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06x10 - Chain Of Command, Part I

Posted: 01/25/23 12:06
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 46357.4.

We have rendezvoused
with the Starship Cairo,

near the Cardassian border

for an urgent
meeting with Vice Admiral Necheyev.


- Capt Jean-Luc Picard.
- Admiral, welcome aboard.

Thank you.
That'll be all, Commander.

- Coffee? Tea?
- Thank you, no.

I'm afraid there's
no time for pleasantries.

I'm here to relieve you
of command of the Enterprise.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

The Cardassian forces recently
withdrawn from the Bajoran Sector

have been redeployed
along the Federation border.

They have mobilized three divisions

and increased subspace
communications by 50 percent.

They may be preparing for
an incursion into Federation space.

Are the Cardassians ready for a w*r?

I didn't say w*r. I said incursion.

Intelligence reports suggest

they'll try to seize
a disputed system on the border.

They may be gambling that
we won't go to w*r over one system.

Will we?

I hope we won't need
to make that decision.

The Enterprise is to meet the
Cardassian representative for talks.

We hope the presence of
the Federation flagship on the border

will send a message
about how seriously we view this.

Where's Capt Picard?

The Captain, Chief Medical Officer
and Security Chief

have been reassigned.
That's all I can tell you.

- Do you know Edward Jellico?
- He's in command of the Cairo.

I've heard of him. I don't know...

I'm giving him
command of the Enterprise.

Capt Jellico helped negotiate
the original armistice two years ago.

I believe he is the most qualified
person to lead this mission.

The change of command will
take place at 1300. Thank you.

Admiral, with all due respect,

Capt Jellico needn't be given command
just to conduct a negotiation.

I disagree. The Enterprise
will be in a dangerous situation.

I want someone who has a lot of
experience with the Cardassians.

No offence, Commander,
but that's not you.

- Halt!
- Computer, freeze program.

You were five seconds slower
that time.

You increased the difficulty, sir.

It'll be more difficult
where we're going.

- Which is where exactly?
- I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet.

It would help
to know about our mission.

Mr. Worf, I have my orders.
I'm sure you understand.

Doctor, this deflector
wasn't set properly.

The emitter ray must block
the entire passage, or it's useless.

Sorry, I was busy escaping from
that Cardassian,

or maybe it was the falling rocks.

I understand this is difficult.
I can only ask you to trust me.

Alright, let's do it again.

Mr. Worf, time the Doctor and me
through that first tunnel.

And this time, we're going
to pick up those five seconds.

Welcome aboard, sir. I'm...

William T Riker, class of '57.
I look forward to serving with you.

And I you.

I'm sure this change
has taken everybody by surprise.

Well, yes, sir.

It surprised me, too.
I admit I miss the Cairo already.

But a Galaxy-class ship,
that's something special.

I see why you turned down
a command to stay aboard.

Yes, sir.

- How many duty watches do we stand?
- A standard three shifts.

I'd like to change to four,
starting tonight.

I also want to examine duty rosters
and crew evaluations right away.

I want readiness reports
from department heads by 1400

and a meeting of the senior staff
at 1500.

- Do you prefer Will or William?
- Will, sir.

- Where are my quarters, Will?
- Cabin 735, deck...

Deck seven.
I'll see you at 1300 hours.

Yeah, I know.

Wearing these uniforms reminds me
of my first days at the Academy.

Attention to orders!

"To Capt Jean-Luc Picard,

Commanding Officer USS Enterprise,
stardate 46358.1 ."

"You are requested and required
to relinquish command

to Capt Edward Jellico,
Commanding Officer, USS Cairo,

as of this date. Signed, Vice Admiral
Alynna Necheyev. Starfleet Command."

Computer, transfer all command codes
to Capt Jellico.

Voice authorization,
Picard, Delta five.

Transfer complete.

USS Enterprise now under command
of Capt Edward Jellico.

- I relieve you, sir.
- I stand relieved.


I wonder how permanent
this is gonna be.

