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06x16 - Birthright, Part I

Posted: 01/25/23 12:12
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 46578.4.

The Enterprise has arrived
at Station Deep Space Nine

to assist in the reconstruction
of the Bajoran aqueduct systems,

damaged during
the Cardassian occupation.

I should be through
with water analysis in a few hours,

then I'll check out the holosuites.

They have a relaxation program
from Alture VII.

Listen to this. First they bathe you
in a protein bath.

Then a cloud of chromal vapour
carries you to a meditation chamber.

You should try it.

I'll be too busy discussing
water management

with ten Bajoran bureaucrats.

They won't be carrying me
on a cloud of chromal vapour.


- What is this?
- Pasta al fiorella.

One of my favourites. You'll love it.

I want to look
at those Ktaran antiques.

They've got a 21st-century plasma
coil in almost perfect condition.

I'll have to talk to Chief O'Brien
about these replicators.

Worf, I don't see
how you can eat that stuff.

It tastes like liquid polymer.


I think I'm gonna try that kiosk.
They had some real food.

Commander, I am reading a power drain
in the starboard EPS conduit.

What's causing it?

The problem is originating
in sickbay.

There's been an unauthorized access
into the bio-imaging system.

- Better check it out.
- Aye, sir.

Excuse me. Do you have authorization
for this area?

Come in. I need a hand
with this field generator.

See if you can boost
the power output to 65 percent.

I am sorry.

Use of sickbay equipment is limited
to ship's medical personnel.

Dr Julian Bashir, Chief
Medical Officer, Deep Space Nine.

- And you are Commander...?
- Data.

Cmdr Data.

- The synthetic life form.
- Yes.

An honour to meet you.
I've heard so much about you.

You must have a fascinating
perspective into cybernetic research.

I'd be delighted to discuss it.

I would be happy to do so, but I must
ask you to stop your experiment.

Yes. I should have asked
before using your sickbay.

But it would take days to analyze
this device with the computer I have.

What type of device is this?

It's from the Gamma quadrant.
A medical instrument.

It appears to employ plasma inputs.

I'm hoping it's a medical scanner.

I wanted to use your computer
to see how it works.

I suggest we take it to Engineering
and run a circuit-pathway diagnostic.


I must admit, Commander, I didn't
think you'd be so personable.


You are Starfleet Klingon.

I am Lt Worf.


Son of Mogh.

What of it?

I am Jaglom Shrek,
a man with information to sell.

You have no information I could use.

I would not be so sure.

It is about your father, Mogh.

My father died 25 years ago
at Khitomer.

That is what you believe.

What if I tell you he is still alive?

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

My father is dead.

No, he's not.

I know where he is.

How is that possible?

I expect
to be paid for my information.

Perhaps we could negotiate
an exchange.

The location of your father...

Tell me what you know.

Not all the Klingons at Khitomer
were k*lled during the m*ssacre.

Many were captured
by the Romulans

and placed in a prison camp

on a remote planet.
Your father was among them.

Where is this planet?

Not far from here.

I could give you the location,
for a price.

A Klingon would rather die
than be taken prisoner!

I should k*ll you
for spreading lies about my family.

My father was k*lled
defending Khitomer.

Ensign Lopez,
this duty roster is unacceptable.

Assignments should be listed
by priority. Prepare it again.

I'll expect it no later
than 0900 hours. Dismissed!

Mr. Worf, we need to get the
rendezvous schedule to the Merrimack.

I am well aware of your request.

Lieutenant, are you alright?

Yes, sir, I am fine.
I will send your schedules, sir.

Excuse me.


Did the table do something wrong?


I'm glad you weren't that hard
on Ensign Lopez.

He made a mistake.
The duty roster was inaccurate.

Would you like to talk about
what's bothering you,

or would you
like to break more furniture?

Today on the Promenade,
a Yridian approached me.

He knew who I was and tried to sell
me information about Mogh.

Your father?

