01x04 - Dear Kaby

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x04 - Dear Kaby

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some
who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain
wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete
kimi no ashita terasu yo

Oh yeah kikoeten no ka kono koe wa?

Oh yeah kareta tte sakebu kara

Oh yeah kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga

Oh yeah Oh yeah

tsuki to taiyou no haitatchi

wasuremono wa nai desu ka?

okashii na kimi ga inai to

hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa

futari yorisoi kasane atta jikan ga aru kara

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

I'm offering a two million Jewel reward.

Intruders detected!

You're getting on my nerves!

Boyoyon! No book for you!

I can't believe Daybreak held such a secret!

Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized!


Wh-What's with this wizard...?

Mom... I see a fairy...

Yeesh. Well, better go find Lucy.

Who were these guys, anyway?


Me, the enemy of literature?!

How dare you say that to someone
as prestigious and cultured as I am!

Yes, someone who loves collecting
creepy maids is really cultured!

You will not deride
my beautiful, blond-haired maids!

Is it a treasure map?!
Does it show where treasure is hidden?!

What sort of secret does that book hold?

Tell me or I'll snap your arms off!


Don't push your luck, girl!

I had Kemu Zaleon write
this book! It belongs to me!

So its secret also belongs to me!


Nice one! You're so cool!

Curses! What is this cat?!

"I'm Happy"

Uhh, just get out of there, will you?!

"This water feels nice."

Uhh, that's sewage, you know...

"Dear Kaby"
Dear Kaby.

The tables have turned!

If you give me this book,
I'll consider leaving you alone!

I'd really like at least one punch, though.

Boyoyo! Celestial magic, huh?

Still, for a literature-loving girl,
your vocabulary needs some work!

You only say "the tables have turned"

when the inferior side has gained the advantage.

A single cat as backup won't
help you against my Diver magic!


That was magic? Wait, Everlue's a wizard too?

Whoa, you reek.

Boyo! Boyoyo! Boyo!

It's all in this book!

It's an awful adventure story
about a character named Everlue!

Are you serious?

My being the main character is wonderful!

But the story is crap!

I can't believe the Kemu Zaleon
could write such trash!

It is inexcusable!

How can you act so high and mighty?!
You forced him to write it!

I'm not acting. I am high and mighty!

I gave him the tremendous honor
of writing that book for me!

You blackmailed him into writing it!


So what? It was his fault
for refusing to write it!

What are you talking about?

I told him to write a book
with me as the main character,

but that fool told me no!

So I told him I'd revoke his
entire family's citizenship if he didn't!


They wouldn't be able to join
any merchant or craftsmen guilds then!

You're that influential?!

I told you, I'm high and mighty!

In the end, he wrote the book!

But I was still mad that he had refused me at first,

so I had him write it in a prison cell! Boyoyoyo!

He was always going on about being
a great writer and literary legend,

but I easily demolished his sense of pride!

How could you stoop so low for your own greed?!

Do you even understand how he must've felt

being locked in a cell for three years?!

Three years?!

Yes, he came to realize how great I am. Boyoyoyo!

No! He had to struggle with his own pride!

If he didn't write it,
his family would be in danger.

But his pride as a writer

refused to let him write
a book about a character like you!

How can you possibly know all that?

It's all written in here!

Huh? I've read that book, too.
Kemu Zaleon isn't in it.

Of course, when read
normally it's a terrible novel

that would even disappoint fans!

But even you know that
Kemu Zaleon was originally a wizard.


You don't mean...

He summoned up the last of his strength
to place a spell on this book.

So breaking that spell will make
words of his hatred for me appear?


You have a poor imagination!

Yes, he did write about everything that happened

until this book was finished!

But those words weren't what
Kemu Zaleon wanted to leave behind!

The real secret is something else!

--What is it?! What is it?!
--The "real secret"?!

That's why I won't let you have this book!

You're not fit to have it, anyway!

Open, Gate of the Giant Crab!



All right! Crab!

I bet he'll add "crab"
to the end of his sentences!

I just know it! He's a crab, after all!
It's how these things always work!

I'm trying to concentrate.
Shut up or I'll pinch your paws.

Lucy. What hairstyle will it be today...


Take a hint, will you?

This is a fight!
Beat up that mustached old man!

Okay, shrimp.

It's like I expected a straight jab
but was thrown a hook instead...

Yeah, he can leave now.

Why don't you leave?

Real secret?!

Don't tell me he wrote an expose of
all my underhanded business dealings!

This is bad!

If the council's inspectors
get ahold of it... I'll be finished!

