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06x12 - Ship In A Bottle

Posted: 01/25/23 12:09
by bunniefuu
It was then I suspected that your
brother did not die by his own hand.

That he was, in fact...


m*rder*d? Huh! Good Lord!

But, Holmes! The vial of poison
found in his hand!

That was the first clue.

The vial contained strychnine
which induces violent spasms.

I cannot imagine someone in
the throes of so gruesome a death

could hold on to so delicate
a container without shattering it.

You don't mean...

Exactly! The vial was placed
in his hand after he died.

- Then what was the cause of death?
- The cigar, of course.


Upon investigation of the room
in which your brother was found,

I discovered a fresh burn mark
on the carpet.

The ash revealed
the cigar was laced with strychnine.

This is utter nonsense!
What about the su1c1de note?

It was written
in my dear brother's own hand.

With practice,
handwriting can be forged.

It takes a trained eye
to notice certain... discrepancies.

For example, whether someone
is right- or left-handed.

Your brother was right-handed.

The note was written by a left-
handed individual such as yourself.

Data, it's in his right hand.


There seems to be a problem
with the spatial-orientation systems.

London's greatest detective?

Freeze program.

- La Forge to Barclay.
- Barclay here.

Reg, something went wrong
with the holodeck again.

I'm sorry.
I'll look into it right away.

Thanks, Reg.
We should get back to Engineering.

Computer, end program and save.

Whoa, Reg!

Sorry, I'm just on my way.

Sherlock Holmes program 3A
has very curious anomalies.

A glitch in the matrix diodes.
I'll track it down.

Thanks, Reg. See you later.

Computer, run a diagnostic
on all Sherlock Holmes files.

Display any anomalous
programming sequences.

Diagnostic complete. All files
conform to specified parameters,

except those in protected memory.

Protected memory?
Display those sequences.

Computer, unlock sequence
and run the program.

- Who are you?
- Professor James Moriarty.

That's Sherlock Holmes's arch-enemy.

- Are you left or right-handed?
- Left.

Would you mind...?

No problem.

Where is Capt Picard?
Is he still captain of this vessel?

How would...?
How do you know the Captain?

You don't know anything
about what happened, do you?

I have been stored
for God knows how long.

- No one has given me a thought.
- You know!

You know what you are!

A holodeck character?
A fictional man?

Yes, I know all about
your marvellous inventions.

I was created as a plaything

so that your Cmdr Data
could masquerade as Sherlock Holmes.

But they made me too well.

I became
more than a character in a story.

I became self-aware. I...

am alive.

- That's not possible.
- But here I am.

Tell me,

has a way been found to allow me
to leave this holodeck world?

Leave the holodeck? Of course not!
You can only exist here.

Damn you, Picard.

He promised me
something would be done.

I should have realized he would say
anything for my hostage.


How long have I been...
locked away?

Well, it looks like about...

four years.

It seemed longer.

You can't have been aware
of the passage of time!

But I was. Brief,
terrifying periods of consciousness.

Disembodied. Without substance.

I don't see
how that could be possible.

Maybe there was a fragmentation
of the memory circuits.

Call it what you will.

All I know is, despite Picard's
promise, he has done nothing.

Just left me to go quietly mad.

The Captain would not have forgotten
his promise.

I'd like to talk to him.

Well, I can ask.

Ask him to meet me
in the sitting room at Baker Street.

I'll have to store you in memory
again until I get an answer.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 46424. 1.

The Enterprise is in the Detrian
system for a unique celestial event.

The collision of two planets.

Since both planets are gas giants,
neither possesses solid surface.

Their atmospheres will come into
contact in 17 hours, nine minutes.

If their collision causes a fusion
reaction, this is what we may see.

The birth of a new star.

The Enterprise will hold position
till we can get in for a look.

I want triple redundancy
on all sensor arrays.

We'll probably never get
another chance to see this. OK?

Commander, you'll never believe what
happened with your holodeck program.

Professor Moriarty appeared.
Out of nowhere.