He claimed that he's alive

and is being held c*ptive
in a Romulan prison camp.

Oh, my God. Could it be true?

A Klingon would never allow himself
to be captured.

A warrior fights to the death.

If my father were alive, it would
dishonour his sons and their sons.

Even Alexander would bear the burden.

So, you're willing to ignore
the possibility because of dishonour?

My father is dead.
That Yridian is selling lies.

If you're so sure about that,
why are you so upset?

Worf, you can't deny the possibility

just because
you don't want it to be true.

If you want to talk,
you know where to find me.

If we transfer 20 megajoules
from the dilithium chamber

into the plasma inputs,
it should activate the device.

It's worth a try.

You two connect the coil.
I'll configure the energy transfer.

Data, can I ask you
a personal question?


Does your hair grow?

I can control follicle replenishment.

However, I've not had a reason
to modify my hair's length. Why?

Just curious.

Power conduits are ready.

Is something wrong?

- You're breathing.
- Yes.

I have
a functional respiratory system.

However, its purpose is to maintain
thermal control of my systems.

I am, in fact, capable of functioning
in a vacuum.

And you have a pulse.

My circulatory system not only
produces biochemical lubricants,

it regulates micro-hydraulic power.

Most people are interested
in my extraordinary abilities.

How fast I can compute. My memory
capacity. How long I will live.

No one ever asked me if my hair grows
or noticed that I breathe.

Your creator went to a lot
of trouble to make you seem human.

I find that fascinating.

OK, I think we're ready.

Power connections are complete.

I'll monitor
the coil's transfer rate.

Can you check
the transient power response?

Of course. We are ready, Geordi.

OK. Initiating energy transfer.

- Power levels are steady.
- Transient response is normal.

Hold on.
I'm picking up a power surge.

- Reduce the transfer rating.
- Reducing by 20 percent.

- What happened?
- The connections blew.

- It sent out a plasma shock.
- Synaptic energy is dropping.

Data, are you alright?

I believe so. What has happened?

A plasma shock overloaded
your positronic net.

You were down 30 seconds.

That cannot be possible. I have
a memory record for that period.

I can recall images.

I saw Dr Soong.

My father.

I can't find anything wrong
with your positronic subprocessors.

No sign of any residual
energy fluctuation,

cascade overload.

My internal diagnostic indicates

that my memory systems
are within normal parameters.

For the 47 seconds I was inactive,
there was no cognitive activity.

There's no doubt about it.
You were shut down.

Maybe you had some kind
of random power fluctuation

causing you to access memory files.

That cannot be. The image I saw
was of Dr Soong as a young man.

I did not encounter him
until later in his life.

There appears to be no rational
explanation for my experience.

I'll take a look
at the diagnostic log.

In the meantime, you'd better
disconnect that device.

Data, perhaps we're
going about this the wrong way.

How so?

Maybe you had a dream
or a hallucination.

I am not capable of either.

Yet you can't account
for what happened today, can you?

At present, I cannot.

You should approach this
from a human standpoint.

You're right that machines
can't have hallucinations.

But then again,
most machines can't grow hair.


What is it, Commander?

I am sorry, but I have a question
of a personal nature.

Do you have a moment?

A moment.

I have heard you mention
that you once experienced a vision.

Yes. When I was young,
my adoptive parents

arranged for me
to partake in the Rite of MajQa.

I understand it involves deep
meditation in the caves of No'Mat.

That prolonged exposure to the heat
induces a hallucinatory effect.

Why are you asking?

I have recently had
an unusual experience

which might be a vision.

What happened?

An accident shut down my cognitive
functions for a short period,

yet I seemed to remain conscious.
I saw my father.

You are very fortunate.

That is a powerful vision.

If it was a vision,
I do not know how to proceed.

You must find its meaning.

If it is to do with your father,
learn all you can about it.

In the Klingon MajQa ritual,

there is nothing more important
than a revelation about your father.

Your father is a part of you.


Learning about him
teaches you about yourself.