Open, Gate of the Maiden!


--That's the same magic you use!

You called, Master?

Virgo! Get that book!

No way! She's a celestial spirit?!




--Why are you with Virgo?!
--How did you...?!

What do you mean?

She started to leave,
so I followed her and then suddenly...

I don't know what happened!

What do you mean, "followed"...?!
You held on to her!


Are you saying a human passed
through the celestial spirit world...?!

That's insane!

Lucy! What should I do?!


Get him out of the way!

Virgo! Mop these pests up!

Understood, Sir!

This'll blow you away!

Fire Dragon Roar!

Take this, you perverted mole!

No more diving away for you!

The best you'll ever be...



...is a small side character!

Is that haircut to your liking, shrimp?

Nice one, crab! ..."Shrimp"?

You really went all out, Lucy!
You're a Fairy Tail wizard for sure!

Aye! But we ended up destroying more stuff...

Th-This is my fault?

"And then..."
And then...

This book has such a terrible structure and style

that I had a hard time
believing Kemu Zaleon wrote it.


That's what made me
suspect there was a secret to it.

What is the meaning of this?
I asked you to destroy this book.

It would be easy to destroy.
Even you could do it, Kaby.

Then I will incinerate it.
I don't even want to lay eyes on this book!

I figured out why you
can't allow this book to exist.

You want to preserve your father's pride.

You're Kemu Zaleon's son, aren't you?

How did you know?!

--Have you read this book?

But there's no need to.
My father called it garbage.

--So you're just gonna burn it?!
--That's right.

You're gonna burn it just because it's boring?!

Don't you think that's going too far?!
Your dad wrote that book!

Natsu! It's to preserve his father's pride!

Yes... My father was ashamed
that he had written Daybreak.

31 years ago...


Sorry for being gone so long.

Where in the hell were you?!
You didn't contact me for three years!

I'm through. I'm giving up writing.


I'll never write again!

"And then..."
And then...

You're a fool.

I told you three years ago

you'd regret agreeing to write that crummy book!

--The money was good.
--You're pathetic!

Yes... I made it the most
pathetic garbage possible...

What are you smiling for?!

You abandoned your family for
three years because of that garbage!

Kaby... You were always in my thoughts.

Then you could've just
written whatever came to mind

and come home sooner!

You abandoned your family
along with your pride as a writer!

You were right to give up writing.

It's too much for people without pride.

Including you, Dad.

My father died soon after.

Even afterward, I had continued to hate him.

However, as the years passed,
my hatred began to change into regret.

But I have no way to
apologize to him in person now.

So I decided to at least
make amends by preserving his honor

and destroying this garbage of
a book that was his final work.

Now my father can be...

You're wrong.

It's begun!

What is this?!

Kemu Zaleon... No, his real name was Zekua Melon.

--He placed a spell on this book.
--A spell?

"Dear Kaby"...

Yes, he left you a message.

He used a spell that rearranges letters.

The entire book is rearranged!


The reason he gave up writing

might have been because he
not only wrote his worst book ever,

but because he also wrote his greatest book ever!

A great book that was actually a letter to you!

You were always in my thoughts.

That's the book Kemu Zaleon
actually wanted to leave behind!

Dad... Thank you. I can't burn this book now.

I guess we don't need our reward either, then!


Our job was to destroy the book.
We didn't accomplish that.

N-No, I wouldn't feel right...

Y-Yeah! Let's accept his reward,
since he's offering and all!

How greedy.

You were saying such nice things, too.
You canceled it all out.

--That was different!
--We don't need what we don't need.

We do need it! I want it!

Let's go home.

You should hurry back to
your own home too, Melon.


Who turns down two million like that?

Accepting money without accomplishing a job

would tarnish Fairy Tail's reputation.


What's the big deal?
Everything worked out in the end!

Why do we have to walk home, anyway?!

I can't believe they weren't rich people after all...

He even said they rented the house just for show...

They didn't have to do that.
We would've taken the job anyway.

--Are you sure?
--We would have!


What tipped you off about his house anyway?

Duh. They smelled different
than the house. Anyone could tell that.


I'm not an animal, actually...

Still, I kind of look up to novelists!

"Sinister smile"
I knew it!

That thing she hid earlier...

It was a novel she wrote herself.

No wonder she knows so much about books!

P-Please don't tell anyone about it!

Why not?

I-I'm still a terrible writer!
I'd be embarrassed if anyone read it!

No one would ever want to.

That doesn't make me feel much better...

"Hold on. Are you sure this is
the right way?" she asks.

"Happy says to go this way,
so we go this way," I say.

