01x20 - Natsu and the Dragon Egg

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x20 - Natsu and the Dragon Egg

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

This is the East Forest, in Magnolia.

It is also called a mystical forest
replete with magical power.


I'm busy writing a novel, you know.

Why'd you have to drag me fishing with you?

Oh, c'mon.

You were depressed about
not having any new good ideas.

Aye! A change of pace is
the best fix for that sort of thing!

But why fishing?!

Because fish is my favorite food!

I'll ask again!

Why do I have to fish just
because it's your favorite food?!

--Oh! I got one!
--It's big! Take it nice and slow!

I got this one!

--It's huge!

What does "uppa" even mean?!

They're always having so much fun!

Yes, we can do it! Let's go,
with a lot more unanswered questions!!

The door to the magical
is right before your eyes

This entire world is a wonderland

And we're already wondering!!!

When that sense of nervousness
turns into excitement...

...isn't it wonderful?!

Who am I? What is reality?

Why can't I see into tomorrow?

The more curious you are, the more you level up

The everyday lives we share aren't so bad, right?

Tell me! Sense of Wonder

Life is training!

So we can make it! Let's go,
to find even more unanswered questions

I can't bear having so many answers

A spell's been cast on this wonder life

Our future is wondering!!!

It's easier to do your best when you live

doing the things you want to do!

Let's Wondering!!!

Fish! Fish! I'm so happy!

Wow! Yummy!

Sheesh. You're not a kid, you know.


Looks great!

What did you do?! Fish is best when it's raw!

Oh, c'mon. Fish is great cooked, too!

No! No! I wanted to eat it raw!

I caught it.
If you don't like it, go catch a big one yourself.



H-He's even eating the bones...

That hit the spot!

That was so mean...

Our friendship is over!

This isn't a sports drama...

--You're not going after him?
--Like I care.


Keep acting tough all the time
and girls will never like you!

That's better! Now go and apologize--

Shut it.


Wh-What was that?! Talk about obnoxious!

"Natsu and the Dragon Egg"

"Natsu and the Dragon Egg"
Natsu and the Dragon Egg.

These are the Fairy Tail archives.

Mira! What are you up to?

Organizing old documents!

I'll help you!

You don't mind?

Nope! It's no problem at all!

Don't you think that was mean of Natsu?!

Still, that's what's adorable about him.

I dunno about that...

But you like his childishness too, don't you, Lucy?


Are you okay?


I guess I'm not used to this...

Wait... Huh?

What is this picture?

Oh! That brings back memories!

Is this everyone when they were kids?!

That's right!

Then this is Gray, and next to him is... Cana?

Whoa! Macao and Wakaba?! They're so young!

Oh! This spiky head must be Natsu!
He hasn't changed at all!

And... huh? What's this little dragon here?

--That's Happy!

How did Natsu and Happy
meet in the first place anyway?

Oh, right. It happened
just after I joined Fairy Tail...

...so it was about six years ago.

Hey! Natsu!

--If you're looking for Natsu...
--...he said something about a fight.


You're so annoying!

Back then, Natsu fought Gray

pretty much every time they ran into each other.

Th-That doesn't sound much different from now...

--Cinder-faced jerk!
--Underwear freak!

Stop that, both of you.

And the one who always stopped their fights...

...was of course Erza!

--You're annoying!
--In that case, you fight us!

Very well.


No more pointless fighting. Is that clear?

--Sh-Shut up...
--W-We'll beat you next time...

That's how Natsu was then.

Fighting was all he had, though,
so he often looked sad.

Then, one day...

Someday I will beat Gray and Erza senseless!

Th-That doesn't hurt...!

Wh-What the...?

--An egg! I found an egg!
--What's that? It's huge!

Where on Earth did you get that?

I found it in the East Forest!

The East Forest?

Wow. That's pretty thoughtful,
especially for you, Natsu.

You're gonna let us all eat some?

Gray! Your clothes!

Heck no! This is a dragon egg! I'm gonna hatch it!

A dragon?

Check out this weird pattern!
It looks just like dragon claws!

I dunno...

So, Gramps! Hatch this dragon for me!

Nonsense, you fool!

There exists no magic in this world for defiling life!

Life is born from love.
No manner of magic can transcend that.

I don't understand a word you just said.

I guess you're too young to understand...

In other words, if you want to hatch it,

you have to work your very
hardest to hatch it on your own.

All you normally do is destroy things,
so this is a good opportunity

to learn about bringing
something into the world instead.

--I-I didn't hear you come in!

You're back, Erza?!

Let's pick up where we left off! Come on!

Another fight?

Now that you mention it,
we never finished our fight, did we?


That girl was you?!

That's right.

You were completely different!

Plus, you, picking a fight with Erza...!

You're going down, Erza!

I'm going to make you cry, Mirajane!

Stubborn wench!

Navel-showing floozy!

--Scum girl!
--Bony girl!


Talk about petty...!

Erza always tell us not to fight,
so this is weirding me out...

