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06x01 - Time's Arrow, Part II

Posted: 01/25/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
Last time on
"Star Trek: The Next Generation".

They found Data's head
a mile beneath San Francisco.

Been down there about five centuries.

At some future date, I will be
taken back to 19th-century Earth,

where I will die.

It has occurred. It will occur.

Do I know you, Mr...


Yes. We were on a ship together.

- The Enterprise.
- Is that a clipper ship?

- It is a starship.
- Starship?

My God. They're delivering more
of them for the others to ingest.

Did my father send you?

If he did, go back and tell him...

I was not sent by him.

We encountered a species who
is threatening 19th-century Earth.

I can't accept that he's dead
and just leave it.

- We cannot make Data a priority.
- What is more important than Data?

- Remember the first time we met?
- Of course.

Don't be so sure.

If you don't go on this mission,
we'll never meet.

And now, the conclusion.

I've long been interested in
the notion of time travellers.

In fact, I wrote a book about it.
It tells the tale of a man of our era

who fouls the 6th century
by introducing newfangled gadgets

and weapons,
all in the name of progress.

This idea of time travel...

Not so far-fetched as it might seem.

In fact,
I have just learned that even now

there are people from the future
right here in San Francisco,

and I have no doubt that
their intent is to foul our world

just like my Yankee did
in King Arthur's time.

Well, let me serve notice,

as soon as I have the necessary
evidence, I intend to expose them

and make it absolutely clear
that they are not welcome here.

Yes, sir. Will this be a sequel
to Connecticut Yankee, Mr. Twain?

Name is Clemens, boy.
Sam Clemens. That's with an E.

With an E. Got it.

Excuse me.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

The coroner said this is where
they kept the cholera victims.

It doesn't make sense that
so many people are dying of cholera.

It just isn't that virulent.


This is strange.

What is it?

The cerebellum, the cerebral cortex,
the brain stem,

the entire nervous system has been
depleted of electrochemical energy.

Here's another one.
Same neural depletion.

These people did not die of cholera.

Their neural energy
was drained somehow.


And taken to Devidia II
for those aliens to ingest?

If you were a time traveller with
a taste for human neural energy,

where would you get your supply?

I would travel back to a time when
there were plagues and epidemics,

so I could m*rder
and use the disease as a cover.

Over half the victims came from
the Sisters of Hope Infirmary.

The hospital near the waterfront.

If the aliens k*lled people there,
someone may have noticed something.

They must have taken on human form.
But how do we know who to look for?

The tricorder indicated triolic
activity from most of the bodies.

If the aliens left that signature,
they'll be detectable.

We might even be able to rig
some kind of alien-alarm system.

- Any luck contacting Data?
- None.

The tricorder's broadcasting
on all frequencies he might pick up,

but the range is limited.
Almost anything could interfere.

She's back.

Mr. Picard?

Yes, Mrs. Carmichael?

Mr. Picard! I'll be reminding you
that it's one o'clock.

- Yes.
- One o'clock on a Thursday.

I'm sure I made it clear to you
that the rent is always due,

payable in full,
by one o'clock on Wednesdays.


The rent.

Mrs. Carmichael, even now my...

my troupe are in rehearsals
for a new production.

I haven't heard of a new production.
What play is it?

The play?

A Midsummer Night's Dream. We have
performed in London, Paris, Milan...

Milan! To sold-out houses.

I can assure you, you will have
the rent, in full, with a bonus.

No, no.

I've heard you
silver-tongued devils before.

I'll have my rent in full
tomorrow by one o'clock,

or you'll be performing
on the street!

I wouldn't do this for just anyone.

I hope you won't spread it around
I let you in. People start talking.

Of course not, Jack. I assure you,
Mr. Data would be upset if you didn't.

If I can't find that letter of intent
that he left me,

our major investor is going to pull
out and take his business elsewhere.

- It has to do with Mr. Data's engine?
- Engine?



Yes, this is exactly
what it's all about.

Mr. Clemens, I'm gonna do you
another favour today.

You're always looking for
good stories, right?

I've got a real humdinger for you.
The story of my life.

You may think I'm young,

but I've covered a lot of ground and
it'd make pretty fascinating reading.

- So, what do you think?
- About what?

About writing my life story.

You and me.
Literary partners, of course.

