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03x04 - Animaestro

Posted: 01/25/23 09:15
by bunniefuu

in the daytime I'm Marinette just a

normal girl with a normal life

there's something


what happened dad who are you I mean I

don't know I don't remember my own name

me neither

looks like you and I were at the same

costume party your earrings - we must

shop at the same tool restore are we

supposed to know each other be surprised

if we weren't I'm starving right now hi

there what are you exactly she needs

like the one in the lamp if I'm a genie

where's my limp

besides where am I who are you thing

doing in my earring I'm not I'm but I do

know that I'm very hungry no thing okay

everyone we're gonna keep our cool here

we've all lost our memories and we don't

know why but we'll

agree more well I'm not going anywhere

until I know it smells so good in that

boys shirt


let's get out of here the exit is

blocked I'm gonna have to find another

way out

okay we're second a building with

amnesia being chased by a thing that's

obviously got it in for us big time not

to mention the two strange creatures who

magically appeared when our costumes

disappeared excuse me but the creatures

are hungry would you mind opening up

your shirt to see what smells so good

camembert it's the most beautiful thing

I've ever seen




my name is Marinette do Han Chang

pleased to meet you Marin Anson

Adrian aggressed super nice to meet you

too Adrian of course we still got our

phones brilliant

is yours not to coming this way we need

to find a way out of this building and

we will until then



Wow Marinette you seem like someone who

always has the right idea at the right


sorry okay I suggest we go upstairs

there's no way up there we're gonna get

trapped again no handle and the glass is

tinted they won't be able to see us


phone lines are down if only I can

remember how to unlock my phone wait

nice work Marinette


battery me too my dad whatever you do

love you why didn't you ask her for

Hilton I have both good news and bad

news the good news is there are

superheroes in the tower that will stop

at supervillain the bad news is we are

the superheroes and the thing that's

chasing us the super villain and we're

supposed to be defeating it with super

powers we know nobody we must have

missed something they have to be inside

the building of Livio ladybug and cat

noir cat of estate retrace your steps

they must have transformed back by now

bad with their memories erased you won't

have any trouble getting your hands on

them a Regulus if my own mother doesn't

know that I'm ladybug then nobody must

know what about us do you think we know


I feel like we're more than just a

superhero team do you think world looks

like it hey then we must have told each

other everything I couldn't hide my

identity from the girl I love so if

we're the super heroes then what are

they I have no idea you can't just leave

we have to help them we don't even know

who we are or who they are and I don't

want to help out a couple of strangers

remember who you are but at least you

notice about yourself you're a selfish

being and a total count a coward I am

NOT a coward I I am a free spirit so

don't come if you don't want to but I'm

out of here

did he go to get help I don't think we

should hold our breath

ladybug cat no I we know you're in here

you will get away this time you remember

your BFF oblivia don't you don't tell us

you forgotten us knocking here this

monster is really our best friend

one thing's for sure if we're

superheroes he can't find out about our

secret identities how about some kind of

diversion we get out of here and take

the emergency stairs


sorry they need this call you and when

he comes we make a run for it I used to

take to pull your phone back

ready no wonder I fell in love with you


gotcha you shouldn't have to switch off

your phone




you're trying to fool oblivia again but

it's not gonna work this time thank you

let's head back to where we were

it's the last place they'll think of

looking for us

coward me whatever Adrian I may not

remember my own name but I know for a

fact that I'm brave sorry your phone's

out of juice no worries

we're doing pretty well even without

powers don't you think it's true you two

make a very effective couple yes but if

we want a real shot at defeating this

villain we're gonna have to become

ladybug and cat noir again maybe we can

gather hints by watching some news

footage to see what happened before he

erased our memories you're on the air me

what do I do

don't be bemused it's just the news

since early this afternoon a super

villain by the name of oblivia has been

erasing the memories of everyone he

comes across ladybug and cat noir

tracking him down inside Montparnasse

tower right now he's the one tracking us


ladybug and cat noir a toying with you

oblivia you can't manage to find him



are struggling what's she doing now

trying there was a drawing on the

elevator wall

I remember now it was a turtle I saw

earlier when I was looking for my mom's

number there it is

you left yourself a message so smart mr.