I don't know.

They don't usually go through
the ceremony if it's just temporary.

- Sore?
- Sore doesn't begin to describe it!

I know. I wish I could talk about it.

Most systems were changed
at the last overhaul.

They won't be a problem.
But you might check the port...

I'll take care of the Enterprise,

You don't have to mother me.

How's your team shaping up?

Very well. But I would prefer
more recent intelligence

on the exact layout
of the installation.

Our most current information
is two years old.

Two years? I don't know
how Necheyev talked you into this.

She gave me no choice.

Well, maybe there's something
we can do to help.

We'll launch a class-five probe
just before we reach the border.

You could pick up the telemetry
aboard the shuttle.

Now that would be extremely helpful.


Captain. Captain.

We're scheduled to arrive at the
Cardassian border during Delta shift.

Inform the Tactical Officer
I want to launch a class-five probe

- just before we drop out of warp.
- I wanted to talk about Delta shift.

Right now, Gamma shift will be on
duty on arrival. I'll inform them.

Is there a problem with Delta shift,

There is no Delta shift yet, sir.

I've spoken to department heads
about changing to four shifts

and they assure me it'll cause
major personnel problems.

So you have not changed
the watch rotation?

I was going to explain
after the ceremony, sir.

Tell the department heads
that, as of now,

the Enterprise
is on a four-shift rotation.

I don't want to talk about it.
Get it done.

Now, that means Delta shift will be
due to come on duty in two hours.

I expect you to have it fully manned
and ready when it does.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir. If you'll excuse me, sir.


He was your first officer
for five years.

One of the finest officers
that I have ever served with.

Of course he is, Jean-Luc.
I'm sure it'll all work out.

Captain's log, stardate 46358.2.

We are on course for a rendezvous
with the Cardassian ship, Reklar.

Fortunately, I still have time to
prepare the crew for the task ahead.

We need a bypass between the phaser
array and the secondary generators.

Run the main deflector path
through the warp-power grid

and the conduits
through the lateral relays.

You may have to reconfigure
the interface.

Sir, the interface was not designed
for that. It will take seven hours.

Sir, our interface already routes
auxiliary power through three relays.

I'm aware of your current design.
It's not good enough.

If the talks fail, we'll be at w*r.
I want to be loaded for bear!

- I'll get on it.
- Good.

These stations should be devoted to
damage control and weapons status.

- See they are manned at all times.
- Aye, sir.

Mr. Data, how long
before we reach the rendezvous?

We will arrive
in 5 1 hours, 32 minutes, sir.

Schedule four battle drills,
one for each shift.

Run a series of simulated att*cks
from a Cardassian squadron.

I want you to conduct the exercises
personally, Will. Get it done.

Get that fish out of the ready room.
Data, you're with me.

Power transfer
must be upgraded by 20 percent.

Warp-coil efficiency is also poor.

It's well within specifications.

I'm not interested in the specs. The
efficiency must rise by 15 percent.

15 percent!

That is an attainable goal.

We will have to realign the warp coil
and take the secondary grid off line.

Very good. That's exactly
what I want you to do.

To take this grid off line,

we'll have to shut down
the labs and geological research.

We're not on a research mission.
Get it done in two days.

I believe that is also attainable.

If we utilize
the entire department,

there should be
sufficient manpower to do it.

Sure, if nobody sleeps for two days!

Then you'd better get to it, Geordi.
You have some work to do. Data.


- May I speak with you, Captain?
- Deanna. Come in.

The latest masterpieces
from my son.

It's an elephant.

I think.

Definitely an elephant.

I'm glad you're here. I'd like
to go over the duty roster with you.

I'd be happy to.

But first, I'd like to talk
about how the change in Command

is affecting the crew.

I've noticed some resistance.

I wouldn't call it resistance.
More like uncertainty.

Most of them had served under
Capt Picard for several years.

They knew him
and they knew what he expected.

Now they're being asked
to adjust to a new captain

and a new way of doing things.

