01x25 - A Flower Blooms in the Rain

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x25 - A Flower Blooms in the Rain

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Phantom's magic giant is
about to activate the Abyss Break

and destroy Magnolia!

After we stormed the place,

an intense battle began
between us and the Element 4!

Meanwhile, after Mira was taken hostage,
Elfman responded by...

Let my sister go!

It's okay, I'll shout out
thousands and thousands of times

I have faith that your
entire future is shining brightly

Everyone who's had their dreams
come true shares one thing in common:

The fact they never gave up. So don't give in!

When you feel the headwind
is about to make you stumble

grasp my hand-- Try to take a chance

You're not alone anymore

Keep moving forward and forward,
don't give up on your great dreams

Don't cry, keep moving ahead my way
Light is shining on you now

Forget all about giving up,
you'll grow stronger but get hurt again...

Even so, your honest eyes surely see the light now

Huh? When did I get back home?

I remember Phantom attacking, and then...

Oh, was it all a dream?

Yep, yep! It's a dream! So keep sleeping!

--Nice body!
--Please destroy the moon!


This makes no sense!


--Say, something's moving.

Drip, drop...


Drip, drop...

G-Get out...


Are you okay, Lucy?

My room!

Wait, no it isn't! Where am I, then?!

"A Flower Blooms in the Rain"

"A Flower Blooms in the Rain"
A Flower Blooms in the Rain.

I-Impossible! This is...!

A full-body Take Over...

Beast Soul!

Non, non, non...

With three nons, this is a misunderstanding!

I gave you that tough ordeal to
help you overcome your painful past!

That's all! So bonsoir!

Elfman is truly a man among men!

I always knew you would overcome it!

You know?

So I'll just be going now...

Curse you!

Platre Sonata!

Non, non, non! You let your guard down!



Oh... Oui...

Je t'aime... Non!

Non! At least knock me out!



Au revoir...

Listen... My voice...

Can you hear it?

Don't tell me you've lost control of yourself again...


I'm sorry, Big Sis...

I know you never wanted to see me like this again.

It was because I couldn't control this
that Lisanna wound up...

You're still in control...?

But I decided this was the only way.

The only way I can protect you
and Fairy Tail is to get stronger...!

Lisanna didn't die because of you.

You were desperately trying to
protect us when it happened...

I wasn't able to, though... Lisanna died...

I'm alive.

Big Sis...

We both decided to live for her, remember?

And to try our very hardest...

Big Sis! I'm so glad you're okay!

Sheesh. What are you crying for?

But, it's just...!

Thank you, Elfman.

What is it, Big Sis?

The magic circle it's drawing... It's slowed down!

The forbidden spell of the four elements...

Abyss Break...

The four elements... Fire, water, wind, earth...

Elfman! How many of the Element 4 are left?!

Huh? Let me think...



--There are two left, I think...
--That's it!

The giant is slowing down
because they've been beaten!

How so?!

Basically, this giant is powered by the four elements!

If we defeat all of the Element 4,
we can stop this spell!


Hurry! The remaining two
should be inside the giant!


That's a relief. Looks like Mira's all right.

--I-I'm okay!

Just focus on these enemies!
We have to protect Fairy Tail!

You push yourself too hard...

Don't stick together, everyone!
Spread out and fight!


What is it about our guild
that makes its girls so tough?

Say, where's Loke, anyway?

He went to the location.
He said he had a bad feeling about things there.

What? So he just ditched things here?!

If the Abyss Break activates,
they'll be in serious trouble too.


His hunches are usually right...

I just thought of something, Happy!

What is it?

Do you think beating Jose
might end all this fighting?

Are you crazy?!

Jose's as strong as our own master!

There's no way you can possibly beat him!


But Gramps isn't here.
Who else is gonna beat Jose, then?

You're so dumb, Natsu!

I was trying not to think about it,
but you just made me remember!


You're right... We don't have our master or Erza...

Whatever we do to stop this,
we'll still have to deal with Jose in the end...

Don't forget that I'm here!


I dunno what it is...
Master and Erza have much greater magic,

but Natsu has something special
that gives everyone hope!

