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06x15 - Tapestry

Posted: 01/25/23 12:11
by bunniefuu
Bring the status units in here,
on line.

Dr Selar can use ward three
and I'll stay here.

- Sickbay, they're coming in now.
- Acknowledged. Be ready.

Let's go. Get him on here.

What happened?

The Lenarians att*cked us
outside the conference room.

He's in cardiac arrest.
Connect the pulmonary support units.

Internal haemorrhaging. The regulator
of his artificial heart is fused.

He's got liver and spleen damage.

- What kind of w*apon caused it?
- A compressed tetryon beam.

40cc inaprovaline.

The activity in the isocortex
is falling. Cortical stimulators.



His respiratory system
is shutting down.

Levels in the isocortex
are still falling. Damn!

Prepare for...

Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc.
You're dead.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Q, what is going on?

I told you. You're dead.

This is the afterlife and I'm God.

- You are not God!
- Blasphemy.

You're lucky I don't cast you out
or smite you.

The bottom line is, your life
ended about five minutes ago,

under the inept ministrations
of Dr Beverly Crusher.


I am not dead.

Because I refuse to believe
that the afterlife is run by you.

The universe
is not so badly designed.

Very well. If you require
more evidence

of your postmortem status,
I'll provide you some.

Jean-Luc, I told you
not to go to that Academy.


I told you Starfleet
would bring you to a bad end,

but you wouldn't listen.

Now look at you.
Dead before your time.

- Q, enough of this.
- Enough what?

Why couldn't you have listened?

Didn't you know that I worked
for your best interests?

Q, stop this.

After all these years,

even now, you manage
to disappoint me, Jean-Luc.

He's not the only one
who'd like a word with you.

Jean-Luc, why did you do it?

There are people down there!

- There must be another way.
- They're firing on us.

- If you continue on this course...
- Direct hit.

These are the voices
of all the people you've k*lled.

- Whom I've k*lled? What do you mean?
- Death has made you a little dim.

These are the voices
of all the people

who have died through your actions
or inactions.

If you have any words
of apology or regret,

I believe they're all listening.

They're a surly bunch,
so don't drag it out.

I won't perform for your amusement.

It's not for me. It's for you.

It's an opportunity
to make peace with your sordid past.

I can't believe you'd do this
for my soul.

Now that you've shuffled off
the mortal coil

we can spend a little time together.

A little time together?

- How much?
- Eternity.

You're sure you have no regrets
or guilt about your former life?

I can't have you whining
and complaining through time.

If I'm really dead, then my only
regret is dying and finding you here.

You wound me.

After all, I was not the cause
of your death.

This was.

- Is that...?
- Your artificial heart.

You might have lived
if you had a real one,

instead of
this unreliable technology.

By the way, how did you lose yours?

- A mistake.
- Is that a regret?

I regret many things from those days.


It wasn't very smart of you
to take on three Nausicaans, was it?

No, it wasn't.

And did I hear a laugh?

It's so unlike you
to have a sense of humour,

especially about getting stabbed
through the back.

I was different in those days.

Arrogant, undisciplined,
with far too much ego.

And too little wisdom.
I was more like you.

Then, you must have been far more
interesting. Pity you had to change.

The pity is, I had to be impaled
through the back

before I learned that lesson.

I started that fight
with those Nausicaans.

I started it because...

Because I was young and cocky.

If I'd been more responsible,
I wouldn't have needed this heart.

I wouldn't have died from
a random energy surge 30 years later.

So, if you had to do it
all over again?

Things would be different.

- Bravo.
- Nicely done.

Cortin. Cortin Zweller.

Yes. Boy, she must have hit you
pretty hard!

- You deserved it.
- You're slowing down, Johnny.

You should have seen
that one coming.

Marta Batanides.

- Are you OK?
- Yes, I'm fine.

I'm just a little disoriented,
that's all.

He's playing for sympathy now.

I'm gonna eat, then go to the casino
at Bonestell. You coming?

- I'll catch up with you there.
- You sure you're OK?

Yes, I'm fine.
Really, Marta, I'm fine.

Come on, Marty.
I bet he's got another date.

That's it, isn't it?
You are incorrigible.

Attention on deck, Ensign Picard!

- Q.
- That's Capt Q to you, young man.

What is the point
of creating this fantasy?

This is no fantasy, I assure you.
It's all very real.

You're 21 years old again.

A brash young man,
fresh out of the Academy.

I certainly don't look it.

Well, to everyone else you do.

So, Q, I thought you told me
that I was dead?

- Now it seems I'm alive.
- You mortals are so obtuse.

How can you believe life and death
are such static and rigid concepts?

I can take your life
and give it back to you again

with the snap of a finger.

Let's say that may be true.

