02x16 - Frightningale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir". Aired: September 1, 2015 – present.*
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A computer-animated series that takes place in modern-day Paris and revolves around the adventures of two teenagers who transform into their superhero personas, Ladybug and Cat Noir when evil arises.
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02x16 - Frightningale

Post by bunniefuu »

In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

Because I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪


What are you giving Miss Bustier
for her birthday?

I made her a scrapbook!

Hey, what did you get her?

-Let me guess.

-You just finished your gift.
-I hope Miss Bustier likes it.

I painted her as a superhero
because she's always here for us.

That's better. And now, hug each other.

I'll give her a braid of hair
to thank her for her breathing class.

It helps me to be less afraid of akumas.

Breathe deeply. Think of your emotions
like the surface of a quiet lake.

[all gasp]
-Not that quiet, Kim.

I got my inspiration from the exercise she
has us do at the beginning of every class.

Morning, Chloé!
Your hair is really pretty today!

What do you mean "today"?
My hair is always pretty!

Ugh! Yeah, well, today, Rose,
you seem less... annoying!

Isn't it great to start the day
by sharing kind words with each other?

Compared to those other gifts,
mine's going to be super lame!

Don't worry, Marinette!
There's no pressure!

How about you, Marinette? I'm sure
you've come up with something awesome!

Oh, me? Uh... It's nearly roughing it all!

Uh, I mean, it's really nothing at all!

[all gasp]

"If we wish to change the world,
we must all learn to love each other."

That's one of the first things
she taught us when we first met her.

-I always keep it in mind.

I also added this tube of lip balm.
Her favourite colour!

Come to think of it, she's probably
the reason we get along so awesomely!

I'm so lucky to get a teacher like her.

How about you, Chloé, what's your present?

Nothing. Just like every year
since kindergarten.

It's not her fault!
Chloé just doesn't like birthdays.

She never remembers them,
just like her mom.

Yeah, well, you don't have
to tell her my life story.

Anyway, all that stuff about compliments
and love? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!

-This girl's got no heart.
-Of course I have a heart!

Daddy will even buy me a second one
if I want!

[school bell rings]

-What's our next lesson again?
-Physical science.

We'll be late for Mrs Mendeleiev's
Physics class, Chloé!

Permanent marker.

Cap off!

I do have a present for you,
Marinette Dupain-Cheng!

[camera shutter clicks]

At last, this is Miss Bustier's class!
This year will be her best birthday ever!

[school bell rings]

-This is for you!
-Happy Birthday, Miss Bustier!

Oh, thank you!

-Happy Birthday, Miss Bustier!
-Oh, you're all so sweet!

Marinette made that one!



I know you did this, Chloé Bourgeois!

-A . % certainty!
-So uncool, Chloé!

-Seriously lame!
-Calm down.

We don't want to get upset on my birthday.

Well, I think this present's wonderful!
It'll be my new cosmetics bag.

I'll be able to think of both of you
every time I use it!

What? You're not going to let her
get away with this?

She's worse than Hawk Moth!

At least half the city
has gotten akumatised because of her!

Students, please! Calm down now!

The classroom is not a place for insults
and defamation!

Marinette! Would you come with me, please?

-Alya, I'm relying on you

to make sure things don't get out of hand.

OK, Miss.

That feeling of injustice.
What could be worse than being punished

for someone else's wrong-doings?

Fly away, my little akuma,
and evilise her!

But Miss Bustier, it's so not fair!

It was Chloé pulling another... Chloé!

And I'm the one who's getting in trouble?

Ha, ha! Of course you're not in trouble.
don't worry!

As the class representative, I want you
to set a good example for your classmates.

Don't give in to feelings of anger.
Try to forgive Chloé instead.

Argh! The emotions have weakened!
Get closer, Akuma!

I don't get it. Chloé
is the meanest person I've ever known.

Come on. There are much worse people
in Paris right now than Chloé Bourgeois!

I'm sure people like Chloé
are capable of great things.

The problem is
they only think of themselves.

They don't understand the meaning of love.
And we can't force them to change,

but perhaps we can set a good example.