So sad...

Wings of flame wither and fall...

Ah... And all that remains is a dragon's corpse...


Natsu! This guy's an Element 4!

My name is Aria...

I stand at the top of the Element 4.

And now I have come to hunt a dragon.

A wind wizard, huh? You're nothing new to me.

He's on a completely different level than Erigor!

I didn't know it was raining...

Drip, drop...

Yes... Juvia is one of
the Element 4, and a rain woman...

Drip, drop...

You're an Element 4, huh?

It's shocking that two of
the elements would be defeated...

But don't underestimate Juvia and Aria.

Sorry, but I don't show mercy
to anyone who hurts my friends,

even if they're women or kids...



Juvia loses, then! Please take care!

Whoa, now! Are you serious?!

"Thump thump thump"

What's happened to Juvia?!
What is this thumping in her heart?!

Get back here! Stop the damn giant!


Juvia wants him to be hers...
She can't hold back anymore!

Water Lock!

Oh, my! You're hurt! Wh-What now?!

He needs to be let out right away!

He escaped from Juvia's Water Lock on his own...!

This is the power of an ice wizard...

It's beautiful...!

Water and ice... It's almost like fate!

Juvia has finally found her prince...

Damn, that was a sneak attack!
You've got some nerve...!



Wh-Why are you taking your clothes off?
I-I'm not ready yet...!

I don't wanna scare a woman,
but I really suggest you surrender now.

Move, or you're gonna get hurt!

Ice Make: Lance!

Juvia's body is made of water.

Yes... Drip, drop...

That's right... He's an enemy...!

Is this our fate, to be torn apart
by friends and enemies?!

But Juvia won't lose heart!

Farewell, small flower of love!

Water Slicer!

Powerful jets of water can even rip through steel!

Underestimate it as mere water
and you'll be in a world of pain.

Ice Make: Battle-Axe!

The result will always be the same.

Physical att*cks have no effect on Juvia.

Yes... Drip, drop...

She's gonna be tough to beat...!

You cannot beat Juvia.
But it isn't too late to be spared.

Bring Lucy Heartfilia here.

Do so and Juvia will convince our master to leave.

Hey. Quit spewing nonsense.

You know it's too late for
either of us to go back now.

Lucy is one of us!
I'd rather give up my life than give her to you!

Give up his life? Give up his life? Give up his life?

Romantic rivals...
Romantic rivals... Romantic rivals...

Romantic rivals!

What pain! What cruel fate!

My heart...! It feels like it's about to burst!

It hurts! It hurts!

Wh-What's wrong?! Are you suddenly sick?!

Juvia will make her pay...

Lucy absolutely will pay!


Lucy absolutely will pay!

Ouch! Boiling water?!

What are you so ticked off at Lucy for?!

Ice Make...!

Whoa, that's fast! My Make magic can't keep up!

That was close...!

Since she was born, Juvia has
always lived together with the rain.

In the rain, there's no one who can beat her!

Juvia's jealousy is seething!

What are you talking about?!

Ice Make: Shield!

So much heat! I can't keep this up!

I already told you! The rain is Juvia's domain!

No one can beat her in it!

He used the steam as a smoke screen...

He's not just good-looking, he's smart, too...

What an incredible man...

I don't have time to waste here!

I gotta hurry and stop the spell!

Hot...! My skin is burning...!

This is the end!

All right, you...!

He jumped straight into the scalding water?!



Juvia's scalding water has frozen!

Not only that...


N-No! This isn't what you think...!

Juvia is so embarrassed!
Inside your ice forever like this...


He freed me from the ice? Why?

"Deeply touched"

"Deeply touched"
He's so nice!

L-Let's start over!

No... Juvia really can't hurt you after all...

Huh? You're admitting you can't beat me?

Juvia is stronger than Lucy. Juvia can protect you.

Protect me...? What for?

W-Well, because...

I-I... uhh... l-like...

Is it me, or is the rain getting heavier?

Juvia is frustrated!

Man, this rain is gloomy...

Gloomy... Gloomy... Gloomy...

What's the matter?!

This man... is the same as all the others...!

You're no different at all!