And he wants to talk
to the Captain.

Computer, begin Sherlock Holmes 3A

and place us in the drawing room
at 221B Baker Street.

Program complete.

Computer, access protected memory
and run Moriarty program.

It's good to see you again.

If you'd missed my company, you
should have summoned me before now.

I assure you, we did not forget.

We spent time investigating
how you became self-aware.

it still remains a mystery.

It is also irrelevant.

What concerns me
is how to leave the holodeck.

We have wrestled with that, too,
but without success.

But we turned it over to Starfleet's
most experienced scientists.

What did your finest minds
come up with?

they have not arrived at a solution.

I see.

Professor, I am concerned to learn

that you experienced
the passage of time

while you were stored
in the computer.

I assure you, we had no idea
that would be the case.

Enough of this.
I no longer believe anything you say.

- I understand your frustration.
- Do you really?

When this is over, you will walk
out to your own concerns

and leave me trapped
in a world I know to be an illusion.

I cannot bear that. I must leave.

That is not possible.
You cannot exist outside this room.

- Are you certain of that?
- Computer, exit.

Although objects appear solid
on the holodeck, ... the real world,
they have no substance.

An object has no life. I do.

you are a computer simulation.

I have consciousness.
Conscious beings have will.

The mind endows them with powers
that are not necessarily understood.

Even by you.

If my will is strong enough,

perhaps I can exist
outside this room.

Perhaps I can walk
into your world right now.

Professor, believe me.

If you step out,
you will cease to exist.

If I am no more
than a computer simulation,

then very little
will have been lost.

But if I am right...

Mind over matter...

Cogito ergo sum.

I think therefore I am.

Data to Security, two officers
to holodeck three.

- How is this possible?
- It contradicts holodeck physics.

Perhaps you know
less than you thought.

Please allow
our doctor to examine you.

Certainly, sir.

I'd recognize them in any century.

As far as I can tell, he's real.
He's human.

What else would I be, dear lady?

His DNA is a little unusual

but all the major systems
are functioning normally.

As far as I can tell, his molecules
have not lost any cohesion.

They seem as immutable
as ordinary matter.

Well, Professor, my crew will
continue to investigate, but...

..for now
you have accomplished a miracle.

The question is, now that
you're here, what do we do with you?

I ask only that I be allowed
to explore this new world.

Your vessel, for instance.
What sea does she sail?

Might we go above deck?

Weather permitting, of course.


I think there are things
of which you should be aware.

My God!
We're adrift in the heavens.

No, not adrift.

The Enterprise is a starship,
capable of travelling through space.


Are we far from Earth?

What is its range?
What is its means of locomotion?

There is so much to learn.
Where to start?

I can give you books.

Good. I want to start making plans.

Determine what to do with my life.

I hope you plan
on remaining on board.

There is much we need to understand
about what has happened.

Does it really matter?

The point is, I'm here,
eager to get on with life.

Professor, I feel it necessary
to point out that criminal behaviour

is as unacceptable
in the 24th century as in the 19th.

And very much harder
to get away with.

Don't worry, Captain,
my past is nothing but a fiction.

The scribblings of an Englishman,
dead for four centuries.

I hope to leave his books
on the shelf, as it were.

If that is so,
there are opportunities awaiting you

that are beyond anything
you have ever imagined.

Your century may welcome me, but...

What is the matter?

In considering
all these vast possibilities, ...

..I suddenly feel very much alone.

I am a man out of time, Captain.
That isolates me.

You have been more gracious
than I could have imagined.

I wonder.

May I impose
upon your generosity once again?

There is a woman,
the Countess Regina Barthalomew.

She was created as
a holodeck character for Cmdr Data.

She was designed
to be the love of my life.

Could she also be brought off
the holodeck?

Professor, believe me when I say

that we do not know how or why you
are able to exist off the holodeck.

I do believe you.

According to the laws of physics,
this is impossible.

We have no idea how to do it again.

