

I agree. Mr Worf, initiate
your search pattern. Let's head in.

Geordi, there has been a slight drop
in sensor efficiency.

We should examine the phase buffers.

I'll be right with you.

Hanson, transfer the EPS conduit 13
to the stabiliser matrix.

Aye, sir.

Is there a problem
with the engines?

- No.
- Then why stabilise the EPS conduit?

To get higher power conversion.

That would not affect the engines.

- I know. That's not the point.
- What is the point?

I'm just trying to get
a higher conversion level.


You know the Intrepid? Their chief
engineer is Cmdr Donald Kaplan.

We were at the Academy together.

I like to make sure that our levels
are a little bit higher than theirs.

I understand. You are
in competition with Mr Kaplan.

You might say that. This is
the flagship. We should be better.

You are trying to outperform
the Intrepid.

Actually, it's more personal pride.
These are my engines.

And there's nothing wrong
with a little friendly rivalry. OK.

Computer, how much have
the conversion levels increased?

Levels are unchanged.

I'll deal with this later. Let me
give you a hand with those sensors.

- How's that?
- One moment.

The phase buffer is operating
within normal parameters.

Sensor efficiency
has increased by 6.7 percent.

6.7. One of the stages
must still be out of alignment.

Let's try junction A-9.

Geordi, I have taken your suggestion
regarding Spot.

Coming down.

- I have begun training her.
- Really?

Yes. I am studying
several new techniques.

I used conditioned response,
then environmental enhancement.

Next, I will explore
bioconditioning devices.


Sensor nets
for behaviour modification.

Or biofeedback motivators.

Unfortunately, I have been
less than successful.

I've got an idea.

How about a phaser?

A low stun setting
at the right moment might do it.

Geordi, I cannot stun my cat.

I was kidding.

Let's see what we've got.

No, this isn't it either.

- There is a misalignment somewhere.
- That's for sure.

We've got one more possibility.

Junction C-12.

I am concerned that
my training efforts will fail.

Maybe you're doing it wrong.

I have consulted numerous
animal-training manuals.

Some claim that cats
are inherently untrainable.

I don't believe that.
My sister knew nothing about animals

and she trained her cat.
How complicated could it be?

What did she train her cat to do?

- Jump into her arms on command.
- Interesting.

I could use your sister's techniques

to keep Spot from jumping on the
console. How did she train her cat?

She walked around for two months
with a piece of tuna in her blouse.

I was right.
This buffer is out of alignment.

OK. Try that.

Phase alignment is stabilised.

However, sensor efficiency

has increased by only
an additional 1.3 percent.

Not much, but every little helps.

- Riker to Data.
- Data here.

We're picking up a ship
on long-range sensors

If you and Geordi are finished,
come to the bridge.

We won't squeeze any more
out of these.

Acknowledged, sir. We are on our way.

- We are within visual range.
- On screen.

It is a Ferengi transport ship,

It's the same one
that entered the Corridor a week ago.

No plasma emissions.
Their warp drive must be inactive.

Their impulse system is down as well.
Power generation is extremely low.

- What about life signs?
- Life-support systems are low.

There are approximately 450 Ferengi
on board. A standard complement.

Mr Worf, open a hailing frequency.

There is no response
on any channel.

No subspace emissions from the ship.

Looks like all their field coils
have been overloaded.

That explains
why they haven't responded.

- And their warp-drive failure.
- Ferengi sensors are still on line.

If I modify a deflector emitter
to transmit old-style delta waves,

the Ferengi should be able
to pick it up.

- Make it so.
- If they did hijack the Fleming,

they didn't get very far
with the cargo.

Mr Worf, have tractor beams ready.
We may have to tow them.

- Helm, take us within tractor range.
- Aye, sir.

Captain, I am picking up power
emissions. They are locking weapons!

Shields up!

- Return fire.
- Target their weapons only.

- Phasers locked.
- Fire!

Direct hit.
Their weapons systems are down.

Damage report.

Minimal damage
to decks five and seven.

The Ferengi ship's power
is stabilised.

They have impulse capability.

They were playing dead.
Conserving power until we got close.

But why would they attack us?

I don't think we can beam over
and ask them.

- Mr La Forge, how's that commlink?
- Almost ready, Captain.

- Let's give it a try.
- Open a channel.

This is Capt Jean-Luc Picard
of the Enterprise.

Will you please explain
why you att*cked us?

Our attack?
We were defending ourselves.