Young man, I have a maxim
that I have always lived by.

No one is more qualified
to write your story than you are.

Me? Be a writer?
Do you think I could do that?

As long as it's about what you know.
You got any passions? Any dreams?

Well, I'd like to do some travelling,
maybe go to sea.

And I've had the strangest notion
to go see Alaska.

That's a great idea! Exactly
what I would do if I were your age.

Alaska, the Klondike,
the aurora borealis. That's it!

Follow your dreams
and write about 'em.

Thank you, Mr. Clemens.
That is exactly what I'll do.

- You do that.
- You'll see my name in print.

- I'm sure I will.
- Don't forget. The name's London.

- Jack London.
- Goodbye now.


I found the head surveyor,
I found the cavern.

You will not be able to get to it.

The entrance is on a mine shaft,
in the Presidio, on an army base.

- Perhaps you could get us in.
- How?

With permission
to dig for the mine shaft.

I've done all you've asked...

I have full confidence
in your persuasive abilities.

Well, it's more interesting
than throwing a tea dance.

Strange. The transceiver assembly
has been removed.

Without it, I will be unable
to track the time shifts.


- Clemens?
- Yes.

He's been driving me crazy.

He watches the house. He follows me
down the street asking me questions.

If anyone took this,
you can believe it was him.

If so, he must be warned.

The device has been modified.

Prolonged contact with human tissue
would be toxic.

Madam Guinan.

- Mr. Data.
- Shame on you, Mr. Clemens!

Shame, madam? I think not.

I find no shame
in my efforts to uncover your plot!

I keep telling you, there is no plot!

Yes, you do keep telling me that.

What an interesting pair you are.

Where in Switzerland
did you say you were from, Mr. Data?

I am French, sir, not Swiss.

Yes, that's right.
Now I remember. A Frenchman.

With a talent for poker,
from what I hear.

You know, I was talking
to a friend of mine, Ches Whitley.

He says to say hello
and wonders when you're coming back.

I do not know a Mr. Whitley.

No? He works
in the county assayer's office.

He said you've been in there

claiming to be a geological engineer

and wanting information about
mining operations during the 1850s.

You remember him now?

I am unfamiliar with the name.

- I spoke to several people there.
- Yes, I know.

And in the hall of records,
and in the Geological Society,

and in a little-known mineral shop
in Chinatown.

You do get around, don't you?

- As apparently you do, Mr. Clemens.
- Yes.

But I must admit,
you've got me mystified.

This... contraption, for instance.
It's very unusual.

It looks quite futuristic.

Tell me, might it have
something to do with time shifts?

In a sense.

The time shift is a gearing system
I have invented

- for the horseless carriage.
- Do not insult me!

You have come here to this century

and brought your infernal technology
for God only knows what purpose,

but it will be the people of
this century who will suffer for it!

My dear Mr. Clemens,
I do think we've heard enough.

Mr. Data's business is his own,
and I will thank you to leave now.

Pardon me, Madam Guinan,
but it is my business, too.

It is the business of all humanity,
I believe,

to stop both of you from
whatever it is you are doing here.

And that is what I intend to do!

Just what are you doing
with those lamps?

Replacing the burners.
City ordinance.

Makes it safer
in case of earthquake.

There hasn't been
an earthquake here in 30 years.

Well, that takes care of this ward.
Time to be moving on.



If you can handle things here,
I have to meet the board of patrons.

I'll try to manage.

There, by that bed. I can see
an after-image of triolic waves.

They've been here recently,
I'd say within the last 24 hours.

A man died there last night.

This man complained

about a strange doctor and nurse
who visited that patient.

they're still in the hospital.

This'll make you more comfortable.

Do you need any help, Doctor?

Dr Apollinaire felt
he had entered the algid state.

He was cyanotic,
pulse unobservable.

That's an interesting cane.


Stand aside. Let me in.

People said
there was g*nf*re in here.

A little misunderstanding.
I was clearing people out.

I haven't seen you before.

I was sent here this morning
from downtown.

I worked downtown for three years.

- I don't remember you.
- We'll be off.

No, wait. I must ask you all to come
down to the station for questioning.

Including you.

Where'd you get that?
That's a gentleman's cane.

I've never seen a cane like this.

I'll have to confiscate it
for evidence.