Darn! Someday I'm gonna kick
both Erza and Mira's butts together!


Keep acting tough all the time
and girls will never like you!

Shut up, Lisanna!

Hey, Natsu! Can I raise that egg too?

--Oh! You're gonna help me?!

Raising an egg sounds neat!

I dunno if "raising" is the right word...

I wonder how we get it to hatch...

We just need to warm it.


That's my specialty!

Are you an idiot?!

Urgh! Don't do that!
It'll burn if we warm it that much!

I-It will?

Leave this to me and my magic!

Take Over: Animal Soul!

--Whoa! You're a bird!
--Good thinking!

How about warming it like this?

--What's the matter, Elfman?

Lisanna can do a full-body Take Over, but I can't.

Even though we're in the same team...

Oh, right! You guys use the same magic, huh?

If only I could use it, I could turn
into a bird and look for my parakeet.


I took such great care of it, but then it vanished...


I wish I had an egg like that too...

Wow. That's Elfman? He was actually cute!

Oh, but he hasn't changed very much!

Magnolia South Gate Park.


Your gaze worries me...

So we just wait like this?!

Yeah! But it's pretty boring, huh?

The egg is moving!

Wh-What the...?

Huh? It calmed down...

Say, maybe this egg wants you to warm it!

Huh? Me?

Yeah! It seems happy now, after all!

You want me to do it?

--Oh! It made a sound!
--See, I told you!

Oh, you!

Say! Since we're looking after it,
let's make a house for the egg!

Ooh! A secret base!

All done! Whadya think?! Cool house, huh?!

Does it need to be cool?


Building a house is actually pretty hard...!

My turn!

Just leave it to me!

Whoa! You're huge!

I'm a rabbit!

Just a minute, okay?

Awesome! All I can do is destroy stuff...!


All done!

Whoa! Awesome!

Okay! Go on in!

Undo your transformation first...


--It's actually pretty roomy inside.
--Isn't it, though?

--Okay, let's sit for now!
--Yeah, okay.

It's like we're a family, huh?

How do you figure?

Well, it's almost like there's
a mom, a dad, and a kid here!

Well, I guess that doesn't sound so bad.

Let's warm the egg together!


--It's warm...

Oh! It moved again!

I hope it'll hatch soon!

Huh? A dragon egg?

You know there's no such thing.

Natsu was supposedly raised by a dragon, right?

He obviously wasn't...

It's just make-believe!

They're playing with the egg
at a secret base they built!

--This is dumb.
--Kids sure have it great!

They're all lovey-dovey!

--What's the big idea, Mirajane?!
--You're as troublesome as ever!

I wondered why she hadn't been home lately...

She's been with Natsu, you say?!

How dare she get friendly with the Erza Faction!

--Don't look at us...
--What do you mean by "Erza Faction"?!

Oh? This is where you found the egg?

Yeah. It fell from the top of this tree.



A vicious Gorian monster.
Also known as a Forest Vulcan.

Incidentally, its favorite food is...

--Egg! I'm gonna eat it. Gimme.
--Say what?!

Eat my fist, instead!

--Ooh, that itches!
--Stupid monkey!

Natsu! Hold on! I'll help!

--Get back, Lisanna...

If I'm the dad, then I have to protect both of you...


Plus, I'm a dragon's son!
I can't let a lousy monkey beat me!

Natsu! Use magic!

This monkey is fighting barehanded...

I'll beat it barehanded, too!

How are you gonna do that?

Just bring it on, wild monkey!

I oughta paint you white and
send you back to Mt. Hakobe!

Now I'm mad!



You did it! You did it...!

--No sweat at all...
--You're all beat up!

--The egg is getting cold!

Wait! Just a minute!

--What's the deal?

--Welcome back, dear!
--Huh? Oh, right...

Welcome back, dear!

Oh... I-I'm home, honey...

The rain just keeps coming down...


Come to think of it,
don't you live on your own, Natsu?


What do you do for food and stuff?

I eat at the guild.

Do you have to pay?

That's what work is for.

--That's kind of sad...
--How come?

Why don't I cook something for you sometime?

You know how to cook?!

I'm not as good as my sister Mira, though.

Hold on! Mira knows how to cook?!

--I can't imagine it! That can't be safe!
--It's cuttin' time!

--D-Don't tell me Elfman cooks too...!
--He sure does!

Cook up to be tasty!

Somehow, I can imagine that...
Actually, it suits him too well!


I'm not giving you this egg!
This dragon is gonna hatch!

It's Igneel's kid! Don't even joke about cooking it!

Talk about jumping to conclusions!

Listen! I'm looking forward to bringing
this new life into the world too!

That's why I'm helping you!

Man! Don't scare me like that, then!

Oh! I hope it'll hatch soon!

You're usually violent,

but sometimes you show a kind and cute side too.

--You're just like Mira!

How about I...

...be your wife when we grow up, Natsu?

Wha...? What brought that on?!

