01x10 - Natsu vs. Erza

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x10 - Natsu vs. Erza

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some
who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete
kimi no ashita terasu yo

Oh yeah kikoeten no ka kono koe wa?

Oh yeah kareta tte sakebu kara

Oh yeah kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga

Oh yeah Oh yeah

tsuki to taiyou no haitatchi

wasuremono wa nai desu ka?

okashii na kimi ga inai to

hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa

futari yorisoi kasane atta jikan ga aru kara

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Save my dad!

Give Macao back!

I owe you one...

Natsu. Gray. I need your help.

Sure, but on one condition.

Fight me once we get back!

I accept.

How did things turn out this way?!

Eisenwald's defeat does not solve
the fundamental problem in any way.

There are as many dark guilds
as there are stars in the sky.

Then we should commence the operation at once.


We cannot allow Zeref's magic
to fall into their hands again!

How exactly was magic
of this level stolen, anyway?

The blame for this might even
reach the administrative level.

Still, for all the reproach we've given Fairy Tail,

it appears they've saved our hides this time.

A mere handful of them destroyed
a whole guild. That's really something.

I realize it's difficult for you
to accept, but it is fact.

The situation would have been horrific

had the Lullaby k*lled the guild masters.

Many heads would have
rolled in this room, as well.

That's absurd!
You intend to pin the blame on us too?!


Their unbridled destruction has us
as exasperated as ever!

Then we should personally offer them
our words of appreciation.

"Natsu vs. Erza"
Natsu vs. Erza.

Eisenwald's attempted attack on
the guild masters using the Lullaby

instantly became a major news story
that swept across the country.

Even now it's hard to believe
I was at the center of such a big incident,

but my daily life is still the same as usual.

Sometimes I feel scared when
I think about it all, though.

It sounds like that Kage guy and
most of the other Eisenwald members

have been caught.

I guess it's only natural.

The one scary thing is
that they never caught Erigor.

What if he decides to get revenge
on Fairy Tail or something?

But it'll be okay!

Fairy Tail has the great team
of Natsu, Gray, and Erza!

Oh, and me and Happy, too!

This is a great guild! So don't worry, Mom!

I'm doing fine.

P.S. Don't tell Dad about this, okay?

Guess I'll go shopping today!

Thrilling adventures are nice and all,
but being home sure is relaxing!

70,000 Jewel a month is
a good price for a place like this.

Great find, Lucy!

Breaking and entering!

And don't strip in other people's houses!

Hold on! You've got the wrong idea!

--I stripped before I came here.

Today's the day, you know.

I'm here 'cause I thought you might've forgotten!

--What day?
--See, you did forget...

Remember what Natsu said before we left?

--Get 'im!
--You can do it, Natsu!

Natsu and Erza are going to fight!

W-Wait! Are they both serious?!

Oh, Lucy!

They're serious, all right!
They're not men unless they're serious!

--Erza is a girl, you know.
--More like a female monster.

But if two members of our strongest team clash...!

Strongest team? What are you talking about?

You, Natsu, and Erza!
You're the top three in Fairy Tail!

Huh? What rubbish. Who told you that crap?

Oh, it was you, Mirajane?

You made her cry.

I do recognize Natsu and Gray's manly spirit,

but I can't sit by and let them
be called the strongest.

Fairy Tail is filled with
plenty more powerful people.

Like me!

I'm pretty sure Erza is
the strongest female member, though.

As for the strongest man,
you can't overlook Mystogan or Laxus.

I just thought that Natsu, Gray, and Erza
had the best team chemistry...


Weren't you worried they would
fight whenever Erza wasn't around?

In any case, it's gonna be an interesting fight!

You think? I predict Erza's
going to completely destroy him.

How many years has it been since
we last locked horns like this?

I was a kid back then. Things are different now!

I will beat you today!

I'm going to fight for real, too.

It's been a while since I truly tested my strength!

Flame Empress Armor? That's strong against fire!

That'll halve the power of Natsu's fire!

Erza! That's clearly going overboard!

Can I bet on Erza after all?

What a loveless cat!

I don't like stuff like this!
I don't want either to lose!

You're surprisingly pure-hearted.

Flame Empress Armor, huh? That's perfect!

Now I can go all out without any hesitation!


--See? Good fight, huh?

How is this good?

That's enough.

Everyone stay where you are.

I am an emissary from the National Council.

--The council?!
--An emissary?!

Why here...?