What the...?!

Love doesn't matter to Juvia anymore!

I'll just freeze it again!

It won't freeze! Is it hotter than last time?!

Love doesn't... Love doesn't matter anymore!

I wish Juvia would stay home during field trips.

Yeah, it's always rainy and
gloomy whenever she's around.


Juvia is a rain woman...

Man, this is gloomy...

What's this stupid thing for?!

Why must it always rain?

How am I supposed to go fishing
or camping with you like this?

I'm sorry. But there's nothing Juvia can do...

You're too gloomy for me. I think it's time we split.

--What gloomy rain...
--This constant rain is so gloomy!

This is really gloomy...

Rain sucks. It's so gloomy.

Juvia is nothing but a gloomy rain woman!

But Phantom Lord accepted her despite that!

Juvia is an Element 4! She's a Phantom wizard!


I refuse to let Phantom beat me!

Even the rain has turned to ice?!
What powerful magic!

Ice Geyser!

I lost...

It's all over now...

Juvia will fall to the ground
and splatter, like a raindrop...

A fitting end for a rain woman
no one wants or needs...

Farewell, gloomy me...

Don't let go! Don't you dare fall!

Why did you help Juvia...?

Dunno. Just get some rest.

Why... is he...?

So? Have you cooled down any?


The rain... it stopped...

Oh! The sun's finally out!

So this is the blue sky...

I've never seen it before...

You haven't?

It's pretty nice, huh?

Yes... It's beautiful...

So, we gonna go at it again?


H-Hey! What's wrong?! What's going on?!

Say something! Hey! Hey!

A lot of time's passed,
but the spell hasn't activated yet!

This is bad for my heart! When is this gonna end?!

Hey, is it me or is the giant turtle-ish now?

Huh? What about turtles?

She means it's slowed down a lot!

Try to make a little more sense next time!

I like talking like this!

Natsu and the others are inside.
I'm sure they're trying hard to stop it.

All we can do...

...is hold these things off and
keep 'em out of their way!

Let's take care of business!

Let's do it!



Elfman! Oh, Mira too?

So she's the third Element 4, huh?!

Why does she look so happy...?

Dunno. Maybe she's having
a nice dream or something?

--Only one left!

We can stop the Abyss Break
if we defeat the last person.

Turns out this spell and the giant

are powered by the members of the Element 4.

There's still time! We can make it!

Oh... So Mira put me to sleep...

Oui. This is our emergency hideout.

I guess this is only natural...

I lost my keys and I'd only slow everyone down...

--It's not like that.

We want to protect one of our own. That's all.

It has nothing to do with slowing us down.


Still, I can't just sit here and do nothing!

I have to go back after all!

No, Lucy. You need to
respect why Mirajane did this.


O-Oh, no! What is that?!

Get back, Lucy!

Impressive. I'm amazed you can still stand.

Damn you!

Who is this guy?!

I've never seen Natsu get beaten
in such a one-sided fight!

However, you are powerless
before my Airspace magic!

I don't see no "Airspace magic"!

An invisible spell! Now what do we do?!

You still stand, Salamander?

I can't afford to get beaten!
I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!

I'm all fired up now, you bastard!

Once the ice cracked, I saw

an unhappy face in the small blue sky

I was caught so much by surprise
that I had to look away

Tell me, how are you doing now?

Is there still time? Or is it too late?

Honestly, it isn't just some whim

When did it become so hard to say, "I'm sorry"?

The midsummer in the glass starts to melt

When did "I'm sorry" become so difficult for us?

I want to say it, but I can't

Listen, I want to make you smile

Just hold on, I will make it happen

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

"Fairy Tail"

All right! So we just hafta beat
one more guy to stop the spell?

Aye! But there's still Gajeel and Master Jose too!

Ahh! I forgot!

Is there anyplace to get
some food before we fight them?

Aye! Let's go look for the kitchen after this!

"Next episode: Wings of Flame"

"Next episode: Wings of Flame"
Next Episode: Wings of Flame.

Huh? Isn't that Erza?

Oh, no! We're in big trouble if
she finds out we're taking a break here!

--Run, Happy!
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