Do you deny that you were
responsible for disabling my vessel?

Your ship was adrift,
your communications inoperable.

We were attempting
to assess your status.

You were attempting to move in for
the k*ll. Do not toy with me, Picard.

We are obviously at your mercy,
but know this.

When the Ferengi Council
learns of your actions,

they will consider this
an act of w*r.

There has been
some misunderstanding.

It would be in all our interests
if you came aboard to discuss it.

I see no reason to trust you, human!

In that case, we'll be on our way.

I'll relay your position
to your government if you wish,

in case you are unable to complete
your repairs and remain stranded.

Perhaps it would be better
to discuss the situation.

We detected what appeared to be
a Federation signal buoy.

When we approached it, it emitted
a massive verteron pulse.

Our warp drive, sensors
and communications were disabled.

We assumed we were the victims
of a new Federation w*apon.

The Federation established
this corridor

to ensure safe access through
this sector. Why would we mine it?

Whatever happened
may not be an isolated incident.

A Federation medical transport
was lost there.

We passed a Federation ship,
but it was not in distress.

What was its heading?

It is possible that information
was recorded in our sensor logs.

Unfortunately, my entire crew
is occupied with repairs.

I don't think there is time
to search our records.

DaiMon, if we assigned an Engineering
team to assist with your repairs,

would that give you time
to retrieve your logs?

I believe it would, Captain.


Spot, down.

Down. This is down. Down is good.

This is up.

Up is no.

One moment. Come in.

Data, I had another idea about power
conversion. Can you help?

I would be happy to.

Are you teaching Spot
to use the console?

It is part of her training programme.

I am teaching her
to jump down on my command.

How's it going?

I have not been entirely successful.

Feline supplement number 221.

Data, that cat definitely
has a mind of her own.

- Maybe she's just not trainable.
- I must accept that possibility.

Spot may lack the intelligence
to learn responses to my commands.

I don't know about Spot, but your
training is coming along just fine.

Come on. Let's go.

Keep the EPS constant
while I remodulate the power taps.

This will only raise
the conversion level by 0.8 percent.

- I know, but it could be enough.
- Enough?

I've received this
from Cmdr Kaplan, subspace.

"I got the Intrepid's
power-conversion levels

up to 97.1 percent."

"Maybe you should try cleaning
your plasma grid."

- Can you believe his nerve?
- We perform maintenance regularly.

I know.
He's just trying to get me angry.

There. That should do it.

Computer, what are the current
power-conversion levels?

Power-conversion levels
are at 97.2 percent.

Too bad, Mr Kaplan.

Captain's log, supplemental.
We have traced the Fleming's course.

She may have
come to an unfortunate end.

- What's the origin of this debris?
- Unknown, sir.

It does not appear in any chart.

- Could it be the Fleming's remains?
- It is a possibility.

The debris consists of duranium
and polycomposite fragments,

which suggests a ship.

There is sufficient mass
to account for the Fleming.

Let's take a closer look.

Maybe we can get
a more positive identification.

Helm, take us through
the debris field, ahead slow.

I am picking up a small metallic
object, 3.5 metres in diameter.

A ship's-log recorder,
or a probe casing.

I do not believe so.
It is emitting an unusual signal.

Captain, it is generating
a verteron field.

Shields up! Full reverse! Now!

Damage report.

Warp engines are off line.
Shields are down.

All subspace systems
are inoperative.

Just like the Ferengi vessel.

Unidentified ship heading toward us.
Two life forms aboard.

On screen.

They are initiating
their transporters.

Can we get more power to the shields?

- No, sir.
- All decks, security alert.

Captain, we are being boarded.

La Forge to bridge.

We have intruders in Engineering.
We need a Security team.

It's on its way.

- What do you want?
- We're trying to make you listen.

You're k*lling us.

It's a serious accusation.
I want you to explain it.

Our research shows that warp fields

cause a dangerous reaction
in this region.

Our planet is being affected.

There are large gravitational shifts
in our system.

If something isn't done,
our planet will become uninhabitable.

Their research was evaluated
by the Federation Science Council.

It didn't hold up.

That research was preliminary
and the analysis was incomplete.

You should have made a request
through the Science Council.

With their resources
it would have taken over a year

before they come out here
to evaluate our work.

We couldn't wait any longer.

We knew that if we disabled
enough ships, Starfleet would come.

- Then we could present our case.
- You're rationalising these att*cks?