And they're uncertain how to react.

I see your point.

This can be very unsettling to them.

And to you.

Perhaps everyone just needs time.

Time for you to get to know
and trust the crew,

and time for them to understand
how you want things done.

I'm glad you brought this
to my attention, Deanna.

Unfortunately, I don't have time
for a honeymoon with the crew.

You've clearly given this
a lot of thought.

I'd like you to take charge
of the morale situation.

Please see to it that they make
the adjustment quickly and easily.

I have a meeting with the new
security chief in five minutes.

The duty roster will have to wait.
Thank you, Counsellor.

By the way, ...

..I prefer a certain formality
on the bridge.

I'd appreciate it if you wore
standard uniform while on duty.

Of course, sir.

He's asked me
to re-route half the power systems,

change duty rosters,
realign the warp coils,

and he's moved a third
of my crew to Security.

You're not alone. He's made major
changes in every department on board.

I don't mind changes or hard work,
but the man isn't giving me time!

Someone must make him see reason.

It won't be me. He's made that clear.

Then can I make a suggestion?
Talk to Capt Picard.

Maybe he can do something.
We just need time.



- Are you alright, sir?
- Yes, I am.

But the last time I had to train like
this was for the Academy marathon.

But I'm managing.
What can I do for you?

It's nothing urgent.
I'm sorry I bothered you.


I am to maintain radio silence
until the mission's complete.

Well, we'll monitor your channel
in case you do need to transmit.

Bridge to Captain. We're at
the shuttle departure coordinates.

Did you launch the probe?

Yes, sir. I wasn't aware
you wanted to be informed.

Thank you. Jellico out.

I can see why he's still
only a first officer.

Captain, I would just
like you to know that Cmdr Riker...

I've read your reports, Jean-Luc.
I know you think highly of him.

Not just me. He's been decorated
by Starfleet Command five times.

He's been offered his own ship
more than once.

I think if you just gave him
a chance, you'd find him outstanding.

let's be candid for a moment.

The Cardassians
won't listen to reason

and the Federation
won't give in to their demands.

And the chances are you won't
be coming back from this mission.

I want this ship ready for action

and I don't have time to give
Will Riker or anyone else a chance.

And forgive me for being blunt,
but the Enterprise is mine now.

Well, here's hoping
you beat the odds.

- Good hunting.
- Thank you.


I believe this is yours.

Shuttlecraft to Enterprise.
We have cleared the shuttle bay.

Acknowledged. Good luck.

Thank you, Enterprise.

Well, now that we're under way,
I can tell you about our mission.

Starfleet Intelligence
believes that the Cardassians

are developing a metagenic w*apon.

Oh, my God!

I am not familiar with metagenics.

Genetically engineered viruses
designed to destroy whole ecosystems.

When metagenic toxins
enter an atmosphere,

they mutate and seek out and destroy
all forms of DNA they encounter.

In a few days, everything is dead.

In a month, the agent breaks down
and dissipates completely,

leaving every city, every road,

every piece of equipment
perfectly intact.

Leaving the planet
safe to be conquered.

Wouldn't using such a w*apon pose
as great a risk to the attacker?

That's why biological weapons
were outlawed years ago.

Even the Romulans
abide by the agreements.

Starfleet Intelligence
believes the Cardassians

are developing
a new delivery system,

one that would protect them
from accidental exposure.

They believe the Cardassians

are testing a way of launching
dormant metagenic material

on a subspace carrier wave.

So they could activate the toxins
after the launch, avoiding exposure.

Because the subspace wave would
appear as background radiation,

no one would realize what was
happening till it was too late.

Now, for the past few weeks,

theta-band subspace emissions
have been detected from Celtris III.

These may indicate that a metagenic
delivery system is in operation.

- What do we know about Celtris III?
- Very little.

It was thought uninhabited
until these emissions began.

Starfleet believes the Cardassians
may have a secret research lab

somewhere below
the planet's surface.

