02x11 - Sapotis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir". Aired: September 1, 2015 – present.*
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A computer-animated series that takes place in modern-day Paris and revolves around the adventures of two teenagers who transform into their superhero personas, Ladybug and Cat Noir when evil arises.
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02x11 - Sapotis

Post by bunniefuu »

In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

Because I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪

Yes, Mrs Césaire. The girls are ready
for bed, uh... technically speaking.

Yeah, we're good! Enjoy the movie!

Come on, bedtime, you little monsters!
That's enough mischief for one day!

It's not us, it's the Sapotis! Ha, ha!

Off to bed, little Sapotis!
You need to rest

-if you want to be fighting fit tomorrow!
-It's not fair!

We don't want to go to bed.
We want to stay up, like you!

Yeah, we wanna watch the movie
and tell each other lots of secrets!

And what kind of zombies will you be
at the amusement park, tomorrow,

if you go to bed late?

-Show 'em, Marinette.
-Yawn... um... um...

So what's it gonna be? Boring,
sit-down pyjama party with the big kids,

or the super-fun amusement park tomorrow?

The amusement park!

That's what I thought.
Good night, Sapotis.

Wait, can we keep them on, please?

All right. But go to sleep now!

You have the technique down
with your sisters!

But, uh, who are the Sapi... Sapo...

The Sapotis? They're little monsters
from a Creole fable

who are always pulling pranks
and making mischief.

Now we're alone, I can tell you.

Ladybug has been around
since the Pharaohs.

But no way can the Ladybug
we know be , years old!

So, I downloaded a great app that analysed
recordings I had of her talking.

Based on the frequencies of her voice,
it turns out she's a girl our age!

Uh, Alya... the orange juice?



It's not us! It's the Sapotis!


-What were we saying, again?

We were about to watch a movie!

Oh, yeah, Ladybug!
She's like a high-school girl!

So, to figure out who she is, we need to
find a girl our age, who's always late...

Don't you think there's a good reason
why she keeps her identity a secret?

All right, that's enough!

Get outta bed one more time
and no one will go to the park tomorrow!

-Ha, ha! It's not us, it's...
-This is your last warning. No joke!

What were you saying about her identity?

She needs it to protect her friends.

the villains could use them to get to her.

-Ha, ha, ha!

-It's not us, it's...
-That's it!

Come on, Alya! We won't do it again!

Yeah? Well, it's too late!
We'll go to the park when you can behave!

Now, go to sleep!

"I don't want another peep out of you!"
"Wash your hands!" "Clean your room!"

Kids should be able to do
whatever they want to do,

however they want to do it.

Fly, my evil little one,
and akumatise them!

Well, if I knew who Ladybug really was,
I'd keep it a secret.

I would even help her. Like, say,
if you were Ladybug, I'd cover for you

when you needed to transform in school,
go fight the baddies, you know?

Oh, yeah? Well, if I was Ladybug,
I wouldn't even tell you,

to protect you from the baddies, you know?

You serious?
If I was Ladybug, I'd totally tell you,

because I tell my best friend everything!

You're right, Alya, you should
always tell your best friend everything.

So, come on, spill the beans,
are you actually Ladybug?

Right, like I'm telling you! Nah-ah!


-It's mine!
-No, this one's mine!

No, it's mine!

Sapotis, I am Hawk Moth.
Your big sister's telling you what to do?

Well, I'll let you be
as mischievous as you want!

And do whatever we want? Like stay up
all night and go to the movies?

And eat lots of desserts, drink orange
juice and still go to the amusement park?

Yes, yes. But calm down! From now on,
no one will ever be able to punish you,

because it will always be
another Sapoti's fault.

All you have to do is to take
Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous

and give them to your good friend,
Hawk Moth. OK?


[wild laughter]

That's it!
I've totally had it with these kids!

Don't even try to blame this on the...


Maybe you were
a little too strict with them.

[wild screams]

Normally when you're firm with kids
they don't turn into monsters!