What is the purpose
in bringing me here?

You said you regretted many things.

Here's a chance to change
some of them.

Change them?
You mean change the past?

Even if you have been able
to bring me back in time somehow,

you know that
an alteration in this timeline

will have a profound impact
on the future.

Please! Spare me
your egotistical musings

on your pivotal role in history.

Nothing you do here
will cause galaxies to explode.

To be blunt,
you're not that important.

I won't do it. I won't alter history.

Very well!

Since you attach so much importance
to the continuity of time, ...

..I give you my personal guarantee

that nothing you do here
will hurt anyone

or have an adverse effect
on what you know of as history.

The only thing at stake here
is your life and peace of mind.


whether you believe me or not,
you are here.

And you have a second chance.

What you choose to do with it
is entirely up to you.

Do you know where you are?

Starbase Earhart.
We came here right after graduation

to await our first
deep-space assignments.

That's right.

It's two days before your encounter
with a Nausicaan sword.

You have that long to make
whatever changes you wish.

If you can avoid
getting stabbed this time,

which I doubt, I will take you back
to what you think of as the present.

And you will go on with your life
with a real heart.

- Then, I won't die?
- Of course you'll die.

It'll just be at a later time.

What if I don't avoid the fight?
What if I won't make the changes?

Then, you die on the table
and we spend eternity together.

- Wonderful.
- I'm glad you think so.

I'm curious about one thing, Johnny.

Why did that attractive woman strike
you just now? Something you said?

Her name was Corlina.
I'd arranged to take her out today.

Then she discovered that

I had already made a second date
with another woman called...


And Corlina was, naturally, upset.

I'd no idea you were such a cad.
I'm impressed.

- Computer, what is the time now?
- 16 11 hours.

In fact, Penny is waiting for me,
right now.

Well, ... carry on.

Well, you're awfully quiet today.

What happened to that dashing young
ensign from last night?

The one with the winning smile
and the smooth talk about my eyes.

I'm just
a little more contemplative.

And what are you contemplating?


Do you think we could talk
for a while? I hardly know you.

Where you're from, what your
interests are, your last name.

I come from Rigel, my last name
is Muroc and I like men in uniform.

I think that's enough talking.

What's wrong? I don't look
as attractive as I did last night?

No. Not at all.

I think
you're a very handsome woman.

Handsome? That's something
you say to old ladies.

You're certainly not an old lady.

I didn't want your pity.

Penny for your thoughts.

You never told me
you were such a ladies' man.

I wasn't. I was a puerile adolescent

led by his hormones
instead of his head.

Your friends know how to have fun.
You ought to take lessons.

Excuse me.

- He's winning.
- Of course.

I thought you had a date.

She decided to leave.

You're getting old, Johnny.

Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you.

Very, very nice. Forget Starfleet
and play dom-jot for a living.

This is nothing. A little
trigonometry, some wrist action.

Now, barokie, there's a game.


Play dom-jot, human.

I think I could be persuaded
to play one more game.

Corey, don't play him.

- Why?
- It?ll cause trouble.

He's a Nausicaan.

They can get very ill-tempered
if they lose.

- So can I.
- No, listen to me.

- This is a mistake. Don't play him.
- What's gotten into you?

Let's go.

I see you've found
your Nausicaan friend.

You seem unimpaled so far.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Get him, Corey.

Ensign Zweller
seems to be doing well.

He's gonna lose.
The Nausicaan is cheating.

Really? I'm beginning
to like these Nausicaans.

If history repeats itself, Corey
will figure it out later tonight,

and then he'll want revenge.

And will you help your best friend
avenge this injustice?

I did last time.

I rigged the table
so that he would win in a rematch.

Picard, you cheated?

- I'm impressed.
- It was a stupid mistake.

The Nausicaan didn't take kindly
to losing. Nor his friends.

They were outraged.
They wanted a fight.

I gave them one.

That's a beautiful story.

It gets you right here, doesn't it?


Dom-jot. Human play dom-jot.

I've played a lot of dom-jot.

I've never seen balls
roll that well for anyone.

- So, he was cheating?
- I bet he had a magnetic device.

- It was controlling the balls.
- That's terrible.

- We gotta get even.
- What did you have in mind?

Well, we can do to him
what he did to us. Cheat.

This time, we rig the table
so his device will backfire on him.

That won't solve anything.

It'll teach him not to go
round cheating Starfleet officers.

All it'll do is provoke him.

And provoking a Nausicaan
is not a good idea.

I can handle him.

What if he brings
some of his Nausicaan friends?

That's when I'll have to depend
on my friends to help me out.

Corey, there's got to be
a better way to handle this.

When did you start backing away
from a good fight?

Look, we're not cadets any more.
We're officers.

We should set
a higher standard for ourselves.