Nobody's going to mention its looks?

For eleven crimes committed during
the recent Eisenwald incident,

including destruction of property...

Erza Scarlet. You are hereby under arrest.



Let me out! Let me outta here!

Be quiet, Natsu.

--Let me out!
--You'll go on a rampage if we do.

No, I won't! Turn me back to normal!

If we do, you'll say, "I'm gonna go save her!"

No, I won't! Like I'd ever help Erza!

This is the council we're talking about.
There's nothing we can do.

Let me out!

I'm gonna give 'em a piece of my mind!

I don't care if they're the council or not!
They're in the wrong here!

If the council says you're guilty,
you're guilty. Even if you're innocent.

They'd never listen to us.

Still, after everything we've done, why now?

Yes. It's beyond comprehension.

There's definitely another side to this!

This is the Fiore branch of the National Council.

Erza is supposed to be tried here, but will she?


It's been a while, Erza.

Don't be so defensive.

This is a projection. My body is in Era right now.

All the geezers beyond
that door are projections, too.

There was no reason for us to
personally come for such trifling business.

Now I see. So this was your doing?

This is a pathetic farce!

That's not nice. I stood up for Fairy Tail.

But the geezers had to come up with someone

to take the full blame for this incident,

out of fear of having to bear the blame themselves.

You're a scapegoat.

Be quiet!

Well, no matter. I came to see you
before the trial for but one reason...

Do not tell the geezers about you-know-what.

For both our sakes.

Well, I'll be waiting beyond the door.

As a member of the council, of course.

Y-You know really important people...!

He's evil.


Don't try to interfere, Erza.

Not after I've come this far...

This wizard hearing will now come to order.

Defendant Erza Scarlet.

Please take the stand.

We can't ignore this after all! Let's go testify!


Hold on, now!

How can you say that?!
She was unlawfully arrested!

We need to get there before they reach a verdict!

It's too late for that now, however much we hurry!

--Let me out! Let me out...!

Are you really sure you want out?


What's the matter, Natsu?
You've suddenly lost your spunk.


What the...?!

S-Sorry. I owed Natsu a favor...

So I transformed myself into
a lizard to pretend to be him.

My dad caught Natsu!

Get going! I'll pretend to be you!

Then where's the real Natsu?!

--Don't tell me he went after Erza!
--Yes, probably.

You gotta be kidding! I can see him
trying to beat up the council!

All of you stay quiet!

Just wait quietly and see how it turns out.

Defendant Erza Scarlet.

You stand accused of the partial
destruction of Oshibana Station

during the recent Lullaby incident
perpetrated by Eisenwald,

as well as the destruction of
the Ryusika Gorge railway

and the complete destruction of residences in Clover.

According to eyewitness testimony,
the person responsible

was an armor-clad female wizard who--

What on Earth?!

I'm the armor-clad wizard!

Just try and catch me! I dare you!

I'm Erza, dammit!

Let's hear it! What am I guilty of?!

And it better be worse
than k*lling the guild masters!


Take them to a cell.

I-I apologize...

Erza! There's no reason
to apologize to these jerks!

Oh, I mean, I'm Erza!

You leave me utterly speechless.

This was just a formality!


It was only a symbolic arrest.

The council needs to demonstrate
its ability to regulate

in order to maintain order in the magic world.

What's that mean?! I don't get it!

In short, I'll be found guilty but won't be punished.

I could have gone home today...

...had you not gone on a rampage!




Still, it did make me happy...


I see. So Natsu Dragneel is in Fairy Tail...

The air on the outside is so nice! It's the greatest!

--It's wonderful being free!

--Shut up!

This side of him is adorable!

I can't believe it was
a symbolic arrest. I worried for nothing...

I get it! They let her "leaf" early
because they were all bark!

O-Only an ice wizard could
make such a frigid pun...

So, what about your man-to-man
battle with Erza, Natsu?!


Oh, yeah! I forgot!

Erza! Let's pick up where we left off!

Don't be silly. I'm tired.

Here I come!


"Out cold"
Very well. Let's begin.

Very well. Let's begin.

We have a winner!

--You're so lame, Natsu!
--Erza really is strong!

What's the matter, Master?

Oh... I'm sleepy...

It's him...

This is...!

I'm sleepy...



I'll be back.

Hold on! Lift the sleeping spell!






Th-This feeling... Mystogan?!

That bastard...!

His sleep magic's as powerful as ever...!