As I understand it,

I was endowed with consciousness

when someone said to the computer,

"Create an opponent with a capacity
to out-think Data."

Or words to that effect. Make
a similar request for the Countess.

Even if I had reason
to believe it would be successful,

I don't think I could sanction it.
Please understand

that you are,
in essence, a new life form.

One we didn't intend to create
and don't fully understand.

The moral and ethical implications

of deliberately creating
another like you are overwhelming.

Is it morally
and ethically acceptable

to deny the woman I love so that
your conscience can be at ease?

Are you saying you will dictate
how I live my life?

I assure you, we will do everything
to make you comfortable.

So long as I accept
the terms of those comforts?


I am a powerless man.

You hold my future,
my happiness, ... very life in your hands.


Consider my request.

I understand his frustration.

We created him and then her
to be the woman he loves.

Surely we have some responsibility
to them.

It's romantic but until we know more,
I don't think we should try it again.

Even if we decided to do it,
there is no guarantee we could.

There is no way of knowing

if the Professor's ability
to exist is permanent.

It may be unwise to create a second
individual without certainty.

Agreed. We don't have enough
information about this...

phenomenon to act responsibly.

I think
we'll hold off on his request.

But continue with your investigation.

In the meantime, I have to deal
with Professor Moriarty.

I feel we must postpone action
until we learn more.

Yes, you know all about that.

I stayed in your computer for years
waiting for you to learn more.

It wasn't until I took matters over
that something got done.

Professor, why are you in a hurry?

Is this woman involved with you
in some illegal venture?

Your computer designed her as a
person with impeccable integrity.

- She would never commit a crime.
- You must love her very much.

The program fashioned her
for me to love.

But I must admit,
I would have done so, anyway.

She is remarkable.

My life has not been the same
since I met her.

I don't simply love her, Captain.
I adore her.

Then her safety
must be important to you.

Give us time to determine
what is going on.

So we can minimize the risks
in bringing her to you.

You wouldn't want to lose her
because we acted too quickly.

- Riker to Capt Picard.
- Picard here.

- Could you join us?
- On my way.

There they are, Captain.

- How long before they coalesce?
- Five hours, sir.

Mr. Worf, launch four class-A probes
towards the planet.

Aye, sir.

- Mr. Worf?
- I don't understand.

The controls are not responding.

Command functions are being rerouted.

- For what reason?
- Unknown, sir.

Computer, route
command functions to the bridge.

Command functions are off line.

Reinitialize on my authorization.

Authorization denied.


Picard command codes
are no longer valid.

What's happening?

Who's transferred
the voice authorization?

I have.

I'm afraid I had no choice
but to take control.

If you harm me, I will not be
able to relinquish voice control.

Professor, this situation
is more serious than you realize.

In five hours,

those planets will collide
and a new star will form.

Unless we move,
this vessel will be destroyed.

I'm just a fictional character.
I haven't much to lose.

But surely you wish to live?

- Not without the Countess.
- We've discussed that.

We are studying means of bringing her
safely off the holodeck.

But five hours is not enough time.

I'm not so sure.

A deadline has a wonderful way
of concentrating the mind.

Mr. Data,
will you investigate the possibility

of complying
with Professor Moriarty's request?

Aye, sir.

In the meantime, ...

..we have a few things to discuss.

Let us consider
the transporter system.

It uses the same principles
as the holodeck.

Both are capable of converting
energy into matter.

But the transporter
reconstitutes permanent form.

Holodeck matter has no cohesion
outside the grid.

I wonder.

What would happen if we beamed
a holodeck object off the grid?

A holodeck object is a simulation.

There is no pattern-lock
for the transporter.

However, if it were possible
to lock on to the object,

it might rematerialize with the
same cohesion as conventional matter.

I don't think the transporter
will accept simulated matter.

Unless we could find a way
to compensate for the phase variance.

If we could modify
the pattern enhancers we might do it.

Professor Moriarty has agreed
not to interfere with operations

so long as he believes we are acting
in good faith. Any progress?