That's why Marinettes are so important.

Because they have a lot of love to give.
I'm counting on you.

Yes, Miss Bustier.

An akuma! Oh, no!

Go away! I won't let you evilise
one of my students!

There! The mere fear that harm
might come to her little protégée!

Fly, my little evil one,
and akumatise her!

Oh! No! No!

Don't give up!
Think only positive thoughts!

Hello, Miss. I am Hawk Moth.

I'm not going to listen to you!
You can't force me to do evil!

Who said anything about evil?
There's already so much hate in the world.

I want to help you unite
everyone together with love, at last!

-Isn't that your greatest wish?
-Miss Bustier, please! Breathe deeply

-and focus!

Zombizoo, I'm giving you the power
to spread love and compassion.

Thanks to you,
the whole world will be one big embrace!

In return, bring me Ladybug
and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

I won't stop
until everyone on Earth feels the love!

Starting with Chloé Bourgeois!

I will not let Hawk Moth do this
to the best teacher in the world!

Tikki, spots on!



I have got some great news for you,

From now on, everyone's going to
hug and kiss and feel the love.

-Even you, Chloé!

Yuck! Ew!

What is that thing?

Please, Miss Bustier!
You've gotta snap out of it!

I'm not Miss Bustier any more!

I am Zombizoo!

Get out, quick!

It's suddenly gotten very warm in here!

I don't know what's happening. I...

-What is wrong with you?

Get away from me!

-Look out!


-Are you OK?
-I feel feverish. I can't...


They're contagious!
Don't let yourselves get kissed!

Run! I'll hold them back!

Aaah! Stop it! No, you're tickling me!


I'll leave her in your hands, my lovelies!

-Is Chloé in here?
-How dare you interrupt my class?

-Who are you?
-No? Oh, well!

Smoochies, my poochies!

Chloé Bourgeois? Not in here either?

Kisses, my lovelies!

-Excuse me!

-Didn't anyone teach you to knock?
-I don't like knocking.

I prefer a gentle touch! Mwah! Kissy-boo!

Chloé! I'll find you sooner or later!

There! That should hold you for a while!

-Kissoo! Kissoo!

-Anybody here?

-Anybody here?

OK, not here either!

Anybody here?


-Oops! Sorry! Uh... Reflex!

-We're saved!

Are you all OK?

-Looks like it.
-Uh... Adrien?

He still hasn't come out of his locker.


[screaming and sobbing]

-Kissy, kissy!
-Oh, man!

He must have gotten kissed on the stairs
when he was saving Chloé!

We need to head to the roof.

Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo!

Kissy! Kissy-boo!

Admit it! That was all just a ploy
to try and get a kiss out of Ladybug!

Come on, don't be ridiculous!
How else will we work under the radar?

Plagg, claws out!

Sorry, guys. No autographs this time!

Kissoo! Kissoo!

Kissoo! Kissoo!

[Nadia Chamack] Yet again,
citizens of Paris are in danger.

-A strange disease is spreading.
-Hey, guys,

I'm all for our French greetings,
but let's not kiss for now.

I'm glad you're here, Cat Noir.
Check this out.

Hordes of zombies are spreading
throughout Paris!

Let's go over to our mayor,
live from City Hall.

We advise all Parisians
to remain inside at this time.


-Mr Mayor? Mr Mayor?

It looks like we're having
a slight technical issue.

I took care of your father, Chloé!
Show yourself!

-Then, Ladybug and Cat Noir,

I'm coming for you! Mwah!

Unless my sweethearts
get hold of you first!

Because very soon,
the whole city will be hot on your heels!

[evil laugh]

Chloé! Huh! Always Chloé!
You only think about yourself!

-Why don't we give 'em what they want?
-Hey, yeah! Good idea!

Is it my fault if I'm better
than all of you?

Sorry to disappoint you guys,

but she doesn't deserve this
any more than you.

And we need her as bait
when the time is right.

Uh... thanks?

They're coming!

We've gotta evacuate! Over there!

-Cat Noir, do you know how to drive?
-You should know the answer to that.

-I can do anything!
-Kitties first, then!


