01x43 - Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x43 - Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

Th-This is bad! Laxus and his Thunder Legion

showed up in the middle of
the harvest festival and stormed the place!

They ruined the beauty pageant,
took people hostage

and now they've started a combat game!

I gotta do something!

Err, wait! I've been turned to stone!

Yo Ho kaji o kire torikaji ippai de

Yo Ho uou-saou iki na jinsei

hi ga ochiru koro ni wa shukkou no utage

sabishiku nanka nai ikiterya mata dokka de aeru

mukai kaze buchinuki tabitate

namida namida kareru made otoko nara tsuyogatte

tomo yo tomo yo itsu no hi ka waratte

katai katai kizuna o sa tashikame aeru you ni

ima kagayakidasu mirai no chizu o saa tsukamitore

Sounds like there's trouble
going on over at Fairy Tail.

What's happening?!

Guild members are roughing each other up!

I'd say it's more than that!

I saw them!
They were honest-to-goodness fighting!

Is the big Fantasia parade gonna be okay?

Beats me...

--Fairy Tail again?!
--Quit rampaging through town!


I see. The rules of these enchantment
barriers only apply to wizards.


--Sit still so I can kick your butt!

I can't go look for Laxus
as long as you're conscious!

This is no time for friends to be fighting,
but if that's how you want it...!

Max! I can tell what you're thinking!

You plan to use sand magic
to catch me by surprise!

Using your fancy telepathy, huh?!

But that still won't help
you dodge my attack, Warren!

Take this!

I told you, I can tell what you're thinking!

I'd say this is a bit intense
for festival entertainment...

What a nuisance they are...

"Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends"
Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends.

This is for Mira!
Time for you to kick the bucket!

You're a married man!
Quit acting like you're in puberty!

Shove it, "Mr. I'm Divorced"!

Bring it on!

Laki! Sure, it's the harvest festival and all, but...!

--What kind of makeover is that?!
--Talk about indecent!

Were you actually hoping to win the pageant?!

This much fuss over a simple hairchop...

I'm such an awful girl!

--Argh! She's pissing me off!
--Get 'er!

Mud Shot!


"Max versus Warren: Warren wins."

"Vijeeter versus Nab: Nab wins."

"Laki defeats four others."

"Battle between Macao and Wakaba begins..."

Stop! Stop it, you brats!

There are enchantment traps all over town,

and everyone who gets caught
in them is being forced to fight...

This must be the "Battle of
Fairy Tail" Laxus talked about!

What for?! This makes no sense!


I wanna join in the fight!

That's what you want?!

What's with this invisible wall?!

Imbecile! Why would you want to fight?!

This is a tournament to see
who's strongest, right?!

How is this a tournament?!

It's just a bunch of friends fighting
each other because Laxus egged them on!

Erza and the others will turn to sand

if we don't defeat
the Thunder Legion before time is up!

Everyone is in a frenzy trying
to prevent that from happening!

They don't have a clear grasp of the situation!

At this rate, those who've been
petrified will turn to sand forever...

Laxus would never go that far.

He's annoying as hell, but he's one of us.
He's obviously bluffing.


This is just a simple fighting festival!

But why can't I get outta here?!

I can pass through just fine!

This barrier won't let anyone over eighty pass!

Does that mean I'm older than eighty?!

I don't think so...

You consider Laxus a comrade?

You're that confident he wouldn't go that far?

"Time remaining... two hours, eighteen minutes."

"Participants remaining... 42."

42?! That means less than half
our members are left standing!

Here goes! Purple Rain!


Smoke Fake. You're gettin' soft.

You always have been too good-natured.

The East Forest! The East Forest!

I gotta hurry and get a remedy from
Porlyusica to save Erza and the others!

D-Don't tell me there's
an enchantment around the entire city?!

My rules will not be disobeyed.


As Laxus said, the entire town is our b*ttlefield.

If you're a wizard, then fight.
Demonstrate your strength!

That is the rule.


Damn! Where is the Thunder Legion?!

--It's Gray!
--It's Gray!

--Those were Bixlow's...!

Let's have some fun!


Curse you! A real man wouldn't take hostages!

Turn my sister and the others back!

I'm not a man, you know...

I just love flowers.

They suit me so well, don't you think?

It's a shame the only thing cute
about you is your name, Elfman...

Turn them back to normal!

You think you can defeat me blindfolded?

There you are!

