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05x12 - Breakdown

Posted: 01/25/23 07:03
by bunniefuu
Well, well, what treasures today?

We got a condom, chicken, and a wig.


Uh, a pill and a chew toy.

- I think that's bingo.

Yo, Jeff, what you doing here, man?

Faulty heater.

Probably just a block in the line.

Otherwise, she'll have
to come out of service.

You guys smell something?

- Yeah, all of it.

No, I mean...

forget it.


Damn, bro, what you doing?

Dispatch, this is Jeff, .

I got a leak on...

[COUGHING] I got a leak on...

a leak on...

Go again.


- Jeff, you playing, man?
- Go again. I didn't get that.


♪ ♪

Hey, Cesar, what are you doing?

- Toasting.
- No, no, untoasted.

I like it chewy.


Hey, Sam.

He has a lump.

What... what do you...

what do you mean you found a lump?

Your son. I found it this morning.

A lump?

- Yes.
- How big is it?

The size of a walnut.

I made an appointment with Dr. Craig.

We are on our way now.


All right, well, look, just breathe.

You know, I'm sure this is nothing.

I agree.

You know, he's been in the clear for...

for months, right?

All his recent scans
have been... have been fine, so...

I know, but Jubal...

Can you put me on speakerphone?


- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, buddy.

You're not...
you're not worried, are you?

I don't know.

Don't be.

This is... this is nothing.

I promise.

Thanks, Dad. We gotta go.


Yeah, just keep me posted, okay?

Will do.

♪ ♪



Two dead, an MTA mechanic and
a member of the cleaning crew.

We've got a third on a ventilator,
and it's not looking good.

- Chemical or toxin?
- Unclear.

Either way, it's a possible WMD.

All right, so where's Hazmat?

On scene along with the
National Guard, CDC, and FEMA.

That's a lot of windbreakers.

Well, let's hope it's overkill.

But I've sent OA and Scola
to join the party.

Sorry. Governor is on the line.

Okay, on my way.

- Hey, Jubal?
- Yeah.

Do your thing.


All right, people, eyes on me.

Our city is under att*ck.

Our job is to contain the thr*at

and neutralize the people responsible.

We have a long list of questions.

So let's start with what this w*apon is

and how it got there?

This is what we train for.

Get busy.

The device is a high-pressure aerosol

paired with a digital timer.

The droplets settled
in a matter of minutes,

but we deconned the bus
to make sure it's safe.

This is the device.
It was in the bus's heater.

Any idea what we're working with?

Yeah, the initial tests
came back positive

for botulinum toxin.

- As in Botox?
- Yeah. Points to you.

In diluted form, it's really great

for smoothing out wrinkles
and age lines.

But concentrated, it's the
most lethal poison on Earth.

Paralysis starts in seconds.

The victim dies of suffocation.

I'm familiar with Sarin gas.

Different structure, same effect, right?

That's right.

Who's got access to the facility?

Employees only.
MTA runs a really tight ship.

But I'll have a list
sent down to Fed.

Okay, this toxin, it comes
from bacteria, correct?

That's correct. Clostridium botulinum.

The bug is easy enough to grow,

but to refine it into a toxin,
that takes time and equipment.

Whoever did this really
knew what they were doing.

It was set to go off at : p.m.

When this thing would be packed.

Yeah. We're lucky that the
mechanic set it off by mistake.

Would have k*lled everyone on board.

♪ ♪

This is the bus before
it went in service.

Clear feed, then this.

He sprays the lens.

Why are we watching it then?

There's a hole in the middle.
He missed a spot.


Can you get facial rec?

Not so far.

Wait, what is that?

Is that... that's an
operator's badge, right?

Can you get that number?

Yeah, okay.

Okay, .

All right, checking MTA.

All right, badge belongs
to Aurelio Martinez.

Okay, eyes up. Check it out.

Age . Address in the Bronx.

I'll send Maggie and Tiff.

So how the hell does a bus driver
get his hands on a biological w*apon?

- FBI!
- We have a warrant!

♪ ♪

Where's Aurelio?

I don't know.

He went out last night.

Didn't come back.

Place is clear.

You his mother?

Your son is wanted in connection

with a terror investigation.


My son is no t*rror1st.

Okay, so help us clear this up.