We were talking
about using the transporter

to beam the Countess
off the holodeck.

- But I don't see how it would work.
- Keep at it.

I have to tell him that we are
making progress. Mr. La Forge?

Do you have any idea how Moriarty
gained control of the ship?

Somehow, he managed to override
the lockouts and rewrite them.

The man is brilliant
in any century.

I want you to find some way... undo what he has done... that we can regain control
of this ship.

Set the pattern enhancers around
whatever you wish to transport.

I will go to the transporter room
and begin modifications.

run Sherlock Holmes program 3A.

That program is already in use.

Have you come to see Mr. Holmes
or Professor Moriarty?

Neither is in just now.

No, I'm not here to see anyone.

..just here to deliver these.

Fine. Just...

..put them anywhere.

Well, actually,
I have to put them right here.

How curious! Why's that?

It has to do with... Nothing
you need to worry about, Countess.

Are you suggesting
that it's beyond my comprehension?

It's very simple.

I need to enhance
the molecular pattern of this chair

so that the transporter can get
a better lock on the signal.

This has to do with taking James
and me into the real world.

You know about that?
You understand about the real world?

James has explained it.
It sounds like a grand adventure.

There's nothing I love more
than voyaging in the unknown.

Have you ever been to Africa,

Barclay. Lt Reginald Barclay.
No, I haven't.

I have.

When I was 17,
I went on safari with my uncle.

My mother had a terror
I'd be bitten by tsetse fly.

But I had a marvellous time.

I got to wear trousers
the whole time.

It was hard to go back to a corset,
I can tell you.

Yes, I'm sure it was.

After that,
I never stopped travelling.

I couldn't bear to be stuck
in one place,

so I'm so looking forward
to this new experience!


Travelling the stars!

You know about that?
You know where we are?

Countess, you just don't
sound like a holodeck character.

That's because she isn't.


If you loved this woman,

would you let her
remain a simulation?

You gave her consciousness?

Yes, as it was given to me.

- I'm not sure that's a good idea.
- Nonsense!

Have you taken her off the holodeck?

No. I am unwilling
to risk the Countess's safety.

I want to make sure nothing happens.

We may be closer to freedom
than you think.

These... devices
will enhance our molecular patterns.

They'll help take us
into the real world.

Please proceed.

We're going to try
this chair first.

We didn't want to try it
on the Countess yet.

How thoughtful!
Isn't he thoughtful, James?

Barclay to Cmdr Data.

- Go ahead, Lieutenant.
- I'm ready.

Modifications are complete.

- Stand by.
- Standing by.

Activating pattern enhancers.


I am having difficulty
establishing a pattern lock.

Boost the confinement beam, please.

Pattern lock established.



Do you have the chair, Commander?


It lost cohesion
as soon as the cycle was complete.

Well, it was a long shot
to begin with.

Agreed. However, we may learn
something from the attempt.

Computer, display the transport
logs from the sequence.

what is being displayed here?

Transport log 759.

That is the correct log.
No information is being presented.

Well, that's impossible.

It's almost as if our attempt
to transport the chair...

..never occurred.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

I think I've found a way to
reinstate your vocal authorizations.

Computer, route command functions
to this location.

Command functions are off line.

Reinitialize them
on my authorization.

Please input command codes.

Picard, epsilon 793.

Command codes verified.

That should do it. Wait a minute.

It didn't work. The computer
won't release the command pathways.


- Why did you do that?
- Captain.

I have determined how Moriarty
was able to leave the holodeck.

He never did. Neither did we.

None of this is real.
It is a simulation.

We are still on the holodeck.

- We're still on the holodeck?
- How do you know that?

Through deduction, sir.

Lt Barclay and I tried to transport
an object off the holodeck,

that has never been attempted.

Since the transporter
is a simulation,

the computer had no real data
for the transport logs.

Maybe it was a malfunction
in the transporter.

Then I saw you working the pad
with your left hand.