I see! You can use smell to locate me!

But you're out of luck!
You're covered in my fairy dust now.

Fairy b*mb: Gremlin!

I love stone statues, too.

Once turned to stone,
even the ugliest of beasts can seem beautiful.

Now, gaze at me!

As if giving yourself in to beauty...

"Evergreen versus Elfman:
Evergreen wins. Elfman KO'd..."

I can't believe Elfman was beaten!

Gray's fighting Bixlow! I wanna fight too!

And Reedus is fighting Fried!

The Thunder Legion is taking action!

This is the end of the line.

Hold it!

Why don't you pick on a man--
uhh, girl-- your own size?!

You were turned to stone.

The spell broke, so I came after you!

You have no idea what kind of magic
this man-- err, woman-- can unleash!

Do you have the guts to fight me
man-to-man-- I mean, man-to-woman?!


So, it was an imposter of your creation...

You are a wizard who can
bring your drawings to life.

You might have fooled me,
had I not already known that.


Please! Don't hurt any more people!

You're not the kind of person to do this...!

Forty people remain in the Battle of Fairy Tail.

They took out Reedus!

Man! That's Fried for you! He's good!

This is no time to be so laid-back!

Now we can't get Porlyusica to help us!

We don't need her help!
That whole sand thing is obviously just a bluff!

You think I'm bluffing, Natsu?


It's a projection!

What are you still doing here anyway, Natsu?

I'm stuck here!


Can't stand watching your friends--
no, you called them brats--

fight each other, can you?

With Natsu and Erza out of the game,

there's no one left who can
beat the Thunder Legion.

Will you surrender?

Gray's still in the game!
He's about as strong as Natsu!

He'd never lose to the dumb ol' Thunder Legion!

Him, as strong as me?!

Well, it's true!


You're placing your hopes in that runt?!

Do not underestimate Gray, Laxus!

Line Formation!

Not too shabby, Gray!

Now for Victory Formation!

What's wrong, my babies?

When did they...?!

Ice Make: Hammer!

X Formation!


My seidhr magic allows me
to possess dolls with spirits!

If you freeze my puppets,
I can simply move them to other bodies!

--Other bodies!
--Other bodies!

Man, you're a real pain in the neck!

Get it? Attacking my puppets is completely useless!

Then I'll just freeze you!

Whoa! Like to see you try!

You're just gonna run now?!

Get back here!

That bastard...

--Where did he go?!
--Up here, Gray!

Just what are you tryin' to do?!

I told you before!
I want to play with strong opponents!

My babies have been dying of boredom lately too!

An enchantment?!

No one can use magic inside
this barrier until they battle it out!

One of Fried's traps?!

It's times like this that being
a long-distance wizard comes in handy!

Without magic, you're helpless to do anything!

Is that what you think?!

You can't catch me!

Tough luck, Gray!

You know better! Stay away from the windows!


Why, that little...! Even after being
hit by my babies' powerful attack!

Guess my extra clothing helped
lessen the damage I took...

Had me scared for a minute.

You should really consider
wearing heavier clothes too, Gray.

"Gray is KO'd. 28 contenders remain."

Told you so!

You're lying! He used some
sort of dirty trick! I just know it!

Who else can possibly defeat
the Thunder Legion now?

Gajeel can!

So sorry. He doesn't seem
to be taking part in our game.

He doesn't give a damn about our guild anyway.

There's still me!

What use are you if you can't leave this place?

All right. I've had enough.

I surrender.


Cease this, Laxus!

That won't do.

The master of the almighty
Fairy Tail, giving up just like that?!

But if you really insist,

then you could hand over
your title as master to me first.

That's underhanded, Laxus!
You too afraid to fight me?! Huh?!

Why, you little...!
That was your aim from the very start!

You have an hour and a half
until the stone statues crumble.

If you wish to end this,

then use the guild's loudspeaker
to announce to the entire city

that you hereby hand over
the title of Fairy Tail's master to Laxus!

Think it over. What's more important,
your title or your friends?

Get back here!

He'll call himself the strongest
and take the title of master

but he won't fight me?!

I don't care about my title as master.

You don't?!

But I cannot entrust Fairy Tail to Laxus.

He doesn't have what it takes to fill these shoes.

He lacks principle and heart.

But Lucy and the others will turn
to sand if we don't do something...

Someone needs to beat Laxus and his group...

Gajeel! You were there the whole time?!