Did he say where
he was going last night?

He doesn't say much these days.

The stress is too much.

I worry.

He's... he's going to hurt
himself, do something crazy.


I'm sorry you're
going through this right now,

but we need to find your son.

Every day,
he... he... he takes care of me.

And the debt collectors
keep calling night after night.

And I tell him it can't go on.

But he says, "Mama, I find a way."

Okay, did you call him?

Of course.

But he doesn't pick up.

Aurelio's phone is still pinging.

It's gotta be around here somewhere.

Looks like about meters.

♪ ♪

Excuse me.


It's Aurelio.

♪ ♪

All right, so our initial suspect,
Aurelio Martinez, is dead,

not poisoned but sh*t
after he planted an aerosol

filled with neurotoxin on a public bus,

which suggests he is a pawn
and not a prime mover

- in this t*rror1st att*ck.
- Which makes sense.

Aurelio would not have
had the technical know-how

to manufacture the toxin.

Financials support that theory.

He made a deposit last week,
, , all cash.

Okay, so that was probably
the first half of the payment.

Then Martinez heads down to
the pier to pick up the rest,

and he gets whacked.

So who hired him?

I think I have an answer,
or part of one.

These are messages Martinez
was saving in a drafts folder

of an email account.

It looks like he's been
taking orders from a person

calling himself Bin Zada.

Bin Zada, that's son of Zada.

Okay, can we... can we trace it?

No, that IP was masked,

but that name got a hit
in the NSA database.

Yeah? Uh, Sarah, where are you?

- What do you got?
- Not much.

According to my intel,
Bin Zada is an alias

for a U.S.-based operative
working for Ansar as-Sayf,

a Houthi extremist group in Yemen.

Right, they blame America
for their civil w*r

ever since the Saudis intervened.

Yeah, been a thr*at for years
using conventional weapons.

Guess they upped the ante.

Okay, how about something
we can work with,

age, profession, hairstyle?

No, I'm sorry.

I know he exists, but that's about all.

- Great.


I gotta grab this.


♪ ♪

Hey, Ty, what's going on?

Dr. Craig says I need an ultrasound.


Oh, okay. Um, did he say why?

He just said he wanted to
make sure everything was okay.


Right, okay, well, that's...

you know, that's what I, uh, expected.

These doctors, they have
to cover their bases, you know?

And plus more tests mean more money.

So in case of a tie... [CHUCKLES]

Is your mom there?

No, she's...
she's filling out some form.

All right, well,
just let her know I'll call her

in a little while, all right?

And honestly, buddy,
do not worry about this.

It's gonna be fine.


- Hope so.
- It is.

It is. Trust me. I love you.

I'll talk to you in a little while.

♪ ♪

Uh, well, if we don't know
who gave Aurelio the w*apon,

maybe we can find out
where it came from.

The genomic analysis
of that toxin just came in.

So this strain of botulism in the WMD

only exists in the BSL- lab.

How many of these labs are there?

There's four on the Eastern Seaboard,

but only one is here
in New York, Hudson University.


Botulism is a unique
pathogen, lives in soil,

anaerobic, meaning that oxygen kills it.

Most germs want a living host,

but botulism needs the infected
to die and decay in the soil

to complete the cycle, hence the toxin.

Okay, well, that toxin
has been weaponized.

The genome is a match for the strain

that you keep here in your lab, type F.

You're kidding.

We're the FBI.
Kidding isn't really our thing.

You have the equipment here
to refine the toxin?

Technically, yes, we have the
centrifuges that could do it,

but everyone who works here
passes a background check.

- I can vouch for them all.
- Including yourself.

Look, even if somebody had
bad intentions, a big if,

there are a dozen researchers
and students

that share the space. We'd all know.

Okay, what about after hours?

What is the procedure like then?

Everything shuts down at night.

But we have access with keycards.

There'll be a record.

We're gonna need those sent
to Fed right now.

♪ ♪

So check this out.

We've got some random
entries into the lab,

but there's one person who stands out,

comes and goes a lot.

Amal Janubi, -year-old
post-doc, born in Yemen.

She's logged dozens of visits to
the lab between : and : a.m.,

with that number accelerating
over the past few weeks.

We just checked electricity
usage over that same period.

The power draws spike
at the exact same times.