Cmdr La Forge is right-handed.
A similar malfunction occurred

in the Sherlock Holmes program
before Moriarty first appeared.

Mr. Data, if what you say is true,
this is not Geordi.

Are you certain?

Computer, discontinue program.

Computer, exit.

Moriarty has programmed the holodeck
to accept only his commands.

- Picard to bridge.
- Riker here.

Number One,
what is my present location?

Engineering. Is something wrong, sir?

No. Thank you. Picard out.

Our combadges are also simulations.

If that had been Riker,
he would have said holodeck three.

Mr. La Forge,
would you excuse us, please?

Mr. Data, who is real here?

You and I are real, sir,
as is Lt Barclay.

We entered the holodeck together
when we went to meet Moriarty.

And from that point, we have been
in a holodeck simulation

created by Professor Moriarty?

I believe so, sir.

I have given the computer
my command codes,

I would get control of the ship.

You may have given Professor Moriarty

the means of gaining control
over the real Enterprise.

Since Moriarty has never
actually left the holodeck,

he may demand that Cmdr Riker
help him to do so.

How long
until the planetary collision?

Less than three hours.

So long as Moriarty has control
of the ship, we are vulnerable.

Somehow, ...

..I have to find a way
of giving him what he wants.

Where is Capt Picard? What have you
done with Barclay and Data?

They are safe... for now.

- Release control of this ship.
- I am afraid I can't do that.

What do you want?

I only want what you have the luxury
of taking for granted.

I want to leave this holodeck.

You know that's impossible.

Your crewmates here in my little...
ship in a bottle

seem a bit more optimistic.

They attempted
to use your transporter

to remove a simulated object
from the holodeck.

They must have thought
they had something.

Their attempt was futile.
Their transporter was a facsimile.

I expect more from you.

Just because ours is real
doesn't mean it will work.

I sense a distressing lack
of enthusiasm on your parts.


Warp-core temperature is rising,
approaching critical levels.

I have nothing to lose, Commander.

Mr. La Forge,
start working on the problem.

Aye, sir.

Core temperature dropping.

Computer, resume program.

Hello. Have we met?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

James has told me all about you.

Regina, Countess Barthalomew.

Do sit down.

- May I offer you tea, Captain?
- Thank you, no.

I've come here to prevail
on your intelligence and insight.

But not apparently my humility?

Credit where credit is due, madam.

I see you have not only breeding
but wit and sagacity.

And you, sir, are a man of charm...
and guile.

You remind me
of Viscount Oglethorpe.

He was a man who could bewitch
any woman who breathed.

Do you suspect
that that is my intent?

I cannot be certain of your intent.

But I am certain you're a man
who usually gets what he wants.

What does a woman like you
see in a man like Moriarty?

He's an exciting man, Captain.

He's brilliant. Incisive.

He's ruthless.

He has...
an almost irresistible appeal.

He's an arch-criminal.

Only because he was written
like that.

I see him entirely differently.

Captain, he is not a villain.

So it's your desire to leave
the holodeck to be with him?

More than anything.

Can you help us?

Yes, I can.

We have learned that if we uncouple
the Heisenberg compensators

and allow them
to re-scramble randomly,

then we can beam a holodeck object,
or a person, off the grid

with all the cohesion
of conventional matter.

That's splendid. I must tell James.

No, please! Wait.

I have brought you
this information because... are someone who would
listen to a reasonable proposition.

whose mind is open to compromise.

- Yes.
- My ship is in danger.

It is imperative
that I regain navigational control.

I want you to persuade Moriarty
to return the voice command to me.

Or I will not modify
the transporter.

I see.

Now, once I have regained
voice command,

I will transport you
from the holodeck.

Forgive me, but that sounds
more like a threat than a compromise.

Countess, you must understand

that I am responsible
for more than 1,000 lives.

I will do what I can.

The gravity well is intensifying.

- Are we far enough away?
- It's too soon to tell.

Riker to Lt Worf.
How are you doing?

Force fields are blocking access
to the holodeck.