That is why, no matter
where he is or what he has done, ... must find him.

But I am not looking for my father.

Yes, of course.

Do not stop
until you have the answer.

Thank you, Worf.

Ah, Lt Worf.

You have reconsidered?

Yes. I wish to go
to the Romulan prison camp.

Excellent. I can provide you
with the coordinates.

No, you will take me there.

No, it's not possible.
I have no means of transportation.

I checked the station records.

You have a vessel
capable of warp speed.

I do not have the time.
I have other business...

What is the real reason
you will not take me?

Because what you told me
is not true?

No. The camp is located
on the edge of Romulan space.

- It is a dangerous journey.
- Dangerous?

It would be more dangerous
for you to refuse.

Very well. But I will require
full payment in advance.

- No, I will pay after.
- But...

Yes. Yes, of course. After.

If you are lying,
if there is no camp, I will k*ll you.

The Romulan guards
have a detection perimeter.

It will be necessary
to transport you to the surface

30 kilometers from the camp.

The foliage is very dense.

It will take me
12 hours to reach the camp.

- I may have to travel at night.
- That would be unwise.

This is not an empty jungle.
There are many predators.

- I am prepared.
- Very well.

But I recommend that you look up
from time to time.

The arboreal needle snake
likes to attack from above.

I will provide you
with a map of the camp.

How did you learn of this camp?

It is not important for you to know.

Why have you not informed
the Klingon government?

I sell information.
I do not give it away.

You do this for profit.

I have my reasons, Mr. Worf.

What reasons could you have
for letting these people suffer?

We will arrive in the Carraya Sector
in approximately three hours.

I suggest you get some rest.


- Yes, Mr. Data?
- Sorry to disturb you, sir.

Not at all.

I'm studying the intricacies
of Bajoran aqueduct management.

I would welcome an interruption.
Please sit down.

I require your advice.

I have come to an impasse regarding
my recent unexplained experience.

Your vision of Dr Soong.
How is your investigation proceeding?

I have analyzed over 4,000
religious and philosophical systems

as well as
200 psychological schools of thought

in an effort
to understand what happened.

And what have you found?

I have been unable to find a single
interpretation of the images I saw.

The hammer, for instance,
has several meanings.

The Klingon culture views it
as a symbol of power,

the Taque tribe of Nagor sees it
as an icon of hearth and home.

The Ferengis view it
as a sign of sexual prowess.

I'm curious. Why are you looking
at all these other cultures?

The interpretation of visions
and metaphysical experiences

are almost always culturally derived.

I have no culture of my own.

You do. You're a culture of one,

which is no less valid
than a culture of one billion.

Perhaps the key to understanding
your experience

is to stop looking
into other sources for a meaning.

When we look at Michelangelo's David
or Symnay's Tomb,

we don't ask what it means to others
but what it means to us.

Explore this image, Data.

Let it excite your imagination.
Focus on it.

See where it leads you.

Let it inspire you.

I believe I understand, sir.
Thank you.

Good luck, Mr. Data.

The camp
is in a southeasterly direction.

After ten kilometers, you will come
to the edge of the sulphur canyon.

Look for a riverbank and follow it
until you come to the camp.

This is a homing device.

It will allow you to find my ship
when I return.

I will not land in the same location.

- When will you return?
- 50 hours. Do not be late.

Who's there?

Toq, is that you?

I can see you.

I hope you're enjoying yourself.

I swear I will hang you by your...


- Please.
- Who are you?

- I've come to help you.
- Help me?

Yes. How did you get out of the camp?
Does anyone know you are gone?

- Yes. I come here often.
- You must lead me to the camp.

You are Klingon.
Where did you come from?

That does not matter.
I have come to take you home.

Home? This is my home.


It is important
you tell no one you saw me.

- Is it time for the ceremony?
- We're about to begin.

Come in.

Data, we were supposed to meet at...

- What are you doing?
- I am painting.

I can see that.
How long have you been at this?