Neither you or the Ferengi
suffered any casualties.

Damage to vessels was negligible.

We disperse verteron probes merely
to disable warp-driven ships.

Call it what you like.
You disguised your probes.

You hid them as signal markers
in the debris field.

You mined the Corridor!

Mr La Forge, how long will it take
to restore the engines?

They overloaded our field coils.
It'll take at least 36 hours.

I know how our pulse
affected your field coils.

With my help, you could be
operational in ten hours,

provided you agree
to review our research.

Because of the seriousness of your
claim, I will listen to your case.

But our priority
is the recovery of the Fleming.

I expect you to help us
restore our engines

and deactivate the remaining probes.

If you do not, you will both be taken

to the nearest starbase,
where you will answer charges.

My sister and I do not wish
to impede the rescue...

- Rabal, the probes are our leverage!
- Serova.

We will do as you ask, Captain.
But please, re-examine our data.

We will. It is our job
to retain an open mind,

even under these circumstances.

Take them to Engineering.
Get the core on line.

- Yes, sir.
- Mr Data, review their research.

I want your report
as soon as possible.

There. Shields have been restored.

You can re-engage engines
in approximately eight hours.

Even when we get the engines on line,

it will take a week
to recalibrate them properly.

I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced.
But it's only an inconvenience.

Our concerns are more important
than your engines.

If the Fleming had been
on an emergency mission

your plan might have cost lives.

That didn't happen. And saving lives
is what we're trying to do.

In an interesting way.

There's no point talking to you.
You've already decided not to listen.

I know my sister
can be somewhat aggravating.

- I'd have to agree.
- Try to understand.

She believes profoundly
in this cause.

She is dedicated to exposing
the dangers of warp drive.

Warp drive has been around for three
centuries. It's a proven technology.

You sound like I did, four years ago.

- You didn't believe her?
- No.

I didn't realise
how brilliant my sister is.

It took two years for me to even
grasp the principles of her theories.

- They're that sophisticated.
- Our Cmdr Data's no slouch.

If there's anything there,
he'll find it.

I hope so. Once Starfleet stops
warp travel through the Corridor,

our own people
will have to give up warp drive.

Hekaras II is the only
inhabited world in this region.

Without warp drive
you'd be completely isolated.

Are you really willing
to take that step?

Yes. And if you were in my position,

I hope you'd be willing
to do the same thing.

Serova and Rabal believe there are
regions of subspace instability

in the Corridor. If these regions
continue to be exposed

to warp-field energy,
they will rupture.

Subspace will extrude
into normal space, forming a rift.

Like walking on the same piece
of carpet, wearing it out.

- That analogy is correct.
- Can this theory be proven?

Not at this time.
There is insufficient evidence.

To determine
whether a rift will form,

a region must be exposed
to energy one million times greater

than that of a starship.

We believe the effect is cumulative.

Each starship that passes through
at warp brings us closer to a rift.

That is a possibility. I suggest
we ask the Federation Science Council

to send a research vessel.

A more detailed investigation
will resolve this.

That's your response?
More research. More delays.

I shouldn't have expected
any different.

- Bridge to Capt Picard.
- Go ahead.

We've located the Fleming
approximately 0.3 light years away.

- What's her condition?
- The vessel seems intact.

They have shields.
But their subspace systems are out.

We'll be under way
when our engines are on line.

I would like you
to put together a research proposal.

I will give it
my full recommendation.

I appreciate the opportunity.
It's a beginning we...

Not "we". You can do whatever
you want. I'll have no part of this.

It's just another delay.

Captain, the engines
are back on line.

Good. Helm, lay in a course
for the Fleming.

They're in pretty good condition.
Shields are back.

the Hekaran ship is moving off.

There is one person on board.
It is Serova.

- Doctor, what is going on?
- I don't know.

- Captain, may I speak to her?
- Mr Worf, open a channel.

Serova, what are you doing?

They wanted proof.
I'm going to give it to them.

I'm sorry.

Captain, the Hekaran ship's engines
are overloading.

I believe Serova is trying to create
a warp-core breach.

- No!
- Prepare for impact.

Shields at maximum. Full reverse.

- Report.
- We have cleared the shockwave.

tetryon flux is increasing rapidly.

- It's incredible!
- Mr Data, your analysis?

The event is approximately
0.1 light years in diameter.

It is emitting extremely high levels
of tetryon radiation.

It appears to be what was predicted.
A subspace rift.