Our orders are
to penetrate this installation

and determine if the Cardassians
are building a metagenic w*apon.

- And if they are?
- Destroy it. At any cost.

When I was on the Stargazer,
we tested theta-band carrier waves.

I'm here because of my familiarity
with methods of generating them.

Mr. Worf, your presence is obvious.

Doctor, your job will be to locate
and destroy any biotoxins we find.

Celtris III is in Cardassian space.

How will we get there undetected?

I know a way of acquiring
some discreet transport.

Mr. Worf,
set a course for Torman V.

If he doesn't pay up,

I know three large Ferengi
who will not be so forgiving.

- I didn't do it!
- I'm not accusing you of anything.

What do you want, then?

We're looking for DaiMon Solok.


We have a business proposition
to discuss.

Solok is a very busy,
very important man. He isn't here.

But I could relay a message.

Please will you tell DaiMon Solok

that we are interested
in transportation to Celtris III.

That's a Cardassian planet.

Now, we understand
that DaiMon Solok

runs cargo there from time to time.

Solok is no smuggler!

Yes, but if Solok were to go to
Celtris III, for legitimate reasons,

we would be interested in quietly
booking passage for the journey.

I don't think he would be interested
in dealing with Federation spies!

You know, ...

..I heard that Solok was quite a man.

Well, yes!

He is an extraordinary man!

That's why we came here,
because only Solok could help us.

I guess there's some things
even Solok can't do.

It's too bad.

Because if he could, ...

..I would be very,

- very...
- Yes?


When do you want to leave?

Beverly, make sure your tricorder
keeps a precise map of the route.

- We could easily get lost in here.
- Right.

I'm picking up
some subspace signals,

but I can't seem
to get a lock on them.

That's typical
of theta-band emissions.

We have to compress the detection
bandwidth to determine the fix.

The source emission
is 500 meters east of here.

And 700 meters below.

It's alright.

They're called lynars, a kind
of Celtrine bat. They're harmless.


You're not afraid of bats,
are you Worf?

Of course not!

First Officer's log, supplemental.
We've rendezvoused with the Reklar

to begin diplomatic talks designed
to ease tension along the border.

Gul Lemec
is in the observation lounge.

Very good. I'll be in my ready room.


I think there's been
a slight miscommunication.

Did you want
to meet with Gul Lemec in here?

No, the observation lounge
is appropriate.

I see.

Lemec is a Cardassian, and
Cardassians are like timber wolves,

predators, bold in large numbers,
cautious by themselves,

and with an instinctive need

to establish a dominant position
in any social gathering.

So you're establishing a dominant
position by making him wait for you?

The trouble with wolves is that
sometimes in the fight for dominance,

one of them ends up dead.

In that case, the trick is... be the wolf
that's still standing at the end.

The floor is over 500 meters down.

There doesn't seem to be a way round.
We'll have to rappel from here.

This is sheer granite.
We'll have to use fusing pitons.

We could try
to find another way down.

That would take several hours.
We don't have the time.

- Not afraid of heights, are you?
- Of course not.

Remember to control your descent.
And don't get the lines tangled.

I'll remember!


I've been waiting for over an hour...

I'm Capt Jellico. You know
Cmdr Riker. This is Lt Cmdr Troi.

Let's get to it.

This is a deliberate insult.

I have been kept waiting
for over an hour!

Then I'm sure you're ready to talk.

I did not agree
to allow others into this meeting.

If it alarms you,
I can ask them to leave.

I am not alarmed, but we did not...

A great many people are depending
on our efforts, Gul Lemec.

Let's not quibble over minutiae.

I have come to negotiate
a Federation withdrawal,

not to be dictated to
by some mere captain.

I can see you're not serious
about these talks.

If the Cardassian Union
truly wishes to discuss peace,

they can send someone who can
negotiate in a civilised manner.

Captain on the bridge.

Let him stew for a minute,

then tell him you've convinced me
to meet him once more.

Tell him he needs to be
more reasonable,

because I'm so unreasonable.