I have created 23 illustrations
in the past six hours, 27 minutes.

I believe you could say
I have been inspired.

I'll say.

I have done as Capt Picard suggested.

I have tried to explore the images.

Has it helped?

I am not certain.

I began by painting
the image of the blacksmith.

Then I painted the corridor.

After that, ...

..the anvil, the hammer...

..and Dr Soong's face.

The thought then occurred to me...

..that I should paint smoke.

- Smoke? Why smoke?
- I cannot explain it.

It is not an image
I saw in my vision.

You got the smoke
coming out of a bucket of water.

Blacksmiths used water
to cool the metal.

Maybe that's why you painted it.


After I'd painted the smoke,
it then occurred to me... paint a bird's wing.

I then drew an entire bird.

A flock of birds
flying in formation.

An individual feather.

If the bird is related to my vision,
I do not understand how.

I am left
with more of a mystery than ever.

Geordi, I want to recreate
the experiment

which caused my shutdown.

What for?

My vision may have continued
had I not been reactivated.

That plasma shock
almost fused your neural net.

I don't think it's a good idea.

I am aware of the risks.

But I know no other way to
investigate my experience.

Will you help?

Yeah, sure.

- I'll go find Dr Bashir.
- I will prepare the power transfer.

OK, Data.

We're gonna monitor every
subsystem in your positronic net.

If I see any neural pathways
overload beyond 65 percent,

I'm shutting down the experiment.

- Agreed.
- We're ready.

Initiating energy transfer.

Get ready, Data.

Power levels are rising.

It should be any second now.

The bird did not appear
in my original experience.

- This vision is different.
- Of course it's different.

It's never the same.

Always changing.


It doesn't make sense.

What is happening, Father?

I don't know, Data.

What is happening?

We are on the deck of the Enterprise.

My cat is present.

My potted plant.

And my paintings.

A beginning.

Still a little grounded
in the mundane, but...

..showing promise.

I do not understand.

You're not supposed to.

No man should know
where his dreams come from.

It spoils the mystery.

The fun.

I'm proud of you, son.

I wasn't sure you'd ever develop
the cognitive abilities

to make it this far.

But if you're here,
if you can see me, ...'ve crossed over the threshold

from being a collection
of circuits and subprocessors, ...

..and have started
a wonderful journey.

What type of journey?

Think of it...

Think of it as an empty sky.

I do not understand.


Just dream, Data.



You are the bird.

The images I saw while shut down

were generated by a series
of previously dormant circuits.

I believe Dr Soong incorporated them
into my program,

intending to activate them
once I reached a certain level.

The plasma shock
activated them prematurely.

That is correct.

I'm curious. Now they are active,
what will you do?

I plan to shut down
my cognitive functions each day.

I hope to generate new visions.

- It sounds like dreaming.
- An accurate analogy.


This might get me published
in the Starfleet Cybernetics Journal.

Would you mind
if I authored a paper on this?

- Of course not.
- Thank you, Data.

And sweet dreams.


I'm a friend.


Who are you?

- Worf, son of Mogh.
- Why have you come here?

I have come to find my father.
Is he alive?

- Is he here?
- Your father fell at Khitomer.

Did he die in battle?

He was fortunate.

- You were captured.
- Yes.

Romulans. They robbed you
of your right to die in battle.

There's little time.

How many Klingons
are being held here?


How many Romulans?

There are things
you do not understand.

- What do you mean?
- I must speak with the elders.

I knew your father well, Worf.
And I remember you.

A boy,
barely able to lift a bat'leth.

Once, your father insisted
we take you on the ritual hunt.

You were so eager, you tried to take
the beast with your bare hands.

It mauled your arm.

I still have the scar.

I do remember you now.

You should not have come here.

I do not understand.

You should not have come.

Who is this?

I am Worf. I can help you escape.

- He does not know.
- He must leave at once.

It's too late. He would bring others.

We are not leaving here
and neither are you.