-They're multiplying after they eat! Aaah!

Marinette, the window!
We can't let them out!

Marinette, take care of these two!

We've got to bring them back!

Time to transform!

Tikki, spots on! Ha!

-To the airport!

Hey! What's going on?

Drive! Drive!

[evil laugh]

On your left, l'académie des beaux arts,
and on your right, the Louvre museum!



These miniature monsters seem to be
attacking more and more people. Aaah!

[indistinct chatter]

I think we'd better take care of this.

Food thieves are real dangers!
What are you waiting for?

Plagg, claws out!

[wild laughter]

-It's forbidden...
-..to play around with traffic lights!

-You're just in time, kitty!

How did you know
to destroy the hat?

-I, uh... trial and error!
-But no akuma's been released.

No, 'cause that monster was a clone.

These Sapotis multiply
every time they eat.

To get to the akuma,
we must destroy the original one,

the very first one Hawk Moth akumatised.

-So you mean we've got to catch 'em all?
-I thought you liked a good challenge!



Hey, don't eat that ice cream
or things will get catastrophic!

Seize their Miraculous!

We can't destroy their hats!
There's too many of them!


Lucky Charm!

-A teapot?
-It's strangely familiar.

It's weird! I can't find anything!

Hurry up! My Kung fu is not enough!

Of course! I know someone who can help!
Gotta go!

-Right now? Can't it wait?
-No, it can't!

-You gotta trust me on this one.
-Go on, Milady!

[knock on door]

It's open.

-Hello, Master Fu.
-Hello, Marinette.

Marinette? But, you're not supposed
to come to Master Fu's place!

Let her talk, Wayzz.

Master, I used my Lucky Charm,
but, strangely,

I think it was a hint,
which was telling me to come here.

I see.

Marinette. I taught you all about
the Miraculous and their powers.

You know that yours
works in a very mysterious way.

I think it's trying to tell us
that you need help this time.

I don't know if it's safe.

I already took an enormous risk by putting
two Miraculous into circulation.

And you were right to do it!
Cat Noir and I are very careful.


Marinette, pick up an ally you can trust
to fight alongside you in this mission.

-Choose wisely.

Such powers are meant to serve
the greater good.

-They must never get into the wrong hands.
-Like Hawk Moth's.

Yes. Once the mission is over,
you must retrieve the Miraculous from them

and bring it back to me.

Until we've unlocked all the secrets,

it's too dangerous to allow any more
Miraculous to be out in the open for long.

Is there anyone you can think of,

Yes, Master. I know just the right person.


Listen, we can renegotiate
the amusement-park idea if you want, OK?

But first, I need you to chill out
and come back home with me!

Ladybug! My sisters have been akumatised!

I need to bring them home.

There's a way to find your sisters,
but we'll need your help. You interested?

Me, help you superheroes? You bet I am!

-Just wait till I tell Marinette!
-Hold on now, this has to be a secret.

Not a word to anyone!

-Oh! Right! Understood!
-Alya Césaire,

here is the Miraculous of the Fox,
which grants the power of illusion.

You will use it for the greater good.

Once the job is done, you will return
the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

Totally, Ladybug.

What is that thing?

I am not a thing!
My name is Trixx, and I am your kwami.

My "kwami"? I know! You're what gives
superheroes their superpowers! Right?

-Not bad!
-She's an expert!

Mind Blown! By the way, how old are you?

Do you have any idea who Cat Noir is?

-Stay focused, Alya!
-Sorry, Ladybug.

Ready to become a superhero?

You just need to say one thing,
"Trixx, let's pounce!"

Trixx, let's pounce!

This is so awesome!

But I look like Lila
when she has been akumatised in this suit!

Yes, but the superhero version! Come on,
I'll explain the rest to you on the way.

Wow! This is so cool!

Mission first!


-What's taking so long, Ladybug?
-There! Take his Miraculous from him!


This is so insane! I've got powers
and I'm fighting supervillains.

Who is this superhero friend of yours?