I just want you to know that I have
the utmost respect for the law.

Let's go!


Boy, are we glad to see you!

I suggest we postpone
our greetings for now.

- Agreed. Get us out of here.
- Halt!

If we tune a phaser
to the frequency of triolic waves

and lay down a field burst,
it might respond.

The ophidian
the aliens were carrying!

What the...

Minute distortions in the space-time
continuum. Like we saw on Devidia II.

So small they lasted only a second.

The aliens are able
to concentrate the distortion

and direct it to
a specific time and place.

Maybe they have something,
a mechanism that focuses it.

Any device like that would produce
high levels of triolic waves.

Like in the cavern
where Data's head was.

- I have located that cavern.
- Mr. Picard!

I know you're in there.
Open the door!

Mrs. Carmichael...

"How now, spirit!
whither wander you?"

"Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier."

Thank goodness you're here!

We need someone for a part.
You're just in time.

Mr. Picard,
I need to be talking to you.

"..would that he be gone."

"I'll met by moonlight,
proud Titania."

Now, Mrs. Carmichael. There.

"I?ll met by moonlight,
proud Titania."

"What, jealous Oberon!"

"Fairies, skip hence:"

"I have forsworn

his bed and company."

Well, I don't need to hear any more.

That was truly unique.


I think we have found our Titania.
Don't you agree?

Well, I... I did do a church play
when I was a lass.

Well, there you are!

We start rehearsals tomorrow.

You're back. I have wonderful news.

I've found a way to get onto
the Presidio and into the mine shaft.

It is alright.

- Do you know me?
- Very well.

- Do I know you?
- Not yet. But you will.

Thanks for your help.

Be sure to put in
me spotting that phoney policeman.

Yes, sir, I will.

- Hello, son!
- Mr. Clemens.

- What brings you here?
- Writer's curiosity.

I heard that two people vanished
into thin air in this infirmary.

One of the patients said that,
yes, sir, but the police deny it.

I bet they do.

They say a band of outlaws
set off an expl*si*n and escaped.

what did these outlaws look like?

The carriage they escaped in
was driven by an albino.

Mr. Data.

- You know him?
- You bet I do.

- You say there were others with him?
- Yes. At least a dozen.

His accomplices. They've come
from the future. It's an invasion!

An invasion from the future?

Mr. Clemens! What can you tell me?
Do you have any proof?

- When's your deadline?
- Five o'clock.

I'll meet you at your paper at 4.30
with a story to make your career.


Take me to the Presidio, driver,
and don't spare the whip!

The triolic waves are as high
as they were on Devidia II.

- No sign of a control mechanism.
- I'm not so sure.

My visor is picking up
crystalline fractures.

These walls have undergone some kind
of selective molecular polarization.

In fact, this cavern was configured
to focus the space-time distortion.

Just like a lens.

Captain, we think
we might be onto something.

The cavern itself seems to be
acting as a focusing mechanism.

I'll bet it's the same
at their habitat on Devidia II.

If we can destroy that site, it'd
put an end to their time-travelling.

- We have the ophidian.
- I don't know that we can get back.

The aliens use triolic energy
as a power source.

The energy our phasers generate
might not be entirely compatible.

We must try.

An event I most certainly
would enjoy witnessing!

However, I will regretfully
waive that opportunity

for the privilege of
taking you all in to the authorities.

Mr. Clemens, it is imperative
that we continue our mission.

Mr. Data, I have listened to
your stories, excuses and evasions.

I will listen no longer!

It is my moral duty
to protect mankind

from whatever devious plan
you have in mind.

Now, move along.

I suspect that even time travellers
are vulnerable to the Colt .45.

Now, let's go.

I made a young fellow a promise
and I don't want to be late.

Follow him.

- Is everyone alright?
- I think so.


Where are we? And when?

It's the 24th century on Devidia Il,
and you're not supposed to be here.

I have as much right to be in
your time as you had to be in mine!

I wanted to see how you've conducted
my future affairs.

- Your future affairs?
- The affairs of mankind.

But the disappearance of Mark Twain,
a most noted literary figure?

- Thank you.
- It's not meant to happen.

I took advantage of an irresistible
opportunity. Any good writer would.

- Bridge to away team, acknowledge.
- We're here, Mr. Worf.

Stand by to transport five.