turtle listen I can't remember who I am

or who you are

Bolivia has erased my memory but I think

I'm supposed to call you

didn't you sketball with you yeah well

hey Jan yeah you don't know your true

identities then we're not supposed to

that's okay everything we figured out

we're superheroes but we don't know how

to make ourselves ladybug and cat noir

again mr. turtle you'll have to tell us

quit I'm almost out of battery are your

coffees with you oh if you mean the fine

creatures then one of them the red one

is with us okay listen carefully the red

kwame's name is deke she gives you your

powers say ticking spots on and you'll

transform into a ladybug you'll find an

emergency users guide in your buckthorn

Adrienne your commies the black one

his name is plac tell him plug claws-out

and you'll become cat noir again the

rest is in your cat phone but Mike

Juanita gone you won't be able to

transform without him


I'm not a coward and I'm not selfish

either Butthead maybe this Adrian boy

has some yummy camembert left


really bug cat noir if you don't come

out of hiding and give it a miraculous

chariot bubbles memories of every single

person in Paris it's time to bring

ladybug back



Wow that was amazing

thanks but I don't feel like a superhero

at all you've already proven that you

are one with or without a costume okay

there seems to be a kind of button here

users guide yo-yos features capturing

the Akuma one-time power lucky charm


what am I supposed to do with this make

P maybe it's part of a puzzle riddle

you're right it must just be one part of

the solution but how am I gonna find

these solutions don't worry you always

have the right idea at the right time

you got this mm-hmm time for action no

net I'm gonna fight beside you if we're

a couple then we'll be stronger together

but you don't have your call me or your

superpowers and without your costume the

villain would know your true identity

but most of all I wouldn't want anything

to happen to you I'm starting to

understand how much you mean to me

Adrian please stay there ladybug is here

to protect you

I don't need any memory to know that I

love that girl the miraculous enhances

all physical abilities well I'll come in



it looks like ladybug has gotten her

powers back but not a memory sees her

miraculous up Livio



your reflexes huh now we're gonna make

sure you forget everything else

including your miraculous attacking the

lady on the ground did you forget your

manners so you have any help in any way

flag flag so that's me



sticks features superpower Castle don't

triggered if you say it out loud and it

says it can only be used once what does

your powers do exactly apparently I can

destroy anything I touch

wait for me if you don't nice it's not

gonna be easy but lady


it's been a chance until we stop him

from firing at us his left hand is on

the rest of your body that must be where

the Akuma I'm hiding okay I've got no

idea what the hakuna matata is but I

trust you so what's the plan can you get

him to forget about me for a little


come on hey you do you want to play cat

and mouse with me the first one who

takes the other wins


cleaned up no more evil to me for you

little Akuma


a little butterfly


Wow so this villain was both these guys

what do we do about that this is where

my other power comes in it fixes

everything back to how it was originally

what do you think we'll remember all

this afterwards

apparently my miraculous ladybug reverts

everything so I'm guessing we won't all

right then

your permission milady


ladybug cat no I got you haven't seen a

super villain named oblivia have you

you've defeated it already dude actually

he was us oh okay pound it did you make

a good couple don't you think otherwise

we wouldn't have won again like we

always do oh we're a team not a couple

don't start that again I've already told

you that I'm in love with another boy

besides this charming Kitty hack of

yours was the reason we became

distracted and got into all this trouble

in the first place that's right laugh

all you want

natan what are you doing well one

thing's for sure we would make a

good-looking couple

we're meant for each other m'lady you're

the only one who doesn't see it I won't

soon forget this ladybug and cat noir

the love you both secretly have for each

other will be your downfall

right so you know and I wanted to say

we're sorry for what happened today were

you two of Livio why did you want to

erase everyone's memory remember when we

visited mom per nest hour

well we went in hid to play super

penguino but miss bustier caught us and

you guys make fun of us for playing that

game saying it wasn't our age and all we

were totally embarrassed at getting

caught and that's when we got a qubit

eyes next time just make sure you play

at home and not on school field trips

understood yes miss miss yay we're sorry

again together everybody loves that game

you know you know sometimes even Chloe

and I hate I haven't played it yet but

it looks fun

all you need is to find the right

partner right Marinette who knows maybe

you still have some things to learn

about him I can't believe it play she

finally fell in love with me and I

forgotten all about it

you're right that's really unlucky you

know what it doesn't matter if it

happened once it can happen again

at least now and then my dream can come