So either Amal's running a dry bar

or she's operating
some serious equipment.

Like a centrifuge.
They draw a ton of amps.

All right, what'd I miss?

Sorry, I needed some air and a refill.

All right, we've got a new suspect.

Do we have a location on Amal?

Yeah, she just walked into a
campus dining hall on th Ave.


♪ ♪


Is that her straight ahead?

Amal Janubi? We have a couple questions.

♪ ♪

You're under arrest.

You got something you wanna say?

Yeah, I want a lawyer.

My client isn't the bad guy here.

Three people are dead.

And it would have been a lot
more if that device went off on time.

There's more to the story, and my client

has information that can help you.

If that is true,

then I can put in a good word
with the U.S. attorney.

But Amal, you've gotta tell me
everything that you know.

Go ahead, Amal.

Please, you have to trust me.

If you wanna see your family
again, it's the only way.

Let's start with the basics.

We know you made the toxin.


Yes. And?

And she didn't plant it or weaponize it.

Okay, I need to hear it from her.

A friend, Bin Zada.

Look, we know that that's an alias.
I need a name.

What does he look like?

We never met in person.

Never saw each other's face.

So how did you two meet?


He messaged me out of the blue.

I don't know how he got my number.

And you just gave him the toxin?

I left the botulinum in a
storage locker two days ago.

How much?


Concentrated liquid form.

The bus aerosol, how much toxin in it?


Right, .

Okay, so we know Bin Zada has
enough for at least one more device,

which, in the right place
could k*ll what... hundreds?

More like thousands.

Where's this locker?

We need to know
where the locker is, Amal.

You have to answer.

No, I don't.

Don't be stupid.

You're gonna blow the deal.

Some things are worth waiting for.

You mean dying for.

If that's what happens.

If that's what happens?

Innocent people are gonna suffer.

What do you know about the innocent?

Give us five.
I need to speak with my client.

No, I'm done with you.

You're just as bad as them.

You have no idea...

the death and destruction in my country,

famine, children dying,
dozens every day.

And do you know why?

Because America's friends
are starving them,

ripping them apart with American bombs.

Bin Zada wants to give you a
small taste of what it's like.

He sent a message this morning.

It happens tonight.

♪ ♪

I want it to happen.

And it will.

♪ ♪




Okay, so we now have confirmation

of a second device filled with toxin.

The bus att*ck was
set to go off at : p.m.

for mass casualties, but we have no idea

where this Bin Zada
is going to strike next,

other than tonight.

So the best way to stop
the next mass casualty event

is to find him.

So how... how are we doing?

Amal left the toxin
in a locker two days ago.

Question is, where is it?

Yeah, Hobbs and I
have been running that down,

and according to her metro card,

Amal made a short trip from her work

to the First Avenue subway stop.

Yeah, she was back in minutes,

and there's only one storage facility

in a three-block radius.

That's East Village Mini Storage.

And that's on Avenue A and th.

Yes. Tell me we have
the security footage.

That would be a yes.

Here's Amal dropping the toxin
off in locker two days ago.

And here's the retrieval
minutes later.

Okay, there it is. There he is.


His face is obscured, right?

Yeah, can't make an ID.

Well, I can estimate that height.

His height is average,
like the rest of them.

It could be anybody.

Okay, so what about earlier
when he rented the locker?

Footage isn't retained that far back,

and according to the records,
he paid cash

and left the name blank.

So we can't follow him,
see where he went?

I've been trying, but the coverage

in the area is really poor.

Wait, wait, got something.

NYPD camera at Tompkins Square Park.

This is four minutes after pickup.

All right.

That's him in front of the fruit stand.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, come on. Turn around.

Can't see his face. Come on.

- Looks like a hand off.
- Please, please, please.

It's a friend or co-conspirator.

Come on, let's get this ID.

All right, here we go.

Here we go. Yes, wait.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Where is he?

- Where did... where'd he go?
- Get him back!

Get him back, people. Come on.

Yeah, can't see him on the street.

He probably went inside a building.

Okay, then let's get
inside that building.

Or a vehicle, like an Uber or a cab.

Right, right,
let's figure out which one.

There's so many, I don't think we can.

You don't think we can?

Can we please not put limitations

on ourselves today?

Please, people, let's go.

