01x16 - Decisive Battle on Galuna Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x16 - Decisive Battle on Galuna Island

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Cold Emperor Lyon, intent on reviving Deliora,

had once studied alongside Gray!

And apparently their master
Ur had used Iced Shell,

a spell that turns your own body
into ice, to seal away Deliora!

You k*lled Ur!

Lyon. Will we both live, or will we both die?!

Yes, we can do it! Let's go,
with a lot more unanswered questions!!

The door to the magical
is right before your eyes

This entire world is a wonderland

And we're already wondering!!!

When that sense of nervousness
turns into excitement...

...isn't it wonderful?!

Who am I? What is reality?

Why can't I see into tomorrow?

The more curious you are, the more you level up

The everyday lives we share aren't so bad, right?

Tell me! Sense of Wonder

Life is training!

So we can make it! Let's go,
to find even more unanswered questions

I can't bear having so many answers

A spell's been cast on this wonder life

Our future is wondering!!!

It's easier to do your best when you live

doing the things you want to do!

Let's Wondering!!!

Do it. You don't have the courage to die!

Sorry. You're wrong.


Natsu... Erza... Everyone in Fairy Tail...

I leave the rest to you...

Sorry, but it's time for me to go!

This is... the end!




You just show up and start blabbing
about responsibility and junk!

Don't be takin' other people's prey!


I'm gonna beat him!

Wha--?! I specifically asked
you to let me handle him!

And did I say, "Yeah, sure, go ahead"?

Why, you...!

Oh? You wanna have at it?

I have to settle things with him!

I'm even ready to die!

So dying will settle things, huh?!

Quit trying to avoid the real issue!

Wh-What the...?!

"The Final Showdown on Galuna Island"
The Final Showdown on Galuna Island.

Don't let them scare you!

Those who oppose the Cold Emperor must pay!

What's that sound?

It can't be...!

The ruins aren't tilted anymore!

What's going on?!

This means the moonlight will reach Deliora again!

Sorry to interrupt.

Zalty. You did this?

The moon will be out soon,

so I took the liberty of returning things to normal.

Wh-Who's that?!

After all that hard work I did to tilt it...!

How did you put it back to normal?!

How did you put it back?!

Now, then. I must be off to
commence the Moon Drip ceremony.

Completely ignored...?!

Now you're asking for it, you demon creep!

Get back here, you!


I'm gonna kick that jerk's butt a million times over!

I'll let you handle things here!

Staying defeated would be shameful, right?


--I don't mean for you.
--I know.

For Fairy Tail!

My, my. Such a boisterous lot you are.

Had you counted on Natsu stopping me

when I was about to use Iced Shell earlier?

No. I never would've imagined him
getting near that level of magic.

Then you were seriously ready to take the hit?


But I knew I would've been saved.
That's why I told you to do it.

I expected as much...

Even should I be sealed inside ice,
I have allies who share my vision.

Plus, Iced Shells can be melted
with Moon Drip on this island.

That was careless of me.
That makes Iced Shell useless here.

Even so, you wish to settle things
with me once and for all?

--You cannot defeat--


Just forget about Deliora.

What nonsense is this? First a bluff,
and now an attempt at persuasion?

Does your guild have a dentist
who specializes in removing fangs?

Lyon. Listen to me.

Ur is alive.

The Iced Shell spell actually
transforms your own body into ice.

The ice that sealed Deliora then...

The ice you're trying to melt now,
in other words, is Ur!

Ur still lives on, as ice!

I'm sorry I never told you before.
Ur had me promise her.

Knowing him, if he learns that I turned to ice,

he'll likely waste his life trying to lift this spell.


So please, Lyon! Stop this!

I know all about that pathetic nonsense.

That is no longer Ur.
It's nothing but a chunk of ice now.

You... knew...?!

Surely you didn't believe
that drivel yourself? That Ur is alive...

You really ought to grow up.

You're doing this... e-even though you knew...?!

What of it?

Impossible! How are you able
to move after such an injury?!

--I've had enough...

I wanted to save you... but I've had enough!

You're going to fight me, your senior?!

I have a fight with Deliora coming up.

I'd prefer not to waste any magic,
if it can be helped...

We'll settle things this way.

No using magic, huh? Fine by me.

Go for your opponent's weaknesses
in a fight. That's what Ur taught us.

Don't you dare say her name!

Get back here, you masked freak!

How did you put the ruins back to normal?!

That lousy trick... won't work on me!


That is how I've restored the ruins.

Wh-What kind of magic is that?!

A type of Lost Magic.

Magic erased from history,

due to its strength and
the severity of its side effects.


Your Dragon Slayer magic is just the same.

Mine is?!

He vanished!

Where'd you go?! Dammit!

What's the matter?!

Weren't you going to settle
the score with your fists?!

Come to think of it, there's someone
I used to fight like this long ago...

This is the end!

--Get up!
--Get up!


--Get up!
--You need to get up!

This is the end!

I win.

Hold it!

We're not finished yet!

If that's how you want it!

You're no match for me whatsoever.

Hold it!

We're not finished yet!

Why can't you just die?!

I can't afford to lose!

This is for him, too!
He fought me on equal terms!

Take this!

I can't lose!

--I'm not gonna lose!
--Neither am I!

I refuse to lose to you!

Shut up! I'm the one who's gonna win!

--I'm gonna kick your butt!
--I'm gonna beat you!

I won't lose! I will beat you!

You're starting to annoy me!

I dunno why, but the sky then
was so blue that it ticked me off...

Lucy. Have you noticed it?