--Don't eat our dishes!
--Will you go for us?!

I do got a score to settle with that bastard.

Just leave it to me.

You're eighty too?!

Of course I'm not!



How weak...

Stop, Bixlow! We're comrades!

I ain't comrades with weaklings!

Right, my babies?!



I've hurt too many of my friends
because of your enchantments...!

I told myself it was to turn
Bisca back to normal, but...

g*ns Magic: Tornado Shot!

He sliced through my wind magic shot?!

Wh-What the...?! I can't breathe...!

E-Enchantment isn't the only
weird magic you can use...?!


This enchantment saps oxygen
from anyone who uses magic inside it.

I simply used an enchantment in
an effective manner, nothing more.

No one can defeat me when playing by my rules.

So, only two remain in the Battle of Fairy Tail now?

Only two left?!

Why can't you leave either?! Quit copying me!

--Don't look at me!
--I'm getting hungry, you jerk!

Again, don't look at me!


Only these two?!

You mean I don't count?!

No other wizards are able to fight... Is this the end?

No other choice! Guess I'll revive Erza!


Sheesh. This was finally my
chance to show her up, too.

Hold on! How do you plan to do that?!

The stone and stuff should melt if I burn it, right?


They're all stone to the very core!

Only one way to tell for sure.

Stop! Do you want to k*ll Erza?!

--I'll just toast her like so...!
--Don't rub her with fire!

Also, your hands make you seem like a pervert.

Crap! She cracked!

Glue! Glue! Happy! Get some glue!

Aye, Sir!

You idiot! That won't hold her together!

We gotta use my iron
and your fire to weld her shut!

All of you...!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I feel hot...

Was it you, Natsu?!

What were you thinking?!

Erza's back!

Thank goodness! But how...?!

I'm not quite sure, either...

Perhaps it was because of this right eye of mine...

I see!

Was the effect of the spell
halved due to her artificial eye?!

Do you understand the current situation, Erza?

Yes. Despite being petrified,
I could still hear what everyone was saying.

We can do this! It's time to strike back!

There are three people left!

The number of remaining contenders
has changed upon my revival.

How elaborate...

Then those three must be Natsu, Gajeel, and you!

Four people left?

--It went up!
--Who is it?!

They're still petrified. Just who is it, then...?

There was still one other person
outside town, remember?

--Wait... you mean him?!
--No way!

He's back?!

So he's finally decided to join in...

Things are starting to get interesting!

Who are you guys talking about?

The one other candidate for
Fairy Tail's most powerful member...


So Erza has revived and
Mystogan has joined the battle...

Including me, Fairy Tail's
top three are all together now.

Now this is more like a festival!


--You played a role earlier, huh?
--That was an imposter...

Erza! What's with that get-up?

The youngsters from your guild
are fighting all over the place

and causing everyone trouble, you know.

I'm sorry. We're preparing for the grand parade.

That's a pretty weird way of
getting ready if you ask me...

Please look forward to it!

But of course!

Try not to fight too much, okay?

And just how did you turn back
to normal after being petrified?

Well, no matter. It just means
I get to enjoy tormenting you more.

--You really tick me off.

You call yourself the Titania, queen of the fairies?!

I'm the number one fairy here.

nita mono doushi da yo ne to warai atta ano koro

sasai na uso sae yasashiku
minogashite kureta yo ne

moshi futari ni kaeru
basho ga nakutemo kamawanai

watashi ga sono egao o mamoru kara

hoshi no kazu hodo no deai ya wakare ya

ushinaitakunai mono mo zenbu

nanni mo iranai to omoeru yo ima

tada kimi no soba de mitsumetetai

yorokobi mo kanashimi mo subete

ima kara koko kara hajimeyou yo

futari no ashita o hajimeyou yo

umareta mama no kimochi de iyou yo

natsukaze ni yureta hana no you ni

ima kono isshun o saki hokorou

"Fairy Tail"

Natsu, your belly button's gonna get
snatched away if you don't cover your stomach!

--Huh? It can't get snatched away!
--Lucy told me so!

She said the lightning will
take my belly button away

if it's showing when there's thunder!

Hold on, Happy. You don't have a belly button.


"Next Episode: Thunder Palace"
Next Episode: Thunder Palace.

Come to think of it, you're right.

The only thunder that scares
me is the kind Gramps makes!

Excellent. One point for you.
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