How rude! I am a cat, you know!
Cats have a great sense of smell!

"You're thinking of dogs.

What does smell have to do
with pathfinding anyway?" she asks.

Why can't you just walk on your own?

"I'm tired," she says.


Who's there?!

"You're too quick to fight!" she says.

Get 'im, Natsu!

It's Gray!

"Why is he in his underwear?!" she asks.

I was looking for a bathroom!

Why did you strip down before you found it?!

Why would there be a bathroom
in the middle of the forest anyway?!

You should butt out when people
are trying to use the bathroom.

--Talk about petty!
--...she says.

Oh, you're on your way back from a job?

Cutting through this forest is
the quickest way back to Magnolia.

See! See!

You bragged about your nose,

but you couldn't even smell Gray out here.

There are some odors I don't want to smell.

What's that mean?!

You're annoying. Just hurry on home.

I was planning to.
We're in big trouble if we don't hurry back.

What do you mean?

Erza's going to be back soon.

You mean the Erza?!

They say she's the toughest wizard in Fairy Tail.

Wow! I want to meet her!

Oh, but I've never seen any
photos of Erza in the magazines at all...

--What's she like?


--A wild animal?
--A beast?

More like a full-fledged monster!


--She's not that big.
--No, she's surprisingly big.

In terms of scariness,
Lucy's image of her isn't far off the mark.

No, she might be even bigger!


About this big, maybe?

No, I'd say she could demolish
three mountains with one kick...!

Three is an exaggeration. I'd say more like two.

A woman who can destroy
two mountains with a single kick?

She might be scary...

--Anyway, we gotta hurry back.
--Crap! Let's go!

A wizard?!


Haven't had protein in a while!

I'm sick of eating nuts!

--Looks good!

--Oh, look.
--It's shaking.


I know you're scared, but you'll be
in our stomachs soon enough.

No, I'm not shaking because I'm scared...

--I need to go to the bathroom.

--I don't think I can hold it in.

It'll probably make me taste weird, too...

Shut up.

--Do it!

Make mine medium, please.

I can't hold it in anymore...

It's gonna make me taste strange!
I hope you don't mind...!

Hold it right there!


Thank goodness I didn't end up tasting weird!

You're still saying that?!

That's our friend you have there.

We can't let you eat him just 'cause you're hungry!

You guys are wizards. What guild are you from?

None of your business! Get 'em!

--Let's do it, Gray!
--Don't tell me what to do.

Take this! Sand b*mb!

--Don't worry about him!

--You get Happy!

--Wahh! Lucy's going to eat me!
--Shut up, cat!


Just meat!


You will see the person you wanted to see.

I see trouble with water
and women in your future.

Just a fortuneteller?!

You're obnoxious!

He's not even using magic... Incredible!

--Uhh, your clothes!

Who are these guys?!

--Aww, crap!
--Why, you...!

I'll teach you to fill someone's mouth with sand!

Here goes! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Don't get so serious against small fries.

Want me to burn that mouth of yours?!

--You wish. Your fire's too lukewarm.
--Huh?! What'd you say?!

--What? "Lulla"?

Lulla...by... is...


Look out!

--What was that?!
--Who's there?!

I already can't sense them anymore.
Whoever it is, they're fast.

Damn! I don't know what's going on!


Guu no

doko ka e tsurete tte!

buriki no uma ni notte futari de

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

kataomoi no dooru wa

kotoba ni dekinai kara setsunai

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

namida ga dechau yowamushi da ne

anata no koto omou tabi ni.

tsuki no (tsuki no) yoru wa (yoru wa)

itsumo (itsumo)

usagi o sagashiteru

guu no ne denai kurai ni

mahou kakerareta mitai

zutto yume kara samenai no

koi wa hitorigoto

guu no ne denai kurai ni

kotenpan ni suki nan desu

donna jumon o tonaetara

tsutawaru no deshou?

kanpeki guu no ne

guu no ne are ya kore ya de

mechakucha ni suki nan desu

itsuka anata ni iwasetai

mairimashita nante

okaeshi guu no ne

"My place!!"
guu no ne mo denee ze

"Fairy Tail"

I worked so hard for nothing...

But it sounds like your work was really appreciated.

Besides, you can always earn money next time.

Y-Yeah, you're right!

So, what costume are you going to wear next?

I think you got the wrong idea!

Next episode: The Wizard in Armor
"Next Episode: The Wizard in Armor"

I'm not dressing up because I like to!

A bunny outfit or swimsuit
would be the next logical choice.

Listen when people are talking to you!
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