He's in the running for strongest man in Fairy Tail.


For whatever reason,
he doesn't want anyone to see him.

So he puts everyone to sleep
like this whenever he takes a job.

Are you serious?! That's way suspicious!

So no one but our master
knows what he looks like.

No. I do.


--You're here?!
--This is rare!

Another candidate for the strongest member.

Mystogan is shy. Don't get too nosy.

Laxus! Fight me!

Erza just gave you a beat-down!

That's right!

You don't stand a chance against me
if you can't even beat mere Erza.

What does that mean?!

Whoa, calm down, Erza...

I mean that I'm the strongest!

Come down here, you jerk!

You come up.

Fine by me!

You're not allowed on the second floor! Not yet!

Got yourself in trouble.

Laxus! That's enough out of you!

I won't let anyone take
the title of Fairy Tail's strongest!

Not even Erza or Mystogan.

I'm the strongest!

What was Master talking about earlier?

Why can't we go up to the second floor?

It's still a bit soon for you,
but the request board on the second floor

has jobs that are far more difficult
than the ones on the first floor.

S-Class quests.


They're dangerous jobs

in which even a momentary lapse
in judgment can prove fatal.

The rewards are that much higher, though!


Only wizards given our master's
approval can accept S-Class jobs.

Including Erza, Laxus, and Mystogan,

there are only five people qualified for them.

It isn't for the faint of heart.

S-Class jobs are all really dangerous and deadly.

It sounds that way.

Hey, girl! That's dangerous!

I've heard of Mystogan and Laxus before!

Fairy Tail really is an amazing guild!

I've got most of its
power rankings figured out, too!

I'm gonna work my hardest, starting tomorrow!

--Welcome back!
--Welcome back!

You stink like sweat!

Do your workouts at your own house!

What are you talking about?
We're a team, remember?

--Here, for you!
--You like pink, right, Lucy?

Since when do I care about dumbbells?!

Gotta get stronger if we wanna
beat Erza and Laxus and the rest!

Aye, Sir!

That has nothing to do with me! Go home!

All right! Non-stop training the rest of today!

Someone help me!

I've decided.

Let's go on an S-Class quest, Lucy!


How did you get that?!
You're not allowed on the second floor!

I went and took it.

You cat burglar!

Anyway, since this is our first time and all,

we chose the cheapest job on the second floor.

Even so, it's worth 7 million Jewel!

No! We aren't qualified for S-Class work!

If we pull this off,
Gramps will have to acknowledge us!

Urgh. Why are you always so insane?

You should at least follow your own guild's rules!

We'll never reach the second floor like that.

Whatever. I'm not going. You two have fun.

The job is to save an island.


The cursed island of Galuna!

Cursed?! Forget that!

Not even for half of the fish?

I don't care about that!


--Bah. Let's go home, then.

Go cool your jets or something!

And maybe go out through the door?!

Wha...?! You left the paper behind!

Geez! It looks like I stole it now! Now what?!

No way! They'll give me a Zodiac Gatekey?!


Natsu! Happy! Wait up!

Oh no!

Master! A job flyer is missing from
the second floor request board!

Guu no

doko ka e tsurete tte!

buriki no uma ni notte futari de

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

kataomoi no dooru wa

kotoba ni dekinai kara setsunai

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

namida ga dechau yowamushi da ne

anata no koto omou tabi ni.

tsuki no (tsuki no) yoru wa (yoru wa)

itsumo (itsumo)

usagi o sagashiteru

guu no ne denai kurai ni

mahou kakerareta mitai

zutto yume kara samenai no

koi wa hitorigoto

guu no ne denai kurai ni

kotenpan ni suki nan desu

donna jumon o tonaetara

tsutawaru no deshou?

kanpeki guu no ne

guu no ne are ya kore ya de

mechakucha ni suki nan desu

itsuka anata ni iwasetai

mairimashita nante

okaeshi guu no ne

"My place!!"
guu no ne mo denee ze

"Fairy Tail"

--Which should we take, Natsu?
--Hmm, good question.

This is our first time, so let's
choose the easiest-looking one.

Aye. Then how about the Galuna Island one?

I can see Lucy wanting this bonus reward!

Oh, good thinking! Let's go with that one!


"Next Episode: The Cursed Island"
Next episode: The Cursed Island.

All right!

Now that that's decided, let's work out
at Lucy's house 'til it's time to go!

It's pretty much "do whatever
we want all the time" now, huh?
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