- Jubal?
- Hmm.

- Are you okay?
- Hmm.

So what kind of lump?

Ah, I don't know.
He's with Sam right now.

I haven't had a chance
to see it or feel it.

Well, it could be anything.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I know.

I just have this...

You know, I just thought
we were past this.

- But, uh...[CLEARS THROAT]
- I get it.

Listen, if you need some time off...

No, no, no, I'm good.

You sure?

I mean, look, I'd love
to take the day and be with Ty,

but I kind of feel like
I'm needed on this, all right?

- Okay, let's get back to work.
- Yeah.

Listen, I want you out in the field.

Follow up with that fruit vendor,

- and take Maggie with you.
- Okay, yeah.

Hey, he's over there, blue jacket.

Yeah. All right, there's the vendor.


You kidding me?

I can get you another coffee.

Don't worry about it.

♪ ♪

- Thank you very much.
- Yeah.

Excuse me.
We have some questions for you.

Okay, what about?

These two guys, you recognize them?

They were here a couple of days ago.

Him, I'm not sure.

But the green backpack, that's Hassan.

- You're positive?
- Oh, he's a regular.

- He likes mango.
- He likes mango?

Okay, does this mango lover
have a last name?

I don't know,

but he works for those exterminators,

the ones with the crazy commercials, uh,

the singing cats. Puma Pest Control.

- Hassan at Puma Pest Control.
- Hassan, yeah.

- That's helpful. Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Appreciate it.
- No problem, yeah.

Puma Pest Control
has two employees named Hassan,

but only one of them
with a connection to Yemen.

Hassan Nasif, , a technician
with years experience

and licensed to handle
volatile chemicals.

Like poisons and aerosols.
What else do we know?

According to socials, he and
Amal attend the same mosque.

Which would explain
how he knew that Amal

had access to the botulism

and may be sympathetic to the cause.

But Nasif has been
in the U.S. for decades.

How has he avoided our radar?

Don't know, but he hasn't
been an extremist for long.

Looks like he started
engaging with Ansar as-Sayf

after his mother was k*lled
by an American-supplied

cluster b*mb in Yemen a year ago today.

An anniversary is both
personal and symbolic.

The timing fits.

Oh, and here's a fun fact.

His mother's name is Zada.

- As in Bin Zada.
- Yeah.

All right, we've got our suspect.

I want a location now.

♪ ♪

Uh, so Hassan's place is the
basement of that first stoop.

Cavalry is on its way.

Let's hold tight till they get here.

Copy that.

Hey, is everything good?

What's that?

I don't really know how to bring this up

without just asking you directly, but...

Have you been drinking?


No, Maggie, no.

You just seem a little bit off and...

Yeah, I've got something
going on, personal thing.

It's stressing me out a bit, but no.

I just thought I smelled
alcohol in your coffee earlier.



That's... that's him.

Go, go, go. I'll cut him off.

♪ ♪

Hey! Stop!


♪ ♪

Suspect is fleeing south
on Eastern Parkway.

Damn it!

Hey, any sign of Hassan?

- None so far.
- Streets are crowded.

NYPD set up a containment,

but I'm guessing he slipped that too.

Okay, well, let's expand the grid.

You guys find the OIC
and help coordinate.

Tiff, sit tight for a second.

I'm gonna check on our patient.

Hey, how are you feeling?

Like I just got hit
in the head with a brick.

Yeah, he got you good, huh?

What happened back there?

I didn't have a sh*t.

Not... not one I was willing to take.

Too much risk.

And look, just to finish our
conversation from before,

I'm not drinking.

I appreciate you
checking in or whatever.

But you're off base there.

So... yeah?


We clear?


Yeah, okay.

Why don't you join OA and Scola
on the perimeter?

Tiff and I will check out the apartment.


♪ ♪

Hey, this guy, Hassan,
was deep down a rabbit hole.

I mean, he made a shrine to his mother.

Yeah, along with his impotence and rage,

it's a bad place to be.

Sooner or later, you snap.

Hey, guys, I got something.

Come here, check this out.

What do you got?

We believe that he was
assembling the devices here.

Okay, any sign of the toxin?

No, we've been up and down. It's gone.

So it's as we suspected.

The aerosol's already been assembled.

Yeah, and probably in place
like the first one, ready to blow.