- She was right.
- Can you get a fix on the Fleming?

- Is she in one piece?
- Scanning.

It is near its previous coordinates.
It appears intact.

But it is now within the rift.

could a ship survive in there?

I'm sorry about your loss,
but we need your help now.

Of course, Captain.

Does the rift pose any danger
to the Fleming?

I don't know.

What was that?

A high-energy distortion wave
from within the rift.

If we maintain our position,
our shields should protect us.

What about the Fleming?

The waves are more intense
in the rift.

I estimate her shields will fail
in approximately 12 hours.

- Can we risk going in?
- Not at warp.

The rift is in a state
of instability,

which would make it sensitive
to warp fields. We might expand it.

I don't think we have a choice.
It would take weeks at impulse.

I want better options. Data, Geordi,
take Dr Rabal to analyse the rift.

We need to find a way
to get the Fleming out.

Second Officer's log,
stardate 47312. 1.

New sensor readings have improved
our understanding of the rift.

However, we have been unable to find
any way to counteract it.

supports Serova's theories.

I can't find any way
to close the rift or reduce it.

Doctor, is it possible there are
stable areas inside the rift,

where we can safely use warp engines?

Perhaps. Computer, scan the rift
for regions of low instability.

There's no area stable enough
to withstand a warp pulse.

Wait a minute. This is strange.

Computer, display grid Delta 17.

Enhance and magnify.

What do you make of that?

It's a subspace instability
outside the rift.

That should not be possible.

I'm going to begin
a scan of this sector.

I'd like to get a closer look
at this.

We should tell the Captain we don't
know how to get to the Fleming.

I am not certain that is true.
I believe I have an idea.

- I suggest we coast into the rift.
- Coast?

We can initiate a brief warp pulse
from our current position.

We should
be able to attain the velocity

to enter the rift, beam over the crew
and exit, without using warp engines.

If we initiate a full-power pulse,
how long before we drop out of warp?

If we field-saturate the nacelles,

we should be able to stay
in warp speed for two minutes.

That doesn't give us long.
It could get rough in there.

- Timing will be critical.
- Begin your calculations.

- We'll go as soon as you're ready.
- Aye, sir.

I believe the maximum saturation
level should be 18.3 percent.

Alright. We should be able
to maintain warp speed

for two minutes, eight seconds.
No more than that.

I agree.
But based on the size of the rift,

that should give us sufficient time
to complete the rescue.

Computer, initiate
nacelle field saturation.

- How did we miss it, Data?
- I beg your pardon?

How did we miss the connection
between warp drive

and the formation of the rift?

We've logged thousands of hours
on these engines.

We're supposed to be
warp-field experts.

We were wrong this time.

Technically, we were not wrong.

Serova's theories rested
on unprovable assumptions.

Seems to me
she managed to prove them.

By using methods any reputable
scientist would never employ.

Yeah. She was willing to die
in order to make her point.

We should have listened to her.

We reviewed Serova's research
to the best of our abilities.

We were prepared
to continue studying.

But that was unsatisfactory.

I can remember trying to get people
to believe me without proof.

You would not have resorted
to such extremes.

But she had to,
just to get us to listen.

Why was I so resistant?

Her aggressive methods
created an adversarial situation.

Yeah. Maybe I was
taking the whole thing personally.

I do not understand.

Maybe I was a little threatened.

The thought that warp engines
might be doing some kind of damage.

It's going to take half an hour
for the nacelles to saturate.

Will you call me when they're done?

- Commander.
- May I join you?

I'm sorry about your sister.

Thank you.

I'm trying to tell myself
she died for what she believed in.

But, somehow,
that isn't much comfort.

I wish it could have happened

I should have checked
the research more closely.

It's possible I missed something.

No. You didn't miss anything.
The problem was time.

We needed more time
to do the proper research.

Serova wasn't willing to wait.

Yeah. I guess the question is now,
where do we go from here?

We can't look at space travel
the same way. We have to change.

I've been in Starfleet a long time.
We depend on warp drive.

I don't know
how easy it will be to change.

It won't be easy at all.

Warp-pulse calculations are complete.

We will be firing the engines
for 6.3 seconds before disengaging.

- Damage-control teams standing by.
- Course to the Fleming is plotted.

Mr La Forge, whenever you're ready.

Aye, sir.

Initiating warp pulse now.

Engines disengaged.
We are now entering the rift.

Hull stresses increasing. 83 percent
of maximum tolerance and rising.