- Mr. Worf?
- Yes, Commander?

Make that six to transport.

- Where are we now?
- This is the Starship Enterprise.

I want a security escort
for this man.

Security? What for? Are you afraid
I'll go around stealing things?

A werewolf!

It's a long story, Mr. Worf.

Let's take Data's body to the lab.
I'll reattach the head we have.

That head is over 500 years old.

But it's the best chance we've got.

I want Mr. Clemens
kept under escort at all times.

perhaps I could handle that.

I'd be happy
to take Mr. Clemens to his quarters.

Good idea.

- Will you accompany the Counsellor?
- Madam, I'd be delighted.

So, this is a spaceship.

You ever run into Halley's Comet?


Don't sit up too quickly.

Where'd everybody go?

I hope they're all safely
back on the Enterprise by now.

- But you're still here.
- You were hurt.

- I had to make sure you were OK.
- And so you stayed for that?

I didn't want anything
to happen to you.

You're far too important to me.

You know an awful lot about me.

Believe me, in the future,
the tables will be turned.

So we become friends?

It goes far beyond friendship.

But I'll have to wait 500 years.

And when we meet, I won't even
be able to tell you about this.

No, because for me,
none of this will have happened yet.

What's that?

That's history fulfilling itself.

History has to fulfil itself.
Even Picard knew that.

You were there in the cavern.
You know what happened.

What am I supposed to do?

If I told you
what happened in that cavern,

it might affect any decision
you'd make now.

I can't do that. I won't.

Not telling me may affect
my decision. Did you think of that?

We're talking about Jean-Luc Picard.

I can't sit around
and hope it all works out.

I've got to do something!

Any place that doesn't stock a good
cigar doesn't rank high in my book.

If you must have one,
I'm sure we can replicate it for you.

If you think
that one of these imitations

can take the place of
a hand-wrapped Havana...

- I wouldn't know.
- Well, that's the problem here.

All this technology only serves
to take away life's simple pleasures.

You don't even let a man
open the door for a lady.

I think what we've gained outweighs
anything that might have been lost.

Well, I'm not so impressed
with this future.

Huge starships and weapons that
can no doubt destroy entire cities,

and military conquest
as a way of life?

Is that what you see here?

I know what you say,
that this is a vessel of exploration

and that your mission
is to discover new worlds.

That's what the Spanish said.

Deck 36.

And the Dutch and the Portuguese.
It's what all conquerors say.

I'm sure that's what you told
that blue-skinned fellow I just saw

before you brought him here
to serve you.

He's one of thousands of species
that we've encountered.

We live in a peaceful federation
with most of them.

The people you see
are here by choice.

So they're a privileged few
who serve on these ships,

living in luxury
and wanting for nothing.

But what about everybody else?
What about the poor? You ignore them.

Poverty was eliminated on Earth
a long time ago

and a lot of other things
disappeared with it.

Hopelessness, despair, cruelty.

I come from a time
when men achieve power and wealth

by standing on the backs of the poor,

where prejudice and intolerance
are commonplace

and power is an end unto itself.

And you're telling me
that isn't how it is any more?

That's right.

Well, maybe...'s worth giving up cigars for
after all.

- Any luck?
- Not so far.

His activating units
won't initialize.

I thought they would have been
protected by his buffering program,

but I guess 500 years
is just too long a wait.

My watch!

- That's it.
- Yeah.

It was found in the cavern
where Data's head was.

I guess after 500 years
that's not likely to work either.

Mr. Data,

I fear I have sadly misjudged you.

As I have misjudged many things.

Can you communicate?


You're injured.

Why have you interfered with us?

You hunt us. You k*ll us.

We cannot allow that.

We need your energy.

- Perhaps we can find a substitute.
- No.

There is none.

We must continue.

We know how you move
back and forth through time.

My crew have returned
to the 24th century

to destroy your transport site
on Devidia II.

Destroy it?

Your weapons will only amplify
the time distortion.

You will annihilate your own world.

I'm going back for Capt Picard.

Mr. Worf, assemble an away team
to accompany me.

Doctor, what can you tell me
about that ophidian?

I've started tests. In a few hours...

I can't give the alien more time.

I haven't determined if our phaser
energy can generate a stable field.

- The risk would be...
- I'll take that risk!