Lemec will want
his own aides on board.

Pretend to worry that I'll object,

then grudgingly agree to two aides.
No more.

- Understood?
- Aye, sir.

Well, I'll say this for him.
He's sure of himself.

No, he's not.

The installation should be
about 300 meters this way.

I don't suppose we'll find
another way back up there.

- I doubt it.
- That's what I thought.

There's a lava tube beyond here
that runs for 75 meters.

Then it connects with another
chamber. We need to get through here.

This tube opens up beyond this crack.

We could widen the opening,

then we should be able
to crawl through. Mr. Worf.

A phaser at level 16 should suffice.

Make it so.

Well done, Mr. Worf.

Gul Lemec, a pleasure.

May I present my aides,
Glinn Corak and Glinn Tajor?

Welcome aboard.

For three weeks,
you've been massing troops,

assembling strike forces
and pulling ships from their patrols.

We will not stand for
this clearly provocative behaviour.

I see the Federation spy network

has again provided
faulty information.

We are conducting routine training
operations, nothing more.

Then I'm sure you won't mind

if we send a few starships in
for our own training operations.

Your fleet deployments
do not concern us.

However, we are very concerned

by your refusal to vacate territories
which are clearly Cardassian.

You gave up your claims
when you signed the armistice!

You couldn't take those worlds
by force.

Now you want us to give you them.

Captain, please,
we should listen to them.

Gul Lemec, the systems are still
under negotiation under the treaty.

which we have pursued in good faith.

Unfortunately, the Federation
has not been as forthcoming.

So, to speed things up,
you prepare for w*r!

We are preparing
to defend ourselves.

- The Federation won't start a w*r.
- That has always been your position.

However, I have heard reports
that a small Federation team

has already been sent
into our territory.

Of course, I don't believe it.

Such an attempt
would almost certainly fail.

And, even if it succeeded,

it would trigger
a very serious response on our part.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Then there's no need for worry.

A brief recess
would seem to be in order.

Very well.

Where is Capt Picard?


Well, I hope his new assignment
is not too dangerous.

It would be a shame if something
were to happen to such a...

Such a noted officer.

Yes, ... would.

Only a few more meters.

Beverly! Get out of there!


I have her!

- Are you alright?
- I think so.

Next time,
you try bringing up the rear.

We're nearly there.
Can you continue?

Looks like a maintenance hatch
to the installation.

I'm picking up
three proximity sensors around it.

Sensor echoes established,

but the false image
will only last a few minutes.

The hatch is magnetically sealed,
but I believe I can bypass it.

I can't get a scan through
the hatch. It's been shielded.

We have no choice. Remember,
aim low. Short controlled bursts.



There's no one here. There's no lab.

It's a trap! Come on!


Let's go!

- The Captain!
- No!

There are five more of them
heading this way.

Come on!


Come on!

Captain on the bridge.

What have you got, Will?

We're getting coded messages from
a Cardassian planet on the border.

- Which planet?
- Celtris III.

Can you detect
any theta-band emissions?

There are residual traces. It seems
there were emissions until just now.

Open a secure channel
to Admiral Necheyev.

- Priority two. In my ready room.
- Aye, sir.

- Captain?
- Those emissions have just stopped.

I'd say, one way or another,
our friends have finished.

Have you heard from our friends?


Let me know if you do.

I would very much
like to see them again.

So would l, Admiral.

A challenge!

You should prove
an interesting challenge.

Possibly the most interesting
to come through that door in years.

- What do you want?
- Why, you, of course.



Serial number,


Son of Maurice and Yvette Picard.

Born in Labarre, France.

Formerly Captain of the Stargazer,

where you conducted studies on
theta-band subspace carrier waves.

Don't look so surprised.

How could we lure the Captain
of the Federation flagship

unless we knew
something of his background?

So, you concocted an elaborate ruse
to bring me here. Why?

In this room,
you do not ask questions.

I ask them, you answer.

If I am not satisfied
with your answers, you will die.