- When will we reach the Fleming?
- One minute, 22 seconds.

Transporter rooms standing by.

I'm picking up power emissions
from the Fleming.

They may be attempting
to initiate their warp drive.

They could have repaired
their engines.

- Captain, if they activate...
- I know.

- Can we establish communication?
- There is too much interference.

How long until we reach
transporter range?

- 53 seconds.
- We're not going to make it.

Captain, they have
initiated warp drive.

- Report.
- Damage on decks six and 14.

- Our integrity field is holding.
- And the Fleming?

Their life-support systems
are failing.

Transporter rooms,
prepare evacuation procedures.

Captain, when the Fleming
activated their warp drive,

the rift increased by 2.3 percent.

We no longer have
sufficient momentum to escape.

Distortion-wave intensity
has increased by a factor of ten.

We are within transporter range
of the Fleming.

Commencing evacuation procedures.

Distortion waves occurring
every 59 seconds.

Hull stress is nearing
maximum tolerance.

Can we force an EPS discharge
through the impulse reactor?

I do not believe so.

The expl*si*n would destroy
the saucer section.

Captain, we may not have to use
warp engines.

How, Geordi?

When did you last go surfing?

- A distortion wave.
- Exactly.

If we phase-match our shield to the
EM variance of the distortion wave,

the next one
will pull us along with it.

We could ride it through the rift
then break away.

- If we survive the ride.
- Is everyone off the Fleming?

The last of the crew
has beamed aboard.

Alright, Mr La Forge.
Get us out of here.

Yes, sir. Phase-matching
the deflector shields now.

The next wave will impact
in 14 seconds.

Matching phases.

Prepare to engage
the deflector shield on my mark.

Ten seconds.

And mark.

Engage deflector shield, full power.

We lost it.

We were unable to maintain
phase match.

- What went wrong?
- Speed differential was too high.

Another distortion wave approaching.
Impact in 26 seconds.

We can't handle many more jolts
like that.

Captain, I suggest we take the ship
to full impulse.

It will lessen the impact
of the wave.

Helm, full impulse.

Mr Worf, all power
to structural-integrity fields.

- Aye, sir.
- Stand by deflector shield.

- We're ready.
- Impact in five seconds.

Engage deflector shield now.

We are within the distortion wave.

Hull stresses have exceeded maximum.

Structural-integrity fields failing,
decks ten to 16.

Switching to backups.

We're separating from the distortion
wave. I'm compensating.

- How long till we clear the rift?
- 12 seconds.

Hull stresses 120 percent
above tolerance.

A structural breach is imminent.

We have cleared the rift, sir.
Hull stress has returned to normal.

Cancel red alert.

Captain's log, stardate 47314.5.

We have been continuing research

while the Federation studies
our preliminary reports on the rift.

It appears certain
that what we've seen here

will have repercussions
for many years.

Our scans show
a lot of subspace instability.

If exposed to warp energies,
they could create other rifts.

- Dr Rabal?
- Based on current patterns,

we've projected where
subspace rifts are likely to form

over the next 40 years.
This is how things are now.

This is how they'll look
in ten years.

20 years.

30 years.

40 years.

Thank you, Doctor.

Mr La Forge.

We've received new directives
from the Federation on this matter.

"Until we can counteract
the warp-field effect,

our best course
is to slow the damage."

"Areas susceptible to warp fields
are restricted to essential travel."

"All Federation vessels as of now are
limited to a speed of warp five."

"Except in case
of extreme emergency."

The Klingons will observe that.
The Romulans will not.

And what about the Ferengi?
And the Cardassians?

The Federation's sharing our data
with warp-capable species.

We can only hope they realise
it's in their own interests.

Limiting warp speed will only prevent
new rifts. What about this one?

Right now there's not much we can do.

The gravitational shifts
are affecting my planet.

Our climate is changing.

The Federation will put a
weather-control matrix on Hekaras II

as a temporary solution.

We're lucky the rift took place
as far from the planet as it did.

It gave us time.

If there are no questions,
you're dismissed.

The thermal stabilisers for
the Hekarans will be ready in a day.

Very well. Geordi, I've spent
the better part of my life

exploring space.
I've charted new worlds.

I've met dozens of new species.

I believe these were all
valuable ends in themselves.

Now, it seems that all this while,

I was helping to damage
the thing that I hold most dear.

It won't turn out that way, Captain.
We still have time to make it better.