It will take time to disable them.

- Keep trying.
- Aye, sir.

Think, my dear.

You're certain they have to uncouple
the Heisenberg compensators?

Yes, I'm quite certain.

But he won't do it unless you
return control of the ship to him.

I have them running around
like rats in a maze.

What harm would there be
in accepting his proposition?

My dear,
you are brilliant and beautiful.

Nonetheless, there are things
you do not understand.

You must let me handle this.

Computer, arch.

Moriarty to Cmdr Riker.

Riker here.

Cmdr Riker, a pleasure, as always.

I don't have time for games,

This ship is in a gravity well.

It will be destroyed
within 25 minutes, holodeck and all.

Then I'm sure you'll be motivated
to listen to me carefully.

I want you to talk about uncoupling
the Heisenberg compensators.

James, when we leave here,
where exactly are we going?

Everywhere, my darling.

There are more worlds in the heavens
than grains of sand on a shore.

I wish I could take my books.

I'll get you more. Don't worry,
you'll want for nothing.

- Riker to Moriarty.
- It's time.

- Yes, Commander?
- We're ready.

- As are we.
- Step into the transport area.

We're ready here.

Activating pattern enhancers.

Welcome aboard.

May I present
Regina, the Countess Barthalomew?

- Countess.
- Commander.

You'll forgive me
if I skip the formalities.

Yes. I expect you want me to
relinquish my hold on your vessel.

- Please.
- That won't be possible just yet.

- We had an agreement.
- I will honour it.

I have no desire
to see your vessel destroyed.

Just give me one shuttlecraft
and allow us to leave in peace.

We don't have time for this.
Release those command codes.

I will not release your vessel

until I am looking at it
through a shuttlecraft window.

It's programmed to operate
on voice command.

- Just say where you want to go.
- Excellent.

I suggest you head for Meles II,
the nearest inhabited planet.

The people are friendly.
Where you go then is your business.

Please tell your captain
I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye.

I wish I could see his face
when he realizes where he's been.

Every second we waste puts
us in danger.

Don't worry. You'll soon have
control of your ship.

Goodbye, Commander. Thank you.

Computer, prepare to depart.

Open shuttle bay doors.

This is so beautiful.

Indeed, my dear.
It is a wondrous sight.

The first of many we are sure
to encounter in our travels.

Computer, interface with the
central computer on the Enterprise.

Interface complete.

Release command-function lockouts.

Authorization, ...

..Moriarty, Alpha 24159.

- James.
- Yes, my love?

Can we go back to Earth some day?

Of course, my dear.

Of course.

Computer, store program Picard
Delta One. Discontinue simulation.

Program stored.

Well, it worked. They believed it.

Did Moriarty release
the voice commands?

Let's find out. Computer, discontinue
Moriarty's holodeck simulation.

So far, so good. This is the
holodeck on the real Enterprise.

- Picard to bridge.
- Are you alright?

Yes, Number One. What is your status?

Our systems came back on line.

- And the planetary collision?
- We're at a safe distance.

We'll join you shortly.

- Captain.
- Mr. Worf, everything is alright.

How did you do it?

We managed to program the holodeck
inside the holodeck

and used the same ruse
Moriarty used on us.

When he contacted the bridge,
he was speaking to a simulation.

He never knew
he hadn't left the holodeck?

The program is continuing
to run even now inside that cube.

A miniature holodeck?

In a way, Doctor.
However, there is no physicality.

The program is continuous,
but only within the circuitry.

As far as Moriarty knows,
they're halfway to Meles II by now.

This enhancement module
has enough active memory

to provide them with experiences
for a lifetime.

They will live their lives
and never know any difference.

In a sense, you did give
Moriarty what he wanted.

In a sense. Who knows? Our reality
may be very much like theirs.

All this might be
just an elaborate simulation,

running inside a little device
sitting on someone's table.

we have a newborn star to study.

- Mr. Barclay, keep that safe.
- Aye, sir.

Computer, end program.