- Hey, Jubal?
- Uh-huh.

Looks like Hassan had company.


You think it's the guy
he met at the fruit stand?

Hey, make sure you dust
these glasses here.

Whoever it was has to know something.

♪ ♪

The CDC is rushing antitoxin
over to area hospitals.

They only have a few doses,
but it will save some lives.

Do we have any update on Hassan?

We expanded the grid, but no dice.

Wait... prints from Hassan's
apartment just came back.

- Two sets.
- Running now.

Yeah, the first are Hassan's.

And the second... nothing in IAFIS.

All right, try Interpol
and have the FBI legat

run it through the Yemeni system.

No need... just got a hit
in Eurodac, immigration papers.

Ahmad Nasif, .

Wait, it's the same last name as Hassan.

- Are they related?
- Yeah, cousins and coworkers.

Ahmad has a Jersey license
but lives with his wife in Brooklyn.

All right, get Hazmat
over to that site now.

My team got here about five minutes ago.

We've been through the apartment.
It's clear,

no sign of either suspect.

We did find his wife, though.

She was hiding in the bathroom.

That's her over there.

You're Noura Nasif?

You okay?

He was so angry.

I thought that he was gonna k*ll me.

Okay, is this your husband, Ahmad?

He tried to take me with him.
I didn't wanna go.

- To do what?
- I don't know.

I locked myself in the bathroom,

and eventually they left.

They? Who else was here?

His cousin, Hassan.

Hassan got him obsessed with Yemen,

told him that they had to punish

the people responsible, make them suffer

the way the people
in Yemen have suffered.

I tried to reach him, but he was gone.

Anything you can tell us will help.

- Do you know where they went?
- No.

But Hassan took my keys,
said that they needed my van.

When was this?

, minutes ago.

♪ ♪

Yeah, great, copy that.

Elise has the vehicle.
I'm getting location now.

All right, got him. He's in Midtown,

heading north on Park Avenue.

Let's go, let's go.

Where are they? GPS say anything?

Nearby and don't appear to be moving.

There... blue minivan.


♪ ♪


Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.
He has a package. It could be the toxin.

- We need backup.
- Yeah. sh*ts fired.

Suspects are heading
towards Grand Central,

armed with a possible WMD.

Send everything now.

♪ ♪

Hey, NYPD has all exits covered,

but there's still thousands
of commuters inside.

All right, JOC is coordinating
with MTA to stop all the trains,

but we need to get
this place evacuated now.

Tiff, run point on that.
The rest of us are going in.


All right, everyone, our people

are inside Grand Central.
What's the update?

Scrubbing footage, but it's a lot,

and the crowds are insane.


I've got eyes on the south
and the southwest exits.

Nothing yet.

Yeah, I got one right here.

Maggie, Jubal, we've got Hassan,

dining concourse upper level.

Copy that. We're on our way.

All right, what about Ahmad?

- Not yet.
- All right, keep looking.

OA, : . We got eyes on Ahmad.

No sign of the package.

Means they planted it already.

Hey, I've got Hassan.

He's headed toward the basement.

Go, go, go, go.

- [g*nshots]

♪ ♪

Jubal, what is your status?

Yeah, we got Hassan in the basement.

He's got us pinned down.

- How far is SWAT?
- Less than five.

All right, keep tracing Ahmad.

We've gotta find out
where the hell this aerosol is.


Does he have a pulse?

He's gone.

Maggie, Jubal, be advised.

Ahmad is dead.

SWAT's here.

Let's go, let's go.

- How are we looking?
- Hey.

Uh, so the suspect
fired off a few sh*ts,

but he's gone quiet.

- Is there any way he got out?
- No, negative.

This is the only point of entry.

He's trapped down there.

All right, that's what I thought.

Okay, we're gonna move on him.

- And we'll go in dynamic.
- Copy that.

No, Jubal, we need to go tactical.

Ahmad is dead.

Hassan's the only one
who knows where the device is.

No, Maggie, anyone willing
to k*ll thousands, for a cause

is not going to negotiate.

Dan, get your team ready for ingress.


Hey, Jubal, can I talk
to you for a second?

Let me know when you're ready.


Tell me the truth right now.
Have you been drinking?

Maggie, you kidding me? No.