Max and Kim, you go first!



Hurry up!

Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo!


-Come on, Chloé!


Play the hero as much as you like,
but you won't be getting a kiss out of me!

-Just go, before I change my mind!
-Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo!

Aaah! Aaah!

-Slow down, Chloé!


Hello? Who's going to come and save me?

Yoo-hoo! Kissy-kissy-kissy!

-I can't just leave her by herself!

Oh, great! Now I've twisted my ankle,
because you weren't fast enough!

Take care of Chloé.
Besides, you'll save all of us, right?

Yeah, that's a promise!

-You want a kissy?



Na-na-nana-na! Kissy-kissy-kissy!

Hurry Up. We gotta go now!


I thought you said you knew how to drive!

I've mastered every car
in Extreme Racing ,

-but there are no buses in that game!

-Are you OK?
-Yeah. Just a close call, that's all.

-So what now?
-Let's take Chloé to the Eiffel Tower.

There'll be fewer places
for Zombizoo's disciples to run to.

-Less places for us to hide!
-It's the only way,

-if we want Zombizoo to turn up in person!

-I totally trust you, Ladybug!
-People must stop invading my space!

Don't forget our agreement, Zombizoo!

No one can escape my kiss!


Stay together and follow me!

Nino! The vending machine! Quick!
Everybody inside the elevator!

Faster! Faster!


-Oh, no!
-There's nothing we can do for her!

Come on!

He's right. Just go, and save us all.

Nino? Nino!

It doesn't matter
we're the only ones left,

since you'll fix it all in the end.

Only the best remain!

This isn't the first time
we've been in trouble together.


Straight ahead! Eiffel's office!

Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo!

Ladybug! Catch!




-Kissoo! Kissoo!
-Cat Noir!

I'll just stay here and chill.

If we're going to end up kissing,
I'd rather we do it after you save us, OK?

You're the only one
who can fix this for us. No arguing now!

It's down to you and me! Chloé?

At least I won't get in your way now.
Good luck!

[evil laugh]

Hand over Chloé and your Miraculous,

Then I might just let you witness
the final triumph of love!

Victory has never been so close!

Lucky Charm!

Make-up remover?
How will you save my life with that?


-Cat Noir!

Don't worry, Kitty,
you'll get your kisses.

But first,
I have a lucky charm I need to use!

-I'm sorry!

-This is all my fault!

But now's not a good time.

Save us all, Ladybug!

You're all alone, Ladybug! Accept
my love and give me your Miraculous!

This is not true love!


No more evil-doing for you, little akuma!

Time to de-evilise!


Bye-bye, little butterfly.

Miraculous Ladybug!


Ladybug, Cat Noir, if Zombizoo is right,
if love does always conquer,

then, some day, my most cherished wish
will come true, for sure.

-Pound it!
-Pound it!

Ladybug? Cat Noir? What on Earth... ?
Oh! Ah! The akuma overtook me!

Oh, no! I... I let my negative emotions
get the upper hand. How terrible!

-I'm terrible.
-That's not true!

It wasn't your fault.
Hawk Moth is the one to blame.

-But I hurt a lot of people.

I did! I forgot your birthday, once again.

And when I saw everyone had prepared
a gift for you, I totally lost it,

because I too would have liked to offer
you something. I'm sorry, Miss Bustier.

Thank you, Chloé.

Those words are the best
possible gift you could ever give me!

Uh, yeah. OK, then, we're all good.


Me? You want me to apologise
to the entire class?

Ridiculous! They should be thanking me
for saving everybody!

I happen to have several accounts
of what went down, including my own,

and they don't exactly match your version.

I heard you helped Ladybug
and saved Miss Bustier. Awesome!

There is a heart beating in there,
after all.

Sorry I said there wasn't... and thanks.

Girl, are you still zombizoofied or what?

I've realised Chloé has a heart too.
She just doesn't know how to use it.

Hopefully, she'll learn if we continue
setting a positive example.

-Morning, everyone!
-Morning, Miss Bustier!

Glad to see you all.

As usual, we'll start the day by giving
a nice compliment to your neighbour.

[lively music]
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