Yeah. There are so many of them,
yet their magic seems kinda weak...

Yes. It appears there are
only five or so genuine wizards.

Sheesh. We can't fight them at full strength now...

You're in a position to say that?

So that's the situation. Can you handle it?

Leave it to me!

Open, Gate of the Giant Crab!



Aren't you...?

Mistress Erza. I am at your service. Snip-snip.



I'm the one who called you, you know!

Too much joke criticism!

Just take all these guys outta the fight!

Okay. Snip.

Me, lowered to my knees
by the mere likes of you...?!


Then bring it on!

Ice Make: Snow Dragon!

You broke your promise!

I don't give a care!

However much you struggle,
Deliora will revive shortly!

No one can stop it now!

I will stop it!

Even with Zalty performing
the Moon Drip as we speak?!

Don't underestimate Natsu...

You're nothing compared to him...

At long last...

Found you!

Get ready to taste fire!

Oh ho! Those are wonderful fighting words, indeed!

But how did you manage to find me?

I have a good nose.

You smell like women's perfume, by the way.

Listen, I really must revive Deliora.

Forget about it. Not gonna happen now.

Oh? Why is that?

Gray's gonna kick his butt...

...and I'm gonna kick yours! One million times!

And then it'll be over!

Will it, now?


S-Someone's doing the ceremony up above?!

The Moon Drip is weak when
performed by only one person,

but we have already gathered enough moonlight.

We simply need to give it a kick-start now...


Oh, no! Deliora's ice is starting to melt!

I gotta do something about the guy up top!

You're not going anywhere.

Looks like you made a big mistake
chasing me here, my dear Salamander.

--Nice work. Let's get moving.


We won't let you interfere...
with the Cold Emperor...

Those headdresses...

You people are from Brago, aren't you?

Are you doing this for a reason?

Are you sure that's wise?

Using fire magic now will only
accelerate Deliora's thawing!

You wouldn't have gone through
all this if fire magic could melt this ice.

All I gotta do is hurry and beat you
and then take out the guy up top.

Your quick-wittedness and adaptability
on the b*ttlefield are surprising.

The ruins are shaking again...

The Moon Drip ceremony is underway.

Deliora's ice is beginning to melt.

Ur is...?!

It looks like this is the end.
None of you were able to stop it.

For so long I've waited for this!

For ten years, I gathered allies and knowledge

and eventually learned of this island.

Galuna, the island that collects moonlight...

We hauled Deliora here from Brago.

That was three years ago!

You've been doing this nonsense
for three whole years?!


You've spent the last ten years
leading a life of debauchery in a guild!

How dare you say that!

I put my faith in Ur's words! That's all!

There are lots of wizards more powerful than me

in the countries to the west.

Fairy Tail is where I finally found myself!

She was right; there were
lots of incredible wizards.

I couldn't believe it.

It's likely impossible.
The Iced Shell spell is based on the caster's will.

A third party cannot melt
that ice with any magic whatsoever.

You can't be serious!
But there are so many powerful wizards here!

I suppose there is one way, but...

No, wait. It's out of the question.

Melting the ice would be
the same as k*lling this Ur of yours...

Looking back now,
he must've been thinking of Moon Drip.

I'm filled with disappointment

when I think about my senior
basically trying to k*ll Ur!

Say what you will. I've lived my life for this day.

Our master is dead; how can
her students possibly surpass her now?!

Think hard!


I will surpass our master by slaying Deliora,

the one thing she couldn't defeat!

Your ambitious spirit is commendable!

But you haven't noticed that
you strayed from the path at some point!

You think someone who's been
completely blinded can outclass Ur?!

You're nowhere even close
to surpassing her! Go start all over again!

Ice Make...

...Snow Tiger!

Ice Make: Prison!

Is this what you are, Lyon?


A pitiful beast that knows nothing of the world.

I'll make quick work of your Make magic!

Single-handed Make magic has poor balance.

It keeps you from using
your full strength when you most need it.

Ice Cannon!

That's what Ur taught us.



I should've sealed up this wound first...!

My ears are ringing!

What is that sound?!

Too loud!

Here we go!

Th-That roar...

I'll never forget it...


Damn! He revived?!

Only one thing I can do now...

Iced Shell!

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Morning comes as I chase after
the profile you left behind

Without waiting for a reply,
you said you never want to see my face again

Tears trickled down your cheeks

You must've really fought
your tears back each time you were about

to be swallowed by waves of contradictions

Everyone overestimated
how strong of a person you are

so at some point we lost sight of your true self

The sun, that should've been
right by your side, set and stopped shining,

blotting out truths and lies from times gone by

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Ironically, morning comes as
I chase after your profile

Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

"Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!"

Today, I'll teach you the secrets
about Erza, the armored wizard!

"A fish a day"
Erza is also known and feared as the "Titania."

She can "requip" her weapons and
magic armor in battle whenever she wants!

She has weird stuff too, like swimsuits.
She's really strong, though!

But sometimes she never listens
to what anyone has to say! Uppa!

See you next time!

Rise! Bow! Aye!

"Fairy Tail"

Natsu! You ate the fish I was saving, didn't you?!

Huh? Oh, sorry! My bad!
I'll catch you another fish sometime!

Forget it! We're not friends anymore!

Oh? I was gonna add some
catnip, too. That's too bad!

I am willing to make up, though!

"Next episode: Burst"
Next episode: Burst.

What? Didn't you just say
we weren't friends anymore?

Cats have very short memories, you see...

Whoa, you're so full of it...
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