I mean, you seem like you'd be reliable
and take good care of our kids!

Oh, uhh...

What are you blushing for?
I'm just kidding, of course.

You're... You're that thing
Gramps said to me! You're "nuvejile"!

"Juvenile"? I'd say you're
the immature one, actually.

I can't even beat her in an argument!


--It's so pretty!

If only this moment could last forever...

--It's making a sound again!


--The egg is gone!

All right! Who stole it?!

The egg vanished?

Don't look at me.

Hey! Clothes!

--Laxus! Was it you?!
--I don't care about it.

All right, Erza! Out with it!

Hold on. Don't you think
you're jumping the g*n a bit?

--Have you seen the egg, Mira?

You sure you didn't eat it yourself, Natsu?


Why, you...!

--You're gonna get it now!
--You wanna fight?!

I won't hold back!

Hey, Natsu! You little...!

Stop that, all of you!

They're at it again.

Talk about a terrible generation.

I don't even wanna imagine how
the guild's gonna end up in a few years.

They repel each other because
they acknowledge each other.

They see themselves very clearly in each other.

There's nothing to worry about at all.

What nonsense.

My egg... Where did it go?!

--Quit crying, Natsu. You're so cute.

I am not crying!

That's enough, Mira!

--And stop crying, Natsu!
--I'm not crying!

--Just give the egg back now!
--I told you, I don't have it!

In fact, I bet you ate it!

--What did you say?!
--The egg...

--You're always overeating, Erza!
--You're in no position to talk!

Come to think of it, Elfman said
he wished had an egg like that...


He ate it?!

No! I can't believe it!

Natsu. Lisanna. I'm sorry.

So it was you, Elfman?!

The egg!

I didn't steal it.

It gets cold at night,
and you toss and turn in your sleep,

so you always let go of the egg.

--You mean...?!

Yeah. I'm not very good at magic,
so I warmed it myself in secret.

--Oh, that was why?!
--Thank you!

You're a real man, Elfman!

You seriously suspected me, didn't you?!

So? You suspected me, as well!

It's hatching!

A cat?!

It has wings! Is it a bird?

I think it's a cat. A blue cat!


So cute!

So cute!

--Oh? My parakeet...
--Here we go!

--My parakeet came back! Hurray!

I'm pretty sure his parakeet was red, actually.

Look, Natsu! Everyone was
worked up just a few minutes ago...

...but now they look so happy!

It's like a bluebird that brings happiness!

Happiness, huh? In that case...

...his name will be Happy!


--Happy the dragon!

It's not a dragon...

Guess I'll just paint it as a dragon.


That was a really nice story!

Still, I can't believe those two...

You know how it is;
the closer people are, the more they fight.

Hey, Mira! Could you come lend me a hand?


Let's see... This is Erza and this is Laxus!

Which means this is Lisanna!

Wait, huh? Who is Lisanna, anyway?

Why isn't she here now?

Did you get into a fight again, Natsu?

Oh, Lisanna. You're back?

Natsu ate all of my fish!

Don't be a cheapskate!

Sheesh. You are the father, Natsu.

You're supposed to take care of us, right?

That was like a million years ago...

Hey, what's she talking about?

Nothing at all!

A family will have its disagreements,
but it still isn't nice to fight.

After all, Happy is our child!

She just said something insane with a straight face!

Don't talk weird like that!

--You're in looooove!
--Don't say stuff like that!

I see you're as immature as ever!

Don't call me that!

Sheesh. Oh, all right.

I've decided! I'm never talking to Natsu again!

--I don't hear you!

That's too bad.
What am I gonna do with all this now?



Aye! I'm Happy!

I wonder if they managed to make up...

I guess I'll just have to go and check on 'em!

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Morning comes as I chase after
the profile you left behind

Without waiting for a reply,
you said you never want to see my face again

Tears trickled down your cheeks

You must've really fought
your tears back each time you were about

to be swallowed by waves of contradictions

Everyone overestimated
how strong of a person you are

so at some point we lost sight of your true self

The sun, that should've been
right by your side, set and stopped shining,

blotting out truths and lies from times gone by

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Ironically, morning comes as
I chase after your profile

"Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!"
Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

Today I'm gonna teach you
secrets about wizard guilds!

There are all sorts of official wizard guilds

and dark wizard guilds in the world.

Wizards wear their guild's mark
somewhere on their body

as a symbol of pride, so try to find them!

That's all for this course! Uppa!

Rise! Bow! Aye!

"Fairy Tail"

Oh, man! Fairy Tail's been demolished!

It must've been Erza!

She probably got hungry and
went on a rampage or something!

Oh! That does seem likely!

Aye! It's a miracle that
the guild is even still standing!

Actually, wouldn't it be a bad idea
for us to go back right now?!

"Next episode: The Phantom Lord"
Next Episode: The Phantom Lord.

She truly is the behind-the-scenes
leader of Fairy Tail, huh?

Still, what if Erza becomes
the guild master someday...?
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