No offence,
but I thought I was the only one!

Cat Noir, I'd like you to meet... uh...

Uh... Rena Rouge!
Yeah, my name is Rena Rouge!

Well, sneaky fox,
think you'll be as sneaky as a cat?

-I dunno. Should we take bets?
-Your friend seems pretty good!

-I surround myself with only the best!
-Welcome to our team.

If you need any superhero tips,
you know where to come.

Really? You're gonna give me
Ladybug's phone number?

I have a feeling working with you
is gonna be a lot of fun!

A new hero. So I was right. There are
indeed other Miraculous in the city.

Sapotis, listen to me!
Three superheroes are nothing against you!

There are enough of you
to destroy everything!

So band together and take their Miraculous
or I'll remove your powers

and there'll be no more mischief!

-We're surrounded!
-We're retreating!

There must be thousands of them!

Lucky Charm!

An unicycle?

Whenever you're ready, Milady!

Rakes, unicycle wheel,
traffic cone, tape, trash can...

-Do you always make it this complicated?
-Trust me, Rena Rouge.

Here we go!

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Sapoti-Land is about to open!

Mischief of all sizes
are permitted in Sapoti-Land!

All-you-can-eat desserts!
Fountains of orange juice!

Big-kid movies and video games!

All right, Rena Rouge!
Time to use your power!

I've never tried it. Hope it works!

Just think of the illusion
you want to create. Stay focused!



My necklace is flashing! Um,
that means I'll change back soon, right?

Yeah, but it's OK if I see who you are.
I can keep a secret.

Naughty kitty! You know very well
that our identities must remain secret!

Good job! You're a fast learner!

If you need superhero tips,
you know where to come!

Follow me and I'll take you to
Sapoti-Land, where there's no bedtime,

where everything goes!


No, wait! Don't go there!
Ladybug's trying to trap you!

Phase two, Cat Noir. Now!

Step right up! Step right up!
The Sapotis get in for free!

-All the Sapotis are in the alley.
-Is this really gonna work?

Don't worry.
Sometimes it's more absurd than this!

Your turn, Ladybug!

We've got all the hats, Ladybug!


No more evil-doing for you, little akuma!

Time to de-evilise!


Bye-bye, little butterfly!

Miraculous Ladybug!

Pound it!


Uh... Gotta get going,
uh, before I transform back.

Looking forward
to fighting with you again, Rena Rouge!

-I'll join you.
-Bye, kitty!


Can you make sure the two girls
get back home safely?

-OK, who's gonna tell me where you live?
-I will! Ha, ha!

You and your friends
have defeated me this time, Ladybug,

but thanks to you, now I know
there are other Miraculous in Paris,

and, most likely, a Guardian.

That was unreal!

You really helped us a lot.
Thank you, Alya.

You know, if I held onto it,
I could help you again.

-You made a promise.
-Oh, please, Ladybug.

We'd make a great team!
I could help Cat Noir and you every day!

-I'm about to transform back. Hurry!

I have to go. I'm trusting you.

You're absolutely right, Alya.

The three of you
would make quite the team!

You have all the makings of a true
superhero. You're strong, brave,

but, most of all, you're trustworthy.

You made the right choice, Marinette.
Thanks to you,

Paris has been saved from evil, yet again.

[door bell rings]

Marinette! Are you OK?

I called you tons of times.
Why weren't you answering?

Wait till you hear!
Something crazy happened to me!

-Really? What happened?
-I... Uh... Well... My battery died!

Can you believe it?
My brand new phone! Super let down, huh!

I'm just glad you're safe!


Keep the noise down.
My sisters are asleep, at last!

Phew! All's well that ends well.

Thanks to Ladybug and Cat Noir!

I heard they had another superhero
with them tonight. A girl!

Oh, no! Seriously?
I had no idea! Who was it?

Weren't we going to watch a movie?

Oh, come on! Please! Did you see her?
Did you at least know what her name was?

What did she look like?
Come on, girl, tell me everything!

[lively music]
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