If you've been drinking,
you need to let someone else

take the lead right now.

- Charlie team's in position.
- Yeah, just stand by.

Jubal, you make one wrong move,
thousands of people die.

And your career...

Okay, Maggie, if you
question my authority again,

I'm gonna have to fire you.

Now let's go.

♪ ♪


Hey! Hey, listen to me.

Where is the toxin?

- Where is it?
- Go to hell.

No, listen to me. Hassan, listen to me.

If that aerosol goes off,
you are going to get the death penalty,


So please, just tell me. Where is it?

- This is your only chance.
- No.

It's yours.

In ten minutes, everyone
in this building is gonna die.

Jubal, I don't think he's lying.

Agreed, but wherever it is,
he's done talking.

All right, at least we know
the device is in the building.

That rules out the train.

- Can you get to the air vents?
- I mean, they're everywhere.

There's no way we could
check every single one.

You know what, I don't
think it's in a vent.

Why not?

Because the bus was a test run for this.


Look, this building
is massive with high ceilings,

and Hassan said that everybody will die.

But a single vent would
limit the k*ll zone.

We gotta be thinking way bigger.

Like the whole system, right?

Yeah, Ian, where is the HVAC
in a place like this?

Checking. We have air support on site.

There, roof south side.



Tiffany, did you find anything?

No device in the HVAC system.

I repeat, no device in the HVAC system.

All right, that's it. Clear the station.

No, no, no, not yet.

- We are out of time.
- Look, think.

Your theory was sound.
Where else could it be?

Well, there's gotta be an intake, right?

Where any toxin would be
pulled into the HVAC system.

- Jubal!
- What?

The duct up there.

Okay, you help evacuate.
I'll go check it out.


All right, this way, folks. Here we go.

♪ ♪

Guys, I found the device.
It's in the vent.

Does anybody copy?

I found the device.
How do I turn this thing off?

Stand by.

Ian, I don't have time to stand by.

Okay, no wires or fail safes.

You should be good to just turn it off.

Just turn it off? No, no, no.

I need something
more specific than that.

Close the valve, yellow
handle, turn it degrees.

- Down?
- Yes.

- Ian, it's still running.
- It should be off.

Come on. Come on.

♪ ♪



Okay, you guys, we got it.

We got it. It's off.

♪ ♪



That was close.

Well done.

- You okay?
- Yeah, yeah.


I'm gonna be a second.

Let me know. Thank you guys.

Hey, nice work in there.

- Thanks.
- Really, Maggie. It was, uh...

Look, um...

You've always been here for me,
so I don't say this lightly.

But I think you need
to talk to someone, and...

Okay, look, Maggie...

No, no.

The more you deny that you're drinking,

the more I know it's true.

I've already been through
all of this with my sister.


♪ ♪


Please, get yourself cleaned up.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have
to say something to Isobel.

♪ ♪

- Is this it?
- Yeah, right here. Thank you.

On the dramatic evacuation

of Grand Central earlier today
in the middle of rush hour,

an event that sowed panic
throughout Midtown Manhattan.

A statement released just moments ago...


Has confirmed speculation

that the incident was terror-related

and that one t*rror1st was k*lled

in an exchange of g*nf*re
with FBI agents.

A second was wounded
and is now in custody.

That same statement goes on to say

that an att*ck at Grand
Central never took place

and that the thr*at is now considered...



You just tell me
what time works for you.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Yes, yes, of course, Wednesday works.


Thank you. No, it's all right.

I totally get it.

Okay, good night.

Who was that?

It was Dr. Craig, finally.


It's a cyst.

They wanna drain it
and put him on antibiotics,

but he's gonna be fine.

It's just a cyst? They're sure?


It's just a cyst. Okay.

Jubal, are you okay?


Yeah, I just...

I mean, I was just so scared, you know?

I had this... this horrible feeling.

I just got it... got into
my head that, um...

I'm just so glad I was wrong.

Tyler and Abigail are upstairs.

Why don't we go say hi,
tell them the good news?


No, I shouldn't do that.

What are you talking about?

♪ ♪

I slipped.

Oh, my God.

I should go.

♪ ♪

Hey, welcome, everyone.

Uh, tonight, I'll be doing a
reading from chapter ...


♪ ♪


♪ ♪