It was a good idea
but let's just forget it, OK?

He'll get over it.

I hope so.

- What?
- Nothing.

It's just you'd usually
be the one plotting revenge.

Yes. That would be
more in character, wouldn't it?


I always suspected you had
a hidden streak of responsibility.

Perhaps it's just
that I'm getting older.

Maybe these bars are starting
to feel a little heavy, Ensign.

Ensign Picard and Ensign Batanides.
It sounds weird, doesn't it?

It's going to take
some getting used to.

It's too bad we can't
get used to it together.

- Well, the three of us, I mean.
- Of course.



Is there a John-Luck Pickard here?

From one of your conquests,
no doubt.

I guess some things
aren't going to change.

Did I interrupt anything sordid,
I hope?

No, Q, you did not.

Pity. She's quite attractive.

We were friends. Nothing more.

Is that another regret I hear?
My, my.

We're riddled with regrets
about our youth, aren't we?

My friendship with Marta
is not something I regret.

But you wish it had been more
than friendship?

Well, maybe you can change all that.

Q, what is it you want?

You should know Mr. Zweller
has decided not to take your advice.

He's in the Bonestell Facility

rigging the table
to beat the Nausicaan.

I guess you weren't that persuasive.


Don't sneak up on me. I thought
you were the foreman.


I'm glad you're here.
Hand me that magnaspanner.

I'm not here to help.

I'm here to stop you
from making a serious mistake.

You sound like my mother.

Cheating the Nausicaans could have
consequences for all of us.

- It's too big a risk.
- You are my mother!

Gee, Mom, I'll tell those Nausicaans
I don't mind if they cheat me.

- This is not a joke.
- It better be.

Now, I'm gonna finish my work here.

If you wanna help me, fine.
If not, I'll see you at the star base.

I said you're not doing this.

Are you gonna hit me, Johnny?


I'll tell the gambling foreman
someone tampered with his table.


Have it your way, Ensign Picard.

I just couldn't make him understand.

- At least he finally did give it up.
- But he didn't take it well.

You know Corey. He'll forget
all about it by tomorrow.

I hope you're right, because he and I
were friends for years after this.

I mean, I hope we will be.

You know, ... keep smiling at me.

Well, I've just never seen you
like this before.

You're so serious.

Do I really seem that different?

Maybe I'm just not used to seeing you
in your officer's uniform.

No, it's more than that.

You do seem different.

Well, I'm not complaining
or anything.

- I think it suits you.
- Really?


It's very attractive.


Haven't you ever thought
about us getting together?

Yes, I have, actually.

I've thought about it
for a long time.

- Why didn't you ever say so?
- I don't know.

And at this moment, ...

..I really have no idea why not.

You've said so now.

Morning, darling.

Feeling a little jumpy this morning?

Are we guilty, perhaps?

I don't feel guilty
about anything, Q.


"We're just friends, Q.
Nothing more."

And we're still friends.

So, what's next?

I don't know.

What I do know is,
things will be different.

I'm sure.

- Good morning.
- Johnny.

What's wrong?

Well, this is the morning after.

Look, I don't regret
anything that happened last night.

I hope you don't either.

I don't know.

We've been friends for a long time...

..and now...

..I?m afraid we've ruined
that friendship.

Then, perhaps we should...

..forget about what happened
and try to...

I wish I could.

It would be much easier
to say goodbye tomorrow.

We're all supposed
to get together later

for our last big night out
before we all ship out.

Don't do anything
that makes you uncomfortable.

We've planned it.

I'll be there.

Well, let's see.

You've managed
to get slapped by one woman,

a drink thrown in your face
by another,

and alienate your two best friends.
Doing well so far.

The only thing left to avoid is
getting stabbed through the heart.

I think you'll like the Ajax.

I hear that Capt Narth
is an excellent officer.

So I hear.

Well, here's to the class of '27.

Play dom-jot, human.

Give you a better chance.

Give you a bigger stick maybe.

I don't think we're interested.

They are undari.


What did you say?

Coward. Like all Starfleet.

You talk and you talk,
but you have no guramba.

- Why don't we find out?
- Don't be a fool.

Play dom-jot with someone else.
Just go about your business.

Maybe I play with her.
Give her a good time.


I'm sorry, Corey.
He was reaching for a w*apon.

I don't know who you are any more,

but you're not my friend.

Goodbye, Johnny.

Congratulations, mon capitaine.
You did it.

Can I help you, Mr. Picard?

Mr. Worf.

This is not for me.

Take it to Cmdr La Forge
in Engineering.

What's happened?

- Is something wrong?
- I'm not sure.

Mr. Worf,
what is my rank and position?

You are lieutenant junior grade,
Assistant Astrophysics Officer.