- Permission to speak frankly.
- Go ahead.

Our priority is to stop the aliens
from any more incursions to Earth.

Any delay is unacceptable.

If I can save Picard,
I consider it very acceptable.

The Captain would not!

We should target torpedoes on
the alien habitat and destroy it.


He's right, Will.

Power up the photons, Mr. Worf.
Alert me when they're ready.

initialize the reload circuits.

Reload circuits are initializing.



This ought to do it.

I don't get it.

I don't understand
why this isn't working.

Computer, ... me a diagnostic
on the input polarisers.

There is intermittent contact
in the input polarisers.



An iron filing.
How'd that get in there?

I have set the photons
to fire in staggered rounds,

detonating in ten-second intervals.

Very well, fire when ready.

The sequence will be ready
to initiate in one minute.

Computer, run another diagnostic
on the input polarisers.

Polarizer circuits are functioning.

Well, then, that ought to do it.

OK, Data, come on now.




I am processing a binary message

entered into my static memory
by Capt Picard.

Geordi, are we planning
to fire on the alien habitat?

- Yeah, but...
- It is imperative that we do not.

- I will explain later.
- La Forge to Riker.

Hold your fire!

The binary message left by
the Captain is not entirely clear.

He's concerned about the phase
differential of our torpedoes,

that firing them might produce
catastrophic effects.

So how can we destroy their habitat?

If I am correct,
we must modify our weapons

so the force of the expl*si*n is
re-phased into their time continuum.

We could alter the photons
with phase discriminators.

- How long will it take?
- At least a couple of hours.

- Fine. I'll have time to go get him.
- Sir?

I'm going back to get the Captain.

My analysis of the phasers suggests
you'd be able to open the rift,

but you couldn't transport
more than one person.

- If I go back, only one can return?
- That's right.

Then I have
the perfect solution for you.

I'm the one who should return
to the 19th century

and remain there
so your captain can return here.

There's a risk. We're not sure
how stable the rift will be.

There's risk in everything.
The point is, it's the right choice!

I've got more books to write, and
your captain has a job to do here.

Geordi, brief him
on what he needs to know.

Aye, sir.

I'm glad I have a chance
to thank you.

For what, sir?

For starting me out on the greatest
adventure a man's ever had!

And for helping a bitter old man
to open his eyes

and see that the future
turned out pretty well after all.

I'm thirsty.

I'm going to get help.
We have to get you out of here.

No, don't. Don't go.

- They'll be back for you soon.
- No, you need help.

This thing put me down
in the middle of Market Street!

Took forever to get here.

Cmdr La Forge has just completed
the reconfiguration of the torpedoes.

If Clemens got back, the Captain
should have been here by now.

We have no way of knowing
if Mr. Clemens was successful.

Re-establish your firing pattern.
We'll wait five more minutes.

Aye, sir.

There's no time for chitchat, sir.

According to Mr. La Forge,
who did get your message, by the way,

a frequency setting of
.047 on your phaser

will correctly activate
this creature.

You have to get help.
Guinan needs medical attention.

I promise she will be attended to.

And there is a bill
at the boarding house.

- I'll settle it.
- Thank you.

I wish time would have allowed me
to know you better.

You'll just have to read my books.
What I am is pretty much there.

I'll see you in 500 years, Picard.

And I'll see you... in a few minutes.

Commander, I am picking up massive
triolic-wave activity on the surface.

- Is it the Captain?
- There are no human life signs.

- No sign of temporal distortion?
- No, sir.

But triolic activity is increasing.

The aliens.

- Mr. Worf, are the photons ready?
- Yes, sir.


Torpedoes away, sir.

Sir, I am detecting
a temporal distortion on the surface.

And human life signs.

O'Brien, get him out!

- Have you got him?
- He has indeed.

And believe me, it's good to be back.

We have destroyed the target.
There is no further triolic activity.

Ensign, lay in a course
for the nearest star base. Warp six.

Captain's log, stardate 46001.3.

Everyone who should be
in the 19th century is safely there

and those who should be
in the 24th are here.

Mr. Data has been restored to us,
head and all,

and Samuel Clemens
will write the books

he was to have written
after our encounter.

Now be careful, boys,
don't jostle her too much.

Don't worry, Madam Guinan,
you're gonna be fine!