Are you feeling alright?

Who's the captain of this ship?

Capt Thomas Halloway.

Perhaps I should escort you
to sickbay.

No. I can find my own way there.
Thank you, Commander.

Beverly, something's happened.

- I'm not sure...
- Well, well, well.

What seems to be the trouble,
Leutnant Picard?

Q, what have you done?

I've done exactly as I promised.
I've returned you to the present.

This is not the present I remember.
You said nothing would change.

Nothing has changed,
Jean-Luc, except for you.

But that's what you wanted.

To change the man you were
in your youth. You did it.

This is the man you are today.

And you should be happy.

You have a real heart
beating in your chest.

You live out the rest of your life
in safety,

running tests, making analyses

and carrying reports
to your superiors.

Excuse me, am I interrupting?

- No, not at all. Have a seat.
- Thank you.

I'd like to talk to you
about my future on the Enterprise.

Of course, Lieutenant.

- Jean-Luc, isn't it?
- I should go.

No. I would very much
like to hear your thoughts.

First of all, I would like you
to be straightforward with me.

How would you evaluate me
as an officer?

Well, your performance records
have always been good.

You're thorough, dedicated.

Steady, reliable.


I see.

What would you say if I told you

that I believed that I was capable
of being very much more?

Let's discuss this
at your next evaluation.

I would appreciate discussing it now.

You see, I feel that I would like
to move beyond Astrophysics

to Engineering or Security,

that might even lead to Command.

Frankly, Lieutenant,
I don't think that's realistic.


This isn't the place to discuss this.

This is very important to me.

I believe that I can do more.

Hasn't that been the problem
all along?

Throughout your career
you've had lofty goals,

but you've never been willing

to do what's necessary
to attain them.

Would that be your evaluation?

I agree with the Counsellor.

To get ahead, take chances.

Stand out in a crowd, get noticed.

I see.

We don't want to lose you.
You're a good officer.

Just not one who stands out.

I'll talk to Cmdr La Forge
in Engineering.

But, Command?

Well, ... we'll see.

Senior officers,
report to the Captain's ready room.


We should talk about this later.

Alright, Q, that's enough.

You've made your point.


La Forge to Lt Picard.

I'm still waiting
for that statistical analysis.

I'm on my way.

Main Engineering.

Are you having a good laugh now, Q?

Does it amuse you to think of me

living out my life
as a dreary man in a tedious job?

I gave you something
most mortals never experience.

A second chance at life.

And now all you can do is complain?

I can't live out my days
as that person.

That man is bereft of passion
and imagination!

That is not who I am!

Au contraire,
he's the person you wanted to be.

One who was less arrogant
and undisciplined in his youth.

One who was less like me.

The Jean-Luc you wanted to be,

the one who did not fight
the Nausicaan,

had a different career
from the one you remember.

That Picard never had a brush
with death,

never faced his own mortality,

never realized how fragile life is,
how important each moment must be.

His life never came into focus.

He drifted for much of his career,
with no plan or agenda,

going from one assignment
to the next,

never seizing the opportunities
that presented themselves.

He never led the away team
on Milika III to save the ambassador,

or take charge of the Stargazer's
bridge when its captain was k*lled.

And no one ever offered him
a command.

He learned to play it safe.

And he never, ever
got noticed by anyone.

You're right, Q.

You gave me the chance to change
and I took the opportunity.

But I admit now, it was a mistake.

Are you asking me for something,

Let me put things back
the way they were before.

Before you died in sickbay.
Is that what you want?

I would rather die as the man I was
than live the life I just saw.

Coward! Like all Starfleet.

You talk and you talk,
but you have no guramba.

- What did you say?
- I said, you are a coward.

That's what I thought you said.

His vital signs are stable.



You were injured, but I think
you're going to be alright.

I still don't know
what to make of it.

Was it a dream?

Or was it
one of Q's elaborate tricks?

A lot of people near death
have strange experiences,

but I have
never heard one so detailed.

There's still part of me
that cannot accept

that Q would give me a second chance,

or that he'd demonstrate
so much compassion.

And if it was Q, ...

..I owe him a debt of gratitude.

In what sense?
He put you through hell.

There are many parts of my youth
that I'm not proud of.

There were loose threads.

Untidy parts of me
that I would like to remove.

But when I pulled
on one of those threads, ... unravelled the tapestry
of my life.

I was just trying to imagine
a hellbent-for-leather young officer

insulting a Nausicaan twice his size.

I wish I could know
that Jean-Luc Picard.

That wasn't the first run-in I had
with a couple of surly Nausicaans.

- Really?
- Yes.

During my sophomore year, I was
assigned to training on Morikin VII.

There was a Nausicaan outpost
on an outlying asteroid. One day...